1675-36 Brown's Hotel ! ' `' I.LVlill I`IU atvnL. .. . . . . _. _ . .
24th �,,
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aM. BADGES [ ASE IH '1-\'''"1,A'`)'-i-\
of the Interest in the approachingbAT
art fPerG. Phillips,
Confederate Veteranse an- elections continuesregistrations_ shown There are —
ilastcia night that he hadlare- incrowe 388 names of new voters on the
ficial badges for the old war
than have ever registered FOR A STRUCTURE 78:48 FEET, OF COMMERCE –SEVERA
o be worn at the annual en- city clerk's books. This is several W. J. BROWN RECEIVES BIDS SECRETARY OF THEA
at andad Richmond, Va.,mJune times more TWO STORIES Hi'1H—WILL BE OF TOWN APPLICATIONS
i 3rd and members ed on Thsimilar
rbboo s occasion.which were opened on
for these sedges at the city until eighth of April will be kept open TEL---START AT ONCE. CAL MAN HAD IT HIS
the eighth o� May. This 3s also V1 Al.
edges are attractively gotten the last date upon,which the payment
wing a miniature gray coat of poll taxes will entitle the voter to Bids for the erection of a hotel at
in the June and July pri- Ocean Reach are being received by George A. Paddock was unar.
ached is a ribbon upon which participate W. J. Brawn, ,who has just bought elected permanent secretary
Miami,, JAnnual En- manes.
�rst , June-1916" from Mrs. A. E. Rickmers a lot on Chamber of Commerce at an
' of citi_ the ocean front. one hundred and fifty I iastic meeting of the board of
expected that many RAILROAD IS GIVENfeet north of the Oceen Beach c�aa►r,° ors late yesterdaynafternoon.e
rrat*. in
of affiliation with upon which he will build. applications were read from
C. Vs will take advantage of The plans call fora house 78 by 48 town candidates and discuss
• rates in effect during the en GLADE RIGHT-OF-WAY feet in area,with a bath between each as to the advisability
an and rite i the big sheet two zooms, the sleeping apartmeints, lowed pointing a local man or going
a •
nd stop-over rate is wile from which are to be located on the second the city to get one.
and privilege-8 are floor, being twelve in number ark A ballot was taken and
,d. deR. J. BOLLES TRANSFERS DEED present. count was made it was Jho.
send possibly o1n a four It r Mr.ouPaddock's election had I
or de alter- TO 100 FEET THROUGH PROP- thaddednif the success animous. Members of the boa:
arum amp Tyge Anderson in ERTY TO P. B. & E. RY. of the enterprise warrants the build- ed out that it was a tribute
sues at the encampment in se of additional rooms. The walls work it w.as by the •
The Palm Beach & Everglades rail- wi4l be etrosig enough to support one, during his three months' tit
1'. YOUNG FOR road which is to run through the or pe ape two,more, stories m. the fact that it was thhs' ta,
THE CITY COUNCIL heart of the Everglades of Florida, In the baeeznerlt will a,e a n b trates in a measure, the c
has secured as a gift from B. J. Bolles of dressing rooms for guests 'who dethe board has in him.
political bee has jammed his a deed to. a 100-foot right of way' sire to take advantage of the Proxim- Mr. Paddock was elected .
. into Sam T. Young and caused through all of his personal holdings, sty of the au-f and enjoy ocean bath succeeding C. H. Ward, or,
jump into the co been
as well as the property of thea Ok e 5th, but when the reori
but not until he had boon as- chobee Fruit Lands Company There will alae•be built in the base 5th, but began he reo
of the support of pinny influen- Florida State Drainage Land Corn- merit sev�9 small kitchenettes for movement'
as did tendertPresident
deem. ashy in Palm Beach and Lee counties• convenience of a few families ' showingnatio his good faith in
Young is a well known real ea, The deed specifically provides that., may desire ono remoain over 8u�ay tion movement VPhi�
ran and a hearty booster for the road must be constructed through the b and not bye regular the board members opposed
i Those who know him best his property on or before May 1, 1917, iro4.e1 resident.. ler in the Meeting, their oast.
_e that , anwould make an excel- or tha property will revert to Mr. When sear► by a Herald repo changed when he brought I
,oilman, and could every relied Bolles and his associates. eeterda afternoon Mr. Brown and his future pr
to d.s1 fairly with issue Thea deed was passed April of and hoe ,sd under cone-identical for activities,outlinedif elected.
y covert a strip throu .h all the I •scone •time t building it
is the onlywhifam4inced that-
fu ](r. Young Bolles_ holdings of ve lc,., a land,'end heaving
/ram Borth end of the cat which is estimated at 50,000 acres. will be a wise move from a business REV. FATHER
Filer,announced memberfor the council. standpoint will put the building up
FiIQ', a two councilmen othe body, s
e• the ears. who were Denver women are forming home ash hotelily buildings ossible. —
which will face News has reached Misr,
ed for four years• end school clubs in the churches. the east., and be within thirty feet effect that Rev. Father H,
.tet of the board walk will be "math- died at his home near Neal.
erboarded, it being Mr. Brown's plan day evening, April 19, at 6:
to remove the weatherboarding later aged ninety-five years.
stucco. Father Japes, who was
He edtianr►tas Had finish the building iais °nmediabe moocost at s priest and beloved 1
bo X10,000knew him, has been a win
W order >p pr.ovide for the corn- in Miami for many years
OcERY COMPANYfort of his ,guests during cold and kindly manner be endear,
blustery weather, Mr. Brown will ar- to all who met him, Bence
range-for heating the hotel,but is un- greatly regretted here.
decided concerning the method he will had seventeen
toenhe years
u� I sumption at Nashville, br
, 2It Irish Potatoes, per peck `_'3C I The house will be known the his farm about a year age
I , Ocean Beach Hotel The lot is now in the priesthood for abet
Asparagus Points . . 20e being cleared of debris and vegeta- During his ministry hew.
o e ss Buttercoom Butter, n a9c 1 can Nabobtion preparatory to the commend- of ri nrchea at Erin, bClan
Sac 1 pint bottle pound 'e catsup . . 20c meet of budding operations. phis and Chicago.
news in prints, lb r pound 2,te
;l tub butter, pound '35c Tomatoes,De basket 20c ► The only surviving
,1m Special brand coffee, lb 30c baa t
wr_.. Bermuda Onions, lb. ,� Dr. and Mrs. E.`D..Davia h1`o{sht. and a nephews, Frank