1675-4 Barcelona/Tatem11111.1111k 1401.111.11111111111111 ' ..
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•.1the Ccs �nl't .tuy Beach Hotels
=:may • t
e Del Webb Corp.of Phxmz annou ce A'e - Beach pro,rt
t^reels y it vri!' is�,•�. Y;rlorcthet election,hrnthoux Naga•
Iggg� y sloe and;olden Nugget of Las Vegas,hate not ye;m.
Miami Bean s Barr,lor�,ad Intermits I hotel dicated their Intentions.Ronald Molko.receiver fcr
,-vera; the fist:nap .zr'O((the casino refire.
; f •re a.the trolls eari.rr this month.The.•,mpany's de- Del bankrupt
eop st announcement tInterne:iunal hotels.aid
prop• I by the oe Drir`s:at�,vote agaiact le ment diclaree. w•e'tflac'ce.;• ceedmgs will ga forward.Tie ota;any',,cdtc.rolosure n he
ga:lz d t.m ng In said.'Loi l:.:::.mt Beech." p
Florida. Two other concerns shat too: .
pV:c. _
real r .. ,. .. �_ Oaaceve(a.a• • tnik..r I i �;
e rtlher 50
017,4, -$
_u:• The h1.anii hews • T.esday.Dseemtar 21.137e
Oankrupt Barcelona
joins growing trend to •
kosher hotels here
MORTON IVCOfF 228-room north build:rg of the
-••v •••eq.,* --• hotel at 4343 Collins Ave.to Samuel
Th Cdbn• II. aoidm o isoP.ego Pnk,n.Y.
Uasidman is leasing the(last elT
Avenu lne and"OW na.hrough April 30,1980 for 8710;
in receivership. is expected to r,.- 000.Ile also Is expected to invest •
npe r by Feb.I at a hooker hat.!ca- about 8200,000 to r..ake the hotel
tering to package tours tram the kosher as specified by Orthodox
t.onh. Jewish!aw end to make plumbing.
M:ami Beath l'°•"" mspeunr and electrical repairs
Frank Brkkman said 'este:day.
"lira are 211 ko•.er b,,: i•in ihr Coort•+ppoirted rech:sr Ronald
city now." more than anywhere Ma!kn sad haNdman 1. hotel and
else In Ike United Stoles.more than staring rap.li rntr In Lori island
New York City. Lou Angeles end
and In the"IbryM .,.. in New
Chlugo tombmned"Y.nraman arm York'+r'N•kdl Mucnb.
most of thew hotels do better final. "Ile Tonally pians In .un with
uaLy than the rnn•Jewish ores packaar toura and bond up a ream-
"They ate filled Iron lop to tar- I•r Au.in..•."Who said "Ibis is a •
tom and vnnr are very•sfens.te ' god thing for htHmiµesii !I to.
he said sent gruel IhV.g Io open:q•a hotel
Cucuit Court Judge blies I I...,. Ili•:was nr,d.ir n......1.,_ ., •
man apprnt ed the less:ng of the Intoned limn!"
• Edith wants to quit 'Family'
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