1675-29 Flamingo Hotel TRIPLE-A PRIORITY FOR TWINS OR BEI I EK Beach 'Intel
Children Rule At Flamingo Hotel ;Release Seen
/here Vets Enjoyfamily Life , Navy To Return
Famed Flamin99�,,
By MILTON b.O4I\ them that cha.ce. Look at to t1_r$21-wring rooms, They Tha nav
An ensign with three chit- those kits" He pointed out s very definitely would not have >' c.wrtll w•:11 turn
dren o.itranka e,full:ieutenant five-year-old on the lawn cart- Ilk.1 it. back the nai6uildin of the
with, only a.single offspring fully shading her two-year-old
C.Fi'ye hotel to C e Carl
les far as room priorities The navy'■ Junior officers i G.Fis:,er Cor
go brother's face with a parasol- like iF-and how! This all ,ck R. Humpage,
a id a t.
I at the navy-operated Flaminjo Their parents, a lieutenant tab them 12 a d:ip, not per { R president.
hotel, Miami P. `r. Ijp and hfa pretty wife,4-:ed rn I announced today after obtain-
hotels.• nearby, proem.rut per eon in a
spa:*meat hand in hand. L permit for 2100,000!n re-
houses may bar children, but In a corner of the main To r s possible,
all the navy �palm and rehabilitation.the Flamini-', a pair of families possible,even the for- /dumpsite*announced th•te-
twins and an equally lobby,almost hidden by pelma, mer servants' quarters were. story hotel and all facilities,
blonde daughter eonsttuge an were Ensign David W. les- fixed up. In all, about 700! including
g" reeve of Carrollton, Ky., and; yacht docks swim-
priority,as Coast Guard his wife and three•car-old andnadln find hcelth,loved ones i I mint pool and 11 cottages,will
Lieut. and Mrs. Lawrence C. y the company of ones' I he open on or about Jan. et
of San Francisco have referdaugr.Judy. Er;ten law- in this atnmsphcrc. The fatal-
McCune the I The Flamingo is the witonlh
learned to their delighted aur- r`•nce woeoengaged in the rum- lira see from every one of the on Biscayne bay wlt6Y tach[
prise. . sial enterprise of rolling•ball 44 states, da:{:a
In charge of the Flem:nteo Is of yarn while his wife held the Out at the swimming pool, The hotel will be completely
Lieut,'A thus A. Adler, who hank for him. Judy locked en.Lieut.rygl,lark Townsend held ,redecorated and a new cock-
In,-peacetime, a hotel •••[Ming at him. 'his year-old'son. Jack, Jr; In j Lail lounge Installed,Humpage
manager and to former secee- Thee were children of all his lap as he conceded down said.
I New manager of the hotel
nary of the Mian-!Beach Hotel ages playing In tae lobby.on'the slide Into the {root Mrs.
association.- the Iawne,playing in the sand Townsend, who had arrived will be Kul Abbott. former
He explained, Tucaday, the near the luxarl,as ramming with the baby from St. Louis I manager of the•
eo g e, H. ho-
purpose'of operating the Fla- ol or splashing in the pool only Sunday, beamed at them tai nn [aka George, ley,
wings op the"more the mer- under parental eyes, as she emerged from the water and Montauk Manor,Montauk,I
rice'basis.- ' - There were little girls in near she slkle. L:.,also owned by the.Fisher
•'•SS'e had ;nen comma In prim, starched dresses, tow- In her room, Mrs. Barbara corporation.
o Thesecondhotel built
after long stretcher of sea headed boys in overalls and Dalley looked out to sen,hold- by the.
duty or.short leaves or for.r. babies in the briefest of aG ea, leg year-old Don in her lap, min Carl contain.Fi2her, the Fla-'
fresher courses at the SCTC," turves—throe-cornered pants waiting for her husband,Lieut. o crowned 23a rooms and
tLlcutenert Adler mid, "The below and nothing above. Robertson C. Dailey, an An- ifsconservatory,
by a mfr ntolan-
re lar hotels and a artment,, There wee nothing staid es li,'M mark. Fisher a bayfront i Ln n
p po graduate and a
wouldn't take them if they had swat the scene- They chat- flier, to come back from sea mark. lived In an,
'children, t eighth-floor penthouse
rand most of them rsired,theyescreamed they duty. The army took over the Fla•I
'were cra.y for a chance to ran The dowagers who Ire- Everyone well doing some- mingo in June,1944,as an of-
spend their few weeks ashore quented the lobby of the Fla-thing—and•het something al- (kers'candidate school.Since
with their wives and children. mingo in the late 193.9s would most always Involved a baby January, 1944, the navy bas
'So now the Flamingo gives have hastily beaten a retreat or two or three.
occupiedffic14 usingUncle it 7o hc..aa
I officers and their families,
Beach Hotel - I
Transferred \
For$1,500,0001 , J� h' p'.
The ‘*I s ro l n 6otgI Mlarel' I ►s V �Qr�e
Bach. nae •vele hazed fort . -- e `aVJ
Go 000 bykl roup heeded by FLAMINGOFlamingo
bJsa� ��{(�rw-•of Carve-� , Did Pink Bird
lanteh(),9nA�John C. Lineal — r►r
a eveland. ercorp. as:d today, to accom lIsh F
nnouncement of the sal ch1 +( p 1'1 j 1..00j1 With Hotel Sold
e,:�at that ambition.
,represents'one of the largest re►.` ! The massive white structure'
'estate transactions In Miami Btu, Is' "Idomirates bayfront and has long Orange fl►en. ++,,
since the war, 'been a landmark In Miami Beach, Sale of the Slanting°,*Hotel
was made by.he t y',r ;I e soft,mulUacotored lights In the Flamingo el on Nita-
Miami O. Fisher . `'r., •bugs glass dome have been ad- Miami Beach'landmark sins
r� ml sh testa oo:.:ng
,Corp, The dei mated by cam esulallose and for two of its flamin 1927, was announced today.
wee negotiated b r '".~ realde a t tW 3r' Y•
Jr W. (Bills; (� a-
'�t IaviaUo�{ ( g tet Jome served "We don't know who m.5'bed
i Vire re/-7RTItR:• .fig .�'}i • as ■ beaeon to rade planes to the f10 ceramic birds tom !t was bought by.the(hm;aq
7ltun resltor. s �,,. ':safety.
the pool area,"said bolas as- I carp.The principals of the err.
T h a property 'g •. "Billy' -,Sar., who handled the
iwlli b1 ens:aged j �Wq was■person 41 friend of Cart "list l manager Keir o'erflai, poratin.n are builders
and Lawrence
by Macklin Oper. f iFlaber.He became acquainted with "but we strongly fuses* it Morton. bin the and real estate
:steel, Inc., whose - iMiaml Beach developer shortly of-
someone!A that ira4rnity investors In the New York City
executive offices * Iter eomltg bore from Atlanta,Ca., group from Syracuse Driver- arca. They now operate Morton
are In Cleveland. 12S pears ago. Ware Is a charter lily that was here etthjhe {Brolhvrs Real Ental
The Flamingo ,member of the Miami Beach Orange Bowl game,•)_�,J, I e office at
wen„... Y� 1101 RE 79th St.M{aml.
.iraten-storryy,230. tBo►rd of Psa!tors, holds occupy- Miami Beach '1'efe
loom hoteh7ncluded In the sale are; .Donal license number one and Is
]S acres of choice waterfront iand.1 ,promtent to the business and socialcalled al 7 a.m. '1 ifCC. :A The seller was the FlamI
11 guest cottages,docks for seago•� life of Atism,Beech and Attest,, II to quell a dilhuyyt+�1an on the ago
Ing yachts,an opm•elr dance pa — -- third floor of Ore./Mel caused Hotel Club Corp,The axle price
rlilon, swimming pool with es- �(j
by several celebr ng own- was not disclosed but the property.
banes, and litee championship hen of t S-man social was listed with brokers at
lentils courts.Tlfere are also a tea group, he .'to one as•
bums.,a pu_.ing green end several
•mas '
ted 51,700Jg0.
shuffle-board and badminton courts.
� i
Tbe hotel prober,Wither„with
"FI hays were taken ^lie 11-stony hotel Is an USA
the cottages, provides►ecommoda- down ashtray containers act—. w land with 1,000 feet on
tion- for 300 gpta esand 200 em-i were knocked over,and set:-
Domes c:n be bowed In dormitories era•windows were broken dor• 'the bay, It was built with 19/or the grounds. I rooms.Later SS rooms and
The Flamingo was used during; in,their four-day stay.Some 1.
the war by the AAF and Iaicrl of them acted like cannibals, Iguesl cottages were added.About
leased kg the navy as a rest ten.l screi,mtng and yelling." two years ago a pool and cabana
ter for returned officers.Since Its ,club were built.
return to civilian management,
however,it has been completely re-
decorated and rehabilitated. Sidney trine,attorney for the
The Flamingo Ir hLloricailyl I Morton brothers,raid that there
link,' with the growth and devel•'
opmer of Miami Beach. When are no plans at presto!for chimpC-rl r. Fisher mud. t Is decision- tes in the operator'of the hotel
1., develop Miami Beach as a ns•