1675-9 Ritz-Carlton-i _
Ritz o ens
■With an ambience of New Year's Eve and the hotel ,,,.„;•_ spinning three nights a week
ultraluxury,The to be filled by Jan. G. Nightly ll and a jazz trio in its Club
Ritz-Carlton South Beach room prices go from$309 for a 11 � )mg r Lounge — firsts in a chain
opens today after years of standard double to$4,000 for 0- x_,$ • where music is generally lim-
costly construction delays. the Ritz-Carlton Suite. aki MIWidibited to the gentle backdrop of
"We're very,very optimis- �.; �, a pianist,said Ferschke,a for-
BY CHRISTINA HOAG tic,"said Ferschke."We get a � 'i' mer European vice president
choag@herald corn lot of phone calls from Europe d -`e enrne),�) for Ritz-Carlton parent Marri-
Tanning•butlers will prowl asking,'When are you going to ae' `;'G> ott International who came
the poolside, seeking naked open up?'I think it's the com- Mam;se,Ci, Isst out of retirement to assume
backs to slather with suntan bination of South Beach and Conventions < his current post.
lotion.Five caped water balle- Ritz-Carlton." Cpriter Al ,�i The decor is a sleek,fRANK MEYFR BLVD.
rinas will perform a cocktail- European and South Ameri- y temporary style done out in a
hour synchronized swimming can tourists, who travel both W r muted tropical color scheme.
show. A 1950s cherry-red winter and summer,are going LINCOM RD.MALLIMO R. r A $2 million modern-art col-
Thunderbird convertible will to be the primary targets for K z i •- ; lection, with originals by
whisk guests off on a tour. the hotel's marketing efforts, 3 I6 n.z !Ritz-Carlton painters such as Joan Miro,liv-
South Beach
It's taken five years, but Ferschke said. "Our group ens the walls.
The Ritz-Carlton South Beach bookings for conventions have g Etched swirls adorn eleva-
is finally opening its doors been very strong for the first EsoANotawAr - } s
g , tor doors.The onyx reception
today with trappings of opu- quarter,"he added. , ` 8. desk exudes a warm glow
lence that exceed even the Although Miami Beach is ,. from lighting underneath.
level of luxe extraordinaire the home to several tony hotels,a (ASL `'i ' Cobalt-blue Murano glass
hotel chain is famed for. Ritz-Carlton,with its reputa- H'i chandeliers dangle from ball-
"We have a lot of`firsts'and tion for pampering its guests, asst 13 SI. 4of'�
, room ceilings.
'onlys'here for Ritz-Carlton," brings a new type of offering N.RW¢/HERALD STAFF "We wanted it to look art
said Franz Ferschke, general to the menu, industry watch- moderne, not art deco," said
manager of the 375-room hotel ers say. Zeke Fernandez of Howard
at 1 Lincoln Road. "We're "Do we have too many lux- depend on their ability to Design Group,which handled
going to be a little more non- ury hotels? I don't think so," bring in demand in the sum- the renovation and interior
traditionaL" • said Stuart Blumberg, presi- mer," he said. "As a brand, design.
The oceanfront hotel, dent and chief executive of the Ritz-Carlton has been very Although the property's
which is debuting 21/2 years Greater Miami and the good at that,in both the resort construction delays were
late and over budget due to Beaches Hotel Association. and convention areas of the costly,the silver lining proved
contractor snafus, is making "People follow brands. This market." an opening as the market,is
its premiere just in time for will attract Ritz-Carlton fol- Ritz-Carlton, which is the rebounding from the post-
the all-important winter sea- lowers who like the excite- managing partner of the hotel' Sept.11,2001,slump,said Scott
son. ment of South Beach. It's not for owners Lionstone Hotels Berman,who tracks the hospi-
A combination of the reno- the same person who goes to and Resorts of Miami and Flag tality industry for Pricewater-
vated 1950s Dilido Hotel and Conrad hotels.The Four Sea- Luxury Properties of New houseCoopers.
newly constructed additions, sons has its followers; the York,has bent over backward "Others that have opened in
the hotel will open gradually Mandarin has its followers." to overcome one potential the last two years have gone
—just three rooms today—as The challenge for Ritz- handicap of its brand in trendy through very hard economic
final details are put in place Carlton,said hospitality indus- South Beach — its oak-and- times," he said. "[Ritz-Carl-
and the 528 employees are try analyst Scott Brush,will be tweed image. • ton's] timing is excellent,but
readied. to fill the hotel year round in a To counteract that staid there's no question that there's
But Ferschke expects 100 competitive climate. signature, the South Beach very tough competition."
rooms to boast occupants by "Their success is going to property will have a live DJ