1674-18 Morris Lapidus i
:$u:,.tay, April 71, tJi3 Tf-It hlIPtttl HLRALO._...... it-r
• lretittec;i: I i`aasts
IJesi' ii as
`C0td, tY •jc ese
The designer of the n;u;,•1(1c'i i^,,,"•,-.. :e?
- r.c-e .2P;a
Miami &each deUated ;as c' '•v eek ! . _
.,d Lecture i= „'.il of rlaee"
,•f'. i�d uti.^,, hitecl n
,acral of er ,ech Dotes Set .
at:rjlt10s to.the Fontainebtes1 ,zf a r �..
fa-kEte York that Old qq 1: .
edityles of a chttectum y, t. x!x .'Y,,
e-` "'a furniture are n:.- i -
i4 the public taste:' S
Continued, "t'npde
JustT .7..;,.t„
t rY • : 7f
t naat to i'te and 0.401S.-.., .,- - -1....--i• a 4
In hooses Put ;ats hlkd wt., ; y ;t
Itset Iraped chainInd marble . t e ..1..
stet ro stIA :es a e On ._ y
a•,,t, no Se (C.r. t. t.ln t oe ,'('rrl1'a:` / e...
Thereie r'ir.,etitiillt t ng v aaf: . ,/
" (h the designrs, not i a x
1),.. -" '.mss ,
•His surprising annou lel t- .! a .a...i.4..,
rnrnes atter ?S ]ears of 5'h ,1 ;,• :K ro
cit termed "a •boggle to 1 tt :::: w.r • 1�
streamlining Redo°`:' 4„,..,:-..,.-` .'ti:'�•. ,
Now,bow ever,he scorn.; .-' ..
tot's wi •
ndows. glass walk¢. in' LAPIDUS
' directs lighting and chalre nllh
pipettem legs-- things*r ad-. ash c had to be thmt+n i:i the
I:JItch y one loved. a•h:cemia •
-.til picture wit.done art "}]Odernisu'went ou.ct OLm,.
' ganal for is to let tb. neigh. p!`;;�!}' 1`F. Things c
bora know what hnu'rc onion.'. ti:i.. that es.cheer! wa:
c-n'4,mcaning:es-�,dteerle>s rad
' 'apidus coolant
Lapidus Sees Modern
Architecture in Danger
Modern architecture will fall te a certain graciousness Lek.
unless It remembers the his lag la the modern architects» '
man element and the emotional et today
needs of mangy oday.Architect 'The }
yn big lIIAri lou g ..
Morris Lapidus'told the Miami feathers In h1s hair, strung
$eat?I'BtI5t of Realtors last tiger's teeth around his neck
Monday night and painted hie tate.This gave
fie was the speaker at the him an emotional lift.
hoard's❑nal mfeJi+� •There was nothing fsine
tali. _t‘4
, \Y '1 Clonal about these items,nor is
Y ht 4.< there to the neckties and cuff
"Miami ea h represents all- links that men wear today.The
lbs good things in life:comfort, sense of adornmen, hasn't
Sectorluxor'and fun. Modern archl- changed," he declared.
Sector. doesn't bespeak these . '
things:the styling it too stark, '
too - , too functional." he Treasure Island
said. Mack
As a solution Lapidus said Sold to "sack'
that he has mired the tradition- James S. Mack of McKees•
al with the contemporary In port.Pa.president of the G.C.
order to achieve warmth and Murphy Co.. vartety store '
graciou:ne,s. chain. has purchased Treasure
He referred to the new 530• Island,winter estate at Osprey.
room Fontainebleau h o te 1 Casey Key,Fla. '
which he designed as a project The propene•,which extends '
i;lustrating where a building is from Sarasota Ray to the Gulf,
true contemporary, but where was .;Old by Walter H. Kat-
• the traditional of the French land of Anniston,Aia. .
' Renaissance period has been ef-
1 fectively used In furnishings DO IT YOU ESJLF—SAVE MAO COST
• and decor to soften and to give PLASTIC 24c
"sN▪ warmth. TILES f
/ r
"We have to return to the blis,ofela !
main stream,•he added."T am 4e Pulsesr• ..a.E• TU., i r►sn
s a modernist and I won't AAA PLASTIC TILS CO.,1.4411
e ehaate, bat I feel that there 21))Iia.its ST.,MIAMI 1
Q aaI/T ILAf71C illi aWl[Ia MIIMI 1