1675-1 Sheraton/BalHarbor Americana ss • 71; -� "'s at : frittin :!fit -„"ds y� • ITr 190 Trn ro. x TiTVP :'5+MR •Y 1 cam::, M SW d'. .aM" 71;1 't .rag y5"1 s' 4.,4. ., '. %s a ,' Tar ;11. ' 1 r: . a"dm- V;Iftin TR a :j I, a NAyrit.: 711 s VS/ � 5' orm ' i . T i 'Nii filx ' t.1 r y nri ( !WI d R '• I ll111n • n "0„, ' r; ; ' - , tt tk t t — nee um titpl r : e: i — 1 ' {y:, !,, ,,tf�,<' � —` - , y J t , - i , d ' w . , - �r � tr q T o I —Herald Staff Photo by Bob Hast Americana Loomed Over Dedication Ceremonies l . . : an out•of-this-world splash . Beacn s Newest., Plushiest • Hotel Opens With Fanfare By DORIS RENO hotels in New York and New Emphasis was placed dur- Herald start writer Jersey, and Larry Tisch, t h e ing the tours on the.,5100,000 The Americana, M i a m i on-the-scene member of the which has been spent on "art" area's newest luxury hotel de-•family. He lives in Bal Har- for the Americana, most of it hour. in the form of decorations signed to top all luxury Hotels, • which have been absorbed into opened with an out-of-this- Speakers included Monsig- the structure itself. • world splash Sunday after nor William Barry of St._ Pat- rick's Catholic Church; Dr. The Bal Masque Supper noon. John L. Yenches, pastor of the Some 1,000 invited guestsChurch by the Sea; Rab- Club, for instance, has carnival scenes,from the various Amer- heard it formally dedicated as bi Leon Kron• h of Temple ".the fulfillment of a dream Beth Sholom, Congresgman ices worked out by Anton Re- dedicated to hemispheric soli Dante Fascell, State Rep. fregier, well-known New York d a r i t y and all-American W. C. (Cliff) Herreil, Walter artist. They are painted on ply- , friendship." Freeman, consul from El Sal- wood; Guests already in residence, vador; Charles T. Craddock, The first thing that mows sunning themselves in bath- vice president of the Ameri- 'down the•visitor; on entering ing-suits and shorts, hovered cana, and Morris Lapidus, ar- the Americana's lobby, is the Y about the outskirts of the out- chitect for the hotel. two-story glass-enclosed terra' r door dedication ceremonies on All • speakers lauded the rium, which towers 40 feet up the huge ocean-front patio. "hemispheric solidarity" and l into the blue. Congratulations for the ho- "dedication to friendship a n dl A 25-foot miniature moun- ters president, Laurence A. the future" which have been thin is planted with a practi- -Tisch, and for the o er mem- stressed by owners and build- cally complete, collection of ers of the Tisch family who ers since the hotel was begun sub-tropical and rain-forest • . "dreamed" and •built the 17- about 18 months ago. flora, watered by a sprinkler l million-dollar hotel, were chief- The. Americana is located system that rains 100 gallons ly the order of the day.luring on Collins Ave. at 96th St. • of water into the terrarium • the formal dedication. Following the ceremonies, every two hours. • Accepting congratulations guests were taken in groups • With this in the middle and were Al Tisch, chairman of the through the p u b 1 i c rooms, all,the outside lobby walls of • board of Tisch hotels, Inc., of where chief points of interest glass, the visitor feels he is i which the Americana is "the were indicated. After that ev- practically out-of-doors fro m crown jewel"; Preston R. Tisch, eryone relaxed at a cocktail the minute he sets his foot in- manager of seven other Tisch.party in the gardens. side. ,