Resolution 6679 RESOLUTION NO. 6679 We, the members of the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, take this means of expressing to our good friend and collaborator, Guy W. Ellis , the sincere esteem in which we hold him and also of expressing to him not only the appreciation of this Body but also that of our citizenry at large, for the tireless and unstinting manner in which he has given of his time and valuable counsels not only in the ad.hinistration of City affairs but also to his fellow citizens in worthy civic betterment. Notable in the list of Mr. Ellis ' civic accomplishments were his con- tributions for the betterment of the real estate profession in our city, through the two years in which he so capably reorganized and expanded the Miami Beach Board of Realtors while serving in the capacity of their president, and also by the very able manner in which he served for years as Chairman and member of the Board of Examiners of applicants for license to sell real estate; also Mr. Ellis has been of inestimable value to this Body in acting continu- ously since June of the year 1945 as Chairman of our Public Relations Advis- ory Committee, which by their wise counsel and good judgment have materially aided in conserving our available funds for publicity and advertising pur- poses to the end that they have been made to better accomplish the desired results. We deeply regret that Mr. Ellis now finds it expedient to permanently remove his residence from Miami Beach and we accept his resignation from t} e Public Relations Advisory Committee with sincere regret and wish for him every possible success in all of his future endeavors. In his departure Miami Beach has lost a wise counselor, a hard worker, a splendid character and a most lovable citizen. This resolution was unanimously passed by this Body on this 3rd day of November, A. D. 1948. • Mayor ATTESTS Grl'!� City Clerk H H N• \ • • a z 0 HP •ri 0 0 a) Fri 0 0