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Price 15 cents lila
as the most modern,beautiful and completely equipped Private Clinic in the United States.
stands today as a monument to phenomenal progress in the world of healing arts and sciences,and is justly proud of its contribution to the
progress of this great city.For the past fifteen years the Florida Health Clinic has not only kept step with the times but always just a little
ahead of them.
The lollowing departments are completely equipped in every respect:
Examination Departments
RADIOGRA►NIC.X•RAY AND FLUOROSCOPIC LABORATORY:Completely equipped with the latest Westinghouse X.Ray and Plunnonnoplc Unite for the Radiography and PlumosepoT of
Soft and(lard Tissues,Barium Meal,Bismuth Enemata,me.
ELECTRO•CARDIOGBAPHY:Equipped with the latest and only Eleetro•Cardlograph of IL.kind In the State of Florida.For the accurate diagonal,of all heart condition;.
Y TAAM INOSCOPY IuEqu Aped witnwith c latest the VI alml annnpe,When
scienti c invention forttVthe detection of Vitamin deficiency. '
COMPLETE LABORATORY facilities;for all ena:ysls of bloat,urine.sputum,etc
00010-CALBRO•MAGNO-WAVE:The only scientific Diagnostic Machine of In kind In the South for the met diagnosis of Dl.ease where there may be the.lightest room for doubt.
ULTRA-PANDORAS:Equipped with European Seleetiee Short ware. Ultra Short am and Asper Shunt Wave Uqm pment aa toed In the larger European hospitals and clinics,and le the e �(
nnly model of this type In any respect In the United States.
SHORT WAVE DIATHERMIA:Four completely equipped Sion Ware Diathermia Departments ugh various Sion loam Range rolls.
HYPERPYREXIA:Equipped with the only late model Clark Bynum-feast.in the South,for the production of ArllOelal Yew the Treatment of Arthritis
nditlone,social diseases,paralysis and carious other bacterial Infections. tis and all forms of Nheumatold
ll Elwin-Diagnosis.ReductionELECTRO AND MANIPULATIVE SURGICAL:For the Bloodless and Painless Destruction of Tonsil, Hemorrhoid.. Cysts, Carbuncles, Soils. External farmer and Mole.. Bone Setting.
LONG WAVE DIAT E MIA:o Equipped Sublumtwllb variIsislous Long Wart Unita Including Teals, D'Arsonval and Audis Currents. 111
Hydro-Therapy Departments
DEEP THERAPY AND IRRADIATION:Equipped with both last and
general Ultra Violet Unlit.also Intra Red,Supe.Aand fwep. an
COLONIC IRRIGATION:Moor and Minor Colonic Irrigation equipment invented by and used exclusively to this Cline for
all form-of Irrigation,Medication and Bacillin Implantation, a
CABINET AND OATH:Commodious Electric Cabinets,both Reclining and Upright. Prue Needle,Sulpha.,vapor,Steam,Tonle.Medicated,Ellminatiae,Salt Glow end Reducing.
MASSAGE: Swedish, Sedative, Cardiac, S imulatlre, Vibratory, Al,, Electric, Manipulative,General Reducing.Roller and Body Building,and Russian Vacuum. a
PLASTIC AND GENERAL SURGERY,In charge of Carlton Minns r.M.D. r
CHIROPODY AND PODIATRY for We treatment of all conditions of the feet. C'al
RESIDENCE SERVICE for the convenience of patients who are bed-ridden or otherwise unable in reach the Clinic Complete portable equipment and nwelal visiting nurses insure n:' Al
patient thy saw.couplet.faellltles at their home or hotel as obtainable at the Clinic.
IM-PATIENTS:Pnvate rooms equipped with the lase%hospital bed.,private bath,.etc..for the arewnmodatlon of boot patients pis
SPACIOUS REST PATIO:Poe rest before and after treatment.
RESIDENT PHYSICIAN AND NURSES on duly day and night.All uses under the direct aspostalon of Dr.George E.Woollard,who has opeviaamd for the To
of a chronic and...rolled-Incurable-nature. past 20)'can In all dlsru r:
Associate Physicians in Every American and European City of Importance fep
Cable Address"Woolhealthrr OPPOSITE THE LINCOLN THEATRE Day and Night Phone: 5-1441
For the convenience of patients in the neighborhood of the Roney Plaza and surrounding hotels our
is completely equipped with separate departments for ladies and gentlemen. lie,
Phone 5-5222 or Roney Plaza Hotel Operator 5-1271 a.T
j poi
420 FEETrh
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Plot Plan of Indian Creek Estate, overlooking Ocean tatt
4887 Pinetree Drive e�
A new home in an acre of ground, beautifully landscaped, for sale at less than the
cost of reproduction. Price $69,500. Fully descriptive brochure upon request. to
Exclusive with un
Phone 5-6427 the
420 Lincoln Road s«
1i4 FOR ' M
WE don't seem to fit in places nowdays. Katherine Brush writes a syndicated col- She says that folks coming to our fair
Everywhere we go the conversation umn called"OUT OF MY MIND." It runs shores get all worn out being shown Fred
steers around to fishing.Everybody seems to in one of our own daily papers.Sometimes Snite's house and Al Capone's exclusive
have but one aim ...to win high mention we read it with an appreciation of the gal's hideout,although she concedes that we have
in the Fishing Tournament and get his or undeniable sense of humor. Other times something nice in Fred and that his house
her"picher took"with a fish to prove they we've felt a strain on our own sense of hu- is a good looking house. She says that the
aren't lying about their claims to greatness. mor over her statements of supposed facts first thing our reporters do when an unfor-
Where that leaves a body who doesn't know which are too often fictitious. tunate incoherent lands among us is to de-
a guppy from a sea-cow is obvious.All she A column which I had not read in our mand of him or her..."How do you like
can do is just stand around looking dumb. own papers was handed to me recently, our Town?" . . . and . . . that "someday
All she can drum up to contribute to the clipped from a Chicago daily. In it Kathie somebody is going to tell them if they
piscatorial chatter it..."It's being a swell has certainly done our nice town wrong. don't watch out."
Tournament, isn't it?" Syndicated columns must be filled with Well, Kathie, all we have to say to that
"Oh, collossus!" is the usual answer. something,we agree...but I wouldn't say last dirty dig is that thousands upon thou-
"What have you caught?" that even writers' license justifies the man- sands have already told us how they like
Who, me?" we ask. And then apolo• nes in which Kathie chose to publicise a our town by coming here after a first or
getically: "Nothin'but a bad cold." nice place which deserved better.In her col• second visit to establish their permanent
umn,dedicated to Miami and Miami Beach,
"What? No deep sea-fish?" she hands us a qualified orchid or two.. . homes. Thousands more return to spend
"Nuh-uh," we sigh."Only deep-sea sick. such as mention of the smooth trunks of our season after season. Thousands more are
ness." royal palms,but she has bunched them with coming in each season for the first time,
"Oh!""That's just says
he or she with fading interest. a big handful of scallions plentifully be- ddrawn at grew like inmagid f omp ii fisof a ting village
1 sprinkled with raspberries of the sourest
Which it is, since it leaves a body just brand. to a metropolis on its reputation for being
standing around looking surplus and dumb. She says that, "after jotting down sev one of the world's finest places in which to
Among folks who offhandedly mention a eral pages of the wildest incoherence to be We have"watched sat." We are proud
prize sail-fish, a man-sized tarpon, or a make things clearer to herself,"that Miami to know what the world thinks of us.
super man-sized saw-tooth shark as among left her in a "daze." We should smile, Some day when your mind is IN instead
the daily hauls one simply can't brag up the Kathie dear. Where else but into a daze of OUT,come back and see us again.
three-inch perch she caught up a muddy could several pages of wildly incoherent MORE COHERENTLY.
river back there when she was eight years notes lead one? If you observed us with a
old,or the three anaemic gar fish she pulled dazed look you must have brought it with
in out of the canal some years later. And you. Miami surely didn't give it to you.
certainly she isn't going to call attention to ersonally, we don't just see how you can
the adolescent red-snapper that got away go 'round "OUT OF YOUR MIND" and
from her on a cruising trip down among get undistorted impressions of any place. 926 LINCOLN ROAD
the Thousand Islands last year. Folks'd do Among other uncomplimentary observe- LIU a MIAMI BEACH, FLA.
just what they do to the chap in the maga- tions Kathie claims as facts is her statement I.t.w.o..,tn,
zine ads who sits down to play the piano that"all Miami does is click around to cock- TELEPHONE: 5•3612
after three lessons in short-hand music. tail and backgammon parties"asking every-
They'd all LAUGH.So it's a choice between body we meet. . . "where do you cocktail e5oie.Agent in 9'lorida for
standing around sounding rediculous, or or backgammon next?" She says that the
standing around looking dumb. What gets hardest-working folks among us are the RENEE THORNTON
us down is the futile outlook for ever getting night-club press agents and that the Miami PREPARATIONS, Inc.
deep.sea educated. Sad experience has definition of the European war is "The (DUCHESS CARAFA D'ANDRIA)
taught us that the only "catch" we need Best Season Yet." She tells the world that COSMETICS PERFUMES
ever expect to make is a catch at the rail there are plenty of boats on Miami waters,
of a heaving boat until somebody comes but no fish in the waters. Adding"at least,
along and lugs us off to the nearest bunk. not for me." Again we beg to remind her. CHARLES MILLWARD
Why pay good money just to go out on If there is any time that one must see clear- Hnnd-Turned woodwnr.of Rare Woods
' the deep-sea to catch onto a rail and pray ly and have all their wits about him it is
to die? when one is out to catch a fish.Level-head- Otherc$areItems from the 4l)or1d's t3'air
Best to stay out of circulation we reckon, ed anglers never, never go "wildly incohe- IRAN ENGLAND SWEDEN LUXEMBOURG
until this Fishing Jambouree is over. After rent" before or while making a catch, al- DENMARK CZECHOSLOVAKIA
all,there's no fun going places just to stand though there are no Miami rules to forbid
around looking dumb. their going a bit haywire afterward.
THE MIAMI VISITOR and tha HOTEL GUEST BOOKS era published every other week (Saturdays) during January. February and March.In Miami.Florida. by
the Miami Visitor Publishing Company.Inc., 1942 N. W.First Court. Phone 2.8494. Frederick Findelsen,President;Ruby Morrison,Editor;Celeste Findeisen,
• Society Editor.Advertising Department,Elmo Trafford.Lois Tanner and Gordon Davies.
March 8, 1941 Volume 10, No.5
Page One
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Reading from left to right: Nancy Ann and Charles Wesley,daughter and son of Mr.and Mrs.C.L. Wesley,of Milwaukee,at McClellan _
Villas. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dinges, attractive couple from Atlanta, Georgia, visitors at the New Surf Hotel. Mrs. George Bush-
man, of New York City, now sojourning at the Shoremede, Mr. Scott Braznell and his grandchild,Barbara,who with her parents,Dr.
and Mrs. R. King, are visiting the Braznells. Shoving off for a game of schuffle board, Mrs. David Hillman and Jane Adams of
Haverford, Pennsylvania, are being refereed by Mr. Herbert D. Wiler, of Philadelphia. This eompetative match is on the terrace of
the Hotel Good, where they are all guests. Mrs. Andrew F. Wiley and mother, Mrs. George M. Schott, from Cincinnati, charming
guests at the Del Mar Manor. Posed on a paddle-bicycle in front of the Hotel Good, Honeychile Roberts is hailing a lift from an ap-
proaching yacht. She's wearing a gathered front white sharkskin swim suit from Bonwit Teller with tight separate pants. Mrs.
Harold Gross, of Lansing, Michigan, now stopping at the Shoremede. Mrs. J. Hume, of Detroit, at the Surf and Sand hotel. Mr.
Howard Monk, of Rockford, Illinois, guest at the Shoremede. Miss Virginia Foley, lovely visitor from Brookline, Massachusettes, at
the New Surf Hotel. Mrs. Jerome W. Hammock, Garden City, Long Island, poses in the sun at the Shoremede.—PHOTOS BY mopperc.
Page Two
The week just passed has been one round New arrivals at the Hotel Good are the "
of gaiety at The Shoremede . . luncheons, prominent restaurant and candy family of a I BEACH
dinner parties,cocktail parties galore.The Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Dario Louis Tof- k. 1
largest cocktail party of the week was that fenetti and their children,Dario and Elean • •
given on Sunday by Mrs.Bayard P.Holmes ore. They will be enjoying a vacation of t
of DiLido Island when she entertained fifty sun and surf for two weeks or more.
Nrests.Given for her friends from Omaha, • nw 3
ebraska.Mrs.Holmes has as her guests of
• honor Mrs. William Hynes, Mrs. George Mrs. T. D. Schrieber of Dormont,Pius- ;' - - '=-r`Y s
Brandies and Mrs.Anne Bosworth. burgh, has just returned from a brief trip _ ; •
• with her attractive young daughter, Jean,
New York sends its usual large repre• who is seen in the sun and surf. ' t i r
sentation to The Shoremede this week.Num- •
bering among the many guests from there Going to Nassau over the week-end are
are: Mrs. J. B. Proctor, Mrs. F. Slocum, our guests from Bridgeport, Conn., Mrs.
and Mr.and Mrs.A.P.Watts of New York Louis Frank, Miss Sarah Farrell, Miss M. OCEAN rawer AT 43rd AT.
City and Miss Doris Freohoffer of Troy. E.Conlin and Miss Ann S.McGrath.TheyTo those who prefer the
• will be spending several weeks more at the niceties of gracious living, ,
We are delighted to welcome Mr. and Hotel Good before returning home. the Good offers an ex-
Hotel dusive dub like residence
Mrs.E.C.Park of Bethel,Maine,who have • in rhe fashionable north-
been coming to The Shoremede for manyshore district. Oceanfront,
Mr.and Mrs.R. L. Fay of Kansas City, f.J private bathing beach,beach
seasons and who were delayed in coming Mo.,are recent arrivals at the Hotel Good, and deck sports,handy to
until now. From Portland. Maine, comes where they can be seen dashing about get- ed cuisine,attentive servicall recrations. e.
the Honorable Frederick Hale. ting in all the sights. Mrs. Fay was seen Garage on premises. Care-
• leaving for the Brook Club in a white gown, fully restricted guest list.
An attractive young couple from Rock- •with a cut-out midrif,a straight skirt with Open all year,reservations
desirable. Booklet.
ford. Illinois,are Mr.and Mrs.Howard H. long fringe and a pearl clip caught in the Carolyn G.Good,Pm.
Monk who have many friends here and are back.
busy every moment. •
• From West Orange, N. J.,Mr. and Mrs. ''1'47*
Greetings to Mr. R. B. Wall of Wilkes Julius Hegelmann have recently arrived t t "
Barre.Pa.,who has returned to The Shore- at the Hotel Good to take part in the activi-
mede again this year for a stay of several ties and spend a few weeks enjoying the
weeks. Pennsylvania also sends us Mrs. sun.
0.C.Noble of Washington who is accompa- •
nied by Mrs.H.L.Noble and Miss Olberta From Ottumwa,Iowa,Mr.and Mrs.C.C. r I A r I 1 i A t Il
Noble. Lowenberg have come to the Hotel Good to
• stay until the middle of March, and enjoy { (-
Illinois is well represented at The Shore- the sun and surf. 1a P
mede this week in the arrival of Miss Vera • /71.. ji-adf.:62,1vittal
M. Fitzner of Flossmoor, Miss Mary L. SUPERIORITY
Laird of Wirsnetka. From Decatur comes Our foreign visitors are Mrs.John Quin-
Mrs. T. W. Cruikshank who is accomps- tan and Mrs.C.D.Patterson of Weatmount, `Me C)ancoast co.„b(nes
nied by her attractive daughter,Mrs.Allan Montreal, Canada,and will be here for an all the factors—private
F.Moore. indefinite time. beach,cabanas,reran.
' des,gardens, tennis
courts—a traditional
service—a congenial
clientele—everything to
make it the one entirely
1N correct place for YOUR
(�0� t a . 9r(ia„ui Dead'vacation.
QUR Ow NERS ,1 r• WRITE for new plctor-
.` L�,plt3 H. , ''�u int booklet,giving
1 1.pR•V ATH ►1 - :t f ,t4 .t. . full details.
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/'ace Three
Art In Everyday Living ; .
SGONER or later Miami Beach attracts to By AGNES R. STEINECKE In Hollywood I made six Symphonic
its sunny shores the great in arts and Films, putting color and music together. I
ideas from all over the world and now we made six pictures with Frederick Feher,the
have with us the very charming and inter- says,"Well,I've tried to put art in various Viennese musical conductor and there were T
eating young Baroness Audrey Kargere who forms into ever day livingThat's a big250 men in the orchestra.The reason why
propounds the theory of putting art into order, et wh not? I first started at the people are afraid of art and the finer things 4
everyday living and who believes that the y y
use of colors has a great influence on our San Francisco Exposition where I added to of living is because they do not understand
lives, making for success and happiness in my famous collection of dolls the statuette the story behind them—what the artist or
proportion to the right or wrong use we of Mrs. Roosevelt,made from the oriignal musician was trying to say —therefore I
make of them. material of her gown, with the head by have adopted a name for myself. I am a
This is idle theory, for the Baroness Beniamino Bufano.Mayor Rossi unveiled it universal interpretor of the language of the
has a isnodegree from the of and so much comment was drawn to it that arts. Perhaps that is why I am attracted to
Sorbonne a Ph.D.and is a Theosophical Universityngrs y ofte I decided to do Queen Elizabeth in the first the language of colors,which is a constant
under the famous Annie Besant,where she gown she wore at the White House. Here link between us and the world in which we
again John Stoll, who did the murals in live"
studied color as a science.Her color clinics the Court of Seven Seas,did the head.I am .
have been held in Carnegie Hall where she now beginning a most delightful project. I Baroness Kargere owns the famous Ger-
told of color from a therapy standpoint.The cannot tell you more of it just yet, but the stel Collection of dolls valued at$500,000.
Baroness explains,"We are born in a world idea is to apply some of the greatest master- A half century of French fashion is por-
of color,but many of us live mentally in an pieces of arts in the world to our everyday trayed in a collection of 50 miniature cos-
atmosphere of drabness. Colors unlock
affairs.By making people more consciously tumes that were made, one a year, from
people. They play on the nervous system. conscious of the beautiful things of living 1881 through 1930, out of pieces of silk
You can get rid of an inferiority complex we raise the quality of their tastes, thus and cloth and scraps of fur left over from
by the use of the right colors." makingtheir lives a more colorful ex beautiful •
pe- gowns made for members of
Asked . . . "What has been your moti- rience. In other words, I am making the Europe's royalty.The heads of the collection
vating thought or theme," the Baroness fine arts serve us in our everyday living. were made by Giovanni Portonova. This
__ famous and interesting collection will be
shown on March 5th at the Everglades
Victorian arrangement in modern
dress. Chair 53.50. lamp 13.50 ti
V Reads
i ip_=I - ter, 31
1((.10'11 from
f✓ ..�>,�cenv�e trio o.
j ` ►�r '`'� I ..:' Finest Petite Pointe l/ieAit
j 1 "'t . Enamels High-Class Novelties at the
' ✓✓ 'r Bags Embroideries Silver of her
both o
1 • We specialize in Tapestry to Work includ•
Haygood Lasseter Bags Cleaned and Repaired Mrs. f
Interiors busine
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Page Four wtddiv
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Reading from left to right: Mr.J.O.1lrien,of Washington,D.C.,distinguished visitor stopping at the Rendale Hotel. Mrs. Charles F.
Huh line, stately visitor from Louisville. Kentucky, is a guest of the Marine Terrace Hotel. Mr.and Mrs.James H.Murphy and Baugh-
. ter. Miss Agnes Murphy, of Bayonne, New Jersey, make an attractive family group stopping at Marine Terrace hotel. A popular
couple,also guests of the Marine Terrace Hotel,are Mr.and Mrs.Car C. Back, of Stratford, Connecticut. A striking brunette front
Albany,N. Y.,stopping at the Rendale is Mrs. Bennett Reines. Another popular visitor at the Rendale is Mrs.Semour Malvin,hailing
from Stamford, Connecticut. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Berry and son, Bernard, of New Haven, Connecticut, make up a happy family
trio on the strand at the Tatem Hotel. Honeymooners smiling their happiness are Mr.and Mrs.Robert C. Dakin,from Grosse Point,
Michigan. They are guests of the Tatem. A distinguished married pair from Kansas City, Misouri, are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price,
at the Tatem Surf Club. Miss June Campbell, of radio and stage,is a fair vacationist stopping at the Broadmoor. She spends most
of her time in the surf. Charming Miss Gail Meffley,of Denver,Colorado,is vacationing with her parents,Mr.and Mrs.George L.Mef-
fley,at the Broadmoor. Celebrating a seventeen-year-old romance which ended in their recent wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hayes,
both of Rochester, New York, are the "high-lights" in this wedding celebration at the Broadmoor. Reading from left to right guests
include: Mr. Hugh Jetton,Mrs. Roy Hartwell,Mr.Hartwell,Mr.and Mrs. Hayes, Ray Hose, Mrs. Ruth Jones and C. Hayden Davis.
j Mrs. Hayes was the former Delores McGuigan, daughter of Mr. ani Mrs. Bernard McGuigan,of Rochester. Mr. Hayes is in the bond
'business in Rochester. Not so hard as the hardware business says Mr.D.Q.Schafer,from Decatur,Indiana,vacationing with his charm-
ing wife at the Broadmoor. Photos of the Berrys, the Dakine and the Prices by WALDEN. Photos of Miss Campbell, Miss Meffley, the
wedding party and the Schafcrs by ROBERT BUCKLEY. All others ty MURNOR.
Page Four-A
f Mayor Carl S. Salmon, of New Amster- . •
OUR COVER GIRL dam, New York, is at the Rendale for a
Lovely Martha Black holds queenly month's stay with Mrs. Salmon.
• \ sway in the midst of her"Court of •
Pelicans."—Miami News Service Mrs. Teresa Clynn, Huntington, Long
Photo. Island. is enjoying a pleasant time at the
Rendale, despite having to nurse an in-
jured hand.
! •
• BROADMOOR�' Combining business with pleasure, dur-
Spring has "came" and brought many ing their sojourn at the Rendale, are Mr.
�{, new and interesting people to join the Wm. J. Casey, Jr., and Mr. Frank C.
IT social contingent at Broadmoor to chase Lyons.
their favorite phantoms. •
\ - Particularly fascinating are the black
r�_ "Surf and sand 'neath a tropical sun, Puerto Rican cigarettes used by Miss Bar-
Lunch on the terrace,and when day is done bara Olsan, Rochester, New York. This
& There's wining and dining a la cabaret.
C..._ Then it starts all over the very next day." charming young lady is spending a month
at the Rendale with her mother, Mrs-
Hiram Olsan.
• Among the prominent guests at Broad. •
+ moor are: Mr. and Mrs. W.J.Spreng and
• tl' Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hines, of Mansfield, The presence of Mrs. Lillian Detri, vice
,,; Ohio, who have spent a month at the President of the Ambassador Hotel, Wash-
Broadmoor. ale'sington, D. C.,lends a gay note to the Ren-
' • dale's atmosphere.
r j1 • •
Mr. and Mrs.J. W. Merriott and son of Other guests from Washington,stopping
'1� Washington, D. C., are vacationing here
for the season. at the Rendale, are Mr. John J. O'Brien.
441. • Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Hinton and Mr. and
Attractive Miss June Campbell, well.
Mrs. Thomas Cantwell.
known in New York theatrical circles, is
enjoying a rest and acquiring a beautiful Mrs. Jos. M. Duffey has been joined be
^► , Mrs.M.A.Carey,Ridgewood,New Jersey.
� • sun tan. at the Rendale for several weeks of Florida
'� • sunshine.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dant of Birming-
ham, Mich., are season vacationists at the
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. (mot wrong way l SPRING
Corrigan,of Columbus,Ohio,are sun wor-
shippers and spend much time at Broad-
moor s
road-moor's private beach.
\l' •. . Recent arrivals at Broadmoor for spring
vacations are: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wort•
f' man, Cincinnati, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. W. MARCH 16 • APRIL 21
k 'r.> J.Ferguson,Royal Oak,Michigan; Dr.and
Mrs.Cecil Greer,Houston,Texas; Mr.and — -
Mrs. Charles Hauser and Mr. and Mrs. V. t t HOUSEPARTY 11
• kii- �i-1 Hauser, all from Litchfield, Ill.; Mr. and
to« V Mrs.S. A.Boyer,Philadelphia. ,cd
' Attractive Miss Dolores Cowert, of In- THE $ 0 U T H'$ LARGEST,
dianapolis, is spending a vacation with her MOST LUXURIOUS OCEAN-
mother, Mrs. Irwin Cowert. Broadmoor E R O N T RESORT- ESTATE R T E S T A T E
batchelors think Miss Cowert fine timber
s for an Atlantic City contest this summer.
_ _ Special American Plan Fiesta Rate
SUN WORSHIPERS AT THE VERSAILLES Includes: room, all meals, private
Reading from top to bottom: Mrs. Elizabeth beach, all sports, golf tournaments,
Busby Wilson of Quincy, Illinois, winsome dancing, floor shows,special parties, i
. - visitor at the Versailles. Miss Virginia Scott. ;
i „--mi- %,-,•
• Y
r....._14, r • /1-- : � !,a / ]Sems '
..(Iii;7`411 .;3 Am M"r "R"�:y-, �. W
— / •
— �.: tatgfili
• // ,I a IF'..IIk
,• ,'. oto Music and Art
HAPPILY artists need no longer depend and velvet with vegetable and analine dyes.
on the favors of a demi-monde who, Included are wall hangings,framed pictures,
back in the seventeenth and eighteenth cen- evening wraps and bags. It is open to the
turies, attracted the "beaumionde" to her public.
,, Salon where famous masterpieces often were For our proximity to the South Americas,
given their first showing along with the Miamians must feel a quiver of gratitude
_.,.Y ..:,a0 presentation of men of letters and other when we share in the lilt of its folk music
c cultural "finds." . . . and Alita Alces enhances this "esprit
- --- -- `..-4 - The foyers of some of our foremost hotels de'song!"
,. •.-c-c` � �'"� equal in grandeur and scale those salons A Spanish Grande Dame type, always
R which in the olden days influenced the taste chic,her rich mezzo and versatile repertoire
At:-, even of kings. In appointment and design recreates the aura of the Spanish Hacienda.
'�.qour hotel lounges make perfect settings for She accompanies herself with ease and pre-
exhibits and musicales. sents a light concert program.Anyone hear.
• i .-:, 4 G Right now in a leading Miami Beach ing her sing"Mango Moon,"composed by
• \ • fx:,'. ` hotel—the name which is synomynous with Miami's own Olive Dungan,with lyrics by
...fculture and civic patronage, is the exhibit Vivian Yeiser Laramore, Poet Laureate of
The Baroness Audrey Kargere of murals on velvet and silk by William Florida, will carry off its memory as a
takes her daily dip.—rxmo er Barre. Religion, inspiration and romance talisman of Miami's Charm. Guests of a
HANG HANNAH are the sources from which Monsier Barre number of local hotels have enjoyed Miss
draws,making artistic creations out of silk Alces'delightful singing.
THE MOST ) Try these Tropical Beauty Aids
UNUSUAL I at the Helena Rubinstein
^O� c/' v ^°yS_ "� — aGr. Be a dramatic beauty with
.,_ / ` . Gil:
•:••••••!/.. rJ - !rL Helena Rubinstein's Rico
'' y�tlp �Sy v u j Red Make-up...with golden
:;_ �;;:: \ l� Liquid Sunshine to wear on
_� `� ` 1, r- the beach—protective, and
:. fragrant as a tropical flower
I(1 ...Aquacade Waterproof Make-up that stays lovely in
Nil 40 le•
the surf or at the races . . . Helena Rubinstein's new
Waterproof Mascara that is impervious to water, will
IT'S full of imaginative
IV not smudge or run! Try them at the Make-up Bar.
Callaway towels too,aod fullentertainof fm A ` L AWAY Rico Red Make-up items,1.00 each
aginative tricks, to Aquacade Waterproof Make-up items,1.00 each
and enchant you.Just for instance,
Callaway Cottons dance In the towel Waterproof Mascara,1.00 Liquid Sunshine,1.50
windows.A real loom weaves be- s a l o n
fore your very eyes.We dare say Ir'''':,• 1you've been in stores before,but s „ tisroln toad of(wild Helena Rubinstein s SaIon
•you've never seen one like this! ' ,< ` SDan,or!d by Calloway Mills 1 830 Lincoln Road, At Sarah Weinstock's
Page Pine
A Radio Producer "Stars" a Fish
CATCHING a top-name radio producer By day," comes to Miami every Friday night
who is all the time out catching fish was RUBY MORRISON at 9:30,over the NBC blue network.Mary
a job. However, we finally "hooked" Ed Small,Mr.Wolf emphasizes,made her start
Wolf,the power behind a goodly number of at eight years of age on the Rudy Valee
the star productions you listen to over your had "produced." We could easily under. program and since then has been featured
radio,shortly after he returned from hook- stand, as we listened to him, why he has at various times in every important show .
ing a thirty•eight pound sailfish almost been able to get such results from the ma• of the air, including the Ford Hour, the
seven feet long. terial he has chosen to work with.His warm Ben Berne Hour,the Castellanos Hour,and
It was a phychological moment. We human interest in those who work with and others. Recently she took a flying trip to
found him tired and sunburned . . . but for him could not fail to inspire and bring Miami,returning to New York for the usual
happy about the whole thing and ready to out the best in each individual. Friday night broadcast.
talk.The only hitch was,what he was ready Formerly a Broadway producer, Mr. In regards to the"Your Happy Birthday"
to talk about was his prize haul, while we Wolf took up radio producing twelve program, sponsored by the Axton-Fisher
wanted to talk about Ed Wolf, what he years ago. Today he has major features Tobacco Company, its producer said: "It's
has done,is still doing,and is going to do. going over both the National and Columbia one that catches and retains the attention of
Our guess is that it must have taken a bit chains, five days a week on Red and Blue listeners from not only the angle of musical
of tactful handling on the part of the man- networks. His dramatizations include the interest, but for its extra features. A dra-
agement of the exclusive Beach hotel where popular serial "Hill Top House," which is matic note and suspense interest is intro. fu
he is stopping,to keep him from lugging in now in its fourth year,sponsored by Palm duced by the giving away each week of one of
• and swinging his piscatorial exhibit right Olive Soap. thousand dollars to sonic lucky person born ti,
up in the lobby for all the world to envy. Jane West,top-bracket script writer,now on a certain date in a specified congressional be
We thought later of calling up pretty little earning a weekly salary running into three district, dates and district numbers being VP
Mrs.Wolf,who so graciously received us,to figures, was an unknown when discovered drawn from a hat. A doubly lucky lady in
ask if she had not opened her closet to find by the man who is out to give deserving Maine won 82,000 dollars just a week or so de
it dangling amidst the becoming clothes she talent a break. Addie Richton and Lynn back." nr,
brought down to wear during their short Stone, authors of "Hill Top House," also Jimmy Dorsey, star of the program, is a,
sojourn at the Beach. were Wolf "finds," as were Vaughn de now breaking all records in drawing in the fo
After heroic conversational maneuvering, Lieth, original radio girl; Arthur Tracy, crowds at the Hotel Pennsylvania.where he F.
however, we eventually steered the talk to known over radio as "The Street Singer,' is playing a winter engagemnet. O.
ward the trend in which we would have it and numerous other stars of today.Vincent A unique new Wolf feature to go on the
go. Once on the right track we found the Lopez was given his chance at radio in the air beginning with March 17th called
days when his orchestra and Paul White- "Danger Is MyBusiness," is sponsored by °
alert,quick-thinking producer,who has dis• man's were the onlyoutstandingbands in Spud cigarettes. It will dramatize the lives to
covered and developed scores of outstanding America. of historical as well as modern characters al
radio stars,up to his ears in enthusiasm and cr
interest in his work. Writers, actors and Little Mary Small,slated for the new Zieg• who have risked their own lives for the Gi
singers whom he lifted out of obscurity, field Follies . . . she whom Lee Schubert benefit of humanity. An interesting new ri
owe their first opportunity and subsequent intends to develope into a female Al Jolson, production entitled"Behind the Mike,"dra• rt
rise to the man who obviously gets his big- is the featured vocalist in Mr.Wolf's latest matizes the"back-stage"scene of both radio
gest thrills out of what he has done for new show starring Jimmy Dorsey's orches- and stage.For instance,the inauvural scenes
others. Pride sticks out all over him as he tra.This show,called "Your Happy Birth- of the recent presidential election are to
talks of the talents of his performers and
the writers of his scripts. Left up to him,
our interview would not have been with the
producer,so much as with those whom he
t; FURS We Have the Finest
Here's Good News That You Want
for all lovers of .
2g for Milady of Distinction
/ /--)
731 LINCOLN ROAD Natural Yukon Mink Russian Lynx Natural Blue Fox
I Hudson Bay Sable Russian Kolinsky White Fox
Platina Fox Russian Sable White Ermine
Fine steaks,American and French cuisine,and Silver Fox Chinchilla Baum Martin
native Hungarian dishes; goulash,chicken pa- Natural Stone Martin
priko, stuffed cabbage, and Zekely goulash.
Enjoy Louis' famous food in the beoutiful
patio or the enclosed dining room.
SPECIAL LUNCHES . Gettleman's Furs, Inc, 1
11:30 to of Atlantic City
Hollywood Beach, Florida
For Reservations Phone 5.9931
Pare Sir
� r �*�` � Reading from left to FRONT PAGE iiii---,
- right:Ed Wolf,nation-
,� oily known radio pro-
ducer;Joe Moss,direc-
�� for of Mayfair Club;
" 't`! •, _ �1 , 6 I! Miss Florida 1941;Phil
,, Spitalny, "boss' of the
��'�/' "Hour of Charm" girl RUBE GOLDBERG...of comic strip fame.
', `1' ¢� orchestra; Abe Lyman, BUGS BAER . . . with his name in the
A `le ! of the Royal Palm Club; papers the same way.
• p I City Commissioner Van ED WOLF...super-radio producer.
}� �j �: Orsdel; lovely Maxine,
` l s., t; "Hour of Charm" con- ARTHUR WILLIAM BROWN . front
F tralto;Neil Kars,man- page illustrator.
ager of the Shore Club; CRANTLAND RICE . .. America's No. 1
r - daintyEvelyn, "Hour
Sports Announcer.
t � of Charm" magic vio- JA AND ACE GOODMAN . . . those
!mist; Ha Glaser,
director of the Mayfair easy reez baces of radio fame.
�. Y
- Club and beauteous MAURY PAUL . . . whose alias is Cholly
4, Vivian, "Hour o f Knickerbocker.
' Charm" soprano. HELEN MORGAN . . . beauteous piano-
lb. (:oartemUS RODDY PHOTO sittin'torch singer.
MARTHA RAYE . . . the movie mischief
who lives to make folks laugh.
furnish the settings and incidents for one musical ranks, have come up from ob- JACK PEARL.. .born to chase away the
of these features,the intricate microphonic scurity, little realizing their latent abilities blues.
tie-up with all the countries in the world until radio gave them their chance." GEORGE ABBOTT...that Producer from
being graphically illustrated in a fictionized In closing we would feel like an unfor- Broadway.
version. givable "piker" if we did not give special SALLY RAND...better known right now
The Matinee Playhouse, a Wolf pro- mention to the dramatic Isaac Walton epi- as"Bubbles."
duction coining in over the NBC Red net. sode which had crowned our producer's FANNY WARD. ..who bathes every day
work daily at 12 noon,features such players day.Anyone claiming that two fishing part- in the Fountain of Youth.
as the famous English actress,Jill Esmond, ners hauling in twin sailfish weighing ideas- PHIL SPITALNY . and his Hour of
• former wife of Lawrence Olivier; Bob tically the same,and within a few minutes Charm"Charmers."
Forbes, Ray Johnson, star of the Arch of each other,does not present an incident
Oebler plays, and others. incorporating the elements of drama just
"Radio," Mr. Wolf emphasized, "offers does not know drama. That is what hap- PINTO
opportunities to writing,acting and musical pened to Ed Wolf and Phil Spitalny, the
talent which ambitious aspirants cannot "Power"behind the"HOUR OF CHARM"
afford to ignore. It is a field not yet over- girls'orchestra,last Monday.Murders over LADIES TAILLEUR AND FURRIER
crowded. One need not have had proles- a fish,even between such buddies as these,
sional experience to enter it,although expe- are not unknown.It might just be that wise We Carry a Stock of Fine Furs
rience does help. Some of the outstanding old Dame Nature stepped in to forestall We Specialize in Cleaning and Bleaching
stars of radio, both in writing, acting and the "end of a beautiful friendship." White Fars
We Operate Our Own Cold Storage Plant
1642 Euclid Avenue Miami aeoch
S o�� A � � Phone 5-7066
New York "1 Atlantic City
i. .L r
eve II,
action of /
' Far the antis( beats. `�
lento'the ase desire tar the I
attire•—tgith is
In personal FIFTH AVE.. Inc.
ranee of qual`t9 ) , 923 LINCOLN ROAD
inherent assn value _LP, Miami Beach
Hundreds of unique jewels, de-
O signed and made in our own
_ exclusive New York shops, are
1 =r A P P A R E L—8 3 0 L I NCO L N RD now on display in our Lincoln
Road Salon, where they may be
_ freely inspected without oblige.
Page Seven
ESTABLISHED 1897 We've Got Hilctegarde
Miami's Oldest Jewelry Store
Back Again!
rillIAT is always good news to her ad- mand performance. From that time on her
a mirers.Lots of things have happened to success was assured and when she returned
'4»«:>::x:;b>: is8>.riiia>.•.
her since she was here last winter, but she to America she was a star.
PRINCESS ELLA,14K rose gold with 2 diamonds is the same real person we interviewed then.
and 4 genuine oriental rubles. 17 jewels. Silk Hildegarde'sadvice to anyone wishing to
She was guest performer on several Nat-
cord. S110.00. succeed in a career is this:"You must have
ional Broadcasting programs including"We a burning desire to be successful,and must
132 E.FLAG ER2T. MIAMI,FLA. The People"; she was chosen the best keep that one goal ahead of you all the
Te I. dressed woman singer in New York, and time.You will have to give up many things
her name has come to mean much more in to attain success, but if you really wish to
the entertainment world.Her voice is better succeed nothing will be too much to give
and,if possible her style,too,has improved, um"
but she has lost none of the sincerity and p"My favorite songs are, "A Nightingale
THE charm that has so endeared her to the pub-
Sang In Berkley Square,""The Last Tie II
Saw Paris" and a new song entitled "Chi-
PATIO MORESQUEWhen Hildegarde was asked what she Chi-Castenango," the gifted performer told
thought about the fate of France she be. us.
432 41st STREET came serious and said: "I loved France The picture of Hildegarde seated at her
dearly and naturally I was very much upset pfano,with a giant spotlight shimmering on
MIAMI BEACH over her fall. I think there will be a free her blonde hair,is one not easily forgotten.
5-4536 France again some day,though it may not She charmed audiences at the Brook Club
be in my life-time. Any place as alive and for several weeks;gave four shows for that
gay as Paris was cannot die."
man days at the Olympia . . . was called
Still unparelled in its > y 1'
Hildegarde explained that the reason she back by popular demand to the Brook Club
French cuisine loved France so much was because she sang for another engagement before leaving
there for several years when she first started town. This demonstration of appreciation
Luncheon her career. It was there that the King of proves what Miami thinks of Hildegarde...
Sweden heard her sing and requested a corn. "the lovely."
Afternoon Cocktail Hour
Dinner. . . Dancing
Harold Hauser's Orchestra
IENflEL1Si8o '
Eastman Kodak — Agfa
Leica — Zeiss— Rollei Flex Neopolitan Ice
Rolleicord— Bausch &Lamb suede in partypink,green, lemon and blue
Bell & Howell — Revere
Developing—Printing ECNI1
/ M
/ Ol
409 LINCOLN ROAD 1101 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach
Corner Washington Avenue
PHONE 5-7111
Page Eight
HIALEAH Park closed a brilliant season
on March 1st,when the racing season
ended there,but in keeping with established
tradition,the park will be opened to public
inspection throughout the spring and sum-
I'„ mer months.Here are to be found the larg-
est number of flamingoes on the American
continent, a flock of brilliant hued birds
s v, __ whose rare plumage and coloring are un-
• equalled in tropical America.
Just south of Miami,too, is the unique
, Monkey jungle,where visitors are"caged"
and are looked upon by the hundreds of
w monkeys scurrying from tree to tree in a
setting that duplicates their natural habitat.
' A companion sightseeing mecca is the rare
• bird farm nearby, where hundreds of va-
� rieties of tropical birds may be seen.
"00 ' _ Miami's two popular beaches, Tahiti
" '-, ` Beach and Matheson Hammock,should be
ifie— at their best during the early spring.Tahiti
is just a fifteen-minute drive from downtown
Miami and is a bit of South Sea paradise
Lovely on the shores of Biscayne Bay.It is a com-
Hildegarde, pletely enclosed lagoon making bathing safe
and most pleasant, with a brilliant white
"Golden sand-beach that is dotted with shade palms
som, Songstress," and"bohio"or palm thatched huts,to pro-
%IL ''w Charming vide necessary protection from the brilliant
'6...- tropical sun.
Them Matheson Hammock, just a few miles
5 In further south along Biscayne Bay,is a Dade
at the County public park complete with facilities
r y�dU1(� Brook for outings,for beach parties and facilities
�af.40iClub for several thousand bathers.The beach is
a new addition to Miami's facilities for
bathers, opened this winter, and improve-
ments are still being made.
Formerly with Serge
P 4
FINERFUR Inc. **, ,40. ,,,,,:::\ ' ,
ESTABLISHED IN NEW YORK 1908 L '4' 44 4;,' '
Presents r. - µ
the largest collection of
quality furs az
712 51st Street
ever shown in Miami Beach Between Alton Road and Pine Tree Drive
Russian Sables, Eastern Mink, Ermine Marten, MIAMI BEACH
Fisher Kolinski and all the other fashionable pelts
We invite your inspection and comparison Moderate Amyl.
Phone 61754 Sy«.
Page Nine
-rrrrrrrrrrrirrrrrrrrrrrrirrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrr
"A Gift from Salem's Means More" University Offers
0SFree Course
o ti
The University of Miami, in conjunction
0 with the University of Florida and by the
gauthorization of the U.S. Office of Educa• I
Q��Q-y tion,announces a course in electronics and
communications to be given tuition free to J
8QQ \ engineers or men with college training in
Q `� 947 LINCOLN ROAD calculus and physics. All those interested
0 AT MICHIGAN P1, and with the proper qualifications should
O call the University of Miami.
\ More So Today Than Ever Before This course is part of the Engineering
Training Course of the National Defense
ti America Is Sportswear Conscious 0 g Pro ram.
Sand Miami Beach Is Accepting 9
SALEM'S as the Style and Quality Authority ti DRESSES PH. 5-3194
or '
O y s
O in
ti bu
ti O4. 40"9 ltrr At)JI& At
Novelty Imported Jewelry Ideal for All Types of
0 Costumes Is Also Being Featured o LONDON SHOP �_
* * * * * * 1 Opposite Roney Plaza Rotel
Step into the Limelight with the New Spring Ensembles .
0 That W e Are Now Showing for Our Little Boys and Girls ti 11 •
5 0111�y Inr'_
NETS TO MATCH 10.95 LORED.SIZES 7-14. 12.95
N We Offer for Your Approval t
til Not One Gift but a Hundred N HO 4'D YA L
1 � Some chicken short cowith on corn
Amongst Them Ll • dripping
l `�1 brood 7
`) 1 creamed hom bos+ed in mild•+Inel
1 EXQUISITE HAND KNIT A LOVELY SELECTION OF Orshrimp creole according to I d'
Perhaps Downey's talmU°ble re 1
cipeY +;n dishes �f•
SLEEVES.2-8 YRS. . 5.95 FROM `2.14 YEARS. I°.t o low o! the temp e
of Olney Inn! owner '�
Cloro Moy Downey,
noon to Brno a-
Oa5 D 4-
S "GIFTS TO WEAR" FROM SALEM'S 0 ������!111!!!�•••'
"A Gi/t from Salern s Meana More" }
rlrrrlrr11rl../r./.�rJ!eIJrl,-Lrrllrrr./rrrrlrr✓lrlrrrllr, ,,-...c.c.- i-
Page Ten
Praying for good luck at the shrine of Ruby Foo's"Magic Buddha"looks '
to us like plenty of luck for the Buddha.Any wonder that"His Magic Nibs,"
'1 i
filled with Chinese"Good Luck"coins,coins a beatific smile for such wor- .. II .'
1 shipers as flower-like Betty Chen,hostess at Ruby Foo's,and glamorous Shei- " ' j
la Bromley, leading woman just closing the season with the Gant Gaither '..l
J theater group. "f is claimed that luck stands in the immediate offing for all
who stroke the venerable Buddha.Twenty-one marriages in ten short months
are direct answers to"man and maid"prayers breathed at his shrine. Any- _ 4�i '
body who has "boo-ed"a chance to get in a prayer to the Magic Buddha
needn't be surprised it he finds his luck switched into reverse.Refoos to look ,
out for the present and future by a trip to Ruby Foo's and things might _ pp 001,,,,,.turn out"just too bad"for you.So.. .you Buddha git a move on! - - s tri . T"
Florida Architecture
and Allied Arts
There is no magazine published in Flor- its scope. It presents, in beautiful half-tone but also to the demands of the building
ida which reflects so clearly the progress engravings, many buildings and homes public which is demanding more aesthetic
in the development of architecture and erected during the past year. It illustrates buildings.
building throughout the State, as Florida with photographs,sketches and plans many The aims and purposes of Florida Architecture and Allied Arts. attractive large and small homes as well as Arch-
itecture and Allied Arts are endorsed by
The tenth issue, 1941, is now off the a number of the more prominent comma' the Florida South Chapter of the American
press. This edition is considerably larger more eloquel buildinntly thans. A words.Florida speaksys h[ Institute of Architects.It is edited by Rich.
than any previous issue and broader in and Kiehnel and a staff of registered archi-
tecture and Allied Arts is essentially picto- g
rial.It comprises a veritable treasure house t��' each of whom is also a member of
of illustrations, selected artistic pictures the American Institute of Architects.
We Take Order. Genuine Alligator that could be obtained in no other manner We congratulate the editorial staff on
To Ship Live t♦ Bens.Biu Folds their splendid work in makin available a
Baby Alligators = Novelty except at the cost of much labor and ex-
Live Delivery r"b' Hand Bags magazine of such signal merit. Copies
ies are
Guaranteed - Costume Jewelry pease. available at 930 Seybold Building at
Res -�1 The contributors to the magazine are all newsstands at $1.00 a copy.
I#(/J.j registered architects who have most gener-
2:5 East F'I.ACLF.R STREETously made their better work available. It
PONCE DE LEON HOTEL BLDG. is most gratifying to observe from a perusal ^ N I T A C ■A R
MIAMI. FLORIDA of the material that the general tenure inK
Member Miami Chamber of Commerce
architectural design shows a marked im-
Florida Souvenirs of Miami's Oldest
All Kinds—We Ship Gift Shop provement from year to year. This is due
not only to the able architects of the State, Tour State and locike
check in
i at Jacksonville
4 No
/� Authentic Chinese Luncheon
and Dinner
Ruly i return charge gi
lici:ts 44
A la Carte at AU Hours 9 LOW RATES SYS M
F Key West at Their Best
+ 4
} "CHINESE FOOD THAT'S DIFFERENT" 4 $10,000-820,000 Ins.coverage
h y
+ Open All Year Dade Blvd. at West Ave. 4 BALL-11 DRIVE SYSTEM
• f PHONE 5-2310 MIAMI BEACH t
F 4 928 Biscayne Boulevard
Page Eleven
She's Here!! The One and Only ,
"Queen of Swing"
A City of Charming Hours"Also ,,{ ,
Adds One More "Hour o� Charm" ,
3—Shows, 11•1•3 A. M.-3 By "OUR" EDITOR
For Reservations: "Robby" 2-3586
Just Over Both Causeways ONCE upon a time there was an orchestra his family of musical lovelies for being
SIAPSY MAXIE'S leader with ideas.One of them was the beautiful and talented and hardworking and
conviction that what the world needed in sticking by him as loyally as he has stuck
f R O l I C the way of entertainment was something by them.
combining music for the eyes along with True,they carry on their regular Sunday
music for the ears. So . . . a wave of his night broadcasts over our local station,
executive baton and presto! . . .the world WIOD,but they're having a whale of a lot
got the"HOUR OF CHARM.-It's the name of fun while so doing and a whale of a lot
of thirty of the world's most beautiful girls more while not so doing between times.All
who charm music out of thirty beautiful that it costs Dadd• Spitalny,
pitaln , in addition ''+t.
instruments.The name of the man who had to their personal expenses,is seven hundred
the idea and went out and got the girls is smackers per night right out of his own
Phil Spitalny. He's such a stranger to the pocket to pay for the line to relay the con-
radio-listening world we naturally must in- certs to the New York station.
troduce him so you'll know who we are
li [ [[I IN, I 1\1 .7 talking about. We're told that he is doing some relaxing
d into the lapsof those thirtyhimself, going out deep-sea fishing to get
Special Arrangement Luck dropped sea-sick,despite of which he seems to have
Uf beautiful girls when Phil dropped in on recovered sufficiently to haul in a thirty-
and picked them for his idea. Think
Distinctive Entertainment of being handed, out of a clear sky, a full eight pound,in weight sailfish last Monday,
month's vacation in Miami and Miami twin brother in weight and length to the one
for Beach with all expenses paid and all the fun his buddy,Ed Wolf,radio producer,caught .
HOTELS AND CLUBS in the world thrown in the bargain besides. on the same trip, and within a few short
That is the gift Poppa Spitalny has handed minutes of Phil's.
Individual-Sophisticated Girl Linea / he• sWo use of Art
PHONE 5-9768 + da.l
; :....,,,*4'1
"Soft Iguana," complemented
` - - by an ingeniously woven lucite
SERVICE SAM1P\ ter_ frame over soft folds. Beauti-
fully fitted.The same Bag in
• ^"•:`-..•. A,.,. calf,red,beige or Kelly green
-• - •••! "`=..- - $10.50
Sunshine Service is the •r'
cheerful work of skilled 4•••;• •
men and women,eager to '`.r={' %r ..
Charming group of doves on nest executed in j`t.>;f,;;j ? ;7
serve you. Call on us any rhinestones and baguettes with exquisite detail C•1`.,,,,....,,...,.,..••,,,4 U�'j�•-
time. $10.00 1 -'•ti ,• :•.: f• 1
i r A r.
E[E[TR I[ITY IS [NEAP! The Finest Collection of Fine Bags In the Southland;Air.
S��`:iI On The Beach Since 1926
Page Twelve
i .
Beauty pre-furred she is . . . in
Ilk '''''-''' , `•, this Gettleman White Russian
�/`/"/�"�. ' Ermine coat . . . Russian Sable
$, . , \ /11 a; trimmed. . . with flowing Russian
�f�� / i Ermine skirt . . . a girl men
1 ),I ' can't 'fur-get':
i,/ ..ws'
/, /i ----...-:- - ,;:.,
t ‘ 'ti rill 1 „,
j i 1
1 �- \
A 'Regal Princess" in a regal
wrap . . . a whole world pays her
homage as she holds court in i, t,
• this Gettleman short coat of .
natural Yukon Mink.• ,
A Complete Optical Service
Dr. F. H. FISHER • '
EYE SPECIALIST "A Jamaican Rum-ante"
Phone 5.3580
There is probably no liquor with as ro- lately been affording assistance to the Qu.
mantic a past or as many famous associ- Mr. Genl to enable him to transport it
Make Reservations Now ations with the history of America as to Camp It is of such importance that the
Jamaica rum,favored in early times because army should be fill'd up and regularly
Alexander Ott's it "induces heartier good fellowship and supplied,that you may depend no Exer•
succours health and strength." Today, on tions of the Executive here shall be want-
W A T E R FOLLIES cruises to the Caribbean and in exclusive ing to affect those purposes."
SUNDAY, MARCH 8th At 3 P. M. U.S.clubs and bars,Americans by increas-
Selection of Miss Miartti ing millions are giving preference to the `Succours Health and Strength"
Sunday, March 16th miracle cocktails and punches so easily pro- The Jamaica rum served today in Amer-
Phone 4-1661 duced from "Old Jamaica." But very few lea's finest hotels and clubs is a mellow,
MIAMI BILTMORE POOL of them know of the history and romance golden spirit,aged and refined as carefully
behind the spirit which dated as far back and skilfully as any French brandy or
as the early years in the seventeenth century. Scotch whiskey. But like its "ancestor' in
So close are the associations between Ja- the grog rations of American and British
maica ruin and the United States that the navies and armies, it also "induces good-
No Gift Finds a Heartiervery word rum is believed by some writers fellowship...succours health and strength"
Welcome Than a to be an Americanism—one of the first in a manner and to a degree all its own.
H E L E N MAC examples of the healthy genius of Americans Supervised by Government
for abbreviating cumbersome words.One of Down in Jamaica, they began worrying
Selection of Tropical Fruits, the earliest names given to this ambrosial officially about maintaining the quality of
P drink was"rutnbullion,"and many authori- their rums as early as 1672.
Candies and Nuts ties credit the United States with adoption
Exclusive Gifts of Distinction of the now famous abbreviation. The Journal of the House of Assembly of
BONDED FRUIT SHIPPERSG,Washington Liked It Jamaica records on"14 die Maii,1672: an
Guaranteed Delivery The early settlers in North America pre- Act for the Preventing Fraud in the Sellers
PETE MELLET,MANAGING DIRECTOR (erred real rum imported from Jamaica to and Makers of Rum."It seems that some of
533 LINCOLN ROAD MIAMI BEACH the cheaper substitute rum distilled from the distillers had been caught using"short
Phone 5-1989 Pe cut"methods which injured the quality and
molasses imported from the French Islands.
In 1766 George Washington himself shipped reputation of the product.
to the West Indies an unruly negro slave Self-regulation by statute has been con-
! named Tom to be exchanged for various tinued and strengthened through the inter-
1 commodities including a hogshead of the veiling centuries.Today Jamaica Rum must
best rum. be made only by the perfected pot still pro-
In the War of American Independence, cess, an improvement over the distillation
Jamaica rum was supplied both to the method in use when the "Fraud Act" of
MIAMI WOMEN'S CLUB British and Revolutionary troops. There is 1672 was passed.The pot still process,inci-
1737 N. Bayshore Drive on record an interesting letter from John dentally, was invented at Nantes, France.
Piano, organ, violin, dancing—all Hancock to Major General Lincoln, dated by the distillers of fine brandies.One of its
8 8 Boston,August 15th,1781: advantages is that it distills at a lower
branches of music taught,theory and "As to Rum there has been a quantity pro- strength and thus retains qualities which
harmony. cur'd and sent to Springfield,and we have would otherwise be evaporated.
1122 S. W.21sr AVENUE, MIAMI
TELEPHONE 2-5835x ®�` sa �A7ss .� �� 5t ;� ' iHi
° I .jAi
We serve the finest quality meats O Q`
and fresh Garden Vegetables only. \ ' Q
h �'� "0:1l SV` ,ear,
Tile Rona 4. 'i
,.. a �rm\14 a 10°°'
Just north of County Causeway and 18th St. g,. cov.,..04.
1327 N. E. BAYSHORE COURT !.o d'"' r
Formerly �� s f ,r
130 N. E. Second Avenue � x
Cool Airy Surroundings a,t ee,`t , 4,-.."tf 711,-.114-L,4 €
Excellent Service r , .. Rs, v, " r - 2T`� t `v t` .k ,M
Page Fourteen
5 ..i'' "g.'fi' J-:►i i' "Lift"
"Please send me my elopement as I have
- • a,‘ ;, ..', t A. L1 t From four-month-old baby and he is my only
' i eS • vJ '' `.0 fpi' ' •1 l' the Herald support and I kneed all I get every day ro
I. buy food and keep us inclose."
�� /� ;fit ; W. F. (Thirk) Therkildsen,that all.pur• "I have already wrote to the President
``af pose journalist who, among other things, and if I don't hear from him I will write
r' :}Y 4 presides over our All-Florida page each Uncle Sam about both of you."
. Sunday, comes across with the following
• :q I �' S. excerpts from relief-client letters actually "Please find out for certain if my has-
s'1 kl .• received by Judge Dave Miller of Tarrant band is dead as the man I am now living
county,.,`y i t y,Texas: with can't eat or do nothing until he know.__
for certain."
' "Please send me a letter and tell the if
...,....,_:%.4.--.1".....,„„1.....v.,,,,,-� my husband made application for a wife "I cannot get sick pay. I got six chil-
t —'ysi'-i and child." r+
x •J,_ leen. Can you tell me why this is.
..a -, ..:• z TURNER'S SPOUT SHOP�4; �
�~!_;�. ,
40 S. 6. First Street Phone 2-6937
,�sT.7 ' i ' For WOMEN For MEN
- Slacks and Ploy Suits Sport Coats and Slacks
Bathing Supplies Haberdashery
Leather Jackets Bathing Supplies
%• Riding Equipment
I �' ..,:.•� Tennis Racquets Restrung '
Golf and Tennis Equipment
Polo Shirts
i A "penny for the thoughts" Swearer Polo Shirts
rt of this "belle of the 'glades" Sport Jackets and Skins Slack Suits l
By R.imEmai
��°��Ne t L �� ityj ,
.t � „One of the most popular Cn<ahalf eockuil glau of
A -nd refresh�nt Rum darts * Jam ices Rum and an equal
rl , =i our a dash of Jamaica 4�measure of sweet Ven
Rum owe a leo cubes of mouth: add plenty l of
.[ % ice and add splash of Dry <auked ice. nit well and
^(/ Ginger Ale Also delightful r jar and Lscinae
i- e l_ '� 1 when mixed with Soda. ing Jima�ca Rom Caktaa
""°a ' 1
r �ia•
p Ont part lime juice two t hlia arse part sweet<nrd
r''� —/77....../ parts mama or syrup:three �'�! condensed milk with a
h // ,J–''std % parts Jamaica Rum: four Anal porton of Jamaica
( , -.---) �Q' I� pans water (in want di• Rum. shake well with
\\ `�� 3J y" J air then cracked
water and cracked e a with a
Ids of sacked kw Shak< cherry and you have a most
G ' LZ well Sem immediately. delirious short drink.
--_ I L
G=.I. �� I Mix one part Clime jeer.
+wo para of mpr •or
.�/ syrup. four para f Ja•
f�a Rum and an equal
of oda water.
% Add cocked ice,nit brisk•
1 ly.drink through a straw.
�. ,,:1. j S • S V ', S� S .
The distinctive flavour end superior palatability of JAMAICA rums are the GFt+mNE
result of more than two centuries of development. Their high quality,
achieved solely in the distillation process and natural aging in wood, is
comparable to that of the best imported whiskies and brandies. Yet
JAMAICA rums actually cost less than Scotch whiskies of equal excellence. mnalLA SINCE 1 7 0 0
Page Fifteen
0, JUNIOR EB Katty Kogitations We Trump . .
1 J D T
SHOPThoughts while watching a movie kiss:
4.' 4,t< They must use iron glue.
Distinctive Fashions /or ...
the Young r �`4
I A lot of glammer-pusses come home r ' - �' a,
509 LINCOLN ROAD from the races glummer-pusses i f they ` r ••r �:
Miami Beach,Fla. happened to lay down their two.dollar !- I y i
risks on the wrong hosses. ,
A.A certain visiting lassie from Chicago is i 1 \(e k 1.I
now sitting morosely in her cabana all • Lc
"burned up" because Old Sol painted her
we buy and sell with a coat of blisters instead of a beauti- -t ?'
ful golden tan. 1, , .
everything — ' '
The one time beautiful meaningof ----_ +-- -. ` ,
"park" certainlychanges for one after he
fine and lovely g
has roamed around for hours hunting a
place to park his car before he can park 4
THIS year . . . more than ever his car-cuss. --
L before . . . we have been for-
After your boy friend goes three times . .
Lunate in obtaining really magnificent to watch Sally Rand "bubble with lure"
estates for liquidation. Always in the look out that your own romance isn't on the
forefront as commission merchants, way to"bubbling to a bust." -A
this year we have—by far—our great• _ is
est array of fine jewels,distinguished They call it champagne . . . but there's
and historical antique jewelry, un- no sham to the pain resulting from too Those "Easy Breezy Aces"—Ace and Jane
much of it. Goodman—of radio fame—sm.vAs PHOTO.
matched Oriental rugs, famous oil
paintings, gorgeous linens and laces,
both old and new,and a most fascin- •
Florida's Finest Sea Food Dinners
ting collection of old silver, objets
To browse in either gallery is like T.i phoae 6.1117
Cocktail lounge Stone Crabs—Green Toni.Steak.
visiting a noted museum. Daoud's is
On the Ocean at Baker's Hauler*, Broiled Liv Lobster
extremely proud of this season's offer-
ings and invites the critical public,
collectors and connoisseurs to come
len and shop in comfort . . . and at CRAFTSMANSHIP is the mark of
Joseph Daoud's Sous Distinctive Merchant Tailor for Men and Women
Established 1898
,!®1 4 Individualized by those whose experience and knowledge qualify
COMMISSION MERCHANTS them to satisfy the most discriminating tastes.
840 Lincoln Road — 118 23rd St. 1662 LENOX AVENUE PHONE 5.3950
•r Just North of Lincoln Road — MIAMI BEACH
Page Sixteen
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Richardson Beach parties and sun-tanning are becom- The Gulfstream Room continues to at-
and their two daughters, Misses Randolph ing more popular with the approach of tract the social and theatrical elite to the
and Phyllis Richardson,have been vacation• spring at McClellan Ocean Villas. Many Versailles...Mr.Sherman Adams of Bos-
ing at the Marine Terrace Hotel. Miss new guests are arriving and many have re- ton entertained at dinner a party of six in-
Phyllis made her debut in Washington and mained at McClellan during the entire eluding Grantland Rice, famous sports
Virginia and was presented at a large dance season. writer; Francis Ouimet, Chicago golfer;
during the holidays. The Richardsons at- • William H. Danforth of New York, Roy
tended the supper dance at the Surf Club Mr.and Mrs.0.M.Beyerle of Bluefield, Hollis of New York, L. A. Fowler of At-
} Saturday night as the guests of Mrs. Bald• lantic, Mass., and Jack Wheeler of New
i ; win Spilman of Warrenton,Va. West Virginia,have returned for a visit. York . . . Miss Frances Lee, famed
k • • furniture stylist from Chicago, enter-
Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Gruber of Frank- Dr.and Mrs.E.0.Bauer of Middletown, tained at luncheon for Mrs.John Blanchard
fort,Ind.,are enjoying their third seasonal Ohio,are at McClellan for a rest.Dr.Bauer Springman and Mrs. Ella Heskith•Wright,
i vacation at the Marine Terrace Hotel. is a noted surgeon. both of London, England . Madame
• • George de Grippenberg,Finland's good will
Mrs.A.Merekens and daughter,Baroness Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ijams of Alton, III., messenger,spoke before a select group at tea
Von Wrangel,Buffalo, N.Y.,have just ar- Sunday afternoon in the lounge (March 2)
i i rived to spend the remainder of the season after vacationing at McClellan, have taken She thanked her audience for their help
at the Marine Terrace Hotel. a trip to Nassau and will soon return. to Finland in the country's fight against the
• • aggressor...Mr.and Mrs. I.P.Keeler of
Guests from Thomasville,N.C.,vacation. An interesting foursome are Mr.and Mrs. New York City entertained at dinner for
ing at the Marine Terrace,are Dr.and Mrs. G. Dewey of Brooklyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Charles T. Wilson, Mrs. E. Roger
R. K. Farrington. H. Borman of Freeport, Long Island. Kemp,Mrs.Richard Johnson and Mr.John
i • • Mack Kin,all of New York City . . . Dean
Other new arrivals at the Marine Terrace Mrs. Winnie H. Argue and Miss Julia Murphy, impressionist and mimic, who
are Mr.and Mrs.Edw.Porter and daughter, Jane Argue are enjoying an extended va• opened in the Gulfstream Room Sunday
Erie, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sample and night,scored a hit...He formerly appeared
daughter, Eleanor, Birmingham, Ala.; Mr. cation. After visiting Havana and Nassau in the Rainbow Room in New York City
and Mrs. Andrew J. H. Adams, Westboro, they will return to McClellan Saturday. Among recent visitors at the hotel in-
Mass.; Mrs.H.F.Waidner,Jr.,Baltimore, • elude Joseph Widener,Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Md.; Mrs. Mary H. Higgins, New Haven, Mr.and Mrs.Al Christensen are spending Widener, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Firestone.
Conn.;Mr.and Mrs.J.I-.Owens,Syracuse, about two months at McClellan. Mr. George Bull and Mr. and Mrs.George
N.Y.;Mr.L.H.Ingraham,New York City; Brill . . . Mr. R.J. Slack and his wife are
Mrs.Mary E.Franklin,Warren,Ohio; Dr. • here from St.Louis...Mr.and Mrs.Frank
Thomas H.Scales,Richmond,Va.;Mr.and Mr.and Mrs.Roger Murray of Jackson, Stutz have arrived here from New Rochelle,
Mrs. Thos. E. Sears, Boston, Mass.; Mr. Tenn.,are guests of Mrs. David Murray of N. Y. . . . Popular among the younger set
and Mrs. W. E. Lamarine, Central Falls, Miami Beach and Jackson,Tenn. at the hotel are Miss Merilyn Hills,daugh•
a R.I.,and Mr.and Mrs.A.L.Stalter,Grand • ter of Dr.and Mrs.Z.H.Ellis of New York
Rapids,Mich. Other prominent arrivals at McClellan City . . . Miss Hills is on vacation from
• are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeRosa of New Finch Junior College. She hails originally
- Miss Mary Walsh and Miss Anne Camp- York City, Mr. James C. Sherman and from Piedmont, California. Also attracting
bell, Cincinnati, Ohio., are at the Marine mother, Mrs. Sherman, Chicago, Ill., and great attention is pretty Winkie Van Len.
Terrace for the remainder of the season. Mr.C.A.Johnson of Memphis,Tenn. nep,daughter of Dr.and Mrs.Gustave Van
Lennep of Malin Hall, Malvern, Pa. Miss
Van Lennep is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Frank Curran of Greensboro,N.C.,who is
DINE i DANCE a guest at the Versailles.Miss Van Lennep's
coming out party was one of the highlights
of the recent Philadelphia social season ...
in the beautiful gardens of THE SHORE CLUB or in the
"In a South Sea Island Setting" A NEW STAR
on the
Music by HORIZON
JOE BARTON and his
Orchestra All Rooms Steam Heated
TWO SHOWS P.M. and 11 P.M. Announcing
No Cover Charge—No Minimum At Any Time R E N D A L E 1[0 T E L
Entrance through the Shore Club or Main Entrance of the
Overlooking the Ocean
Irnmfiell pnteI
20TH STREET AND OCEAN MIAMI BEACHCatlins Avenue at Thirty-second
For Retervotions Phone 5-7385
A. T. SHERTE.NLIrII, Manager
Page Sixteen-A
Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Ace, known on
B tyi
the radio as the "Easy Aces," are at the
0-- - l - Roney Plaza for a month's vacation.
The Marquis George MacDonald, who
R �' ' has been in New York, arrived at the New North Beach Hotel 81118
yr : z I. Roney Plaza this week and will be here featuring han
several days.rthis
• r `' • Finest Cuisine beet
ti y`J�':: J. Arthur Leve, prominent New York Ocean Dining Room est
• > f .` attorney,who has not been in Miami Beach Sun Deck Dining Terrace Mia
r1 since 1924, expressed amazement at the Chatter Box Cocktail Lounge Ba)
jgrowth which has taken place here since Private Beach hoes
Ilir' his last visit. He is staying at the Roney Solarium gor;
Plaza. J.Sneaw000 Scxostaeac,Mgr. mat
1 OTIS HOTEL On the Ocean at 75th Street r,
New arrivals at the Otis for a spring va- one
cation are Mr.and Mrs. Joseph A. Lagore sou:
of Philadelphia. mat
• takt
Mr. Leslie Janes and daughter, Helen, TATEM SURF CLUB big
have with them Miss Louise Aules. They the
• are all front Tinley Park, Ill. and Bea
An interesting foursome from Fargo, N. )
Da., are Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Black and sky
Mr.and Mrs.Edward Moore.Besides a fine COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND
vacation they have been having fine luck in DINING ROOM hou
the piscatorial waters around these parts.
• Directly On the Ocean the
Leslie Buswell(right),manager of the Miami Speaking of"Four," Mr. and Mrs.John teff(
Colonial Hotel and chairman of British Relief A.Clark,of Highland Park, Ill.,have been
spending much time on the fairways. The Tatem Surf Club is particularity —
in the Miami area, congratulates Oscar T. • adapted to private cocktail, luncheon
Johnson, general manager of Hollywood Mr. and Mrs. Lynn B. Curtis, of San- and dinner parties.
Beach Hotel, upon the hotel's record-break- dusky,Ohio,enjoy the water and sun on the
ing drive for British Relief. Funds for the private beach at the Otis.
• C.E.POYEa,Manager
purchase o/ three motorized field kitchens I
Mr.and Mrs.R.S.Bennett,of Cleveland,
for Great Britain were raised by Hollywood enjoy the races in the afternoons.
Beach Hotel in a series of benefit programs • En
and affairs. Other attractive couples who have re-
cently arrived are Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
Gates, of Ridgewood, N. J., and Mr. and �fl2YlG�G,G.�ZCfllC 2
Mrs. Paul E.Thomas,of Meadville, Penn- //''�t
new popular priced Columbus
ifeatures—tailor-made for
Miamians and visitors
4 . y _
` � VEflSflI «ES THE /�G�//�� /� sW
� ROOMmg
Sffl ISlflnD ME
and the
R 0 0 M -- and His Society Orchestra COCKTAIL LOUNGE
+ Featuring DEAN MURPHYI
1 LUNCHEON �� YVONNE BOUVIER Restful,relaxing,away from street noises me
7i COCKTAILS GOMEZ and MINOR —impressively designed around a famous
Cocktetl How 5:30-7 Reservations by Bruno,5-0361 muralist's Ideas of tropic conviviality.
DINNER DANCES The Gulfstream Room of =
s WIIN T NN The Versailles Hotel
Fred Abel,Manager
Music/Or Luncheon,Dinner and Cocktails.tails.
Telephone service to every table.
Page Sixteen-B
I .
Riding the Clouds To Romance!
SO popular is this little two-hour trip By ARTHUR CURTIS velous pictures in the clouds by lounging in
across a corner of the Atlantic to the the smoking room. You wonder if scenes
smart and quaint resort in the British Ba- on the ground will ever satisfy you again.
hamas,186 miles east of Miami,that during out over the ocean,with the satisfying feel- You dream along over the colorful coral
this seouason Clipper capacity to Nassau has ing that you are in a substantial 70-foot shoals, the marine gardens,and sight Nas•
be tfly ng lechipsd pperhsmorning take the sire from steel ship of the air which is equally at home sau sponging fleets over by the coast of
on the waves. Andros Island.You pass Morgan's Bluff and
Miami's international airport on Biscayne
Bay,each with 25 or 30 passengers,and two You stroll around the big cabin as your imagine the hardboiled old pirate cruising
hours later put them down in old Nassau's flying yacht cuts across the Gulf Stream, the very waters you are so gaily crossing.
ainted in deep purple on the sea and A toothpick in a hazy olive on the horizon
gorgeous-hued harbor.The return trips are P
made every afternoon. flecked with tiny white fishing boats, is the Nassau lighthuose.Then the island of
Among all Miami's many air routes to Cat Cay, the first of the British isles, a New Providence, where the Bahamas's col.
ports in the Spanish Main this is the only private resort,rolls under the ship about 30 orful capital is located, begins to roll past
one which lies almost directly east.Leaving minutes out. Then you see a series of outside your starboard window.
south Biscayne Bay in your wider•than•Pull• dreamy seascapes of every description—and You ship settles gently into the gleaming
man car seaplane. the four huge engines cloud effects never at hand on the ground. turquoise surface of the sparkling picture•
take you easily and quickly along Miami's You are up among rounded,billowy moon• book harbor, and quaint old Nassau is
big little skyline and glorious panorama of tains and valleys of mist,shot through with yours.
the bay's green isles,with glamorous Miami rainbows in vivid, burning colors—a sight The same afternoon, or some afternoon,
Beach,its yachts,famous beaches and hotels found on neither land nor sea.
your Clipper ship brings you back—two
stretched out before you. You have left life;you are detached from hours of reversing the shifting scenes of the
You enjoy striking viewpoint of the the earth and all its tiny troubles.You are outward cruise. As the sun points Miami's
sky. "Sceneryejoythe from the ground is a th• rolling in the clouds,and there's a rainbow toy towers with gold you step out on the
houette; from the air a colorful mosaic." round your shoulder! picture again at the white air gateway be•
You wonder how those people in the next tween the Americas on the shores of Bis.
Out past the creamy sweep of sand along compartment can calmly keep on writing on cayne Bay.
the ocean where bathing beauties and bow- the pullman table the steward has put in The soft songs of the dusky Nassau na•
legged millionaires are basking, you head place,and how others can miss these mar• tives still linger in your ears.
_,_.___..=....--___ 6
___,_ . 1_e) k i I 1 [-K -7.- .,. -
s 1 .'"="7, .6.-4,-;,,,i::::::.4\4 4....
�/•` 1140 Lincoln Road Ph.5-3812
BAR NONE �`.,: �. �_ r t
Is" '��' The Man Who
D Discriminates
-----_<F_ - Will invariably select clothes that
_,e 0---- !F b3 r " 1 are best suited to his personality.
` ��� His clothes are evidence of his
�T/_ _ taste, his standing, his success.
- �' _ Today can be seen at Pierre the
- Straight,cocktail,or high- j,
- Ir= troll•..a spot" in tea or ,! newest colors in fine fabrics for
_ a coffee...Ronrico Rum has lt�p evening,s
s } B. porta and business wear.adeliciaus.mellowsmooth•
- 1:.€� --%' - - _ ness and blends perfectly 't
J I , with any mixer.Remember 1,, a', For 17 Years Tailor to tin.
��.3_.•if = i1. Il Ronrico!
+r - Well Dressed Men of
South Florida
WI 111 nun Itt011. IIOr@O COIrs11110a.11111.I11. COLO t WI tall!aV Ill tuns Mo&ISI'
/ISlatll I 101%11111%M CCU eat.CO,IafC111.I.1.O.S.111.Ia/0IIt rivet,,aocnna l l/ln*S.M.a.l.
Page Seventeen
Down " n
has ion Lane
"CINGIN' in the Rain" is something �l A regal model packing "silver screen" i
we've never heard of anyone doing . • . with Sang glamour, from queenly upturned collar to i
except in the song of that name . . . but flowing hem line, is a full length ermine �
that's just what you will be doing in evening cape that reminds one of a moon-
the next rain after you've bought your light snowfall. A natural stone martin t
"Silkerette," . . . one of those "moonli ht i
and mist" new raincoats featured excus• ated human baby,make it hard going"ma" three-quarter length day or evening wrap
of Salerno . . . unless under your arm you 'n biege and brown, each slender stripe a
ively by Salerno,of Lincoln Road.One look skin to itself; a baum martin of the same i
at these hooded full-skirted fitted-waist carry a box containing one of those un- ,
forgettable "Silkerettes" . . . and the length, with flowing sleeves and slenderiz-
models in the sheerest of oiled silks, some ins 11nes, •intriguing short two-tone ackets
plain, some dotted, and upgoesyour weather threatens rain. j v
of dyed white fox, leave one dizzy with a
prayer to the "Rain God" for an imme- • admiration as she watches the parade of
diate excuse to get into one. The corseted You go as"fur"as time and money will the "Aristocracy of Furs" in the Cohen
effect furnished by a wide sewed-in belt, stretch in the Ben W.Cohen"Finerfurs"at salon.
tied in front in a fullsome bow,gives add- 1041 Lincoln Road. It's a place to make •
ed accent to the generous gathered skirt any luxury-minded gal/urgit it to go home, A "lead"which takes you to Leed's Lin- 1,
which is finished off with a corded hem- even if she doesn't git a fur to take home. coin Road store can never take you wrong. a
line. Glass buttons add the final delicate Their collection of Russian Crown sable, For sheer uniqueness of design, beauty of l:
glint to the confections which turn just a the largest and most magnificent in this color and line, introduction of the unex- c
hint of a cloud into a thrilling anticipation. country,gives one the feeline of looking at pected, and intrigueing small touches to b
"Mother and Daughter" models of these a rare collection of jewels. Matching short feminine wear, Mrs. Jay, manager of the ti
dainty coats are on display, ranging in jackets,coats and neck-pieces afford a wide establishment, who designs many of the
ages from three to sixty.
range of choice in either day or evening models, deserves the "top-bracket" repute- P
One needs a push to get herself out of wraps. tion she maintains among the discriminat- h
Salem's for continuous reasons. Sports Mink,ermine,platinum white fox,dyed; 't'B in taste. 0
clothes of that"different"brand; play suits natural stone martin, baum martin are An eye-catching achievement which f'
that make work seem like a sin,a stock of dazzling furs utilized in the creation of could come under the heading of rhumba-
cunning kiddie clothes that would set a models ranging from short jackets to full• cocktail slacks, subtle enough in line and fi
woman to playing dolls as an excuse for length, enveloping wraps of royal sweep style to serve also for more formal evening u
buying them if she does not own an anim• and grace. wear, combines flowing striped twill-silk n.
;,•� { tl
`y u
r', .."444,, :: . , . -
_ ill
4t1 ra II,
Jlinmi Bench Is Calling You . . . have An Address in the Sun
710 West Lakeview Drive—On Beautiful Surprise Lake
Spacious rooms, tastefully furnished • 3 bedrooms, each with bath and three exporsures • 2 servants rooms, 2-car
garage • Cloister entrance • Patio • Boat dock • Price $34,500.00.
Drive By and See This Home, Then Phone/or Appointment to Inspect.
FLOYD W. WILLIAMS, Exclusive Agent
Page Eighteen
slacks, fulled to skirt width, with contrast- study. Only Bonded Fruits, with delivery of evening furs, with perky little"hatlets"
ing blouse and long-sleeved jacket of silk guaranteed, are shipped out of her estab- and muffs to match; mink, chinchilla. Un.
jersey. A cunning twisted frog, of the lishment. der magic hands the luxurious "kiverings"
same material as the slacks, catches the • of one-time luxury producing little "four-
the tdesigns. Another • Y ped at the House roat. This is one foots"become luxurious kiverings for lux-
If ou have not dro in ury-loving little"two foots."
model of cool champagne jersey featuresAn of Art just set it down that it's something
a tailored play-suit foundation which may f�°he n"to do before you neglect yourself tailored xsui s washibit of heldsonuFebruary ladies'
be turned instantly into a cocktail frock by at the estate of Mrs. H.Sayre Wheeler, in
throwing on the coat.dress fitted cunningly One is carried to far places and into ro- Miami Springs. Furs displayed included
in the back with an arrangement of shir- mantic realms of the imagination by mere Hudson Bay sable, Russian sable, baum
ring. The flattering surplus top of the contemplation of the window displays of martin in wrap designs ranging from short
playsuit lends a semiformal touch adapt. this home of rare jewels and objets d'art fitted jackets to full and three-quarter
ing it to semiformal occasions. A "three- at 821 Lincoln Road. No prayer of the length coats and capes.
in-one" triumph of ingenius contriving we feminine heart but what must find its For fine furbishings in fine furs . . . it's
would call this adaptable model which is answer among the inexhaustible collection Pinto's. Cet the p'int?
also a "Mrs.Jay" original. of the rare and beautiful in jewelry,novel-
ties, tableware, bags and numberless ex-
amples of artistic genius and skill.
A gracious presence which makes the A particularly entrancing assembly is the BA U E R'S WATCH SHOP
shop which she manages a particularly case of Chinese handicraft of antique and Na.[.cation
pleasant place to drop in on is Helen Mac, modern workmanship. Semi recious
at 553 Lincoln Road. Nature's own unsur-
P 52 S.E.1ST Sr.
passable colors splash their high notes stones, crystal snuff bottles, cunningly ex-
passable 'a" .L Phone 2-5822
in her shop, ecuted figures in jade and ivory line thes. '
everywhereby the artistic her shop, doubly f fru enhancedits,crglass shelves. One's attention is held by a u
miniature Chinesejunk, mounted on a '1 SReialius in
talized candies and dainty jars of jellies foundation of elaborately carved teakwood i ne
which she offers to tempt the eye and ap- Fine Watches,
One may be set to you by Figures of forty people, perfect in form Jewelry,
petite.er 'emporium Onefoot of beauty and takesweetyo but to the finest detail, line the deck of the 1,�a,1' \ Ships'Bell and
intricately carved junk. If for no other Chime Clocks
one glance at her windows and the other N. ME sur OLD GOLD
foot turns you right in. reason than to add to one's education, a
visit to the House of Art should not be
Ravishing displays of celephane wrapped overlooked.
fruit, Florida grown;gay baskets overflow- •
ing with assortments of candy, conserves, if/.06.i"
nuts and other tropical delicacies; rows of We beg to p'int out that you'll be pro- � A �;�
sparkling sunlit and moonlit jellies in greasing backward instead of fur-ward if ^
crystal you ass upa call at Pinto's,Tailleur and ���"
y jars stir up your enthusiasm to P ir, ,
Furrier,at 1642 Euclid avenue.There ou '
instantaneous buying pitch. You begin to t '� i s
remember all those friends back there in are fur-Wished with an inkling of what it -;..'''; /� ``' - i
the cold whom, up until now, you had takes to turn out the exciting fur trans- �I f��1�
overlooked. Quietly helpful, gracious, formations that turn even a "Calico Sue" n an tail.
friendly,Miss Mac is there to offer sugges- into a"Princess Fairyflare." IF YA WANTA KNOW
tions where needed. Furs, furs, furs! Moon-frosted ermine, WHERETO GO!
The baskets she arranges are works of white Russian caracul like blown snow,
Yeaart to which she has given a great deal of Paradise fox, the very latest and choosiest hotels are,n thehbest rhestauurr t
gives this info,along with all
J. E. P Y L E S Inc. the prices a ou tellg
before ya pack a single bag
R R N T•A•CAR just where you'll have the
PACKARDS — BUICKS — to doswelltime andbwhat it's apt
OLDSMOBILE — CADILLAC to Covers to your bankroll.
the South.NEW YORK,CAN.Convert¢bles and Sedans
ADA,enroute.Pictorially des.
viewed with interestinghould
1520 ALTON ROAD. PHONE 5-5855.
MIAMI BEACH views of placesyou shouldn't
miss. Shows how to get there
by Plane, Train, Boat an'
Buggy. Spanish.English vo-
cabu ary.
Quality In Every Detail . . . Telephones: 5-1733-2-1034 yOUf copy today!
sP• ••1.•_e o 50C
CLEANERS - DYERS — ' 3 aiir�=1'�aa FIINEAITS1.11
0' r
1552 Meridian Avenue at Lincoln load .. ( A
486 A. I1rt lrt Street
MIAMI:Mal,Office and Plant:
244 X W.3510 st,,,, YEAR 'ROM
Page Nineteen
cr,...\ . . .,
i k l FROM THE LUXURY YACHT MARIL- where black swans and white swim grace-
j ? DA. . .The breath-taking grandeur of the fully about, jungle trails, peacocks, pheas-
tropical foliage, the softly waving palm ants, rare geese and ducks wander at will
-J trees against a sky of azure blue, the hun- along the garden paths; lions and tigers
s'' dreds of beautifully stately mansions of roam in barless dens,bears play and romp
_. Ii white, pink, gold, rose and the sparkling in open pits, deer, zebras, antelope, bison,
.w+." `\ f blue of gorgeous Biscayne Bay. All blend and water buffalo graze side by side in
I. s into an Aladdin's setting of an Arabian an open corral;there are elephants;August,
l M A R G A It E 1"S i Nights dream come to life. Your guide in the world's largest hippopotamus, baby
i his well-modulated voice will point out the leopard and lion cubs,monkeys of all kinds,
hundreds of the world's largest and most chimpanzees, and many more strange and
1 Realistic Permanent[Paving ; expensive yachts afloat,moored at the docks marvelous animals.
ZOTO l of elaborate homes and enormous estates, The training of the wild animals takes
on which millions of dollars have been place each morning,and twice every after-
Machineless Permanent Waving i invested in the most glorious examples of noon circus performances are given with
ilandscaping. clowns,acrobats,aerialists,performing dogs
>7 } Truly these sights in the comfortable and ponies,thrilling wild animal acts,pea-
Herbex Hair aced Scalp Treatments j arm-chairs of the luxury yacht Marilda,as nuts, pink lemonade and balloons—every
you cruise in and around the paradise-like day is circus day at Clyde Beatty's wonder
Louey Venn of London,Facials islands of Miami Beach will be highlights Jungle Zoo on U. S. Highway No. 1, just
1 Hat Oil Manicures and Pedicures ( of your visit to this magical wonderland— twenty-four miles south of Miami. Don't
} * l the jeweled Bagdad of the Florida tripcs. miss the most unusual attraction in Florida
iIt will long linger in your memories of and bring your cameras with you.
CALUMET BUILDINGbeautiful things and sights you have seen •
i 20 N.E.3rd Avenue Phone 2-5796 1and visited. LAKE PANCOAST BOAT TRIP . . . An
MIAMI,FLORIDA THE MARILDA is an 89-foot twin screw
L._.. ._., Diesel typeyacht, licensed bythe U. S. interesting inland waterway cruise on the
YP placid waters of Biscayne Bay and its many
Bureau of Inspection and Navigation, the lakes and lagoons, showing you the front
1 same as ocean liners. door of the beautiful homes and estates,
One need have no fear of sea-sickness, such as the$26,000,000 dream castle of the
for the Marilda cruise is entirely within late James Deering,the Virginia Key estate
waters andthecommodious lounge of W. K.Vanderbilt, and many other out-
offers a delightful spot to enjoy the sand- standing landmarks of historical interest
wich while listening to the lecture. along the famous Millionaire's Row. It is
"Sweet Tobacco Blossom" And last but not least is the convenience a complete tour of Miami, Miami Beach,
of having plenty of free parking space for Coconut Grove, Venetian Islands, Florida
One of the world's finest floral-type your car. Keys,and Pan American Airport,conducted
perfumes • by experienced and competent lecturers,
CLYDE BEATTY'S ZOO aboard the beautiful boat"Lake Pancoast"
N. f Beautiful in its jungle setting—palms, (built by Car Wood',located on Lake Pan-
flowering shrubs, crotons, shaded pools coast opposite the Roney Plaza Hotel.
• it
Luxurious S-I-G-H-T-S-E-E-IN-G Yacht
I, '.7_1 �cMARILDA "
' 22-Hour Lecture Cruise
Largest, Most Beautiful, ^ -_. — For Reaervotions Sae
and the Only Public .:),,:f..:... Your Bell Captain.
Yacht in Miami r d Agent o
Beach. - T.;
�• Travel'- Phan* 5-9687.r
OPEN EVENINGS . t. ,..� 1+1 •
• _ ---=- ---• ' ' . - - Leaving Daily at 10:30
53 Columbus Hotel Arcade �' •
A.M.,1:30 P.M.and 4:00
Marine Bon Serving ` + P.M. Moonlight Soil at
Miami, Fla. Wines, Beer and 8:30 P.M. Music and
Sandwiches. Dancing.
YOU ARE NOT Required to Remain Seated During Tbla Cruise
Perfumer The Large,Roomy Decks and Salon Oger Plenty of Space for a Stroll.
Pier—Foot of 4th Street and Alton Road
Page Twenty
.,t• r 4,ilk'
I. . Via ,1 .ati%'' 4 : r _,.. y•A , i
1:-.f iiii --•-, .'• -- .,‘, ift,.-'-',• , . • ....,-.., ::%-..,_
11 i [levj, )�
m If �! !!! _ I 3 ±k ]I}4
i / ✓ .
s� '41•10 ,
d1 ` r`'��� , 41 } ' Exquisite Waterfront Bungalow
r- q 'Y I'� -'�1 .-,.' .t,. BOAT DOCK -- 3 BEDROOMS — 2 BATHS
9- FURNISHED. $17.000: UNFURNISHED. $15.500
'r for
PHONES: 3.6427.5.0618
at 1023 Lincoln Road Miami Beach
to Visit
is Estates
la Homeaeekers will be convinced there is no more favorable location
IIMI\I[INT\I f t\illil\I found
att time the developers are
offer nglarge plots extremely low cost.
' Get a map from the owners at the Home Office on the property.
CORAL GABLES,FLORIDA 1'uo.E.l-0 01 Select one of these beautiful homesites at special discount sale
1- to builders.
— and certain blocks are zoned for moderately priced homes, while
Consisting of the other locations fronting the water or overlooking golf course and
river are restricted to larger dwellings.
College of Liberal Arts Biscayne Park budding plots are all of unusually large site.
averaging from 1-3 to 1-2 acre and upward,and those which
School of Education do not front on the river have water privileges with good
fishing and boating.
Amid towering pines and abundant shrubbery,the residents
School of Law
of this attractive suburb enjoy quiet seclusion and all of
the usual city conveniences.
School of Music The residential restrictions are permanent in Biscayne Park
Estates and the entire area is zoned against undesirable
and the encroachment.
Ten-cent Bus Fare— Broad,Shady Streets—Schools—
School of Business Administration Churches—Stores—Amusements—All Close At Hand.
Office--11153 tariffing Boulevard,Just Over the River Near 113th
Summer Session June 6th to July 18th Street and Sixth Avenue, N. E.
Call or write the Registrar for special bulletins BISCAYNE PARK ESTATES, INC.
Phone 7-1255. IService For Over 30 Years in Miami)
lOr .
SpEC1AE 1t O
mE �
f1A — $100, 110014
3 MER►0 a »mPlas and
5,�ho`.s to the heolttof the now oy2i P ss°ne•rhde lope Flying
pyromids of Gh; ound 1F1p'
Clipper Ships. ���0 11 s o� �o c
MIM1I ExICO C1� 1 ;cte,esOo° .. r n
the historic shrines, P
the �1
to hours t°
pfd Mexico. Q001E0 011SEUUESi
_30Cov l�md �
� 1,�,EFI S.NGtt1.C9
~ 1,14_1 TRAVEL C�
SSR DET 1,1Lg 5`� Eft[ it
p/k�KWe,),$ MEYMF 1:1111 31383
300 E.flAOIER Sl.