1675-3 Saxony • There are more than• 2.500 • The Sberry-Prontenae will be rooms tt the seven hotels. Lana re-opened on Nov, 28 at the con- burgh aim owns and operates elusion of a mlilion-dollar, top-to- the F air'Irio Hotel In Las Vegas, bottom rejuvenation.. as well as its casino, • . • Ted Ilani:off, managing dl• • Caocurrent with the a.pounce- rector of the Sherry, has been int, mLansburgh revealed that: named vlce•president of Miami . • 'The Saxony. closed at the Beach Associated Hotels, the ban• • • ner under which all seven hotels are operated. • . . S.1 ) . t l`� b.,..ot , • eac ounce ttac e , • 4Giveawzy ' •or ofie , }Iy fiTL'AKT ALEIUtAcli tl�e high water merle Thi: Ing the charges,denied know• hotel intcrcats ptrchaaed the . ). . . """o Stift wm" el'- ed a one-block stretch of Ing thnt Any open beach had Robert Richter Ilotcl so they A retired New York dentist bench on which hither: u.rd been blocked.• could lenr It down and add wlxs hopes! clear Conry Is• td stroll, . Iia . And City ?,tanager rerrAMion apace for the Sa_x• land's brach Tuesday, at. O. 1f, T'ush�Cin promised to ory Ilotcl, next door, tacked the Miami Ikach City "I he rn a y.n r and City check Into it today. Co u n e I l for tieing a'vay. Council'should take nut set "If the hotel has violated As hart Of thft delthe oceanfront sand ureter the •i m m e di a t e Infunellnn apd the law by blocking public city traded the 80-fnet-wide guise of an even land swap• remove the enrrnsehmreta," beach land," said Richard, '•I 33rd St. for ho feet of tied Through the swap, a ,rgcd said Z4t;ter. will,demand that It be rc- nett to Elth Rt. This, the Morris Zucker, thexg• Mayor Melvin ftIeharrl, moved." city .rid, w"utd a ye bathers ny o ass able to but a who said he hadn't received a It all started last March one I00•foot•wida heath In- e e patio extending to letter Zucker sent him detail- when the Morris 1.ansburgh .toad "f tw•n that here each t50 fret wide, "A c t it a.l l y," charged I)r, Zucker in a letter to Richard, . �' "what you halre done was to • permit the Saxony to build a concrete wall ,over public land, Inking 1n what was formerly a public beach." Crawling along the and • with a yardstick, Dr. Zucker : • jail the city loot 7,A00 square Ieet of public bench through the deal. At low tide, he said, hath• era can walk along the Saxn• ny'a nine-foot high contrete wall, Dr. Zucker said. But they can't at hlt,h tide "with- nut rink of life And Iimh." • . "This right of frrn ager•s and passage, at high tide. I. ruarantred to the people by the lawn of the %tale of Tin-1• Aa," ..