1675-2 Fleetwood Hotel o \.by)/le ill .i- /i N --1_, ,i11/0(20 .L t�t gwa.• aavat .. .j . --' w, 1 .S .Nl1l�t.c. a4aaw• � e...._.t�_'•i' 1• -�+ 1 --- -- . - 'feint •f`w (ewaer of t•OO hey bt''RGA l■ "� 7',�t b" s� i•hR0 •aa d,. ' '4;. . r.I '�, 1,; M1 ' y1 ha? Yront along )tori,•Dbt*aefi �i,: ARI:' Yr� 7z 1' bay and Alton road" e�t'`J!a� 14•r i. �_ O' ,, t Ilow ks managed It with )Ih.•Btolts • , '.NE IS ,_ ...ifs. , .. Amo--• •- 1. ' he Mould bot says-_ , , - :. , ..'.-. ,� `� t_ a •---- �' "Toa-know I have to do something • VEIto, 44. 11:••'..ice • and must have some •xell•ment an� tat• Duslnerep/ittowa all`Active demand Invite' is so differe (, Ito warmth ^�1Mp.,yp��,. ��1�,a� ;1,�,,yh1j' }y�� that 1■ what I Rain lhroogh the pur- for city proverb In this place. I. to A. esrlw we •1 the ft north net the � ■„mw;. 11\��{ 111IIr" rhea's I make'," haled tit . Mhorepose of olim last week r- fel LL W 111jJ ��JJ 111 111111111DJ Str. Molts IndlralrA. then, Ihnt his Thomas Cross -t Csale last tor- 'Today 1 wait Delhi g In the ocean. L'1S Yet worry, 11 such It was, Is due to wen. mercy of Terre.,toile, Ind.. pf a blockeat] hardly imahlne t Is New Tear'• llnl (r � L111tnj during whether he will tat es- i trot- of eight lot• oK eenth ■greet,and me In bathing, 1 hire written Y ►1`V\ lin 1pJ' Miami Beach without further mutat• thh edgew'ood addition. They wilt .me, telling of my e periahcel. 1 am moots to keep him from retiring. lie probably b• Improved. - Deeau•e says he may succebd. Paul.Luther and N. C. Elliott both "{ relit I will be bell ubted, Aboard the Fleetwood ITT, with Mr. bought lots on Shawnee av![nlN, alio soden could not re without see- and Mrs. Btolta Is their son, Fleetwood, In the Edgewood addition. T. 11. ,1,� 1, R." Former Ohio an. New York Bus- after whom the yacht was named. The Steele bas recently purchased the LawThen the converse Inn turned to +eAen •nd again Df Aonnlrr was tneag Man Ca t Stay Out-of boy I. a orad ant at Cli. h Militaryy - moue hl.dfanilynthere Inero and th• near to- "Like �. academy, and while on his holiday va- /� Real Estate :s own Here. cation to being entertained by his pa- lure. . "Like sound. Fla .y today,financeswith Prof. John Corsa has bought the two e The conn ry rents. During the next few day■ he lots adjoining his reeldenc• properly merles 1• perhaps ll a best on earth. will be taken on a trip through the on the wise and will ileac and bewu- I nauclally Speaking." VEIN' vlsllo a upon their arrly- keys And prohibition- i al at Miami D ash find anything. Before having for New York Mr. tito them, making of them a privat e t in worry about, b t there Is an ex- Stoltz said h• purchased his son an park for his home place. all of 11'` "1n Sweden." Df r. Bonnier said, Mr. and Mrs. Walter BlUpter, leveral month■ ■go majority of our automobile, which the youth Insisted :Presentative' In I e government ceptloa to the rule. Ile le J. P. Slops, he be allowed to drive to Florida. Ac- Mr. and Mr.. Palter Slupter, all of avy red'prohibition. t was referred prominent In New ork and Columbus, rompanied by Mrs. Stoltz. the youth Flint. Mich.. hays purchased a lot In Islets, , the people for a r ferendum, leap- O.. who with hire Stotts and their drove as far u Stuart and h• and his Osceola park, and will at ono• begin IIprohibition did •t carrlith•erection of a winter home on unto. y Y•",,• son, Fleetwood., rived- ■t Miami mother boarded the yacht there. _ _-.__--_ _---- r ,if Wei Bonnier again InlerrupreA,',Hhe Dewch Bunchy oho rd their yacht. • "Yon know I have never courted LEGAL NanCES cif Fleetwood III. y4�clty at all." Mr. Stotts resumed. f voiced her opt nlrn nn Ametloa's ate, Stotts, belie n conferences Pigg "but this trip has been a npvelty, and .1oTIC1•: OF STOOKIMM.D1:A3' Mrm.-� ■ t sohibllion. . - business associate yesterday, 1 t- the Fleetwood III has proven so good. ISO. "t believe it Is m king too many rnted he was worn d--a peculiar t D• and I ilk• this •bvironment so well,• In accordance with ilia reoutrementa of worry It 1■. ,; that I don't mind It a bit now.- air ow." of the bylaws of the Corporation, no- 'lie vintmora-la tit rause of •loo • lice Is hereby given that the ■nnu■1 ,tie :vas found b Reath the dnoDy Bronson De Con In person and hie meeting of Stockholders of the South- lush Immorality. W,Y cannot- the of the handsome yacht, suDDosedly ern rrtenl Corporation will he held r -amino be solved s ch an America famous Dream Picture■ ■t the Miami In the officesei.mecif the Dwill at 3211 •Ivcd ryuereed d •ins the war. a retired real e• to man-but the Br. each Community Theatre this alteNortheast First Street. Miami. y'Iorlde, tmerlcans a■ed ao itch wheat, ■O BtolU. t•Atlfirstn elb snow omerowor ald noon and tonIght, A worth-while en-- Inch at 10 o'clock A. M. January Il• A. is-. meet. so much sugar, and that tertainmant.-Advertisement. Idle. (I.J. RAMHItY. NecretarY. I immediately doctor . front Dir. Blolts'■ !as- pit There was n• e>(eese•r In lit• f _--- - - .- - - ---- Prop ie of any, Could n liquor be used ■hp^arnnce, that h• is n surgeon fir • ,, Ikewise" srlrnttst or, perhap . it leading college EVENTUALLY - Anti, Mrs. Bonnier. by the way is praise/o-.' Irl. men ler of greeting the stranger In with d emile that Itself �rhetooted In her-counti y as a lefloading • onveyn the words• 't so. surely relad o• show- c ,othe R.and with It,`t10 iIyer Miami Itonnier estate rn er Stockholm is `Piaire y.uun thnoeYrt Iyou nre"Ali olts ...Show. ar of a o,eds 'wltb Fla !� • ,eautify11 gardens en buds of flow- Is retired. has one of t.. finest 7;tchts WHY NOT NOW? h as, ally,built uudor tl a supervision ill afloat, and ,.cher tl.lnaa, al•n- drs. Bonnier, who •oMroi■ a bteff '•ltry sir•" he-brgwn. ,oelinK ealde t .f gardeners herself.'• he'found much formalities In an I,totoucr, "1 began in You will net er tegret owning your own home it Dllaml Beach. ,. -o Interest her at th. Deering Witte, the mercantile business In Columba.. Each winter you'll return to Miami Reach. i- ,'1•;ItY ONE. DOES. Ind other points o Interest shout (I, Where I waw burn and 'ruleed up.' . For-there Is not a spot In all the world quite so fascinating a• dlarnt and Miami Dea•h. About.22 yenre •Kn, I decided to more Miami Beach. It's a•.sparkling as a dinmon,. •Mr. Bonnier Is In A erica primo 7Y to New York. n1.1 the next thing •f • Cpm• 'Toto our colon)•. of'hnppY homes. ` • to bWlnesa. lie le alt Mrtlnir to make knew I was In the teal estate buelnees W• have a wonderfully attrtctiv• selection of new homes tlia\• — it reeler for the HCA- uun'1nn peoples -riot as a broker. understand. but a ItlOIIT NOW, w• can sell for much lees than Sou can build them If the tvDrld to prOAt a the literature buyer ■ml seller. today. • /�'•'� • I if thei[,;homelatlds n their adopted . ••Ile 'our )ver■ rel Alrw, her end 1 JE. ROME. V R�INO 1 :ouhlrles.'•lte Is her . also, to'etuly maAn 'aur flrwl Irl t down hire-e• I L/Ametleafli ways-of pu holing, and,'In- be, retired fruit, acute bualn.ss. tdentally,• Is decide, y. intereete, In t\'hllr v'fslt • lvgar,uud w• e happened ' e oIlied 'flius- iia•Der because th among t„ go.tn,an sprit,us being r„n,ucted • OItCANIZATION — tr other pUrehuu,w ells In this coon- by Joseph P.;Day. I had often heard OCACit OFFICE. lit, Llwrel■ R+••• carers- Altos ttoad. I • try Iranq�p( rotary rear for,one of - 1 of his eaten,*but h d nares- wren )tiro Telepk•wrs 4111 er TTL the new epap[t• which lie controls, the In action. 12 S. R. Third Ave. i 8tackholm Deafens, Nyheter (Unity . . MIADII OFFICG (:rased Flee, Calrrel ell g. NewQ:�,',-. .. _ • "WELL, he loon, me In the crowd. . , TelepkepeTl11. ....___-...._ • . • aid the lisp china 1 knew, i FI,AMiNGO TO'FACE was'excited agog b Ong n lot. ;ter .a ,,a„; ��rt��,, ...,r,.�n,,.,".------r�a...,�rt�,ar�ti ter:,,; POST TE TODAY L.et year 1 CO IC ,I„,.o to >,laml !teach withagMn.. 9 ,Its only on condl•ether Evety.' �' (Ions that i forRet buwlnews alto¢etherand V 1 'Thio sflrrnrnn's p,to Pune at the and not Duy a tit nR. real eetale oe B. Flamingo Polo Aub at I o'clock, la othe'rwfsel + expected.to develop Into one of the -1 wucc eded fa sly well, except- f. • :1 beet contest', ■oen on the hlieit1 :leach when I went -orb In the tinting\t Evening in�y a� .1 , I Bfield lhla: newton. PHONE iREE TO u5 When the two gra,,. flmlel,ed their THE MIAII 1 HERALD , Rome Saturday 'Ott. norm, the score w11 in w 11e. IQ l- i.ht byout ed Miami -Beach Casino l; u a lt'ehukker rail I•d by Fred I'F.n ROf! st H rl' Repel. ..,a. Post. The Flamingo .mnIntninlnt the have sews or ad ertlil4t for rhe Bolling Ridge team, ennnt s•In. will 'Berea. wley wee I e felrftiheee fr.mFrom say,tlrn o'clock in'the morning until one o'clock the I ]t go Into tndnY a Raine with the Durpnwe Wand Bosch t• he tleheld office pip on—in •' riot only of clinrhiu• Haturd,o''e coil- . In Miami free a charge. 41...p17 following•Iribrning.there is much of interest going test, but thio fifteen., rte as Well. - calf far Blame 2 25 ••d ask that' the Roman Pools, in the ocean, on the sands, and in the _ -- the.charges be ,. The ex% - .Rfattson no Cosa k parer,- and hie AY•wge •►crater 1■ t\e attire of Casino. r (amour. Dream Pistil' s fit the- Allem! Th• 'terati wilt O. K. tae rail. Expert Svt'Itrlmeis and Divers in the pools, the ocean, and • ,leach Community 1 •also title after- B•w't ask fee • y dea�,rtnieat .or 0 Irwin and tonight.. A worth-while.en- person• until a,er The Herald men and`women of prominence in the social, artllld finan- ,; tertalnturnl.-Adrertl emrni. , oaer•ter chewer • P. ital.. Gal world, on the stands., • t •.-------"'"'----':--"C'''''.-----=1"'-'7-7--- _-- -r- _ --= Dining and Dancing in the Casino in' an atmosphere pe- >! • g Guliarly Miami Beach Casipo. II b.tr-M�'�a ,i Beach . ..,•.•-M j`B�CH + Restaurant service a la carte in the CAsino from noon until �� I S�ECIALI� G•..�- Phone 393- int o'clock'morning. Dancing from 5Nnt3'o'Zlock evening .�t�fieve suit -,w•ho )on won•t 1,1 npartmehts for two or Mori people.-by :we,k, month,nnA eaaon. 1.e1 us chow- oU what to b y on the bear,. untiloneOclockmorning. 11: hone, rite or call atvrlRlnaa boor, A to at your eerelt•e. Fleas• D R tj•he3e11tt1>n la NOM Ort May Yoe# Enjoy Our Facilities. a,10H!IgO�'�.ARA(' 't117,Ct•TY:CO. AuroraADts., Collin and Y.I hlh 8t• ys.'. Peraohll;at angio-.- cCono- ` '/:•',�t.ynur renta'r nd real colica'with u • : ,: • •Mt1at,11stlnits.'. C t out afid,•tavethie ad.• • r ,F7:, ..`btJ:city,i..t�- Ti.'1, 1• / ”�eac '• �nO isl raeJ..,...ti.err'• s1 _ay• J`.tlfl�ltr t: A]ah�S.'♦tiy2i . ::/'•.: .'E iTifl: ' t ' ,.