1675-2 Kenilworth rouse roup pep us.
3 , 1 I
Arkansas �, Committee
'Slaying �`..., --_ isisiaiiits Split on
Confessed Conclusi ns
Alabama Youth, 19, 's • .1 '• Ile In amai Conflicting Views -
Sage He Clubbed
Ary IN ;=y_ Mark Windup •
Woman in Bedroom 4 h ,- r • Of Inveetigatign
ling ...4ittel•' the DRiNKLEY,Ark.—(.1)—A A. iI� P • . t day gangling Alabama youth told SS Auwers to these eking..
.'lily police and newsmen early Sun. Aare • l_va eywer ea tie neat tore
ruwr day that he clubbed to deatb •
Mrs.Milton Fuller after hunger - -A r ? 1 *! :^!t WASHINGTON — 1/P) — A
impelled him to creep into the ,t_cy y ,. • "— - . t. House comMlltee r rt at-
• Brinkley home of the viyaclotu �fie, � ���tacked the nation's bl Sett laL
�J� free toundatlons Sun aey as a
woman. jr _
Billy Ray Willingham. a 1fY _y• ��powerful Interlockln "Inteb
year-old unemployed f a c tory - _.e • • • �I Iectual cartel" whit It said
worker from Florence. Ala., re- _�:,,,v..•• .ay+..•-•..-,.•• - _ - is promoting i hoc a1Lm d H
fated a chilling story of murder 1 "far greater mita[ ' than
at a weird post-midnight news LEt'IILWORTH HbTEL )X3 BEEN SOLD -far gre to.
conference.id city hell. t,.Artiq Ced!»r emd auetJatee a»kerers Ti..ureport bore ti.. !snafu/WI /�
e jury Hl sUtemrat came Just neva of the three Republics + on the, 12 f?,limy
✓ trial e■ days after the cold, raley Policy to Rema Same flue-man committee — tla trrrua
1 was Carroll Reece of Tenn saw, a
red w•a morning wiles lb. 13•year•o 1 d •
n. The mother was found dying na the �^( 1 e• n�{� Reps. Je a. P. Wolcoll of Micltt.
lay to floor of her Dleodebattered bed. Godfrey J, ,Tiro Others R•n and Angler L. win .g
room. u I \fuuthuseUs. I
of the - But Goodwin quickly disowned•
Prosecutor J. A. Reed said the . i some of the report's afar cot /
sign of youth orally admitted crushing j cluabos, including the e h a r g♦
ey jot the skull of the petite vaunt Buy Kentl orth. Hotel that Ne toundatlons p mol»
morel♦woman with a five pound stick clatllri.
'net'''.of •tovewood. Reed explained
and that reporters were not notified 6e two co....... Deme.
• until the late conference because The Kenilworth Hotel exclusk.e.Ral Harbour has been erste — Raps. Wayne L Hay.;
col •
d o,officers feared that Brinkley cit.told by the Klrkeby hotel haln to Arthur Godfrey and two of Otb and Mrs. Ge nee('
g zone. Incensed by the murder, Idaho—aauUed a re}eei
k lntoimight attempt to take matters Cincinnati industrialists, Walter Schott and Harrison O. ,...of e 'rnrtpot" .I ty pa:
. Mon- Ash.
their own hands. sou III with`fear sic ex..^ •
Avoid Talk
News ofprice
the sale at an undls
chased Immediately following the closed price was released arty Rep. Goodwin said e signed
-eat oCnewa conference Sheriff H. K. today by A. S. •Klrkeby & Al.hie name to the re with a i.
open:Li:cKenzie slipped away with Wil- sec-Lies who bought the-hotel note that he did so'• ;th strong
n theihngham to a 'Jail In an undies On Airmen, exactly t h ret reservations and dL ret trot
•gnent eioaed city. Reed said the youth Ili 1. years ago for almany of its findings and cot .
ingest are be charged with first de- Lodge•Asks .. reported $2'300'elusions." This
notere$ort R ap '
'ory, gree murder. pear In the printed iven
n and ,�7re't.. Arthur God-newsmen. and Goodwin said hie
would Reed quoted Willingham u t•.Z' trey? Came has name en the report wua not ate
<trial saying that a combination of NEW YORK—(INS)—.Arnhu• thenen the without the qualifying
sailor Henry Cabot Lodge urged e1. 0 long Men ansa •
too mach whisky rve sed cot en• ,/ luted with t h e remark. c
:d•not oath food erase e sought to tto lieAdiscuscans Sunday to migavoih pad• However.Goodwin bald.he r.
!le dlxusdom that mlgfit I ad- K e n 11 w•o r t h1 abs tilt document ■I a"majot•
e IDU• appead Dome a D• nr to venrly affect United Nation) ef• where he vacs-R '
e said appease a gnawing hunger. forts to free American airmen tions many times)itY' report and understands that -
ledur to from Communist Chloe..prlsonl. each year. Ser-a future printing will carry hie
the He said/she arrived the the Ful• The United States chief dela. a •- eras of his T\'name and separate v ewe. . i
is aour borne )teat after dead 1oman,
Jaa old husband of Ne woman.gate to the United Nations de- GODFRhI' and radio p r o The eoa0lttAg dews mark;
rtu•have originated at the ho- ed the wlad■p of ■ tem en a prominent utnkley huai wu glared' tel and Brough' it nationwide oils levealgatima 4* width
man, arose about C3U am. It'll• "sive all'onhht to be trying publicity. Beer. sad Hays frequ,Uy
1 an' !Ingham told police he watched to avoid doing or saying ■,y' Under terms of the cash trans- clashed. - /
Ic lei throughminutes
■ window, for shout 30 thing which will arc adverwiy action, the property vs. leased /
Ictlm minutes while Fuller ry trip nut the ate ltlos toget those The report dealt mainly wit t/
oto then left on his customary tri by the new owners for 15 yuan la[ge loundatlona in file aocW.
ciou to a downtown cafe for toffee ,glen oat." to Klrkeby Hotels,Inc..who w111 science fields and what Iv terms+
•rr°r, and the morn, `newspaper'. �, continue operation as in the past.their "interlock-with many otip '
red WPe He tACalt of us to a very The entire present-personnel of
vends Then. he said. he armed him'time for all al us to keep quiet' P S'r er Most oft organizations and `n were atL
rth in self with the fourfoot-long stick Lodge refused to answer any the Kenilworth will remain and often mentioned were the
er Dr, and slipped into the house. speculative questions on the filers there will be no change In opera-mg Three among fohndalonar
to the other \Gillingham's statement lifted when he appeared on a TV pro announcement. Frank Sheehan
policiestion or the Ford Founds tion the RodV
opeth the veil of official suspicion gram. feller Foundation and thei •
which had settled about the But he said Americana Should the resident manager. gle Organisation—arid their off.
avoid doinganything that might The pan.Daatag group have shoot((roup•• i s
shoulder' of Na murdered nom• )'• R "Alertness oat the part of the an's husband and relieved t h elimpede success of the corning bad peen. drama-to_'..,7_,--.:„;di. Rockfel Alertness
Carnegiear (1(corp.)
tension which had gripped tila trip of United Nations secretary• wt. to the hetet' lt Rockfelle ft and d at see porn.
residents of this city of 4.000 per.,general Dag ltammarskiold to eecopy the adjoining ■■deret. "and expendltun of ne time
sons in the heart of East Ar Peiping. sped property it sow n w, "and ry to nee to tM saw atada
kansas' rich agriculture delta. Red Chinese Premier Chou Em along the ocea■ at titled at. ne the u:Mc's nio t D Net s
!al has .cabled he will receive --td Collis are. P y
Willingham was picked ■p Hamrnarskiold to discuss the !m—
: ra• Friday morning while loitering prisoned airmen jailed a"spies.' Construction of this new sec-
saved China frtgrn the Cor .
two us the streets of Forest City, ' . don is scheduled to begin April 1.munista and prevented the watt
11 miles east of Dere. In the tratlsaction•Godfrey and In Korea." •
n let Fall Kills -hie group were represented bye The report tckedjet? a leagJ
;e of Willingham wag brought to Fred S. Katie,Jr.,of Cincinnati, list of punas it aahl played ar
•Brinkley where he was question. • and the sellers by McLaughlin k role in thin "force I. ear neo:
Kot• eel by Reed and McKenzie twice 5 Climbers Stern. New York firm of attar lety reeved only to that .1
on Friday. At first they brushed nay. government 11 a•If." Ame.e
roil- aside his efforts to tell them of FORT WILLIAM. Scotland — The 14rtory. IE,4room modert7 that• tie listed wen:i • '
card the slaying until he' began tri — F iv e mountain climbers Ltic hotel, which stretches some were:,
plunged 900 feet to death Sunday Sen.Paul Douglas,I1litsola Datq.' ppp
•rkov describing the,Fuller home in 100 feet along the ocean front,ant, as a onetime "leader' in
yid, detail, giving information t h•t near the summit of;now-co/erect all opened In December. 1048 at an
said could M ad ben Dolt by some.nen Nevin.
tray The victims mei all original investment of $1,730.000.which• for
tax-free shone Democrat*
ode who had been Inelde. British navy,personnel,three pet- " y
sons - iv officers.a midshipman end • promote socialism Di the United
110 WREN itvomen'e servicel1, . States" .
Today's Chuckle Pollee said the five were at- Burma s Premier Paul G. Ffoflmar, prominent
•s o! tempting' to negotiate anI Icy Eisenhower supporter.u a head
re- elope when they clipped ant- fell Returns Homes of the Ford Foundation. then of
sons `How much longer." the from 1 precipice to the bdttom the Fund for the Republic.Other
have small boy inquired, "will I of.a rocky gully.They were not RANGOON. Burma — M —mentions of Hoffman included
pent hay* to eat spinach to be able raped together,officers said]j Ben Premier U Nu returned to Ran-
rave to lick anybody who tries to l•• his reported referengqee last motst)t
Nevis Is 4,404 feet high ant, the goon Sunday night from a cult to the California sen un.Amea•
lean activities corn liar u II
I ex. highest Mountain In the A Ithh to Communist China.
reeks ma eat ap!n.rh" •, It. !moods to 47511 the Cnlresi"highly publicized itch hunt"