1675-16 Flamingo Hotel r i4"4r � Yrs f r'.
• ,ate.,
- - July;22nd, 1919.
` .
Charles Sterne RS4ih `"
Indianapolis, Indiana. • • ,'..
i, _ + .
Dear Charley :
I have yours of the 14th ors hi y eneiravod and ,A'
hi hl; pod`s od stationory. Its a cinch you ir.d. to ciiotate
a letter to red after your rot-atm from lie i Yol'3 . Hon did you
happen .to be able to sit eheaks 2 I irla .ne you are w i� ,,r
to be very nervous for sore tine to 0orSe.
re have had some eorrespxnadence with Yrors 8 he has
a lot of fellows boosting him. ;yost of his r000nnondations,
however, are a liability and not an asset .* particularly
yours. Do you au nosa, fora minute, yoga square-headed goop,
tiatwould sett a liot )l x,^ vit vho Would a3low a Sot of
drunks of your calibre around a hotel Y . !low if he furnished
you the liquor, Chats a differont r, atter alto other, =:ncl vre wi11
take the rotor up with him. ,
'may` . - - Q.:i