1609-4 Various Miami Beach —.111•"" .
,i _
Betty Cars airs toda __ ___
ywon 1%r tw.._. o e'ar fight to estab- T Beach
lish an airport, seaplane base and yacht basin on Lummus• 1 i w� L aeh
island in Biscayne bay. l'}F /(5
The supreme court affirmed the Dade circuit court and I
the opinion of a special master in directing the city of Mi- Hotd Sites
ami Beach to rezone Lummus island as a business area and
allow the opening of a seaplane base by the Four Winds Air .......
' assn., headed by the wealthy sportswoman, flier and ship- Given OKs
ping operator. r
Miss Carstairs, a British subject THE ORIGINAL report, filed•in
who has taken out her first U. S. circuit court. by Special Master
p a William E. Walsh, and which the $4,000,000 Is Set
/ citizenshipAxe , supreme.court upheld, hit sharply
Ilpers, was the ren-
ter of a heated at Miami.Beach zoning restrictions As BTllll 1117 (OSi�
involved in the suit. / �S
controversy when "The evidence as a whole,"Walsh - Permit:, t -
residents of is- said at that time, "shows that Lum- t
• lands aojacent to mus island is adapted for use only mta for t issued or pend-
V Lummus island,a 4 as an industrial area and should! ing Friday for two Miami Beach
spoil bank south „y f:. be accorded a classification in! hotels 'a;.th. a total of 437 rooms
o f Government keeping."
costing $4,tf)00,000 exclusive of
cut, sought t oi land.
prevent the es- HE TERMED the restrictions;
tablishment o f ••
, "unreasonable, `arbitrary and dis- Issued woos a $1,300,000 permit
the base. crimintory, and without substantial for the Delarno hotel' at 1685 Col-
City Manager - relation to public health,operate to Tins ave.;an 11-story structure of
On file fru the office of the
Claude Rensh,w confiscate said land without just 187 rooms.
said he had been compensation to plaintiffs .. . "
notified of the Miss Carstairs Eustis Adams, fiction writer, and
supreme court's decision. He said other residents of Palm, Hibiscus Miami Beach building Inspector
the city could carry the case no and Star islands, opposed the air- were plans; for the Trinidad
further and, in fact, had already .port on grounds that it would de-
predate property ,values and be- hotel to be constructed on the
t' complied with the circuit court's cause, they claimed, the noise of ocean front at 67th at.,
ruling in order to avoid putting planes would make their homes just
up a bond. undesirable. south of Fa�rde Ocean Villas,
The Trinidad, to be composed of!
Current Permit Expires In 19 iO twin 12-stony buildings of 125
rooms each, will be built by the
Cathay Reahry Co., composed of
New Phone `Franchise Sam -Cohen, Ny'e Fisher and
Ivan Blocker of of i�w York city, 1
The structure, designed by Hen-I
ry Hohauser and Associates, will
A t Miami B cost $3,130,000, including $450,000
each Sought for land which fronts 225 feet oon
the ocean and has a depth of 327
.1.4, y WILSO\ McGEE The. twin, buildings of the
/ Rerald Staff writer Trinidad p911 be'connected by
Southern Bell Telephone Co. today will launch an preliminary an ocean observation bridge
linking penttbonses at the 12th
move to obtain a new Miami Beach franchise. The current 30 stories.
/. .t. year franchise expires in 1950, tffrom telephone rentals. —' I •
A rotunda•ttype lobby also will
C. J. Tucker. Jr.. district man-11 be constructeed between the two
ager of the company, is expected ; if council approves the con- ! units on the ground floor.
to appear before city council with : tract, the issue will then he sub- Operators are hoping that the
' i a prelimmary agreement draft by milted tea referendum. Techni• plans will tam approved by the
which the city receives one per rally. the city has the right to Florida State Hotel commission
cent of the annual gross receipts' Purchase the company's prop- and the city so piling may be
1 erty and facilities at the end of driven before- the Dec. 15 dead•
line under the city's anti-noise
the franchise period,but such ac- ordinance.
tion is unlikely. The Delano) hotel will be con-
MIAMI DAILY NEWS, Tuesday, Oct. 28, 1947 i structed for 'the Benhow Realty
Corp., which has leased the
land for.99_ye ars at a total rental
SW7eme 4 vCE�fo 4 Rows of g is arch ecB. Robert Swartz•
burg is arehSitect. Construction, •
which will start •immediately,
"Danny And Kitt will ba handed by J. Y. Gooch, '
Y Davis Inc.
J The Delano, to be built on a lot S
Sell Their Beach Hot $ of fronting 101 fleet on Collins ave.,
500 feet on 17 rth st. and 136 feet
along the ockean,- will- be com-
Danny Davis finally showed his bark means some- ?letely air•coneditioned.
thins'. At a celebration at their Atli,.,.., :.1...,a 1.,...,,0 1.ct•