1674-9 Polly Redford CO.)
14520 Southwest 79th Court
June 10, 1992
Mr. Jim Redford , Jr.
3975 Little Avenue
Miami , FL 33133
Dear Jim,
Following up on our telephone conversation of yesterday, I went
to the Archives and Special Collections department of the
University of Miami 's Richter Library today and listened to
some of Polly 's taped interviews of Miami Beach pioneers.
Those that I listened to partially were in remarkably good
condition considering that they are more than 25 years old.
As I told you, I am writing a new history of Miami Beach and
would like to listen to and quote from some of Polly 's
interviews -- with full credit, of course, to Polly. It 's been
20 years since Billion Dollar Sandbar was published and it is
an entirely different Miami Beach than she saw and reported. As
you can see by the enclosed restriction , she set rules by which
this material can be used.
As you are her heir, I therefore am requesting permission from
you to be able to copy some of the tapes. The purpose of
copying is only for convenience. I would find it much more
convenient to have the tapes at my side when working on
sections of the book, instead of having to go to the U-Miami
library each time I would want to avail myself of them.
Upon completion of the book, all copies I made of the tapes
would be given back to the University of Miami ._
I also would like to copy her notes of the tapes. They really
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are more a brief summary than notes, summarizing the gist of
what the person was saying.
Among the 21 tapes in the possession of the archives, these are
the ones I would like to copy:
Pete Chase interviews: 9/28/66; 10/5/66; 5/8/67; 5/12/67;
4/4/68. Jane Fisher interview: 4/4/67. Cloyd B. Hewes
interview: 10/26/66. Bill Muir interview: 2/20/67. Russell
Pancoast interviews: 3/30/67; 5/15/67.
If you agree to this, please let me know by initialing this
letter or by sending a separate letter.
Sincerely yours,
Howard Kleinberg
cc: William Brown,
Head of Archives
and Special Collections;
Richter Library
i I desire to place the following restrictions
upon this memoir, a tape-recorded conversation
together with a written summary and accompanying
notes upon this conversations
That this material be read or heard only by
serious scholars accredited for purposes of research
by the University of Miami; and further, that this
memoir must be read or heard in such place as is
made available for purposes of research by the
University of Miami.
.a That no quotation or citation of this material
may be made during my lifetime except with my
written permission.
That no reproduction of this material , either
in whole or in part, be made by microphoto, type-
writer, photostat, or any other device, except by
me, my heirs, legal representatives , or assigns.
ACCEPTED: (4. 7 - 0
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