1675-3 Telephones • fp
Use this list on and after December 28,1920. Many numbers.in Miami Beach are
changed. Paste•tbb o..er page 39 of your directory.
tService between Miami and Miami Beach is on a TOLL BASIS. Charges-10c each way for
minutes., overtime, 3e per minute.
YOUR NUMBER AND THE MIAMi BEACH NUMBER YOU WANT, as this will result in the fast
• est service. If ilesired, calls maybe made also by name and number, Calls will be handled by name
only. If you do not know the telephone number of the person you wish to reach at Miami Beach, ob-
fain the number from "Information' before giving the call to "Universal."
y ,
A1tbtt Beach Realty Co, office Linegln Rd Matthews Ju F, res Belle lite' M 8 131
and Miarril Ave . M.8.3.31 Meloy Chas res 208 Alton Rd,......... _X8.723.•.
Ajton Beach Realty Co, rept shop Leticia Miami Aquarium Asan,5th and Alton Rd.--Ili 8.69
Ave and-16th St M.8.412 Miami Beach Baths,office 23rd and Collins X.11.503';
II Rllaml Beach Else Co. office Causeway X.B.334i'.
Miami Reach Garage, Meridian Ave and
Bastian, Harry-S, re,. 1H0at lames St .M.B.451 1st St M B.703;:
Beach Realty Cu, office Fisher's Casino....M.8.4.51 • Miami Beach Golf Club pay eta Miami Ave
RelitIsle Improvement Co, Belle Isle ;,M.B.403
Breakers Hotel, office Collins Ave and 24th and Canal -. .............._.hl B.375,
$t M.8 463 Miami Beach improvement Co, office 23rd
Breakers Hotel pay station Collins Ave ane.,
and Collins , M. 433 i
,..24th St _ X1.8.370 Miami Beach Market, Lummus Btdg.....` M. 819'i.
Mia'ni Bch Orchard 41st and Pinetree DrM.B.407 i.
If f Bridge Inn,pay station Dade Blvd and West Miami Grocery Co,branch 1102 Lincoln Rd-M.8.301
r,• . t,e .,-„, M.B.404' Miami Ocean View Co, office 5th St and
Brogdon C E,res 215 Michigan Ave M.B.425 Alton Rd M.D.33.1
Brooks Paul A,res 34th St and Collins Ave M.B.707,
Brown W E, office 1106 Lincoln Rel . M.B.4.16 MiaminBeach Club, private office 23rd St
8roan W E, ma 626 Collins-Ave........ .:_M.8.126 and Ocean -._. si B.453'4
Burton J H, res 43rd St and Collins Ave ..:N.B,730 Miami Beach cean pay eta for members use
13n1 asci Ocean M.B.`379
h' of Miami Beach city hall 6th St and Ocean Side Inn, pay Ata 23rd St,..-., M.0.378
Cubans+ Ave .......... ........................ .....14.8.012 Olive Apts, pay ata 126 Ocean lar... M.8.377
vaehman R A, res Collins Ave ,... M.8.4512 ,
sin.= John 5, res Collins Ave ..... M.B 711 1?
I) Pancoast J. Arthur, cottage 2905 Collins n'
ijarmo \V C, res Hth and Ocean Drive M,B.8.01 Ave M.B.714 2 ;
Leon Leon,rest pay ria Hanlie's Casino M.8.372 Psine 0-% T 3. res;.6th St and Coiling Ave M.B,®211.:
``key Frank, res Cl Miami Ave.. ..14.8.812 Pancoast T. 1, cottage 2626 Calling AveM.8.622
`tickinson Theo, res 3603 Indian Drive .....M.B.702 Pugh Mt. A H, res 1315 Calling Ave M.8.601:
Bitckw*41 H R, rev 18th and Ocean Drive..M.B.813 R
' F Ralston R W, res 1604 Miami Ave-: M.8.521
,,Edwards Dr F M.res Lincoln Rd and Bay..M.B.405' Rook I umbert, real est Ocean Gr. M.B.611
Mar Apts.pay sta 21 St and Collins Av.M.0.380 . Roome Walter C. 34th St and Ocean M.18.722
F Ramsey 1,. M, ms Belle Isle:...,...... M.8.442
iisr S
. Department, (st}t grub Collins Dr Vii. 321 Sammonri Alvin i rex 109 Miami Ave.. .-b1.B.511
Fisher Carl G. re- Lincoln lt=l and Ocean 911.8.326 ' SanitaryFish n L e, 710 Biscayne i
Fl-her's Dairy Farm, 41st and Prairie Ave.M.0.417 Ave M.B.533
flamingo Hotel. Alton Rd and Bay NI.0.311 Schilling I F, warehouse Purdy Ave tis.8.353
:Flamingo Itral Estate Cu, office Biscayne Sebring 0 H, rex Miami Ave,._..... M.8.814
-, Ave and Ocean hr . Ni,8.531 Shepard Ben, res 1612 Miami Ave, ..- -M.B.555
Floyd C' II, res 16(10 I,cnox Ave NI,8.131 Smith Avery C, res 900 Collins Ave..__ ,M.0.484
[ G Smith's casino, pay as Biscayne and
Ocean M.B.381
Groub nos C, re- 1315 Collin, Ave M.0.505 Snr'eligar Louis F, res 1900 Collins Ave. ..,.M.8.514
Gulf Refining Co, 10 Jeffer-on St M.H.339 Snowden las H, res Collins Ave and Ocean Ni.8.721
ii T
Ilardie's Casino, pay eta Ocean Dr.. M-B.373 Toledo Apts, pay sta 32 Collins Ave -M,B.382
Has-ler Root H, se•s 1425 Drexel Ave M.8.821 Turner Huger, real est Hardie's Casino..,-M.B,604
Henning Frank H, res 2:107 Pinetree Rd. _M.B.668 U
Hibiscus Apts, pay sta Collins Ave.- ... 31.8.378 United States Coast Guard Station, Collins
Hodges Wm R, res 900 Ocean Drive .. 41.B.822 Ave and Atlantic Dr 14.8.713
K U S Radio Station, 2311 Collins Ave...........M.8.307
`Katcher Chas W, re. Belle Isle....,._. . ..,....5t.B.413 V
L Van Deren F Cr res 19th St and James.-.:..94.11.482
t Levi John H, res Meridian and 5th St ,.,.M B.761 W
Huiei, Lincoln Ile!and Miami Ave.M.0.341 , Walker F H, res 14th St Ansi Ocear*Dr M.0.852
” 1 , .'if-•#r tkk.itt 44141,. 1 ... 14.14$t a .4' .�;3vur,I'rnpf•1_,nfyr„rein Inlet Blvd- •_, :::m :.&s
i, civilian use and controlled,addi-
c ei r j• e a e tions to plant and central office
dial equipment. Miami Beach be-
came a major training center for
The first telephone exc in Calls to and from Miami were the development of Miami Beach. officers and men of the Air
Miamas establish toll calls at the rate of 10 cents During the early "thirties," Forces, as well as other branches
Jtn e;T I y e out Atlantic for the first three minutes and when the nation found itself in of the armed services. Military
one Company, 20 years three cents for each additional the throes of depression, Miami and naval installations were a 1
after telephone service had first minute overtime. Beach continued to develop and pr,,,„tnent part of the Beach.1
been provided in Miami by the The phenomenal growth of give promise of the fabulous corn- 20,000 telephones for peacetime.
Miami Telephone Company. the Greater Miami area follow- munity it is today. By 1933, there civilian use were discontinued and
Service was furnished by means . ing World War I required fi• were 7,600 telephones in service for the most part used to furnish
of a manual switchboard located nancing for the expansion of with over half of them located indispensable service to the many
in the residence of the switch- necessary telephone plant which in hotels, which already were be- military•and •naval installations,
board operator on Second Street the South Atlantic Telephone ginning to play such a large part and public telephone service for
between what is now known as Company could not undertake. in the economy of Miami Beach. servicemen to reach their loved
Collins Avenue and Ocean Drive. Thek'efore, on January 1, 1925, . The area w a s expanding ones back home.
At that time, Miami Beach was a the Southern Bell Telephone northward. On August 31, 1937, At the end of the war, govern-
settlement of about 800 people and Telegraph Company ac• a new dial exchange office was ment restrictions and controls
generally concentrated in the area quired the holdings of the South placed in service at Abbott Ave- were lifted and the telephone
south of Fifth Street. Atlantic Telephone Company nue and 69th Street to care for company found itself launched on
The first telephone operator and proceeded to expand facil• the continued demand for tele- the most critical period of its his-
on Miami Beach, Mrs. Marie sties to meet the rapidly growing phone service to the north. tory. Miami Beach began to re-
Gould, was quite busy perform- demand for service. It was in 1939 that a radio vert to its peacetime status and
ing her housewifely chores and In 1928 a building was corn- transmitter tOwer was constructed development and demand for serv-
completing the calls of the 67 pleted at 1538 Lenox Avenue to at the 1538 Lenox Avenue ad- ice began anew at an accelerated
subscribers being furnished tele- house automatic dial connecting dress, making possible the open- Pace. Orders for new and addi-
phone service. Mrs. Gould re- equipment. Cables for inter-ex- ing of ship-to-shore telephone tional telephone service had ac-
sides today in the southwest change calls to Miami•were placed service whereby any vessel prop. cumulated over a period of four
section of Miami. and terminated at the new build- erly equipped could communicate years supplemented daily by in-
On December 28, 1920; dial ing. However,before the exchange with any other vessel or land tele- numerable current requests, for
..-. ..1.......l ,,- ..,.....i..,. ., . .-. .,... -.- ,_,.-,•,.,., ,.',.,.� ....... ......�,(.,., a , ... ...blob rn c..,,t,t,{ec ...,.m ..,-..n"his
' Bastian, rnarv> 0, n,. ,,,,,.. .,...,.., • ....
:Beach Rea'ty Co, office Fisher's Casino.....M.B.83I MiamiBeachGolf Club,pay Ma Miami Ave
Belle Isle Improvement Co, Belle Isle..._..M,13.403 and Canal M.B.375
i.Breakers Hotel office Collins Ave and 24thM B 463 Miami Beach Improvement Co, office 23rd
St . ........ . ... .. .. and Collins ........ .....................: M. 433
Breakers Hotel, pay station Lolling Ave and Miami Beach Market, Lummus Bldg......: N.B.813
24th St._ M.It.3T0 Miami Bch Orchard 41st and
Bridge Inn,pay station Dade Blvd and West Miami Grocery Co, and DrM.B.t07
branch 1102 Lincoln RdM.8.301
Ave .................. .. ... .._ ._ ........Ave N.8.403' Miami Ocean View Co, ad 5th St and C E, res 215 Michigan Ave.. .. ...M.8.423 Alton Rsl .334
Brooks Paul A,res 34th St and Collins Ave 54.8.707 Miami Beach Club, private office 23rd St
Brown W E, office 1106 Lincoln Rd M.0.416 and ocean :,..... M.B.46S•
Brown W
........ .... ..............
F:, res 626 Collins-Ave...... M.8.446 Miami Beach Club,pay sta for members use
Burton J lis res 43rd St and Collins Ave 5t.B.730 23n1 anti Ocean M.8.•379
C 0
City of Miami Beach; city halt 6th St and Ocean Side Inn, pay sta 23rd St M.B.376
Collins Ave .. M.a 612 Olive Apts, pay ata 126 Ocean Dr... M.8.317
l<Coachman R A, res Collins Ave ...... ........M.0.452 P
Collin, John S, res Collins Ave. ........ .......M.8.111
1SPancoast J. Arthur, cottage 2905 Collins 3 ,
Ave M II 714 I
pe Csiynd V. C',res Nth and Ocean Drive M.8.801 Pancoast T J, res 28th St and Collins Ave.M B 821
I?w 14.0a
pay sta Hanfie' C slsino M.8.372 Padcoaat T. J, cottage 2628 Collins AveM B.622
•i3lekln Frank, reg 61 Miami Ave M.8 812 Pugh kits A H, reg 1315 Collins Ave ...: .M B 601
Dickinson Theo, res 3603 Indian Drive. ',„M.R.702 19
' Duckiviiil H R, rev.111th and Ocean Drive.:.M,8.613
i k Ralston It W, res 1604 Miami Ave... M B 521
tstmook Lambert, real est Ocean Dr.... .. .N B 611 ? ;
k Edwards Dr F M,res Lincoln Rd and Bay..M.B.405 Kswc aiter C', 34th St and Ocean M 8.722 :'
s Mar Apt',pay as 21 St and Collins AV.N.'U.3t0 Itum�e y t5'f., !d; res /3cile Isle M B IOZ '.:>
1, ,
Fire Department,13th and Collins Dr M.8.321 Sarnmoni Alvin f reg 109 Miami Ave.. .M.B.fill `s
Fisher Carl G, rc Lincoln 1 it Prairie
Oscan. .M.B.4172i3 SanitaryFish Market, 727 Biscayne Ave M 0.533',:
Fisher's Ho 1, Alt 41st and Prairie Ave..M.B.317 Schilling I A:, warehouse Purdy Ave M R 353 ”
amingo Hotel, Alton Rd and Ba} M.B.3i: Sebring 0 H, res :Miami Ave.......... .......:. 8.814
Aveat Rral n tate C'u, uffien iiiscaynt,l 8.531 Shepard Ben, reit 1612 Miami Ave.; N B.533
".Ave and Ocean Dr timith Ave C', Ye;. '400 Collins Ave.... 311".8.484::
Fli1p,1 C' B,res l86ti I cnux Avc 5t.B.lit as4 sta Biscayne anti
G Smith's Cassino. pay
� M.B.381
Nub Thos C', r - 1315 Collin- Ave .M.13..',0:,
Snedigar Louis F, res 1900 Collins AveN•B,514
. Gulf Refining Co, 10 Jeffer-on St M.11.334 Snowden Jas H, res Collins Ave anti Ocean N.11.721
llarlie's ('a'-ino,pay sta Ocean Dr M.B.373 Toledo Apts, pay sta 32 Collins Ave 31,B.382
Hassler R.,bt H, Yet 1424 Drexel Ave M.D.821 Turner Huger, real est Hardie's Casino .M.8.604
Henning Frank H, m's 2307 Pinetree Rd 41.11.668 U
Hibiscus Apts, pay sta Collins Ave. M.B.378 United States Coast Guard Station, Collins
Hodges Wm R, res 90.0 Ocean Drive M./3.822 Ave and Atlantic Dr . M.8.713
K U S Radio Station, 2311 Collins Ave M.8.307
$i tcher Chas W, res Belle Isle M.B.113 V
L Van Deren F O; res 19th St and James M.R.482
Levi John H. res Meridian and 5th St M.8.761 W
lei Lincoin l iaml Mr W r F}i,tau 14 St ansl 0e a =•lit 11 es
,F.,zsFEv. .. 4 •••••
erv►ce• sta 32 Co,
civilian use and controlled.addi-
to plant and central office
dial equipment. Miami Beach be
came a major training center for
The first telephone exc in Calls to ,rid from Miami were the development of Miami Beach. officers and men of the Air
Miami– as establish•• B toll calls at the rate of 10 cents During the early "thirties," Forces, as well as other branches
J, se, ' ', sy e out Atlantic for the first three minutes and when the nation found itself in of the armed services. Military,
'Crerapnone Company, 20 'years three cents for each additional the throes of depression, Miami and naval installations were a
after telephone service had first minute overtime. Beach continued to develop and prominent part of the Beach.
been provided in Miami by the The phenomenal growth of give promise of the fabulous corn- 20,000 telephones for peacetime.
Miami Telephone Company. the Greater Miami area follow- munity it is today. By 1933, there civilian use were discontinued and
Service was furnished by means ing World War I required fl- were 7,600 telephones in service for the most part used to furnish
of a manual switchboard located nancing for the expansion of with over half of them located indispensable service to the many
in the residence of the switch- necessary telephone plant which in hotels, which already were be- military•and •naval installations,
board operator on Second Street the South Atlantic Telephone ginning to play such a large part and public telephone service for
between what is now known as Company could not undertake. in the economy of Miami Beach. servicemen to reach their loved
Collins Avenue and Ocean Drive. The efore, on January 1, 1923, . The area w a s expanding ones back home.
At that time, Miami Beach was a the Southern Bell Telephone northward. On August 31, 1937, At the end of the war, govern-
settlement of about 600 people and Telegraph Company ac- a new dial exchange office was ment restrictions and controls
generally concentrated in the area quired the holdings of the South placed in service at Abbott Ave- were lifted and the telephone
south of Fifth Street. Atlantic Telephone Company nue and 69th Street to care for company found itself launched on
The first telephone operator and proceeded to expand facil- the continued demand for tele- the most critical period of;its bis-
on Miami Beach, Mrs. Marie sties to meet the rapidly growing phone service to the north. tory. Miami Beach began to re-
Gould, was quite busy perform- demand for service. It was In 1939 that a radio vert to its peacetime status and
lug her housewifely chores and In 1926 a building was corn- transmitter tower was constructed development and demand for serv-
completing the calls of the 67 pleted at 1538 Lenox Avenue to at the 1538 Lenox Avenue ad. ice began anew at an accelerated
subscribers being furnished tele- house automatic dial connecting dress, making possible the open- pace. Orders for new and addl.-
phone service. Mrs. Gould re- equipment. Cables for inter-ex- ing of ship-to-shore telephone tional telephone service had ac-
sides today in the southwest change calls to Miami.were placed service whereby any vessel prop- cumulated over a period of four
section of Miami. and terminated at the new build- erly equipped could communicate years supplemented daily by in-
On December 28, 1920, dial ing. However,before the exchange with any other vessel or land tele- numerable current requests, for
equipment was placed in service was moved to the new location, phone. This service has proven to which no facilities were available
in a new building at 1044 Meridian the collapse of the "boom and be of inestimable value in con- as a result of the restrictions dur-
Avenue. With the establishment severe 1928 hurricane halted the venience and emergencies'at sea. ing the prior four years against
of the dial exchange the first tele- immediate need and financial In 1940 telephones in service additions to plant and equipment
�• each 11.:.--.1 further .other than those needed to further
phone directory, consisting of one ability w compiete and ?lace :r. o� .._...-..:
page, was issued for Miami Beach. service this newest effort directed increased to over 35,000. It was the war effort.
The number of subscribers had towards an improved an expanded in 1940 that an office was Today, the 'number of tele-
increased in the approximately telephone service. opened at 1658 Lenox Avenue, phones on Miami Beach exceeds
one and a half years from 67 to Not until 1930 was the new its present location, where all 55,000.These 65,000 telephones are
80 and included the names of John dial equipment placed in service matters pertaining to telephone inter-connected with over 182,000
S. Collin9, Carl G. Fisher, C. B. at the 1538 Lenox Avenue address, service could be transacted in telephones in the Greater Miami
Floyd, John H. Levi, J. N. Lum- at which time service on Miami person with representatives of exchange area with access to mod-
mus,James F.Mathews,.1.Arthur Beach became an integral part of the telephone company. ern long distance facilities which
and T. J. Pancoast, Ben Shepard, the Miami exchange, resulting in During World War II, the tele- permit the completion of a call
Louts F. Snedigar, and others as- the elimination of all toll call phone business went to war as to most any telephone in the
sociated with the pioneer develop- charges to and from Miami—a did most others. The government country in an average time of one
ment of Miami Beach. progressive step which stimulated placed restrictions on service for minute. -