1612-4 Miami Race RiotNms
orpo. the nation's prestige abroad and Agnew c
y of heal itx wounds at.home, �. ning ma
;tice, "The long dark night for "' Mr. A,
America Is about to end," the the deter
and Republican Presidential nom- in whict
with Inee declared in his acceptance t• of Michl
tion, speech.* k, and 28
"The time has come for us ; !ander.held e
cion. to leave the valley of despair `''', votes.
and climb the mountain so that Mr.
and we may see the glory of the
dawn of a new day for Ameri- packed i
and ca. a new dawn for peace and hall, pl
rges freedom to the world." UNI.A Pr III Int.rtuttm•t priority
b Mr. Nixon told the partisan G.O.P. CANDIDATES: Richard M. Nixon and Gov. Spiro T. Agnew of Maryland respond to cheers at Convention Hall tive" w
y audience of thousands and a honorab
television audience
inn 1 the einli os het he woulietnam NEGROES KILLED Humphr"ey�and McCarthy LINDSAY RESISTS VtTurili
rur— s first order of business.
I ttW tho hi offNSnspec f rested IN NEW MIAMI RIOT Welcome.C.O.P.'s T icket PLEA BY LIBERALS ir, Nb
8g ness, ci
— going that only a new Administration __—_-_ —_ t,
t "not tied to the mistakes and -- — Vice President Elated Senator is Confide ------ peace i.
ED policies of the past"could bring Policemen Battle Snipers— By ROY REED Senator
W.ICENWOIrrHY Rejects a Move to Nominate ;nal fo.
a successful conclusion to the
hostilities. Troops Hold 100 Blocks Special to The Ne,York Time, ao.dat u rn.Nt. «t•n .. m
Him and Accepts Invitation Ymaintain
WAVERLY, Minn., Aug. 8— WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 — Mr.T
Say 'Era of Negotiation' Amid Looting and Fires Vice President Humphrey said Senator Eugene J. McCarthy to Speak for Agnew a trema
Offering the hand of friend- today that the country would had praise today for the selec- enormo.
Iffy ship to the nation's cold-war have a "clear.choice" in this tion of Richard M. Nixon as balloon:
avrd.t a Th.N.n Yore•mm" RICHARD REEVES
adversaries, he said that "after year's Presidential election if the Republican nominee for By convent
f1 MIAMI, Friday, Aug. 9— c.i0
Sy. •N.r.rt lime.
an era of confrontation, thehe was chosen by the Demo-President. haCr his
time has come for an era of Two Negroes were killed yes-crats to oppose Richard M. "I think the choice of Nixon MIAMI BEACH, Aug. 8— Nixon a
negotiation" with the leaders terday and one early this morn-Nixon. is a proper choice," he said at Mayor Lindsay resisted today
cia and
of Communist China and the ing as Miami policemen and He also gave his first hint a brief news conference. "He the pleas of a group of North- Takin
gunfire in
.ghly Soviet Union. Negroesof a possible line of attack on is truly a Republican Candi-ern liberals who urged him for over M
the northwest section of the nine hours to become a candi-
erlin On domestic Issues, Mr. the Republican ticket chosen date." Mr. Nis
,viet Nixon offered to solve the na- cthr' .this week in Miami Beach. Earlier, when two reporters date for the Republican Vice- healthy
The police said that two of'Speaking of Mr. Nixon's selec-called on Mr. McCarthyn his Presidential nomination against
seri- [ion's internal difficulties by Pe g Y that es
the victims were killed in tion of Gov.Spiro T.Agnew of dark-walled Senate office, theyGov.Spiro T. Agnew.ding combining a firm approach to P 6 P g tests f,
a gun battle at an apartment Maryland as a runningmate,he found him in a relaxed mood The liberals, who included
law and order with new rem- r: Presider
was edies for the problems of house on 62d Street yesterday.said: after a day of strenuous Ohio Gov. John Chafee of Rhode Is-
e by erty that would depend less The third man was identi- I have a feeling the choice campaigning yesterday in Co-land and several Congressmen, night."
.gue Government "billions" and fled by the police as a sniper represented a rather significant lumbus and Cleveland. began telephoning the Mayor
who was killed early today on compromise. Mr. Nixon had a Books on His Desk within minutes after Richard I
re." more on activities of an en- a roof at 301 Northwest 22d p Mr.
it a larged private sector. great deal of support from the On his desk were copies of M. Nixon announced that he had sel�
the The speech was punctuated Street, in the city's Central Dis- South. Maryland Is a border"Poems"by George Seferls,the had selected the Maryland running
east frequently by applause. The re- tile[, a Negro area. state, and I imagine the choice Greek poet; Robert Lowell's Governor as his running mate. the Ma
In Liberty City, also a pre-of Mr. Agnew was related to "Near the Ocean,"T. S. Eliot's The pleas continued as Mr.
rm Y. sponse was greatest after his dominantly Negro section,some of the problems in the 'The wasteland," and Robert Lindsay prepared to step onto help un
pub• appeals for law and order and was the
where the original violence Republican party." Bly's "The Light Around the the convention platform to sec-
lun• his frequent references to what All d.
;sem he portrayed as a decline broke out two days ago, the Meets With Newsmen Body." ond the nomination of Mr. was an
of national prestige over the last police reported tthat conditions The Vice President was barely The Senator arrived home Agnew and began again as seethed
,kis. eight years. had become quiet. '
Todays vio- able to conceal his pleasure at last night in time to watch on soon as the Mayor left the tarty tl
,ed Early in his speech Mr.Nixon fence erupted in adjoining Cen-.the prospect of running against television some of the nomi-podium. wing of
tial District. Mr. Nixon and Mr. Agnew. natio s eches and demon- Mr. Chafee, who later
let said that he had talked with Police Lieut. Jay Golden said We now have a Republican strations speeches
Miami Beach, and switched his insurgent support big orb
in Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhoweta Sot
ds earlier in the day and that she that the violence in the Central ticket we can go to the mat he said he was giving some to Gov. George Romney• of could n•
District was producing ticket
with,"he said. to an innovation when Michigan, said that at no time
q,J had said that the best thing fights like in Vietnam.' I thoughtWhen
said for the ailing former President Armed National Guard troops) He refused to discuss his his turn came in Chicago. did Mr. Lindsay waver in his called t
:own possible running mate. "What," he asked, "would determination to support Mr.
all Continued on Page 21,Colwyn 3 Continued on Page 18,Column! Mr. Humphrey met newsmen you think of something along Nixon's choice. major T
on the lawn of his lakeside the line of a Greek chorus for Mr. Lindsay's action in sup- sets set off
home here a few minutes after the nominating speech?" porting the established party
ns New River Pollution the announcement that Mr. "You mean," one of his visi-leadership contrasted sharply of Neu
Nixon had picked Mr. Agnew.tors asked, "strophe and anti-with his decision in 1964 not to Agnew':
• The Vice President, dressed strophe—with the strophe say-support the party's Presidential refused
'ns ' >+.ea in a sports coat and turtle neck ing 'a man who' and the anti-candidate, Barry Goldwater. tvrthPre�
/ 41 o
NEW JERSEY i ,rte t shirt and chatting informally.strophe saying . . .?" Thus, the young Mayor Mr, L
P ,�, -ti A acknowledged that the Agnew "That's right," Mr. McCarthy stepped deeper into the main•tive thr
�' ,� YM���c-te• Continued on Page 22,Column 3 Continued on Page 22,Column S Continued on Page 21,Column 8 latent s
5� Rpp�.�.S — convent.
NI t,� ` Svetlana Alliluyeva Burned Her Soviet Passport oration
eine -% , !^ went to
Iles, yQ ,':(,tu �� `S":;•'• By HENRY RAYMONT Will Seek US. Citiltrts�ti for me from lies. As a result°nding
___177///000��g St . �;5 tP� tinyder
idly e' -,'..�1 1. _ Svetlana Alliluyeva has writ-
II continue to react strongly to
/ i �ai�� Mr.Agn
in- 4101�tc"S a�'�� ' t ten a friend that she burned She Writes to a Friend articles of this kind." nated by
or- V ; t''::‘1.41. ' '" / t her Soviet passport last sum- Her letter was first published
:dor ¢� •'',./.',,'�'�- ,r„DOOt•1'1t7Q•ls mer so that no one could in Russian in a small exile Jour-
t "y,.}.�' r.. !"4. free, full of interest and signif• Mr. R.
cher is JF:.'ii , `� t''"v`k'''• Y ,t ever think that she might re- . nal in Paris called La Pensee
pot- i. <• -._, t' tie, • ^S turn to Moscow. She also indi• [Cance for me." Russe, and more recently in by the 1'
'',X,I01'.e•. e• eta
' L•' '� •.-I ^Er,^ r The 1,500-word letter, dated George E
'' cared that she intended to seekLa Croix, a French Roman
byANK to /� '',, 3 United States citizenship. May 11,was sent to an uniden-Catholic daily. It also appeared name to
.rec- /ti+t` ' ktified elderly Russian woman in Russian in the July14 issue
/ �"•At) t>IIJVII Ls , In an intense, personal and no effort
ofA...,,,,..1--,—.):; t - ,i> wr Eo living in Paris with a request of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, a
said % �``" ;-. ..• ,/ •kr+^JC•hJJ ft,txr t6 sometimes caustically witty let- that it bepublished as a replyto assist
12 r. Russian-language daily in New
!` "'•�':'60.-dens 1 ' to an article in the French behalf.
dory , i / 1' Svetlana Alliluyeva's letter York.
rsey ' r �/ ) isprinted on 14. newspaper L'Aurore. . Reached at her home in His 18
,red . RA. a••. e 1( PageThe article,written by Andre princeton,Miss Alliluyeva made Jorities o
,.-t I. Iter Mies Alliluveva, Stalin's Vin depicted Miss Alliluyeva,avaitahle an approved Enee.h.Delaware