1609-18 Various Miami Beach KINGOLE
Gives Way
To Rentals
Demolition proceedings were
started recently on the King
Cole Hotel at 6845 Bay Dr. to
make way for the King Cole
The former Miami Beach
landmark, fashionable in years
gone by, was recently acquired
by Robert:Blum and Robert A.
Rautbord,.young Chicago indus-
Plans call for a 10-story
building with 245 rental apart-
ments, ranging from one bed- ,
room dinette units to three bed-
, room, 21 bath penthouse units.
Yearly rentals, the builders
said, will range from $2,900 to
$6,500. Apartments will be rent-
ed furnished or unfurnished.
Features will include an en-
tertainment suite, 2.50 car en-
closed garage,coffee shop,cock-
. tail lounge, gift shop, solaria
and a yacht basin.
Yacht owners will be able to
put up servants and crew mem-
bers in space on the premises.
Neither one of the builders
has indicated a completion
date;nor the selection of a gen-
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