1675-4 Deauville Hotel vvelate the road as an in-
Idependent. , j6
Beach Hotel
Is Acquired
By Sam. Cohen
Miami :News Real Estate Editbr'''.
For the second time within a
Iyear, the Macfadden - Deauville
'Hotel, Collins Avenue at 67th
Street, has changed hands, The
Miami News learned today.
The new owner is Miami Beach
hotelman Sam Cohen, who pur-
chased the 99-year lease from a
group that included Irving Pol-
lack, Charles Yavers and Nat
Herzfeld. Under the terms of the
lease, Cohen will pay a reported
$120,000 a year.
Cohen, at present, owns and
operates the Casablanca and
Sherry Frontenac Hotels. It is
understood that demolition of the
Macfadden-Deauville, which had
been halted, will be resumed im-
mediately to make way for a 400
to 500 room hotel.
On Feb. 23, this year, The
News exclusively reported that
the Pollack-Yavers combine had
purchased this landmark of Mi-
ami's boom days, which had,
been built by the late Bernarr
Macfadden and later owned by
the late Princess Lucy Cotton
Pollack and Yavers built the
Nautilus Hotel, which they sold
two years ago. The Macfadden
Deauville hotel, once valued at
$3,000,000, was acquired in 1950;
by E. M. Loew, owner of a New
England theater chain and the
Latin Quarter night clubs in New
York and Miami Beach. He re-
portedly paid $700,000 for the
oceanfront property.
Today's transaction, in which
no figures were disclosed, was-
negotiated by Joe Cohen, Miami
Beach Realtor.