1612-3 Miami Race Riot AIME
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----.-.-- ---- - — _rm? NEW YORK TIMI::;. 'r��u�
Racial ViolenceErupts in Miami; A QUEENS LAWYER 8 Miners Are Trapped `�`
Abernathy and Kirk Ask Calm IS SLAIN IN CHASE In Kentucky Coal Mine
By THOMAS A. JOHNSON I,:-.1,..--.77c4:----____---. —1
ADM al W The Noe York Trines - •, ... d
MIAMI, Aug. 7—Fifty•two'stood on street corners and on Victim Routs Man Seeking] et.�•ngG•
sdd INDIANA 01110 +
persons were arrested here to• porches and watched them. •
to Steal Purse in Elevator �nnae,
night and an eight-square-block Lieut. Jay Golden, the in- ILLINOIS Jar .
area in the Negro district of formation officer for the Miami — - (• F� ale-,•• da
Liberty City was cordoned off police, said that the violence A 34-year-old Queens lawyer,
after sporadic incidents of rock n apparentlynbegan about
P.M. father of two, was shot to \` pia ��Cot a�Cita
and bottle throwing, assaults p death yesterdaywhile chaeta •
and arson.
tographer reportedly refused to g CCna*n1L KENtruGKy..
show his identification when a man who attempted to grab
The police said that the vlo- he went to cover a Vote Power his wife's handbag. •r y Naaf•r'lN•
lence, which apparently erupt- rally at 1675 Northwest 62d The police identified the vie- TENNESSEE
ed during a dispute between a Street. tim as Joseph L. Berkoff of •• ••
white newsman and Negro He was pummeled and the-86-10 34th Avenue, Jackson Miss.
youths,had no connection with violence spread out into the Heights, who was pronounced
Negro demonstrations at the streets, the police said. dead on arrival at Elmhurst City n.s.,'O,kTime .Ur.e.INS
Republican National Conven- der spread
up and the 6 diin theHosa abdomel of a n gunshot
had been
spread up and down 6�d, Greenville, K -., Aug. I"
tion in Miami Beach. The con- Street, a commercial district. on the third day of his vacs- a gn
vention is being held about six Police reinforcements were-lion from his job with the (UPI)—At least eight miners •�'
miles away across Biscayne sent into the area and for about:Freeport, L.I., law firm of Ber•I were trapped a mile and a
Bay. three hours they kept roving man&Tomaselli. half underground today when
The shootin occurred a slate fall touched off an
At least seven persons, in- bands of Negro youths moving., g explosion in one of the coup-
eluding three newsmen, were Lieutenant Golden said the shortly after noon on 86th try's largest soft coal mines.
reported injured. None of the disorders "seemed unorganized Street near 34th Avenue, a A safety inspector said that
injuries was serious. There so far." quiet residential area in Jack- three rescue teams had drilled
were reports of looting,one se- "We are kind of shepherding son Heights. The killer escaped close to the trapped men and
rious fire and three minor fires the groups. It seems that when empty-handed. were attempting to make con-
that the police said had appar- we push them from one area According to the police, Mr. tact with them. R
ently been set byMolotov cock- they go Into another area," he Berkofrs wife, Adele, 26, was Recovery
tails. One car was overturned said. returning from a shopping trip from thetwere mine mouth.
and burned. Bus service was stopped in when she encountered the The accident occurred In
• Ten of those arrested were the area and a police command would-be purse snatcher as she midafternoon at the River
juveniles, who will be released post was set up in Manor Park, was about to leave the elevator queen Mine, a Peabody Coal
to their parents. six blocks to the south. for her second floor■nrrtment. Company operation about
The Acting Chief of Police, The rally, originally ached. The man pushed her back into eight miles north of this west-
Lleut. Col. Paul Denham, re- uled as a 12-hour gathering to the elevator, held a pistol at ern Kentucky community.
ported at 10 P.M., about four promote voter registration and her head and tried to grab About 30 men were work-
hours after the violence broke political participation,had listed her handbag. lag in the mine at the time.
out, that the area was calm.IMr. Abernathy and the Negrul Mr. Berkoff, hearing his _ ,4
Mayor Steve Clark went into:basketball player, Wilt Cham• wife's screams, rushed from the -
- the area of the disorders early berlain, as speakers. ,apartment and chased the at- reached the scene and admin-I;
this evening with a bullhorn Neither had addressed the tacker through the hallway, istered first aid. l;
and appealed for calm. e.atherine, at the time of the-down a flight of stairs andl The killer was described hy,>
Gov. Claude R. Kirk Jr. and disturbance. nut to the street.As Mr.Berkoff1Mrs. Berkoff as white, in his
the Rev. Ralph David Aber- Mr. Abernathy has been lead- swung around the corner at middle 20's; 5 feet, 11 inches
nathy, head of the Southern ng daily demonstrations of 86th Street still in pursuit, the tall; 185 pounds, with dark i.
Christian Leadership Confer- poor Negroes at the Repub. gunman, waiting for him. fired hair, and wearing a short
once, left the Republican Na- [lean convention. one shot and fled south on sleeved blue sport shirt and blue!
tional Convention and toured Mr. Chamberlain runs a hos- 86th Street. denim trousers.
the area, also urging calm. pltality suite in the Plaza Hilton Mr. Berkoff, the police re- Mr. Berkoff, a-graduate of •
Before he left the conven- Hotel in Miami Beach to pro- ported, was still alive on the Brooklyn Law School, had
Eon, Mr. Abernathy, appearingmote the Presidential aspire- sidewalk when Patrolmen John worked with the Freeport law ''
on National Broadcasting Corn- tions of Richard M. Nixon. Buck and James Anshanslin firm for three years. 11
pany television, said:
"Please go home. Let us
move now In constructive
channels to put an end to this
violence." ,.
The cordoned-off wastarea Is In i ''^'y.Maes
the northwestern section of this
city and takes in the eight- i
square-block community from v ..c-7 Mens
Ninth to 17th Avenues and
from 54th to 62d Streets. It is �\
,y_a'.`9- Store r
an area of private homes, boos. <
ing projects and old apartment 41 't,
The police said that the Cen-
tral and the Coconut Grove ' '• •
Negro districts were quiet. ,
Earlier tonight, gangs of Ne-
gro youths were seen moving • t #
through the streets. Adults 7, • ; "1.ereks' 'i
1 ti..g�„�t `�3 Y � '* itti ":� 1'f } ,�"i ,� '` qtr ( •`
>r� w, L 5 is v k111 x� $, c�h� aj + ' d
Shankar and Ensemble A �.44 `� ' ,r£
To Give 6 Concerts Here "', ' °, ,-! - ' en..-4.41.'
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Rayl Shankar and his Festi- ::;:::,7 t :1 t' . ''0y etKn . iIM �' " 1val from India will give six con- 1 `If <`s i �,certs in New York next month. a o ` ;� • R� ¢ �k+.Q Foto will be presented at Phil- ., ° ,� t•::: �,,a ^ ;
harmonic Hall from Sept. 10 • :d"y,��':''•••'J '�k' "
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