1674-12 Morris Lapidus \ . .
lon Boss
lAinked to
CT 7 a55 yy
stink I •
Baran /tair Writes
A Fort Lauderdale union of- fZ 2U 41
ficial was under arrest Weal's. _` jjj
day following the stink bomb
Ing of the swank Blue Sails room,
su.• r club in the Sans Sou t
wo stink bombs were dropped',' 1\ewes ole '
at the Sans Souci less than half I
an hour after two similar bombs Opens Ie
were released in the lobby of the
adjoining Saxony Hotel. Bot h
oceanfront hotels have been in- Itis h' .thai
volved In the long dispute over 2tly,.roo Fns IUns
organizing.sdforts by Local 255, ave. betwe 3 eta;,
Hotel Workers:Union,AFL. opens Friday. '
Free on$500 bond was Paull'. The Sans Sou-
McCastland, 42. of 4 NE Sixth' � ehas a 1.4-store
ave.He was grabbed outside the • shopping centar.
Blue Sails room by Gene Hogan,i dining rooms, a
strapping six-foot press agent for night club, sole-
the Sans Scud. §§f ria, Turkish
baths, swimming
MrCastland was Identified as E , pool.p r i v a t e,
president of the$toward Conn- }j• �.•> ' beach and ca.
ty Central Labor Colon and ,}b;. bans club.
president of the Florida State ! The hotel's
Culinary Alliance, by Bert spread•V layodt
Ross,chief organiser for Local it. on the o c ea n
frontage and
• '' MAC SPEIDFN omen - air hal
Ross said he found it"very dif conies adjoining the guest rooms
ficult to believe" McCasUand� put the.accent on outdoor living. .
would"have anything to do with. Three penthouses and a circular
anything like that" i stairway from the main lobby to,
Saul Cohen. president of the, the lower shopping center.con
Miami Beach Hotel Association.' tribute to the luxury motif of the •
shot back by saying interior.
"This and other violence are: T. J. MacSpeiden has been ap •
more evidence that this union isi pointed resident manager by Ben •
unscrupulous and irresponsible- • Novack. Harry Mufeon and Harm
in Its efforts to force the hotels; Toffel. who-head the corporation'�
into doing something that can't- operating the hotel.
legally be done.-We cannot. le., The opening climaxes a 20-year'
gaily or morally, turn our em- dream for Novick, a veteran Ml •
ployes over to the union to set anti Beach hotelman.He construe.
up-a•closed shop." ted the hotel from plans and netes
d h
Mayor D. Lee Powell saiet compiled during a score of years .
was "completely appalled a 0 dl
shocked" and promised.that any' •
violence would be dealt w I t hit
Hogan said he and Mrs.Ho-
gan and some friends were
watching Comedian Sammy
Walsh perform when the first
bomb splashed nearby.
"I jumped up and several
delegates to the Florida Automo-1
bile Dealers Association pointed
to a man as the one who had'
thrown the bomb.
"I asked him out into the lob-
by, identified myself and asked
him for identification.He showed
some cards.one of them his mem.,
bership in a hotel union in Fort
"Ai the same moment, he
flipped the second vial to the
lobby floor. I retrieved pieces of.
what appeared to be a cylindri-
cal vial of very thin glass."
McCastland was taken into cus-
tody by Patrolmen Philip Elf-
man and Kenneth Irving.
Jean Suits, manager of t h e
hotel. signed a complaint charg
ing McCastland with violation of •
the Beach ordinance which opt-Ittt
eifically forbids stink-bombing.
Released under $230 bond •
and ordered to appear in City i
court at 8:30 a.m.. McCastland
showed up after 10 a.m. '
Meanwh:le. Judge Albert Se-- '
perstein had issued a b e n c h
warrant for his arrest.When Mc••
Castland appeared. bond w a s •
hiked to $500.
i .
A former bartender. McCast• '
land was operator of the El Chi-
co Club at 2206 Park ave. about''
13 years ago. Beach police said.'. •
faces trial Monday b e fore.