1675-23 Flamingo Hotel Febr a ry 13th, 19.`.:b. Lir. Edward ;7. Bok, . Lo;uitain :oe.1;_e, Fla. Dear ,4e. rsok: . Repiyii,.g to your letter of the 10th. We bvagebt home x`lamingoo s from Azi t ros Island but they only lived a vc rj short time; I thick the exceedingly G rough passage they.-had e:2.3 the rrir—ry cau se- of their death. . E i j I. have .ju:it, imported ore Flamingoes from.sfrica, -.1 ..----:.but...ar ;ver_;,- much aiaappointed•zis they ‘to---no t have `±- --1 the high colored pluc:sti.go as the Andros Island specie have. I think you will fine it very difficult toany S" get {• i'1w ,i.:,goes from ....Ldros :slams; first you must have , a p erruit from the gc,ver1.lent; then you must jet the Flai:.inE,u :s, whic.b I3 a very tough job I assure 4;. ycu. 4; ;�-. I know vee .ittle about the i'uoo ecr:uitiona ' nec.esJ .�ht rase -' ithcili. • O H CH CD gi 'C-, , I .Yu,.g3 vory truly, o ' , V . • cc 4 ii e ' 7 a