1675-33 Brown's Hotel Y ,
was the beginningFIRE
of Jaudon,Who EXAMINATIONS WILL Keeping Key in 1874. This a.
Kee In Pace With Miami s of an industry that was followed for
many years and hail a cannery been
ireful inresti- BE HELD TO FILL Growth, Its Beautiful Suburb
a n in those industry now days,
`would i haave
I Route CIVIL SERVICE JOBS been worth many millions to the grow- WILL N
Is Making Progress era of the Florida keys who were for-
• cad to atop because of the fact that
__ the market died out. According to
Negotiations are under way that Fletcher Albury, his father and u
;i'e;y simple en- Civil service examinations will be probablyfew others who were interested in
way the opinion of held in Miami 27th to fill vacan- willand mean an ex dolly re of growing pines on Elliott Key, paid
count tax as• July several hundred thousand dollars at g
Y cies in the positions of wheelwright Ocean Beach within the next year or to William Curry and Sons, of Key 'l u i
,.ahleyln o chair• and instrument maker, as announcedWest, fully fifty thousand dollars
so, according to J. N. Lummus, mere-
ofee Commercefor supplies during the twenty years
mattes, regarding by the commission of the fifth ilia- Lary and treasurer of the Ocean that theywere engaged in the grow-
',to build the trans- trict from its headquarters at At- Beach Realty company, yesterday. f
the hank of the lanta• I Mr. Lummus was busy making proper- Ing. These men made about seventy-
nt.ersection of that From the register of eligibles re- ations to leave for Jacksonville today five thousand dollara in all during the
New River canal, suiting from the examination for where he will. interview a prospect- score of years they followed fruit
• tl.ghlcy'man last wheelwright, certification will be Ise purchaser of a large block Qf Iota, cultivation but the demand became so
position He has recehtly cold to a Pittsburg small in later years that they decided
made to fill a vacancyin this eition
uxi Mr. Hlghley• at 8750 per year in Cho Indian service party,
a block of lots aggregating to quit as it was no easy tusk to get
'( inspection along at Fort Apache Agency, Arizona, $25,000 and this property will, in all it, to the markets +n the north where s 1 n, all r,,,n,r.,.
going as far as I and vacancies as they may occur in probability, he developed during the it was canned by the northern eart-
h the South New 1 positions requiring similar qualifies- coming winter or some time next
neries. Had a cannery been estab- n'"` net h.• th' t.'
n west a short die_ tions. The appointee to the position summer. fished in this section then, it would
at Fort Apache must•be without de- yr. Lummus'has sold every lot east have thrived as would have the grow- Tin
'.t 1`
d:sta,ice between pendents. of the Miami avenue and he is now Ing industry.
xl an,l the river Competitors will not be assembled selling what few are left on that An effort was also made a number a'\n ripener far f the t+vn ranee for examination, but will be rated on Every of years ago to estpblish a cannery
thoroughfare. lot on Ocean b Frank Koppand Captain J. F'. Sold and applied ental:+fly supplied the following subjects, which will Boulevard and Atlantic avenue has Y 1
grade of ,wlithic have the relative weights indicated: been sold, while within the post forty Jaudon but this venture fell through
1-ail balding physical ability, forty weights; train- days, thirty-three tote on Miami for want of financial aid. These two
'.n . rod. had been ing and experience, sixty weights. avenue have changed hands. Miami men intended to make a specialty of IIA
t•a' u::'_' piled high A rating of seventy per cent is re- avenue has also been rocked and the canning king fish which were numer-
t all that would he quired. work of rolling will be begun thio nus on the coast at the time. The
a.,-f•acieg the rock Examinations to fill the position ofweek. It is expected that the street king fish soon died nut but had the
be to ?weed the instrument maker will be made on theindustry been established it could
will be fully paved within a few dayp.
same subjects as wheelwright, and "We are selling lots all over the have engaged in canning fruit and lata ,1+.. It.
.'tuck had the same weights will also be theUnited States," said Mr. Lummus, other things that were, and are still,
,i .•less there same. Machinists and model makers .and what is all the more important, plentiful in south Dade county.
" iantat • of rock to are not qualified for this position the people are coming here every week
rachirery soul••-i,which pays a salary ranging from to see the piece. That they are pleas- W 1.. and A. II. Keller, of the Kel-
_se it ,+...i hie• N+i18900 to 21,020 per year. �{ may be judged from th fact that lir Grocery company, of avenue Di
• eAsol i Persons appointed as a result of practically every one has made a fair business rioutlook th street,
ii very
" nicer( .vith the!this examination will be employed in purchase."
' h s':ieing a firmer I the machine shop of the bureau where The Ocean Beach company has been line. They have been established in
. ei is t)`un had Miami for more than twelve years
P•:^ high grade scientific apparatus and engaged during the punt ten days in
-at a+. -r" place I instruments are produced. This po- plowing up the property east of At- and have been compelled to increase
1'•'0`th•: Everglades'sition has opportunities for advance- )antic Boulevard which has been plant- their store several times until theyi
i•ll. I meat to higher grades of instrument ed in Bermuda grass and there will plant-
now have one of the most up-to-date OVER AN INCH
,;e) rut int,, the making as experience and fitness may be a complete carpet of green lawn establishments in the.citt. They are
IA yhrrr the ran- qualify. within a course of a very short while. on a strictly cash basis, having lis-I
-int some distance carded day books and ledgers several OF RAIN FELL
-it -.while there was The expense of this big improvement ago
and are all the better ofil
the ground the — will amount to several thuuaands Yours of as a consequence.aari
-�urfacr and would dollars, but, according to Mr. Lum- IN LOCAL SHO‘
nailbed mit this CIIMING AND GOING moa, it will be worth ten times this
CER1'AINI.\' — —
amount to the property value at the SOME VOICE.1•juncture off ',be Beach resort. ----
pr, automobile asl Ocean Beach is making wonderful Here is a little story that was told
progress in building nisi will Loon by Congressman John E. Baker of According to Local Weathr•
r n the
farm, al.t (, J [)albs, the well known Twelfth boast of a fine hotel which will be
r u Miami canal, California, the other night, when the caster Richard W. l:ray, oar ;,
'?'ulty was had int street plumber, returned yesterday ready for the reception of guests talk topic of the tubby of a hotel took hundredth inches of rain fell
at several 'thieve. from Cleveland,0.,where he was cub- about October 1. The hotel, is be- a musical tui n, relates the l'hilade)_ yesterday's deluge, the shnwr
Fh .lis:ones) spot ed one month ago by the death of his ing constructed for William J. Brown, phis Telegraph. almost entirely vo,rtined to
'ers of the elute mother. Mrs. 1)ulbs'funeral wan held proprietor of the Biscayne Hotel, of Sums time ago the gue.ts at a r&. and nous of the surround'nli I.
,i,;tred Piety rank. un July 5th, interment being muds this city. The building has now reach- ception were discussing the relative' getting more than a small si•i i
en. however. that at Cleveland. She was survived 1•y ed the second story and workmen are merits of several songsters, when ane The damage to local telephone
' ,al could he deep- her husband and nine children. busy making the interior finishing of the party turned to u man named)on account of the electrical
- Or ,anal r.aviga- touches which will be attractive in Brown. was severe, several lines ',me-P time the rock be J. R. Janson, of Chicago, has ar- every way. The hotel will be known "By the way Brown," ..+:1IJ Ile, "you P"racily pal out of comma<>m•
1,.1. a; a moderate rived to remain ten days with Mrs. as the Atlantic Beach Hotel and will are something of a singer, are you though slight trouble was
Janson and their two children who contain about thirty euesta rooms nut?" .,a/i &mord by the Western I'ni,'.
__ have been in Miami for the past five with baths and all modern improve- "Not onyour life!" was the em- graph company's wrrv_s.
t months. It IS Mr. Janson's first,visit meats. The building will be about 42 phatic response of Brown. "I never The lightning and rain mere
t FOR to any part of the south, notwith• feet in width and will have a depth sang a mute that somebody didn't ed about 9 o'clo+•k and come.I, standing that " t.,r..:un spent srv- of eighty feet. threaten to send in a riot cull. You til nearly noon, Major e,
l `^ eral menthe hole .: ,ear. Mr. Jan- A number of cottagri are also un- are probably thinking of my broth• member of the Board of Ile,,.
�11; T nn will ro di''^''''' Chicago upon der construction along the beach,while en'." • veterinarian, who resides 'b,,..
o���, lciivin_ Mi::•• ' ' 'amity will re- others are contemplate,) for the corn- "Perhaps l am." wits the thought- miler( west of Miami,suited lie.
l main for <„ gen ing fall, and it is very evident that ful rejoinder of the other. "Has he a thas, nut a drop of rain fel;
Atlantic Boulevard and the Ocean heavy bass voice?" place, while to south :,
it. \e++., ,.,,t,., • :s Turner who front will be completely lined with
p Y "Yes," smiled Ilruwu; "su diene) place,
nothinge, more the a light •
ten days ago fine bungalows from Ocean Beech heavy that it make him bowlegged fell.• ar
through the Piavillion to Collins bridge with the to carry it." Advices from Lemon City
. t'anied 1Y a exception of a stretch of laid at Al- — — the effect that no rain was
. both• young Lan Beach, which will bo made into eared at that place. while For
::re H. . ')'able tour so a park and golf links. t'arl 0.Fisher. WHAT AN OBLIGING I)EN'l'IST ereele reported that no or
',11., anti - • nut return to of the Alton Beach Realty company, p -- fallen during that niglrI
Miami a•'•' ' - full• with summer quarters at Indianapolis, The patient writhed in the chair, e last night.
u(� -• Ind., is said to heel, made many says the B+rmingham•Age Herald. An- until local telephone war.
_.__ LONG Olt. '+ales of G uildig lots this summer ger made his face crimson, but the badlycrippled for a few h"
�1;.: t S and much building is anticipated for rubber Jam in his mouth precentral'' Pp
i- , Buena Vista and Ocean Ite•:,
the coming winter and spring. speech.
r Otil+ r,l .N STORMS The Ocean Beach ca:'ino has been The dentist stepped quickie• unto his
�`i' altered materially affording eccommo- laboratory and came back with a pla-
r slit) more bath- card which he hum upon the wall
-:tea n dations for more than K
m•.ne• ; era. The new impro".'menta include high enough to be seen by the patient
' 'NUT,I telephones lockers, which have been built, hider in his semi-recumbent position. On
• •.a to .a i Severn'. pMore
I. - ..1•-■no■ sae I were p�;' ..reion by a the south and west verandas of the the curd were printed in bold type
thunder est 'lay morning, big bathing pool u';d these were half a dozen lines of profanity that
,gft a 10 re-established well filled yesterday The lockers fairly sizzled.
eta■•- en, but semi •..
during :l", and were in provide room for clothing only and "le that how you feel?" asks, the
-. _—_.—_—I workbag .i, benches have been provided for the dentist, sympathetically. In Name
rhe Ilene: • .t of order the men bathers. Sherif Hardie, has The patient nodded his head.
i,,,.... _._____ .
, •. .. •':°i•' 'phones a; ''. • ': as long dis- made other improvements in the pavil- "Well, keep your eye on the card.
+) Canes uumla"' little River, lion and the facilities are increased I'll soon be through."
• y' �' number thr" Palm Beach; considerably. The lunch counter and
� a •• Tar; Larkins. cold drink stand has been removed SI(;NAi> OFF' COAST Has
qa . I L+iami B xpe g A'I'f`RA(TF:D A'rI'ENTION i Be f
It is expecte,' that all of these tele- from the main building thewhelue
cu e This phones will be in service today. part adjoining the bigpool,
Vont Parts at many tables have been provided there p vessel •eviurnti• in distress off
say nu:6iry at I in the Japanese navy, an admiral for lunch parties. Both of the beach the Cape Florida inlet sent up a num-i
I gets the same elluwunce for food as resorts were well patronized during ber of rockets last night, arid us a re-1 111 111'
the entire day yesterd■ althou h the •
Y g suit boatmen went uul to ascertain