1615-23 Various Miami Beach ,,,
realestate .
Palm Beach mansion sells for million ,<
PALM BEACH MANSION Financing: $5.4 million from for$4.41 million in July 1999. Developers, whose executives 20690 NW Second Ave., W
195 Via Del Mar, Palm Beach Bank Atlantic are John Day and Patrick J.Fla- Miami-Dade County o
Seller:How- The 52,750-square-foot cen- vin Seller: Marion E. Magaldi,
and Gittis, ter was completed in 1981.The OFFICE TOWER Price: $6.75 million,or$179.78 trustee,Key Largo f
New York 5.22 acres of land is south of 3111 N. University Dr., Coral per square foot Buyer: Sailormen Inc., Robert f
- Buyer: FLH Glades Road. Included on the Springs Financing: $3.5 million from S. Berg, CEO
• R South Inc., site is a bank office,two restau- Seller:Florida Sunrise Ltd.,Las Bridgeview Bank & Trust, Price: $1.3 million, or $387.71 (1)
% New York. rants,and a movie theater.Pre- Vegas. Ralph Engelstad is a Bridgeview, Ill. per square foot to
- James Whit- vious sales were for$3.3 million principal officer of this venture The buildings date from 1956 Financing:$1.16 million,given p
tier is an offi- in 1983 and$4.41 million in 1993. Buyer:Preferred Coral Springs to 1964.All four buildings pre- to FFCA Funding Corp.,Scotts- o
cial Prior to the current sale, the I LLC, general partner is Pre- viously sold for$6.85 million in dale,Ariz. 3
y; Price: $18 lease on the Town Center Cin- ferred Exchange Tower Inc., 1990. This 3,353 square feet of
MICHAEL Y. million, or ema with Muvico Entertain- Jordan C. Paul, manager space was completed in 1981.
$765.11 per ment LLC was terminated. Price: $15.59 million,or$57.36 ;
Financing: OFFICE/WAREHOUSE Financing: $12.46 million
t8 million (full-price loan) given to Transamerica Occi-
`h Bank of America 602 to 688 S. Military Trail, dental Life Insurance Co.$5.95 itc
44 l 011r complete office
'his home has a total of Deerfield Beach million, second mortgage with
square feet and was built Seller: Deerfield Flexxspace Salomon Brothers Realty Corp. phone system provider',
Eight notices for reno- Ltd.,partners include AP-Adler The 271,815-square-foot
•were filed under Gittis' Investment Fund, Joel Levy, building was constructed in group
..ership.Prior sales were for vice president 1985 and is known as the Flor- I" Sales /Service
4 million in 1987 and again for Buyer:Quorum Business Cen- ida Sunrise Tower. The 10- ,
$4 million in 1989. The latest ter I LLC,Leo Ghitis,executive story building has 225,000 leas-
sale, according to official Price: $4.88 million, or $80.16 able square feet. The original ` "`' -_''''4\ 1
I e e o m m u n i e a t i o n�
records, is the sixth-highest per square foot lender in 1984 was Sunrise Say- `
ever paid for a residence sold in Financing: $3.97 million, ings & Loan which advanced
Palm Beach County. assumed mortgage dating from $20.73 million for the offices. 1119,,
1999,held by Alexander Hamil- They were foreclosed in 1989. Voice / Data Network
ton Life Insurance Co. The lender also failed.In 1992,
SHOPPING CENTER the property was sold to the Installation
21060 St. Andrews Blvd., Boca The 60,920-square-foot current seller for $5.7 million. CTI / IVR Solutions
Raton structure was built in 1983.The
Digital Key & PBX Phone
Seller:River Woods of Tampa original developer was Crow- 9
Ltd., includes Sidney Kohl and Childress-Taylor Ltd.After the MOTEL BUILDINGS System Solutions
James S. Levin, as trustee project was taken over by M&K 3001 Harbor Dr., Fort Lauder-
Buyer: Compson St.Andrews Wilkow Florida, it was fore- dale Microsoft NT/ Back Office
Associates LLC, principal is closed in 1993. Mutual Life Seller: Bahia Cabana Ltd.,
Robert N. Comparato Insurance Co. of New York whose principal is Marvin p h. 305.5 9 3. 9 0 0 4 fax. 305.5 9 3.5 0 0 6
Price: $5.8 million, or $110.96 sold the place for$2.76 million Chane info@itcgrp.com www.itcgrp.com
per square foot in 1996. Flexxspace took title Buyer: Riviera Resort Club
$250, 000 lo $499, 999O a
\` CFFCNit Vrtr//
d '
Palmetto Bay Executive Home C Mix
17540 SW 73rd Ct. Brickell Highland Lakes Showplace ' ` ```'` '
"The Forest"a unique 3,
Big&beautiful.Designed by Ramon Pacheco.with 800 Claughton Island Drive Turnkey 2800'4 bdrm 3 bath, large 9
4871 adjusted sq ft.Stunning 4Br 3.5Ba. 3CG. Corner Lot, New kitchen - New 32 home gated community across from
Perfect for a large family.Oversized pool and -Bd2BalSthtlaor'S-bB. ebulasradtafioacdbk5rai
• 1' P porcelain tilt floors throughout Coral Gables Community pool&cabana
screened patio. Soaring ceilings large roams. �?'"eF m� 't k �'dtc8rag mita: p g 2 story with vaulted ceilings.3l2 u stair.
Spectacular design.Reduced to 5384300.Don't miss wood cabinets,SS refrigerator.Immactdue-Immolate Office/Den,Pool,Reduced S325,000. n' 8 p
this one!!!Open 1.5 Sunday Call:George Mendes I S Prima Oland.Grut [aloe- 3',` Manna Amis 305.788-4660 2 car garage.appointment5425K. Contact Ana
JoAnn Robens3O5-282-0681,305-215-7653 senility. Fournaris for 305-'78-9832
Joe Camm�ato,305-381.8908.561.213-1079. e,
Caldwell Banker Residential Real Estate,Inc. Castles by the Sea,Real Estate Rickenback Associates Kerdyk Real Estate
ti .
t i k 0 fa :rill ''' . I 11/III /1 ("'►PI II rr
Drug store
is sold twice
= The property has operated a:
a Popeye's Chicken & Biscuits.
Z —
10 NW 37th Ave.,Miami
E • . affiliated Ewi h EckerdaCorp
Give your money a raise. g g
v Sergio and Lisset Delgado
i si - Price:$705,000
L A lease for the building t(
( o () 7'
Eckerd Drugs was canceled.
First sale
Second sale
Seller: Sergio and Lisset Del
/% J))7*1 Buyer: Flagler and Douglas
Corp.,David N.Blount Jr.,pres
Price: $1.7 million, or $144
• per square foot
Financing: $1.5 million
Ocean Bank
n ew higher rates, The 11,751-square-foe
building was put up
link Money Market Savings to Advantage. The loan from Ocean L
includes funds for improv,
ments and renovations to bt
Now when you link a Money Market Savings account — — ` " --- completed by Yoga Land Corp
to an Advantage checking account,you'll earn higher rates. Account Yietds
You can also earn additional interest with larger balances. when linked to Advantagechecking) BEACH SITE
What's more,as an Advantage customer,you'll receive 944 Fifth St., Miami Beach
most banking services at no charge and certain loans,lines Seller:Michigan Five Corp,R
of credit and CDs at preferred rates.**Plus,you'll enjoy Balance APY Anthony Goldman,president
Buyer: Sully Holdings, Coco
a host of benefits: nut Grove. Carlos M. Flores
$100,000+ 5.90% Nunez is president
• Opportunity to avoid the monthly maintenance fee on $50,000-$99,999 5.80% Price:$765,000,or$109.29 pe:
your Advantage checking account by combining balances square foot
or maintaining certain balance requirements*** $25.000-$49,999 5.65% Financing:$459,000 with BAC
Florida Bank
• Make withdrawals and transfers between your accounts $10,000-$24,999 5.40% The 7,000-square-foot sit(
by telephone,or at any Bank of America banking center $0-$9,999 1.50% previously sold for$135,000 ii
or ATM 1992•
Michael Y Cannon is manag
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