1613-7 Republican National Convention 1972 and Protests r . _.., / t n 1111 NI nt W e '
dors holr.l-apartrc
, ,
, complex Last year,1
' put up a 27-story
Herald Slatl Prw10by BAtILE V GRAM ' aquare•foro oder
` .. right a.rte..; Malys)
r(y` "1/7
I'rttt<••ll•r• Sur.,l' .1ru11nII I'1•rstru, 1'+nterinr Fontainebleau for (:(OI' Rall (min ides Il-,wry
7/\°. . . . police linea forced them bark n•ifhrrnf in juries or arrests dor towels.
l� Driven Back at Hotel; °l500 foal, sand w uildin
for the new huddm
h e e n completed,
knnwledged111.1i I
Vets tiell Nazis a t Pa rk a Ir:lr t of land.
;,- Fir d r•s i g n
. 't Hutch of the land
$. + depend on setback
By MIKE BAXTER dera'in dendotant, textbooks es and pal king ie.
sf - in -+ hal.. Ralph Carestm Ir
•; Herald Stall Wrilerf Mi1Sti:ll'll ltxrttti"wCharging police lines des• Guerrilla Theaterpersed 500 protesters chant- 5.it • The Vietnam Veterans
'.i Against the War, praised by ket research dlvisu
ing "keep the rich out" Sun-
police for there role m the Mass:nhusen-
day night after the SDS-Ird letter • .\nu car actress Jane Na,, battle. drstnying an
which lank runt,
youths insUrd guectsarnvin;• I.it lief �un,l.i,. :.. :\nn•rI- 1,,11:1.1.Nin r1',onlh 101111'111.d .111111 ...telle .111(1 areola• Its 1',.m. Antb.....„1ol•
a H $500-a•ltlar Repuhhc;til ,en NJ/is .Int'nu•(1 •:nl .1nt frui'i a ,11litn.t•INI..1 141111 01 .11llr,-,1415%u,1 0,1 In 11101,1' intlllall tlull+lt ilea
Ile hall at the Fontainebleau is ar prute,t stag in Flamm- N.11111 \irinam. .1rrnitii 111 • ' II-pd.lug, ramify', in s•,•lulx•r Nathan \
Hotel. go Park.They left only alter Flamingo Park to Join anti- I honing') Park also forcibly lune 1971. Is in tl
No injuries and no arrests a bloody, 15-minute battle scardcnu,nstrators reciting two peddlers of a $750,000 cxpan•
were reported after the sec- that slightly injured seem 6 About 21•0 fipples and "downer"drugs at 2:30 a.m. hotel's ballroom,.1
and melee involving demon- Nazis. four veterans and Iis,i friends mai king -Dishonor Sunday and later thr 'Ing ;Ind cocktail luting'
strators Sunday — the first C lis cameramen. Amerika Day" is ah a nut out another dope salesman The life m.urat
day that protest surrounding The isi of the Rrpuhh,.in smoke-in and a nt.l.. Unna. who was arrested by poli.... ns said n hopes I
:,. y the Republican Natnal Con- Convention was alio nrnked ton denu•nstatnn .tl l 1111 About 5011 protesters organ- rd iihurs I
vent ion spawned limited vin- by: s,nrlon hall drenching un- lied by Students for a Dt'inn• great. very
crate Society. carried the
vcntinn .enter.'•
.+ i + t bloodied body of a slain stag had Ix.n an unpn
~°a ' and mare bed from Flamingo
fiiit1 Park to the Fontainebleau at l'r tion for the on
J errs. Arrhn..ct I• I
y ^' ( + :115 p in Sunday to mutest
ft. ?:; 1 e 1,m ch:u::1•of Ihr
• t l Ihr 1 tuna 1.1.11,• I:t 11111111i.t1
r...la 111.1.1. Illy r.p.Ht.b.l In.d1
r.. ' - the /Apple I tee \Ponca
!r ,i G1°AIItR SAID
>� brought the still•blccding
Ver': , executive runuup
tf ►>A r ..aur:..s of:in "old and ready
1 / 1 ,�s r! insurance firm de.
�; 1 ♦ ' to do" Florida stag to dram ahead with the h
„, B'►r Mire their scorn for"Nixon's
: R. .� a .41 stag puts '. architect will he se
^r�: 1 •••••/ ^ •-t� o” \\lion the pnhrr etwortcd the arty build
"t U. p w o i s • nuth. heg,ut 1.0 ketng the pour additional t
}4, r, ;. + l>,lsh Ii iii. III I lnrlda High- Brickell Avenue,
'+r.r ....--I`j, f �. was I'.11rolun n rarh hold- t'eady is hrulg he
' l
-Jsung .t .IKt u l h h.00'1 with nth.a lardnie
Q a formed .I human wall Iu••
a �. neren Ihr hotel .Ind the pro•
r .� .� >r,.,... te,lel'S. r',1�/�
y .y 'r
� '. `a ..'1::::31::.E.:711:
1'111'..h.lnt lose "Keep the
rich Ian"'
c :\hotel banner..cad "Wel.
e .w. * fir" Via\ �, runte w Miami It.a h, First
t e F:utuiy,F,ul Lady."
„ '1'.
r .3t ' ! 1 t A few Cant crept out of the
c ` _ + hotel drive through the pick- Ile is aging,
+▪}1s:1 �' t 6 g.
,r<, a �` , •» et line at first,but no traffic
x.t y-. father figure wi
�� z could enter. Twenty demon-
C* °
• r� ,'- strators hlosked entrances
y with a sit•in while the others But In[miler
'rr.'i pirkeled in a large oval. •11)-year al rest r.
1 •
Behoof the line of Florida table cttiyclolx't
• •
Highway Patrolmen, Miami
a `.t1', r • r s Brach Pollee Chief Rocky Pohle sac 1
' Pomeialice stewed Ilio scene,
�` r• • los pqm w his hand. He wore
supplier in Mac.
as r e ,` -.--
r a bloc blame and gra) slacks. to Jacksonville
�3s r ; r' �►. ' legend That had
: s e A , �,' .\ d A 110.1'1•:1. guest approach-
ati . .;. ,. ,, ed him,pumped his hand sl
See s
.▪ , 4 "\\'e feel sate.. Insight
than we have for the last '_'0
$• t' , years...
! �' IBItuttlicii )1enther rtf American Nazis Ts Sttlnitied Iry Veti-rans Thr demonstrators physi- 1
1 . . . l;f perantt.+ were slightly injurer! niter .Nazis sluanted :stage Turn to Page 4B Col. 1
. ! •5 5 , t
• a bus were joined along the
- Police Drive . Back - 500 at Hotel; way about IS people
six CUL
THE MARCH caused
minor traffic jams on U.S. 1,
[ .0 .
the 79th Street Causeway
• end CollinsAvenue as police
Veterans Quell Nazis' at Par tecttl0nishllealh• iteta
Although a majority of
Conventions Coalitionhua
personnel formed a human
barrier to hold hack the
tally blocked arriving guests � crowd. Protesters hurled
r •
and pelted the evening finery watermelon rinds at the eke
and tuxedoes of a few with Nazis. • - '
- eggs. One egg splattered in Bs•7:.50 the crowd had qui•
the face of a Fontainebleau eiet and Vietnam Veterans - ,/', •
guard. Against the War formed a �a �i
Several persons were new linked•arms buffer zone .'J • Y. • • '
pushed in the pas ement. around the stage,shoving the r• j . j-
There were no injuries and crowd back 20 yards. st es •
no arrests. "It looks just like Soviet • I t.
"SOME had been spit on, 5 'f Russia, doesn't it?," Koehn
es y_ shouted. He pointed to the
some had their clothes ripped ++ - +w •
a little hut those who really NLF (fags. "Where are the yt ``'
Step}1011 }Coll o}7 American flags?" s ''S, a
wanted to get in, got in," e`
Miami Beach Maj. Adam ...nrredrd Tilt CROWD quieted. . .� � '. ill(' -
Klimkowski said. With the VVAW protection, •t ,.i.
The protesters stopped Mr. men had moved the remain• Koehn relaxed slightly, at
and Mrs. William Banowsky ing demonstrators as far times smiling.
of Los Angeles at 7.25 p.m. south as 44th Street,near the At 4'IS p.m. the veterans ,
outside the hotel's south bend where Collins and Indi• began forming a human cor- I r - -s.
driveway. an Creek converge. . ridnr to the nearby park exit. Y .1'A_ a i
"How can you go in there The retreating demonstra• Twenty minutes later, a r
;and have dinner with a mor• Ines surrendered the briefly gray-haired. middle-aged t 5 •,�.�` ; j ,)
darer?" they asked Bartow. trapped Coral Gables bust- woman m a khaki army shirt w' .;� ,'�'� .�t:r,l
•sks,president of Pepperdine ❑r+snian Norman Braman. climbed on stage and shout. t._ic.r oa rnoio e.a�u,.an raasoa
College in Watts. who remained smiling and rd: "They're g o i n g nut,
Banowsky was knocked to dapper in a black velvet tux- they're going out." Jane ,'Dema Talks to Protesters at 1'lantin"o I'ark
the ground. edo although his wife's white A clod of dirt from the ...aha returned recently from a tour of.\urlli I i,rnnru
His wife grabbed his arm evening dress was torn. crowd glanced off her fore-
! and kicked a demonstrator in head.She staggered back.A two members a. Poached i .
By 9:15 the shins. of the protesthe majority
protesters strag- Nazi grated her but the veteran Greg Doll,one of the
1 "You cowardly pigs' You crowd pressed in.
gled back to Flamingo Park. injured vets.
cowardly pigs!" she THE BLOODY brawl earii• As the woman was hit, a "What happened, man?" •FPI
Park veteran tried to pull one Nazi one asked.
The police action began had been quelled by the dem• off the stage, apparently in- "We won,"Doll said.
after 7:51 p.m. when a silver onstrators themselves. tending to lead him down pis htk mundup
Cadillac tried to leave the their corridor, but the Nazi
The incident began at 3:70
pm. when Nazi commander * * *
north driveway exit. struck him on the head.
SEVERAL fights eruptedto use your(
Also Sunday, the Vietnam
Matt Koehn trooped his 'I VVAW coordinator Steve, Veterans turned a 26-year-old
arms locked, forced the car followers into the south end Gainesville man *her to
to slowly reverse. They of the campground DePuy of Miami rushed up Miami Beach police and then
leaped on the hood and purr- As they moved rapidly the stage steps but was slam-
maned the car with their y mad in the face with a chair. destroyed two fused Molotov between. 4 .a
through the crowd in a rag- Hr whirled,bleedingfrom his cocktails,three wrist rockets,
bends slam-
udunui, Kuehl gestured Iwo lee.l,walaldad arrnwa,
'I hen I tile( I'"rnnimi�n ni lis an
rldrily, hraulwl few DuPuyclmfd of• anon,rush
dered the troopers to move VVAW coordintor Steve 21a1 marbles and Ilan sharp-
and told his Nazis: Du Pu Miami rushed upened bolts they said he had
into re non when it became ••There's a good example y in his possession.
apparent that "citizens' the stage steps but was slam.
PP of •what ave're up against." Stephen (Loco) McHugh `�'•' '.
One Nazi said."O ve mew in the face with a chair.
rights were being violated '� ,t 'y ''
and they were being assault. y y!. He whirled,bleeding from his was charged with creating a ? `• $ hr
ed,"he said.
THE NAZIS attracted forehead and nose, then disturbance and obstructing -�'-,r. •
A line of 50'state troopers scant attention until they grabbed the chair-wielding an officer after he got in a e. a.',:-may 1
charged into the crowd, reached the Expose '72 ex- man and pulled him to the scuffle with police outside i(
hihits at the far end of theground. dee park. Police said the I•. I
shoving them hack with Q,
park. VVAW members began Veterans had McHugh underar�.1 ,�
c I u b s held acrosshtheir A member of the' Miami surveillance for more than 24 a
chests. They pushed demon- seizing the Nazis, lifting JrI -� ;•� ,� '\�1
strators across the six-lane Conventions coalition seized them bodily and charging hours.Police gave the Veter• ` ...Rana an. /r .-%• \.
Collins M•apae to a fence
one Nazi's arm. down the corridor to the ans permission to destroy the - ' ' -' • s
"Who are you guys? park exn, whirr. the Nazis, weapons. •
alongside Indian Creek. }o;-_• ... . 0_ .9,
THE CROWD almost tram. "You'll find out in a min- some bleeding,were dumped. * * *
led U.S. Senator Strom ute."he said. On stage, one Nazi lay on S.• `'1�
P A DOZEN local candidates
hurmond (R., S I. who The MCC member began his back, bleeding from cuts and friends showed up for / '
had lust finished telling re• running toward the stage. near his eyes and nose. the"I Love America nay Pa• ,a fit_ ' ^ .� ' .
As Carol Kitchens of the Someone screamed for ■ fr'
porters' rade" on Miami Beach Sun- / s "Y 'o 1' -�'
"They don't bother me. f Miami Women's Coalition medic A V V A W medic day and discovered that the l s ^
don't pay any attention to discussed Vietnamese culture began first aid treatment on y ' • .j
them" • on the Expose stage,a male the Nazi, later identified as were the parade. !'''''‘.\,,t
:,� )
Promoters 'had promised ``/I t •�s`s
The troopers regrouped, solea suddenly boomed over Dennie Brucker. i' 'rr
the PA system:
"7.SIk1 people marching up 1 IA
trapping the demonstratorsKOEIII.,who remained theon
\Vashmgton Avenue to the
between them and the hotel. '•WILL security please stage through most of •
come here? Get the security, y heat of hands and waving of _ t') , •;,,
Backed by Miami police- fray,surrounded by shout six thousands of!legs." t` •
•men, they moved slowly get the security." subordinates,was eventually
advancing The Nuts swarmed onto About 1!1(1 participants I A`
fire to len thrown out with the others. filled 15 cars and followed +
yards,pausing, then ads arc- the platform. then tore the The VVAW formed anoth.
ing again. microphone from Miss Kitch• er human barrier to prevent one lonely four-main combo `
ens.'they shoved her to the on a flatbed truck down the \
. SOS organizer Marsha the angry crowd from follow- four•block parade route. -- "_s�,
'Monaslersky, 19, of Boston, edge of the stage where she ing the Nazis into the street. ' ; .
' said on a bullhorn at 5'05 leaped down 'Police praised the seterans * * * ..
p.m.: As Koehl tried to speak. for controlling the situation. YIPPIES dispensing bagels ..11...
"WE'VE made a show of one Nazi unfolded a National So did another eyewitness, and borscht in paper cups en- . r,,
force: let's go back to the Liberation Front flag that Miami Beach Councilman tertained about 4.000 elderly �, :.I" t •
park" had been soaked in lighter Herbert Slagnes. who hail Miami Beach residents Sun- `• . a i4'.,..-
a'., •
Two nyynstes later, the fluid and burned it. voted consistently against day afternoon at Lummus - di
southerni),ost ranks of dem• "WE'RE here to say a few granting the demonstrators Park. ,r +. - -.
onstrators began a slow•,cha, wnrds ahout white Peoples' the campsite. "It's very nice, all this," .•. ..--. •
' otic retreat to the park. rights."Koehl shouted -We -they locked arms and said Mrs. Clair Bresmann, a •- •• + s,°O•
a Some,however.remained in. want to talk al-mut the rights stopped people in the crowd grandmother. over her sec-
tertwined in the traffic that of the people who made this who had sticks and wanted and cup of borscht. "They �' fi`
clogged the northbound lanes country." to kill those Nazis,"Magner say these young people are ' --� '... Y
of Collins In minutes. the crowd saidgoing to make a better ,
By 20 pin,the.2511 law. swelled to nesrls a thousand. At the VVAW medic tent, world" . • .5
5 '
• iiillx .
ttlhe-') ' """ 4.- A". •
3 sfs, rii.
;;�e • • • By using less electricity bets
..:� _ . �, . I t hours when everyone uses a
. i,6..\ A)4-1-7-- - • i
6,5 Anti-War Veterans Reach . ,
r .. Ii�•,,,t
Collins After 137-Mile March • -
By STEVE SINK lice standing in the hotel motorists drove past the the VVAW as they walked. d:
H.r.id Stan Writer driveway. gsarchers without sign or Steve Lewis. 22, of Oak- sy 1 it t
Their voices reverberating comment, m a n y others land,Calif.,was In a psycho-
along the concrete canyon of BUT THE ONLY incident flashed the peace sign or a logical operations unit in
Collins Avenue, 65 Vietnam during the veterans' 14-mile clenched fist symbol of soli- Vietnam in 1970-71. • • "
Veterans Against the War Sunday walk from Greynolds darity. "Besides all the bomb era- f r.••
marched into Miami Beach Park in North Dade to Fla- ten,there must be a million S '
Sunday, chanting angry ski- mingo Park came moments A few jeered, Including tons of paper there that ever
gans about the war in which later,when they stopped for one woman who rolled down read. d and nobody '.0„,
they once fought. lunch at Indian Beach Park, her car window to yell, "Yay. read. Our mascot was a Ili- : w
The vets, winding up a situated between the Eden Nixon." terbnoth
137-m i I e "march against Roc and Arlen Mimosa ho- One marcher suffered a Another marcher, Mike
‘iii,::. '.
scraped elbow when he step- Jones, 22,of Rome,Ga., is a
murder" from Fort Pierce, cels. ped in front of a car on 71st service "brat," the son of a r "•
stopped briefly in front of Twelve Cuban men a Street in Miami Bach and
the Doral Hotel—headquar-
ters of the Committee to Ree-
ectNavy,the President—to breakv+.
toy rifles they were carrying carrying an upside-down looking group when they "My father said It would 0'
and throw them into a small American flag and the flag of reached Flamingo Park at make a man of me.What it
the Viet Cong. 6'30 p.m., eight hours after did was make me think."
fountain in front of the luxu- leaving Greynolds and more
ry hotel. But Miami Beach police es- than a week after their de- JONES' opposition to the
Their chants of"One, two, sorting the marchers stepped parture from Fort Pierce. On war-galvanized in 1968 when
11EVISON three, four, we don't want between the vets and the Cu- Sunday they were broiled by he was eating steak at a •
417 i.
NIMni'a wnr'' wets ntrl hT liaiiaitntil Ir-itiprtarnnIn,l Iwo hnun of .tot, Ihrn patty nn the Usti Newport r •
slon eyed silence from Se- the marchers and a'trart— drenched by 40 minutes of `
Y News in Danang Harbor. •
-nrltnin cret Service agents and po- ing caravan of two vans and rain, then steamed again by "We were having a good old . •
a bus werejoined alongthe ,
the sun. time, while at the very same
way by about 15 people and moment our ship's guns were •
t 1111 of e 1• six cars. *BUT THEY WERE still firing onto the land.All a
chanting as they entered Fla- sudden it hit me — how we v w;
THE MARCH ca u s e d mingo Park, buoyed by the can enjoy ourselves while
minor traffic jams on U.S. I, applause of other demonstra- people are being killed?" j
the 79th Street Causeway tors and the simultaneous ar- Jones went AWOL when
at Park and Collins Avenue as police rival of other groups he returned to the U S in
stopped cars at major inter- in motor caravans. 1970, but was picked up and �.
s e c t t 0 n s while the vets And their ranks had grown given an undesirable dis- 1 >
passed. as six cars joined the hack of !
Although a majority of the caravan. charge from the Navy. i +
He is still trying to change • •'
"We were going to the that. "An honorable dist
beach today until we saw charge means you were a
this." said Suzi Tanner, of good military man. But that
Miami. "We joined them he. doesn't necessarily mean you
cause we believe in what are a good human being."
„ ., they stand for." And he is still is trying to (.uti
Her companion, Dorothy make peace with his family
Crossman, said, "I've got a and neighbors in Georgia.
l� • 1- brother, 19, and I don't want "A lot of people in my
. +` f •�s. ,'t him going to Vietnam or am- hometown still believe in old Gra
t '.
f` i " J • where else to fight in a war." fashioned patriotism," Jones
''Z� said. "Well, there's nothing
I'!t It. t ..i.; ALTHOUGH the Vets were wrong with that. But when
i.. marching in a common cause, old-fashioned patriotism con-
talked about their indi• dones killing people, I can't
S vidual reasons for being in go for it." Tryti
'� �ih.
- .
S .
Herald Stall WO.
',/ "What's guerrilla 1
st t
' l f' ' 0 CARL A•Singleton The aging strai
sy § , ham. asked the question a
::. Flamingo Park's loot
a pamphlet tables.
tiwa. �. e r "Okay. it's like tl
—Hgaid Photo by RICHARD JOHNSON aponded a youth in
Uncia Talks to Protesters at Flamingo Parkt T-shirt with marijub
LEVER 6C DIST. It 1 1 1 1 motif on front.
1 . ,, a he returned recently front a tour of )orth 1 ietunm