1613-2 Republican National Convention 1972 and Protests clashed •
so bitter) for so a• F ' .'ss 1 .i • a s k e d
lo• y 'le I t, . , .. Nixon u
loam,agreed that Democratic a. `}i t i ,r of tho of
omes before their past differ- jl• y h� '' In an •
net erase them. a* !\ nnminat
nd the prep me warmer or t' rhroted
it seemed to me to be genu- i" pearana
ine,"McGovern said. �� • , near his
the McGovern campaign. �
• however,is still looking hard • i "pier•'•�\ t. _ inn Hal
tj for a spark — some sort of .�». 'd i k s,'l .0,'• tcicvlsiu
jet-propelled event or cnmhi- 4 at ; - s•• .tlM '� .,r at 11:43
nation of events that can get ; :, t •
it • v,'.h .h. ;"� "I bel
it off the ground. �' s'' • e M• '{ 44' • 1 appropr
�. v.•;• f' •rl. t r;;: • _ aY.'i pearanc
The visit to the LBJ Ranch tl ,.t r� the lima
could have been it, in other 1, t. �.Fl +. } •
Ccircumstances.But it wasn't. ..r .. sl • has won
l.� r. 4, • be bell •
What McGovern and his , - '4'• ( obvious
running mate Sargent Shri- j; '
said. •
ver got was an LBJ steak and ' '+�•r..►, -•• -``` His t
three hours of conversation -mi/14 Nan nate ar JIM aiRM1N4NMA only 01
1) with the former president "
and Mrs.Johnson. It was, in '/•a= *pi • was tai
_ all ways.as private and low- .Pen, T�V� �'`� �"''_'b— a8 N1o�}'IYouth Cheer His t�Criviil in 'Miami I? yea
key a visit as could have y written
r- ` '�•.4* • ` loser.
st been made. Y'r• .1: .• i` T he Rah-Rah IKLdt� 1n th•
y AND IT LEFT McGovern r'•'{-M�, ..•7•5".. ago. N •
e still without the impetus his 1''`:rh'� s (, t;;!. romper
campaign needs. The next {,••••�; / :%•• „�,, • TT 7 tool. N
stop isn't likely toi provide it ^ t5t to Doubt
wa 'n
either:This morning, erica• f., C I b
cern addresses the American if' •
Key It •
e Legion Convention in Chica• as his I
a If Its for Real R'
if go, where his stance on the },.; 'J same h
war and defense matters isn't •
n expected to get a cordial re- .rt 1 Pers
'f ception. - ` i y.. R and m.
e LBJ,Jealously guarding his J 1.' '• i.' ". "Ire don't have n generation gap. I leas deeply Kepubl
privacy, refused to admit a , r touched In learn full 3.000 Young people rant, here leader•
,f single member of the McGov- . •1i,, - ' ',II, and paid their men lmv." up for
ein•Shriver campaign staff, p � � i •''ll} e.'> al a _ —First Lady Pat Nixon ence b
n `J1 ^ . Slxnn'
or the press, to the ranch. sA,
t And Johnson insisted that his 1 . s" P ' "Based on what I have seen on television at this Prot
t_�" L' ' ranrelitioli,hosed on the reception I see and rel here ,eater:
s own photographer take the � , � a P f• I
formal picture of the visit for todav, those udto hare predicted the other side's gm Conve
✓ distribution to the wire ser- tiers
kt�_ . log to win young voters is simply wrong." aught
a vices. is-.. - —President Nixon, addressing crowd of mostly young 200 ar
'f Only two Secret Service �`='• people that welcomed him to Miami International Air•
I agents accompanied the � 6'�r port.
'. Democratic Party standard- - ,?a ilii re
• hearers as they flew to the /� ' >�.:- • BY-WILLIAM MANSFIELD "We're h e iii g herded ,tat te'
ranch horn Austin in sepa- rV t And MIKE TONER around like cattle." cnin-
rate helicopters. 1 N.n,a aa...hlon Survey plained 17•year-old Butch Come
1 st momenta after he was Stein, Pennsylvania high ons
MCG/1V1(KN and Nhilvrr
r' I renominated by the Itepuldi who.' i°ordinal.' lot the •nudn •
,, Nis
were greeted at the ranch he- „. ran Party l uesday night, Committee to Reelei I the srtion.
1. licopter pad by the Johnsons. . President Nixon was talking President. lout
I, They returned there after the C to 6.500 wildly enthusiastic Stein,of Elkins Pahk. Pa. ��•,> ,
,f foursome chatted in the front youths at Miami Marine took part in the demonslr, .., •
yard and around the tun• Stadium• tinn for Mrs.Nixon when she
s cheon table. ,7----- It was a simple poliui al Was honored at the consem K`•p•F
I Both candidates hopped by �— _ statement ofi the most persist )'hu'
tion Nlanday night. "1 just
helicopter after the meeting i. .'. ' :j.• tent theme m the GOP con• got fed up with it. I just Nixon
to the roof of the LBJ School .f, senuon so far —the Nikons., couldn't stand up every Gs,• Mewl
of Public Affairs here, where y and youth. .h
r a+�R�4• The backdrop to nearly minutes and cheer,cheer and
they held a press conference. Y cheer. In
I .!!:•v every major event of the can• "Foe minutes before we presid
• "I do not expect at any • i t:. venuon has been cheering '
• time in the campaign to haveylung people.And the Preso Turn to Page 20A Col. I Tun '
a more worthwhile visit." -„o ,a sun Proio el 0 a.MINOR JR. dent and his wife have rarely
✓ McGovern said. "We Ms- Police Lift Heat Victim Front Van Full of Protesters made a public utterance in
1 cussed a broad range of is. the past week without prais- r n n
.was,and I asked for his ad- ,,.but nobody was injured in arrests outside the
hfall mg them. Today's Ca lvBnti 1
Ihr youth are, for the •
vice.He was very generous, most part,numbers of close-
ense- -•
sod I will continue tree- each March Turns Rowdy
sure his friendship and sup. IY organized unit, ,1,51N1 9 a,m.—Vietnam Vets for the PfeaNli •
port.” V forstreng. called the President.IheyVoters
are at bleat Hotel.
once a cheering securni. x 9 a.m. — Republican h'uman's Pohl
A JOHNSON aide. tom 212 Arrests Follow Mr,.°.
Johnson, speaking on behalf .....And counter to the young non-
delegate protesters roaming 10 a.m.—Youth Caucus,Eden Roc Hu
of the former president, said the streets, and a public re• 10 a.m.—Cuban Calypso Carnival,sp
the discussions"were cordial s nose to Sea Gmr e Mc
and constructive —the kind By MIKE BAXTER second wave of chaotic.pro- sporadic clashes in the D g publican host committrr..Amena
of discussions one can expect N...a 1101 want, tests. streets surrounding all hut (. se-en's legion of young 10:30-a.m.—Generation ramri,5 of yti
between a pian who has had Police trucked 212 youths the canal-protected north workers. Cans,Nautilus Junior Iligh Srhirol
That hundred minutes of lila of Convention Halt. 2 p.m. — Lawyers Committee. Jew,
all the honors the Democrat- to mainland Jails Tuesday at- confrontation among prates- D .BUT TUESDAY, there
Ic Party can bestow,and the ternoon after theyshoved Cera, On Ke Bisca ne, 10 SDS were si ns of a any fissure Seminar.separate meetings.Ennui
standard-bearer of the police and Republicans Y Y K •
delegates, shattered win- slightly injured three police- militants chanting anti•Ntxon developing, which Could, if 2 p.m.—Citizens Group Seminar,Edi
Darty' •
down, torched an American men,two photographers and slogans during a Republican not mended, develop into a ish•speaking Committer. Senior
aH The aide said LBJ, as flagand dented can outside several demonstrators.A hit• youth rally were ejected. generation gap. separate meetings,Eden Bus%and-run Cadillac more seri- Eight youths in an unrelated
SH usual, did most of the talk- 3:30 p.m.—I oboe reception.ssluae!:
Mg,and did it"in passionate the Republican National Con• nusly injured an anti-war group were arrested for dos• 1 1� Nelson K1xkr(riier and h:.
o g, D venuon on Miami Beach. order) conduct. r1,1)l�i vis Chuckle I'
It terms." dwelling mostly on Vietnam veteran. Y , Rodgers, Doral.
10 the sharp domestic-policy Both police and an esti- The antiwar protest began Asked the meaning of 7 p.m.—�'iCuiry Pany Inc young Kep
SI differences between himself mated 3,000 demonstrators POLICE arrested four with a ghoulish parade from
�)� parading behind a rented cir- youths for disordering con• Flamingo Park at 5'.30 p m. the word "budget," one alternates,Americana.
10 and Nixon'and between Mc- little boy replied:"It'a a
4H cos elephant returned to the duct during a "Streets of 7:30 p.m.—Renomination of\ire Pres •
at Turn to Page 2A Cot 7 convention at nightfall for a Shame" protest spawning Turn to Page 27A Col. i family quarrel." ' acceptance speeches by Agnew am
Jy di 4r!