1612-5 Miami Race Riot T �1a 6g
16 •
3 NEGROES KILLED Sniping and Rioting Erupt Across the Bay in Miami Rights G
mg •
IN NEW MIAMI RIOT ..fy'• 61 •
i �� ' . a 9 By SIDNEY E.:
----- . ".. - cuCivilsed a Ilesfog
Continued From Page I,Col. 4 f . rwa e newly
i a ' rt
1 organization yester•
occupied more than 100 square • '� „ S.,'1 "frightening power p
blocks last night as rioting s x over the judiciary"a
erupted.. disguised declaratln
P .. f against the black ml
The scene of the original vio- AI �. •: " •�' At man't'es."
lence is about six miles from • ' i „,,z;•” •, The unusually she
the site of the Republican con- •' 1 were directed again
v. Enforcement Group
vention. , •i tt'
41° """FFF ,a kl York, an organizat•
Numerous persons were in- r ..
a 'icemen that grew
jured. At least five Negroes y t petition demanding
were in serious or critical condi- r }. .n moval of Criminal C
tion at hospitals from gunshot + ,,,t - John F. Furey from
wounds. Two Negro women ;. ` ��� ate••• Alt The petition charg
were found shot late yesterday a 1 Judge permitted disc
•near the heart of the area • ." > L�\4 duct in his courtroa
r members of the Bla
where the disturbance had be- ' '" / r ' party who were erre
gun. I < '• Thursday night.
Scores of motorists driving «l f• • This week the di
home from work between 5 and ti ` • it Judge Furey was i
6 P.M. yesterday were dragged . f o' seven demands, cb
from their cars and beaten by •espy �' : the group in an ori
Negro mobs, the police said. • �. . fort to all New Yorl
+ �* The major deman•
Patrolman James Welch, a •3.,...,..„,....4 .
a grand jury inves
Miami police officer who was „ • alleged "coddling”
brought to headquarters for a ..`
news conference, said that w • • -. suspects by the Crin
crowds of angry Negroes were - t • \ and the abolition o1
, so large that the police could :. Department's Civil'
not help the motorists. Board.
"All we could do was stand The group also sa
helplessly by," he said. •'A't b • "contact and whc
Mr. Welch said that more 'i • support the United
than 1,000 Negroes were in. •' �t ators who are trying
volved . another Warren Cot
Scores were arrested after • i.m,e.nrrer parently a referen
the 500 National Guardsmen Man on crutches walking through shooting battle between police,crouched behind cars, fight over confirms
began moving into the area un- and snipers In apartment building one block away In northwest Miami yesterday. sJustice Abe
der orders from Gov. Claude R. „ , succeed Chief Jisstia
Kirk Jr. / Q• ren op the Supreme
• These domande ar
The motorists who were the crowd grew angry. Bottles' ,
dragged from their cars were were thrown at police cars. t.� denying assumption.
removed from the scene in From time to time policemenri,'" • `i orously criticized b:
police cars after the National charged into the crowds and <"^c �; York Civil Liberties
Guardsmen took over. the youths scattered. More and the National Emerg
more bottles were thrown. y.` Liberties Committee.
First Aid Administered About 3 P. M., the riot truck : r. !� "The coddling'ch
The injured were taken to a lumbered through the block, a absurdity, it's Alice
! t derland,'said Henry
commandstation of the Na- spewing tear gas at the Negro a,: ,
tional Guard and given first groups. Shots could be heard ' •
the director of the
•, .."
aid. Some were later trans-at a distance. ti Civil Liberties Coma,it
(erred to hospitals by ambu- "Don't put tear gas in here," <`'`'` ; tt" .. j Ira Glasser, a law
lances whose attendants had a man shouted at the door of .1. :.N4 log for the New
refused to go into the area of the council office. He then t .„ m
battle. slammed the heavy glass door ' .'Z §
Rampaging Negro youths as a white cloud of tear gas k,•�' ,�s 'ts C.M. STEAM A
looted several liquor and gro-spread along the sidewalk out- N-.f' i ; F,4';` SET AS EXPE
cery stores before the National side. j ` ! i;. `",
uard moved in. Several fires Several coughing Negroes [. I • ' f• ' ya,�u�zprgnro
were set. Jammed themselves against the • ` t jt D1 TTROIT, Aug. t3
Dade County Sheriff E. Wil• glass door. The man opened •,a • ' I , yr )
son Purdy, who was placed in the door and let the Negroes in !! era! Motors Corpor.
charge of the National Guard—and with them the cloud of ""'"' '•. �.-. �� i,• '�" � ' today it was having
by Governor Kirk, imposed a gas. Then the policemen pulled • s. .- - -�1 . . ..... powered automobile
curfew on 250 square blocks. out of the area. nat."rr.wrarsrn.aoo,i research purposes.TI
Governor Kirk said "what- Looters broke into a liquor Gov.Claude IL Kirk Jr.of Florida,left,and the Rev.Ralph in steam power Is
ever force is needed"would be store and a grocery along 62nd David Abernathy appealing for peace early yesterday. to efforts to reduce
used to quell the uprising. Street near 14th Avenue. This tion caused by cat
More than 100 persons were brought speeding police cars b I fumes.
arrested Wednesday night. The back into the area. Several d / t h.t. • /7I General Motors as
total had climbed to 150 late shots could be heard. `� /North-s v'-t hired Resler Developn
yesterday. •l us,, sr 1 <JC an engineering cor
Large groups of Negroes f I'4'44: g
Yesterday's disturbances be- �!'� , • Vl111 Oakland, Calif., to
watched while youths, many .�,rsr. Q, v
gam after about 12 hours of stripped to the waist in the 95- ij �. Install a steam mo
calm. Two Young Negro boys degree temperature, taunted • l�'�I � • Chevrolet car- Resler
began throwing stones ata pas- pe r „1 , then 40 years of sten
sin lice car about 2 P.M. ne the police-Otters youths carried ,,.are, • k• K� cx •••"4.1';':t experience,G.M.said.
9 g Po loot of food and whisky along �*:• , ��
policeman was seriously injured the streets. w„,. k General Motors air
by one of the stones. Frequently the mined with , ' ` i< was negotiating for c
As police reinforcements Y Y H,d—.oi+ � Ij tz� el services from Ricardo
the crowds, and the police h British concern, to at
came to the scene, hundreds of would rush in and scatter the `�'�A/l!■ � ,�e`�,. "'' '
Negroes, manyof them teen- �d G.M.'e studies "of
Sentire group. Alow-flying heli-
ell• "''� � S + modern materials a
agars, began to gather. co ter directed someac-
g P police ■c• aw.s►ar 4� , . .
The police said that the gun twit • � i • nearing techniques c
battle,which took place at 62d About 200000 of metropoli- j ' ` s%.� - steam engines fit
Stmt and 15th Avenue, began tan Miami's 1.2 million resi-
Al M. ',ATM I e,•
Generali the at
whenpersons in an apartment
dents are Negro. Unemployment -�I 1 •k � L:' ,' '. • c y'hoax began firing at the police. the Negro area is said to run •it a b" 1--.4'
nomootlinera owerisouiSo many shots were ex• INIAA
r�,j ,��w�� 0 P
changed that thepolice ran low around 10 per cent of the work UJ AG„4L4 .. '„ tric or steam, Is in a
g force, and more than half of ' i "� ' ''V. as a substitute for the
on ammunition and had to the employed workers are in t e t
send out for reinforcements. Y� i t internal combustion en
The police said last night low-skill, low-salaried jobs. 9 ”: Vt • News articles about
that anfrinv wa, more avid.• The disorders Wednesday �'3 �.. . " y ' \ t..y. tititllhr r* -' '-trl••rar
uses to sett we upnstng. Street near 14th Avenue. This au
yy sun uuacu u�
More tha 100 persons were brought speeding police cars _� 3- fumes.
ar ested Wednesdaynight. The General Motors to
B back into the area. Several �`Mw hired Basler Develops
total had climbed to 150 late shots could be heard.
an engineering cot
yeY�tearday's disturbances bt watched e while a outhsof x mans �� ! Oakland Calif., to
gas after about 12 hours of sM Y tr Install a steamcalm. Two oung Negro boys peed to the waist is the t9i 1tChevrolet car,Realer
degree temperattue, taunted ybegan throw ng stones at a pas-the police.Often youths carried then 40 ears of atstnR lice car about 2P.M.One ,tvr sa ,�>n`£ experience,G.M.uid_R po loot of food and whisky along Gastral Motors al
policeman was seriously injured the streets. f fir. was negotiatingfor
by one of the stones. Fre uentl theymixed with ,
q Y F4;ad.ds ��. ' j l, �t i tt services from Ricard.
As police reinforcements the crowds, and the police � f v.. British concern, to a
came to the scene,hundreds of would rush in and scatter the ■ i f fit �"
Negroes, many of them teen-
een• Alow-flying heli-
, t?t : moiler studies "of
a ers,began to gather. �. ■ Sio .,../21,.,,,,,t„,
�;�.: modern material i
8 copier directed some police ac- aw sear - e•• neerin techni ue
The police said that the tun tivi """� x; steamg engines fit
battle, which took place at 62d About •
200,000 of metropoli- j _ r ' f „',.,,,r',••‘.`t
Street and 15th Avenue, began tan entire group.s 1.2 million resi-re '” M-� A M . •+••s •' needs."
Generally, the t
when persons in an apartment dents are Negro. Unemployment
house began firing at the police. in the Negro area is said trimgaffe^� c t ` t c omot�ttera power have �eot
So many shots were ex around 10 per cent of the work .ra..ara ii. ` •r* • di
� .' ' tric or steam, is in
9changed that the police ran low force, and more than half of �` '"`'' ..". .;E:';'':',.'•':,:‘',.,,,
r~ as a substitute for th
on ammunition and had to the employed workers are inZ Internal combustion e
send out for reinforcements.
The police said last night low-skill, low-salaried jobs. • �� � News articles shoe
that sniping was more wide- The disorders Wednesday �ara�� 1 albillty of electric ca
spread than it had been. Re- were said of have started in the •
ry meat have erupted f
ports of persons firingat auto-vicinity 17th Avenue and • w two ears, and a (b
62d Stmt, where Negroes had
mobiles,particularly those driv-called a "Vote Power rally. rn,xe•cork nine. gar Lugs recently l had favorable
en froby whites,
l were
in The police say the refs of Heavy line shows area where violence erupted in Miami steam-powered athe uttc
citya white newsman to show his
identification sparked the vio-
The general area of the out- r
break is bounded by 54th and I°ace• Passer of Guevara S Diary •
79th Stints and 7th and 22d Negroes at the scene tell ' Arrives for Stayin Peru
different story. They say that
Avenues. there was a confrontation be-
The rioting was the first ma- tween youths and the police at LIMA, Peru, Aug. 8(Reuters)
for racial trouble in the history the street corner.The presence—Antonio Argtledas, the for-
of Miami. of the police,Negroes say, was mer Bolivian Interior Minister.
A number of merchants in enough to start several incl arrived here today from New
the Liberty City section board-dents of bottle throwing. York and reaffirmed that he
ed up the fronts of their stores The police then brought in was ready to stand trial in Bo-
this afternoon. Many of the tear gas and the disorder livia for giving the Guevara
stores are operated by Negroes. mounted. diaries to Cuba.
The Florida Highway Patrol _ "I will return to Bolivia as
riot wagon, an armored truck, 2 Dead in Detroit Suburb soon as a tribunal there re-
was sent into the area of thequires my presence in the
sniping yesterday afternoon awd.l t.Th,Ne.jwra•sins country," he said. "I have told
when hundreds of Negroes DETROIT, Aug. 8—A white the truth and have absolutely
gathered. When the crowd re-state policeman and a 15-year- no fears about the future."
fused to disperse,officers in the old Negro boy were killed and Mr. ArgUedas fled to Chile
truck released tear gas. three persons including two po-on July 19 with his brother,
A Crowd Gathers [icemen, were wounded in Jaime, at the height of an in-
shooting incidents in Inkster,vestigatlon into how the Bolly-
The disorders started Wednes. Mich., last night and this morn-Ian campaign diaries of Er-
day evening. Governor Kirk ing. nesto Che Guevara reached
and the Rev.Ralph David Aber- Inkster, a suburb just west Cuba. Mr. Guevara was sum-
nathy, president of the South-of Detroit, has a population of manly executed last Oct. 9 in
em Christian Leadership Con-40,000, about 35 per cent Bolivia after his capture at the
ference, left the Republican Negro. head of a guerrilla operation
convention to walk the streets) About 11 o'clock last night aimed at the overthrow of the
of Miami and try to calm theitwo Inkster policemen in a pa-Government.
residents. trol car, one Negro and one Mr.Argiedas stopped over In
During a stormy two-hour white, were fired on and New York en route from a brief
meeting with about 60 Negroes.slightly wounded. An occupant sojourn in London where he
they promised to return to the in another car at-the scene spurned offers of asylum in L L
community today for a discus*was also slightly wounded. Cuba extended by Premier Fidel, 8.00 AM (from JF
cion of the problems of hous- The local police then called Castro. He said that he in-
ing. education and jobs. Chuck in state ttrroopppars and police- tended to stay in Lima In-
Hall,the Mayor of Dade Coun-men from surrounding suburbs. definitely. 6:00 PM (from �Tewar
ty, made the same promise. At about 3 A.M. a state po For a crowd of about lice detective, Robert Gonser, For reserVatiol
300 Negroes had gathered out-34.married with three children.
side the offices of the Liberty `
CityCommunityCouncil on 62d was in the area investigating in • Artists—Collectors
an unmarked car. He was shot
Street between 13th and 14th from another car and killed. ' Galleries
Avenues. They were mostly Thirty-five minutes later the t
teen-agers and young adults Negro boy, James Mathews, , DONATE TOUR PAINTINGS '
and they milled around on both was shot and killed. Policemen
sidewalks. said at first that he was shot TOA POVERTY PROGRAM
A line of city policemen and when he broke away from po- • HEALTH CENTER... `
state troopers, armed with car-lice questioners. `
bines and shotguns, stood be- James Fyke, the Inkster po- ` reins the est un ity. or■rtri to b•
side their automobiles in the lice chief, would give practi- • stone names a UltYD.`posted.• `
armorod riot-control truce of the street. A k[was rally no details of the shoot- Csnlscl:Mn. lath,1124100 `
also at the scene.also The police would not for-
mally say that the Mathews —ws wit'. PICK ur—
• The mood of the crowd was
boy was shot by police officers •
festive until the 2 P.M.meeting and said they did not know if
time passed.Then several cries the shootings were connected.
were heard when Negroes --- ADVERTISEMENT I
spoke out angrily against Gov-
ernor Kirk. y j Refiner Blast Injures 6 — —"Why can't he get here?" MARCUS HOOK, Pa., Aug. 8-Now Many Woar
someone asked. "}ie can send(UPI)—An explosion and fire FALSE TEETH
r!l of his shotguns but he can't at the Sun Oil Company's re•
get here." finery works injured at least With Moro Comfort
Bernard Dyer, the director of six persons today near the To o.ercom.discomfort when
the community council, who Pennsylvania-Delaware border. To
slip.elide or loosen. )wt
had been a primary spokesman The blast ignited a flash fire sprinkle•little PABT•r^ '1 i on jour
for the Negroes earlier yester- that set off a 90,000-barrel n�a You eat better. tele!tmo,,
day morning, said he had re-storage tank of gasoline, a comfortable.PAs•rsrnr Is alkalins
calved no messages from either company spokesman said. Sev- —won•tsour.xt elpe check plataodor.
• Governor Kirk or Mayor Hall. seal hours after the blast, the health. eeyo rt arenessential to •
y Ceslth. See your all drug regularly.
As time passed, the mood of blaze was reported still burning. at raerarru at w counttra