1675-23 Fontainebleau y ic? i Brussels for visit with relatives. Wille Bald It appeared that de Lookout, OOI_Q Jt Lt. Richard Sheets of the Palm Mohrenschildt became extremely L !C . tit. Beach County sheriff's office said upset when he learned of the in- there was "no reason to suspect •vestlgator's efforts to reach hint. a. anything other than suicide. but De Mohrenschlldt, a professor at lodaj, S Glass C), asks 's; ' ' the investigation is continuing." Bishop College in Dallas, disap- !las anyone bothered to Washington officials believe de geared from the college about check Howard Hughes' • I .'_ Mohrenschildt may have had some three weeks ago. lie was quotedb. "evidence" In his possession that by Dutch journalist William Olt- piggy bank!" Discover could incriminate him in Oswald's mans as having made a "shocking the answer, plus hems on activities, sources said. Washington confession" that de Mohrenschlidt ». officials also reportedly "have been knew In advancer what Oswald was the Metro commissioners • �� looking everywhere" for de Moh- going to do. 1 and Miami Magazine, I B. �.. renschildt to bring hint before the Oltmans said de• Mohrenschildt iy • ^•;*, ''„r,.. : committee. '477:I': made the revelation during an in- Bedding The source said Washln�ton offi- tervlew In February. Oltmans said D f ire,•" cials believe the"evidencemay he he gave that information to the As. • 1 ,. • , - a photograph, possibly a tape and a sassinations Committee and follow- Most eo le s nd • • manuscript now in the possession ins that, he arid de Mohrenschildt pspend a Dallas attorney. Washington one-third of their lives in officials last night were "scram• Continued on 4A,Col.3 bed and for that reason all of us have a vested I interest in mattresses. find 4t� Foreclosureour why a mattress suit matters, 38. isF• ads ,�fagainst What's hip to the junior high school set.' i `""',� •• • Investigate what s in and }� Fontainebleau teenager'swhat's guide to status, .;'m 1B. ,vs.:!. By LARRY BIRGER hotel, said all of the other claims •• and MOIIIT LUCQFF,. are subordinate gap Inferior to Its Vi Ws Miami*col timmuien ' first mortgage. Owner Ben Novack ws.c hit with The insurance company also •i • •'11.'*' more problems today in his efforts asked for the sale of the hotel if Today out readers speak to okeep controlin of thecFontaine• principal and interest payments are out on rapid transit, car . ' Connecticut General Life Insur• • • not brought up to date. • insurance rates, taxes and t ante Co., which holds the first Novack, reached in New York violence. let us know your mortgage on the oceanfront prop- through a spokesman, was quoted views on recent issues by r erty. filed a $12,262.705 foredo- as saying, "It's all an error andA 11 will be straightened out within 72 calling our "People Line' sure suit again Novack and other g 9 eaP y: mortgage and lien holders. hours. I'm presently working on tape recorder at 350-2230 The suit, filed In Dade Circuit the problem." 9A r • 1 Court, claimed Novack and the The Connecticut General suit Hand News Staff Photo by BOB MACK 1,500-room hotel have not made charged that the hotel had failed to ren won't go to that wasteland principal and Interest payments in Day $1,584,698 in 1974 and 1975 Working woman monthly installments since Sept. I. real estate taxes. Taxes for 1976 Others named in the suit, all of totaling $622,282 are due to be • whom also have claims against the paid tomorrow. "I don't want my wife to hotel and the veteran hoteikeeper. A check of court records dis- work. But I can't tell her. were Roland International Corp., a closed that Connecticut General re- that." This is one 1 t Lin • Miami-based land developer; Ken- deemed the 1974-75 tax dPlinquen- r wife and their ft lucky Central Life Insurance Co., cy certificates last Friday. making husband's reaction to his and the Internal Revenue Service. $119,300 in back interest ayments The IRS was named in the suit at the rate of 18 per cent, bringing working because, according to attorneys for to nearly 81.6 million the amount it young son who stays with i0 NW 6th Ave., now is f+•ninth grade Connecticut General. Novack and meted out to pay the hotel's back a babysitter, 2B. • the hotel owe federal income taxes taxes. lost all-around idiotic scheme I've ever of S102,129 In 1973, $137,929 in Novack has been struggling for a d Ann Crockett. whose son plays bas- 1974 and $790,492 In 1975. number of years to come up with a fluidness sA enandoah band. "We have worked our Roland International has a S.1.2 benefactor to help him solve finan- Classified is enrich our children and we're`not going million foreclosure cult going tial difficulties caused by a decline Comics 7C • .nd let the school board de-enrich them against the hotel, based on charges in business. repairs needed to keep Deaths 4A m to.that wasteland." of alleged non-payment of a second the hotel in good condition and his Editorials AA ; eft and others say the school board did mortgage. involvement in property west of Lifestyle IB l mmunity opinion about the boundary Connecticut General, in asking the Palmetto Expressway where he Lottery 4A the court to appoint a receiver to has attempted to open a golfing re- Movies T Continued on 4A,Col. I - take possession and operate the sort. -V IC SB Weather .2A • J . r • • • .er Sfa/!Qfle5. • • •• ,, • . • mother discusses his rough � ' edges (Jacqueline Stallone, who runs the International but only Miss America for a short time. They Skin Clinic at 7135 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, is learned that during the contest I broke the rules n not at work this week. She is In Hollywood with and gut married. I suppose you could say I was her son. Sylvester, whose movie "pocky" won an queen for a day." Oscar last night. He wrote and Q:What kind of education did Sylvester have? . starred la the flim about a A: "Pretty rough at the edges I'd have to say. boxer who took Ala best shot at Because of the way he looked, he had an inferlorfty , u TT'7°i'ikoo-,,, the heavyweight title. complex. Never any close friends. Children teased • . In fila recent latervlew, him and he thought he could buy friendship, ao he e cryMiami News columnists Mari• \ would rob his father and buy gifts and candy for -,c., ._ _ .. lyn and Hr Gardner talked with i the toughs Ind bullies, I never took an accurate -- M . ct.l ena..nhn„r va-1ve�crtr---- ---- _ppttrtL lull I'A rttlmttp h0-�i_ihTmm<Mrr.� 9}• flcsfr.»__a_.-