1675-8 Wofford TWofford Regains' Wife Absent,
Resort Control Wo o---i- /) - Ili d
A •
ccident Court Puts Curb .
Dies ,
On Use Of Funds Cl��r�e ,
Injury Fatal
Tatem Wofford today was re- An uneasy truce Monday
To Wofford store o ac e.. anagement of hung over the complex marital
the Tatem Surf club, Miami Beach, affairs of the owners of the mil-
and the Tatem Sky club, Cashiers,
Beach Hotel 'Man N. C., in an order issued by Circuit lion dollar Tatem Hotel, 4343
Judge Ross Williams. Collins ave.,JudgeMBeach.
Dies in Hospital Operation of the two hotels wase' Municipalmis , lac Jack Rosen
dismissed, for lack of prosecii•
taken temporarily from Wofford tion, a charge brought by the
last month on petition of his wife, former wife of Tatem Wofford,
Tatem (Chubb . 48, Patricia Wofford, on allegations 44-year-old hei�rt'
144eAMl� tai nie late funds from the hotels were being tune and former sole owner of
_Sunday night in St. Francis Hos- dissipated by her husband. Joint) the Tatem.
• pital of what were first believed bank accounts carried by the two! She charged him on Nov. 22
minor injuries suffered in a traf- also were ordered restored to their with "stealing and taking away,
fic accident a week ago. previous status by Judge Williams,, without consent of the owner,
rd, however, suffered a The court granted $200 a week • 'two fur capes and two suitcases
i uptured spleen, his physician re each to Mr, and Mrs. Wofford for full of miscellaneous clothes."
in a two-car collis'on at personal expenses, the funds to be She failed to put in an appear-
ance Beach. withdrawn from oper of the ance at the hearing Monday.
Wofford's home s nc Miami Beach hotel. r funds,
Te Sur vo i lu ife according to the court order, are The complexity arises in
Mr P i a de Vofford tor be expended onl that since their divorce, less
ei da t r; a d Mr•s. Mar ar �7�vr legitimate
g expenses in operatiolr of the hotel than a month ago, both in
e ober s, Wofford's daughter properties, married and .moved into the
by b s first wife. One account 65,000 held in a
hotel with their new mates.
The son of.a pioneer Miami North Carolina` kink for consum- The former Mrs. Wofford,
family, Wofford was involved mation of purchase of the Tatem now Mrs. Ralph Stevens, wife
in frequent:court litigation in Sky club property "shall not be of an insurance and real
recent years over his family's disbursed except on the joint in- estate operator, was granted a
one-third interest in the hotel Mr.
struction" of and Mrs. Wof-hotel holdings at Miami Beach. In the divorce settlement.
Funeral arrangements will los Wofford
the court order read. Wofford alfio was' granted a
handled by the Niceley Funeral — third interest, and the remain- •
Home. Burial will be in 'Lump• t,, der went to 'their daughter,.)
kin, Ga. Wofford was a native of :f M a r g a r e t, already -tw•ice•N:
Miami but the Wofford family ,' married at 19. '
home is in Georgia.
Mrs. Stevens told police when
she filed the charge that her
former husband, who is manag-
ing the hotel, "objected violent-
ly" when she and her new'
husband checked into a room
there, locked them out and
• • transferred their belongings to
Maintenancea baggage room, stating they
had +'over-stayed" their reserva-
Sul i ed By ' tion.
A hotel employe said late
Monday that no Mr. and' Mrs.
/y6 Stevens were registered there
and their present whereabouts
are unknown. .
ff ord Hotel Claim that the family will be; W'i'offord, who had an attorney,
VI o come bankrupt if a receiver is William Roman, ready to rep
rot appointed to manage the resent him in the case dismissed
• angled affairs of the Wofford ' Monday, also had no comment.
Suit Delayed tote), Miami is made ine . +f
r suit for separate Toa ode e A charge of disorderly con-
iled in circuit court byPatricia • duct by causing a public dIs•
turbance, filed earlier by Wof-
Hearirig in a circuit Court suit Vd against Tatem a ford against Stevens, after an
targument between the two in
by Mrs.Olive Woffor ,fford,hotel,� he 51-page pet tion there devoted ; the Talent Bar, was dismissed
o charges of adultery in various 1- 'Friday by Albert Saperstein,
MiamiJB 'ae ch, was postponed to 4 ;ities. Names of. some of the ;h ,Beach associate judge, w h o
e Stanley vomen with whom adultery is
day by Circuit Judg char ed are mentioned. i r u I e d that while Stevens
g 'h "might have spoken ill-man.
Milledge• was ordered The sort asks for separate
continuan attorneys to nerly" to Tatem, there was no
Thg maintenance and the right to e. .- ublic rstu`rbance,
to permit ol? o points of law ive apart from her husband in ' ,
file. briefs also directed a,apar2ment furnished especial- The 19-year-old daughter c
Judge M41taone ,,dor her in the hotel. A divorce
Wofford'and his former wifi
Jack Kehoe, oneof thleaseholder. filed by Wofford is pend- e• whose interest in the hotel
for Thomas Cassera, with the On circuit court. c•
of the hotel, to file tomor being held in trust until s h
register of the court by r5ined as defendants in Mrs. ` reaches the age of 21, was ma
row rent f ecks•totaliing $66,000 in�d's suit are her husband, t Tied Saturday to Henry H. Ro
daughter, Mrs. Margaret e. erts, a 19-year-old student.
which Kehoe said he had turne
----Mord Melvin, the Tatem • Friends said after they retul
over to Cascara. can b and hotel and the Ta- ; e•
Wofford is seeking club and hotel, the lot- t from a Cuban honeymoon hat
cellation of :the hotel leaaseri a �y l„shiers, N.C. w this week, the newlyweds at
there had %► her two daughters by a previo'
grounds that „oPment by as. - marriage at the age of 16, ph