1675-14 Fontainebleau d"
aGandir: .... .i ro-•r•d •The fit r.( organ:teA ,. '• r.�:s .
inn..upon the Ietdrmate op- s "on rr.AI" a s.....r •.i1 _ _ ..
"towns a( a lily t a n he • • ,.. r,i
• brought nut nn more rtes rlr F• .• - .. ..
than through this list of prop- " - 'll ^ nPtr.s ln•ru 4 s 1'•..k.
...Ay ownership•"\aid Sottisen
Thai gingerly. ! ..silo w •• II, ,id n n ,r.1 •
. r - in pointing to ssndseate ton- nu nuo Ay Virginia teas itl i,.,
• tent ..f large gist 1. of prop re ail,t 1'riedman. twr rl•.•r •
i a •• s ert•at the Reath. rrlalis rs of Jules teas tthe and
m" Charles Friedman of the a-n-
.. _ r. C..« •t •a.• ^.. Av>Ie, and Ay Simnel P.C.. c
•'• 7, •.• :,,,,c.: ..r. .. hen. ('h:nles Fried ,r r . •, .:
w .... man and S.
b [2 SD
Major Battle Shaping Up
Over Beach Estate Sector
By HAINES COLBERT 'brio^ 'thousands"of land owners velnpment there would clog traffic
Miami Daily Neva Staff Writ,, to It e Inning ;earirR to protest and cause any number of other
A major battle in the IS sear old i".'^tinges. problems.
Eght mer >tato. of the property. t'r"'Amen Melvin J. Richard Riehard 'ow that m:ny mem.
north of Ike f ••tone h:.Iatr in ant Rcrnard Frank:till protested tris of the S arA 4 Gambling firm,
kumi Beach ilTT}lRII�Irw,.the decision of tie rosined to buy dw•ate and ::, companions in
dry. a 300 foot strip near the north end v rime boughtproperty in lb.s
Properly owners on both ,ides of the estate area, area years ago and would make '
of the dispute prepared to oguv They and the property owner,a hake profit out of it if it were I
rho •
tao of the issues before the sono,,; opiate zoning changes agreed rec.,. L
hoard of adjustment m a that any.;nr pet of the three
Ns politic moves might open 1. the nl'nt• Richard has argued consistently
�Arlo:Aer 2anng 111 nr�lhtr oren zoning nl.area to commercial development. tract in sintor o a parkf . Other couthe x ncil
the multienitlionMRar strip of The councilmen and properly men have argued that to buy the
:mean front lend was in the sums.owners differed.hoarser,on ihtlr land would toll the city an as.
A fourth still was being arg•Iest by reasons for owning the changes.tmnmr.ieal figu-e, which it never
members ref The Co. t•mmt,L.Richard and Frank want the en.could raise.
:•hits toted lag u•ek to ennrlemo lire area used for park purposes,. Breakdown Seen
- a?ars of the area as a park site while the properly inners want It Proponents of the too
Opponents of all of the chanR^s keprl as it is. i 1parka •
were banded together, but They' Sam Kay, wealthy Reach pro-one more n leis at each dudof
differed among themselsre as to'moler, meanwhile has in the the t eventualntual) those unwould pre•
what the fate of the rich ratate'courls a suit seeking to force the sent breakdown of the •
area:Mold he. cit to rezone fuse Intl Immediate•zoning because they would stand
The seta y lash en buffers between esha hotels at
p war this• ly north of the Ilan Circ t(,our..eked end and the estate arra in •
Operators of the Royal York And the illy h»m Circuit Court the middle.
Hotel,5675('ci!ins Ate,had Iwo a sod in vhien it seeks In.
fore the zona; board a request condemn the fair lots north of! Ok wools of ten idea said the
for a sxnnce which would al.Kay's properly for a park site. parks would hasten Ise breakdown
how them to ape•ate a parking Intl The layout can be describrd•or Ih0 zoning,
in the estate weed land rnmedi•roughly this way: i ihsputes over the Woe of the
atety south of the ho:rl i At the north end of the disputed Property,meanwhile.have genre
Twels'e owners of prot.erts in strip is the Bath Club at 5937.aled another argument which •
the estate area acre to gn I.efore'rotlins Ave,Immediately south of probably will be fought out,loo.
the board with a request for a that is the Royal York Hotel. Werth Disputed
. toning charge which uoulc permit; Then enmes a seep of sic 75.1 Mayor O.Lee Rowell has insist.
them to erect hotels or apart.fool Into which now are zoned for ed that the land is worth some-
trent!. estate use. The four lots which'where between 01,71,0 and 33.000 a
k'embers of the Miami Reach the ray decided tc condemn las(front foot,which would make the'
Taspasrrs A',oriatirm prnmi•rd m neck are south of that. center part saleable at a figure
U Then there is a 440Ofool strip,Aetwren$10.000,000 and afoul 116,.'
which still is estate arta; then ao,Aad.
' BS BATn the fair lots whirs the cdy lie•.
• (tuts roiled a month ago to eondenm;, Richard contended that it is
'#GRt,in �Oeak then Kay's property,and then the worth only:gout 3500 a trot,and
• t?:owKO 71A fret of the Firestone Estate.faa city has it assessed at Std r•
'� e• ; !Aar.. The Firestone heirs,whose pro., 11 the property ow or keep the
j� perry is hounded op the south Ay lasd because it a too•spears,•
44th street. suererded n Starch
int the city, they thus might he.' '
1\,, T '/ 19.',4 In oblahung a Supreme hitwith • tan Inerease which
cB -1/4i q % l'ourt Aeusion wh.ch Raced the would make it too espensise for:
Z W 11 V rip In rtwne their tarot. They Ihrm,tm.
ss / /j{ t, toulA go ahead urs e,.slnlc0nn' . ---.. - ---
°qi q fV S ` of a hotel there now if they
V, ;,a I{ I wishrJ.
K fano alit The argi.ments in the case are
ESTATE endless.
'y I ORnefR7/ Owners of the disputed pro-
•>. perty contend that the day of huge
C 1. estates is gone and that it in only
2 p • four that'hey should he permdted
/ b ' In turn their propediy to profitable
I ''.14 '• hotel and apartment rise. '
Hotel and apartment men are
•` horrified at the thought of a new
7.7.--•,'.. Pooposto
PAR16 row of hotels r mprhnt with
i ns them 11 is estimated that :
-•KAY FNOPtfcrY persolotroth!M Mted arromain •
the area If,1 acre Dinned lw Coln,
e4.k fIRjST%rtta. rtsetuul list,
f .*"ll ESTATE-. Properly owners Is other pail•
of the my Isar l•N I Ito A•
t, • ,a