1674-4 Claude Renshaw .
at:ileactii fou Li' •
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Ifraal dean a
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. delve ea reeks.
' ' Crime Commission Bombards •
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111161614 la a r•
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Wittemallailla aao•
. i; t:iti••onshow d Short 2nd Time
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Illkaaltkrb Pilb
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olatiml IV ihaniri
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'WM eatable :
• bY Mat IV
. isonanra •(...'actIllo- from le fermi of tbe,pietrly diai•dardsd by the pollee' Wet,, ill the !Wort, i
wen a b
aaam we... platfield•it•Or•Uvill• h.eal asid'thlet a lilmatl Steel, end tbei sae questioned him ,h/ntt .t.
Nit.,._:,..,,...:,..,;, i .
i ..1' • Conroe Ca.notsalam h.. "fr"' ."'"-
• . . k....v.... officers •t Miami i hie et rf haterira. hat Wets.
• •1-,Rea halltati
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1 Beach." woe elopes eleriii hill w hieing
•t, .‘i4 .'; ''2 !in.isek-Miami Il•och aty lama 7110••••••••/1•10•••••‘wh•
I MI that:mat by the Whet.Me helm. dm •
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die at I ea the force. did net hike Illosiaaa wits lb. Melt'
:ig‘c=a4P4111M- '").7.---47..-- '.‘0•••1 IV siou, Wet's)", ware- reeertetr te be hiestre by It.. "OW gl'4'
,i .tAth to o ,the moroi...i4i ortala..,ht. follow r•tictee Mem 11117111ablitie la Me le•lei Welly. according to the 1,
i aekftentae „*Int,ntit limy ere wri re lag for thy oar
wen Irk him'TIM-roil told chief Short trOnut tn•
ivab.:.risuapn. iii:"Mims lefic,..000 wk. le le the area. U. has a i wet-nine he /met the B..rh pe•
arlallea •••••• he the I trolmen tis ear a ray tront the lenti`rellied
CM-, kleit,•
.„iiiiiii„a'f'fitr liellik.!
sephIPW•blt 1111a,,,
,,,-. .', ki.31-Artu lb WWI"wait la a Poen cheesed nen* zed lams .......r a a whe " mini
4e•egi'vet pie ed.. bap WI Wetter, the report 'aid etvia.ehm bombe*le Elam'/Mark 9174car."ha.44 ° IC"MI .'t=."b"
ft' Ihareek
,: ..,•-,..,-!„.;
effeektar - a •
:11•1114,•14•49= •-• ..• .'144 PI•11.07,:jizitaz whea,lea ataisalealso needed. awe. . . .
a... ma",reseethee le U. Inollatier "Nntk shall( Mu hemp awe.
41''',;-',''...:'.•...'4i ;telt IMP en Viet• -- • • • •
Ales. ferrate • gra awl hoe for Ill.polite 0Hk IT?AMY,WAS
'..••;::),t-..,..','1 Imsigiiivexia *mid •, ..Ito. .."..1- , lbs 'dm,•••••••aelaa e•peetin...epep ',Twat crate la li ololined mod he is aiill earled
)..i..:-It..."'f:rf "14' 'Ilk*Ate .
i r•• know-.- -....t,41 set 11.•‘ a thI.l •ftaip•a•••1 Nabob
Ill jirwtrak utopians eft, en tho roUe of the polars da,
,ratmaar. the repwt mild.
niimixnuin ., /44034, roam rfla hla ak.,. pycsims., 'Cr eoe don Neel crimq.' Th. ,,,,, ...„,,,,,,,, tu.....
'Harald W , ' •,. • ',.pi. pa. -..U. Ircar:as:4 it reef At* "I'''' 'h'rr.'' '"' '"In was J•ilvatrat over a IS-Owl/am
- ir14' OMNI he • ',,i. 0041.‘leanideard the am Nat 00,..• ea e•I'V orearh4 In AM 110M.•radio hook-up Ind"rim UN fifth
,?1;",...,.',;,,,:2,.: •r ..• . .,•.:-.,,,,,,f .,,..... , where the CadlelaelfhW iiwiHm which h•we•nwlin•nor*,M air attack.an the
,;I i•ii-.1,17.4.. ihnefelb
. i '' - 11144r- , admitted tatkirlf erheaiind'rift/ea.',"
• • • leretanhted cram• lo M•imt.Seeiss
b.:na p•rticipating in the
R Vr4-1.1.,1' %at i. ti -
Anima . , 1 ....., ,.':,,. Ikki.44...,1747,,,,,..-,..,,,,..11,i,„7::14,-Wohr we. sat nal, piniarcb c•4 t urn". %%I OD. 11ht7,1
iihnialiett , • .seo •iir
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itnnini„, ow, A lo oo, i at in lea eat in•Nan, -1;v'' WVI-al, VOCIII, Wan
;••'..`Z.:r!";,..-1,:..` , ;tt000 to, ,Ao ikon',too,oottot rg.ria•t-..•-ifiye. epeal.Ittil M'etn 'IN'. n'rC,WWPII,WAllikk.
i, r,..t•... „.•.::4
i!,,phr.,v,,„„...,,ow,wad.c,„t out 047,1, rt.rtlea iiele1171, In Fort l.a.m.ree4 S
i . . II 0 islit
esaitlan abariarie•••WW1,lb.repel•14•••• crimes o; '-' 7-7 a"1.1a Invr h)Kra Wait
,w.g•nee. A. mu - ----— -----
i w • • • prMirehrt At Wool nethIne wow;
‘r....,',2`.. r.•.%).
••w*•01 hirdmimaz„.Arinia••••Remo th•iihM by • pollee officer .1 Owl Nome Not Known
••••••• *We NA Re•wahsvIallit9 fre thereto art:ty M *aim i Peach about •
...1.;•--,.;-;* .
.i.i.''.., Imo"on,no dbeiositons iiiin1•0•111Z railiter fron, persona warning that a Cadtliac was lo To Him, Short Says
• 04Foor taiirrobs who'weevil,*.012..) Nis 6""kmi Si' thl'h••••I•h at•e•rulin tints imed
••inefleff Iowa u-,re, that bri ••••'11,...„2e• IA., , Miami Ill..,It Polk, -hod P.
i '. ''•:Y.
..01.".1) 'no 1 Itt •••hl •al ""•••••train,""tonal TS. ,.poi l ^iviritd that cn, R Shntt denier! I:it nrt tb10
,. :,,...
-?gni, il. WM. U. ropert mit ila•nager Itiinehew "krowy ail th•ham* of I Wil" rk.4r :4
!: --.,•':;;e,-.`,.
.7Wr report coatietreet: 'about 0,1. 1.V.Mtey ease" whom rio aitolmili Harold It's
"Ma scilevrttlee sloutarl Wool ilk...kw.tart .
W.I. •° rmil inti hIS raestr Mai
'.... ..,.,i,
been .1 to,* lateral. So Qt•ay) And a rri,rd t f plane in etwoen to Ann
fs'•'..,';' ,
chief of ........4 .c.... a...4,44u, A.„, n' " "-'"(''
-... ..,.... ,.., That auk on of the rarrobs
..• .r:::4.;4
"i'',•''',.•-••r I' '''''' '''' h" •Plorloill, lief,rnanaieer nor Ina chief r I pn„,,. ' Iletc In ;Manta to inierotep
lweren't. 'or be went lb walk Mr
a,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,i......... .......„Takeo turned their h•ode to •• it ufss' ••iil Chief Short -I wits
1.,ik.,„ in on, on7417;11 iwrtoos•o;more the I I..•1..4 own ‘,111,41.,.1.,e r Able to nail down the
Ibis entufilmn is nne imok.,Jet'Ime latAl IV,,f, Ilk! another
li and baa u"Ph‘Y.,•••Jhal•111•6-Ilia.r fa Nitro! anarh It appi•eiriofficer I wr•poina to'teal the
..-. !".,-..,-
• 'Is Miami and °tiler .... M i•sr ‘‘istii• denied it"
tardy county •" . Cu. blat.tear l'iatel. a.m.
'11•Mte Illeiremia%NtlitrtInite awl
i Ma., *aid he haft•-ti.,nolnmern.
, .
,‘,.... . ..".....V.ii"...,.,..,I,' „,„,„1...1.,' .8111e.r°,1001_ twlimekt.,,if Ineiniell,, i',nit:Inc l'elyno Commuter,'nettle
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