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A Suggestion for the
Best Way to do it
By process of elimination and going upon considerable previous
experience in broadcasting from Station WIOD I have determined
upon a system for putting out this music at important points
about Miami Beach, all to be controlled direct from the Fisher
Radio Station WIOD. If any sort of control is to be maintained l
over putting out this music , it must all be handled from one
point by an operator thoroughly capable and experienced in main-
taining the right volume of sound.
If the music which eminates from the various loud speakers on the
Beach is too loud, it will be objectionable ; if it is not clear
and of splendid quality or tone , it will be objectionable. Like-
wise, if there is not sufficient volume so that people can really
hear it , again it will be objectionable. Put the control of
these various loud speakers in the hands of a lot of inexper-
ienced people scattered about the Beach and any one of the above
objectionable features is bound to happen. Furthermore , certain
people who might be entrusted to turn these loud speakers on and
off might be busy or overlook doing so and again the effect is
Control it all from one point which is properly equipped •in every
way to handle such a proposition, namely; WIOD Radio Station,
with one of my own licensed operators right on the Joh at all
N times to handle it there will be no doubt about the music being
put on at schedule times at all points simultaneously with the
proper volume and tone.
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How it would be Done
Enclosed is a rough diagram suggesting the points about Miami
Beach at which loud speakers or reproducers would be placed
directly connected into radio station WIOD by leased circuits.
This to be handled in the same way as we have been broadcasting
from the various hotels about Miami Beach for the past four
years. This idea is tried and so would be no guess work.
The cost of maintaining this circuit to each one of the points
suggested on this diagram would be on an average of : 35.00 per
month. These circuits would p. .3. terminate in the broadcasting
station at a special big am • / ' which we would maintain and
operate at the station.
At the station we will be able to furnish three different kinds
of music or program material as follows:
First: - Any part or all of the nightly programs broadcast by
the Fisher Radio Station WIOD.
Second: - Any part of programs broadcast from several of the big
broadcasting stations in New York, Chicago , Cincinnati , etc.
We would have a special powerful radio receiving set using an
aerial 200' high with same , enabling us at any time to receive
the programs from Stations VIEAF, New York; WOR, New York; and
several other outstanding stations whose programs are of the
highest order. We would put this program on all of the loud
speakers shown on this diagram so that they could be heard at
the principal points about Miami Beach. We are better equipped
at the radio station to receive such programs with a powerful
radio receiving set , expertly handled, than would be any point
about Miami Beach such as . the hotels who might try to handle
their own receiving sets.
Third: - Also we would have an Orthophonic phonograph at the
station so that we could play records of all types, music from
same going out simultaneously over these same loud speakers
about the Beach having exactly the right volume of sound from
all of the different points because they would be equally fed
from one central point - the Radio Station.
How it would work
We would have a definite schedule established at intervals
during the day and evening at which time we would put out
music from the radio station to the loud speakers about Miami
Beach. During the day time it would be best to put on phono-
graph music with perfect reproduction. During the evening
schedule we would put on the best parts of our program from
our radio station which we broadcast and also parts of pro-
grams from stations up north. Thus , the winter tourists going
about Miami Beach would hear a very diversified line of music
ranging from phonograph records to programs of all types from
broadcasting stations.
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An operator at certain definite times in the radio station, we
will say would play twelve or more phonograph records, regulat-
ing the volume at the station to the right amount and from the
station by our own relay control system would automatically
turn on all of the loud speakers in the system about the Beach.
No body at any one of the points at which the loud speakers
would be installed would be bothered doing a thing. We would
turn them on and off. We would also maintain all of them, keep-
ing them in repair.
Apparatus Required and Expense Involved
A powerful special amplifier would be installed by us at the
radio station. The purpose of this amplifier would be to take
the phonograph music or the music from our receiving set, picked
up programs from other stations or the music from our own
station, and amplify it to a high degree to the exact amount
required, feeding it on all of the circuits simultaneously to
the different points at which loud speakers would be installed
as per the enclosed rough diagram of coverage. The cost of this
master amplifier at the broadcasting station would be $1200. 00.
At each one of the points shown on the rough diagram of coverage
the following would be installed by us;
A special type of power loud speaker (which would thoroughly
carry sound over half a block) , enclosed in a special designed
weather-proof box of attractive design as suggested on the en-
closed sketch, marked "Design for Special Units. " This is an
idea of my own to do away with the old type of ungainly and
unsightly horns now used for such purposes. The difficulty with
horns is that the sound from them is very directional making it
necessary for people to be more or less in front or in line with
the horns to hear the music. In order to make this sound or
music heard up and down the street it would be necessary at con-
siderable expense to have from four to six of these horns in a
fan shape to get away from the directional transmission of sound.
I propose to use in place of these horns a special single power
loud speaker which we would enclose in a box as suggested on
the enclosed sketch. This box to be weather-proof with four
openings on each side of the box protecting the loud speaker
unit within from the weather by shutters. These shutters would
keep out the rain and wind but through their bottom openings
would emit sound just the same as do shutters wlich are often
installed in the belfrys of cathedrals. The bells in the
cathedral of a church so protected by shutters can be heard at
a great distance despite the shutters but the bells or chimes
within the cathedral are protected from the weather. These
could be reasonably huilt at a cost of not over $25. 00 each in
quantities by any local mill wright.
The little pyramid roofs on these houses could be covered with
shingles and the box painted in attractive color schemes such
as green or blue with the shutters and little shingle roofs in
- 4 -
These little houses from which would eminate music from a
mysterious source ( the radio station) would by their very
appearance create a great deal of comment from our winter
visitors at Miami Beach. They would be a source of mystery
to people and would be unlike anything of a like nature that
visitors down here had seen elsewhere. These little boxes or
little houses with their little shutters and shingle roofs
could be placed at such points as the Nautilus, Roney Plaza,
Pancoast or Flamingo hotels on tops of gate posts. Each hotel
could have one of these boxes or with our proposed system could
have several at any one location spread out about the grounds
of the hotel but all fed by one pair of lines from each point
into the radio station. These little houses would have pad
locked doors and would be spiked or bolted down preventing
theft of the works inside.
The cost of the loud speaker units to go inside these little
houses would be $35. 00 each. Since I talked with you about
this proposition of yours , I have investigated all kinds of
loud speakers which might be suitable and have arrived upon a
certain unit which will give sufficient volume , splendid tone
quality and at the same time constructed of such material as
to withstand our salt water atmosphere. Each one of these
loud speakers would have a rectifying unit enclosed in it which
would run from any 110 Volt lamp socket to provide the necessary
current to run it without any batteries whatever. So much for
the loud speakers proposed to be located at each point as per
rough diagram of coverage.
How these Loud Speakers
would be Operated
At each point of terminus of circuit from the radio station
either one or up to six loud speakers could be installed as
above described and a powerful portable amplifier at each
location. The purpose of this amplifier is to take the music
as it comes over the lines from the amplifier at the radio
station and boost it to great volume before feeding it to the
individual loud speakers so that the sound would be of such
volume as to be heard at a great distance. These amplifiers
can be installed close to the loud speakers or some little
distance away.
In the case of the hotels we would put the loud speakers en-
cased in their little shuttered houses out on top of gate posts
or similar locations and put the portable amplifier, which
feeds them, at some convenient point within the hotel. These
amplifiers would not require operators and would be controlled
from the radio station. The cost of these amplifiers at every
loud speaker location or every line of terminus would be $200.
Each one of these amplifiers would be capable of handling up
to six loud speakers per location. On the basis of a single
loud speaker with the accompanying necessary amplifier it would
bring the cost to $260.00.
The cost of renting a circuit from the radio station to each
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one of these amplifiers or loud speaker locations would be , as
previously mentioned, an average of $35. 00. If more than one
loud speaker were used at any location such as the Roney Plaza
or other large hotel, the additional cost would be simply the
cost of additional loud speakers at $35. 00 each, plus the cost
of the little houses which would enclose them, at most $25.00
each, making a total per loud speaker of $60.00.
Defraying of Expenses for Installation
and Operation of the System
Each hotel or point such as he theaterswhich points would of
course benefit mostly by the publicity they would receive from
these loud speakers should pay you the cost of the amplifier
and the one or more loud speakers installed in their particular
locations which would amount to about $260.00 using one loud
Each one of these points should stand the cost of leaseage of
• the telephone circuit or line from the radio station amounting
to $35.00 per month average which is not at all prohibitive.
The cost of the large master amplifier to be installed to con-
trol the whole system of speakers at the radio station could be
defrayed by pro-rating the cost or assessing each point benefit-
ing by the system. The cost of the amplifier, as previous
mentioned, would be $1200. 00.
We have no phonograph at the station but must have one or an
electric turntable arrangement for playing the records. $255.00
should be added to cover the cost of the new type phonograph
which would play the records at the station for the entire system
of loud speakers.
As the receiving set which we use in conjunction with broad-
casting work at the station is unsuitable for this work, $250.00
should be added for a very powerful receiving set to pici: up
programs to put over the system of loud speakers. With this
42.50. 00 allowed for the receiving set we would buy parts at our
own expense at the station, build up a special receiving set
which in reality would cost $500. 00 were it to be bought com-
plete. This would bring the total cost of the master control
system at the radio station to - amplifier $1200.00, phonograph
and magnetic pick-up equipment $255. 00, receiving set $250.00,
` making a total of $1705. 00.
As it will require an experienced radio operator to handle this
system at all times we will keep an operator at the station
paying his salary myself at WIOD with the provision that at
least part of his salary be defrayed or pro-rated amongst the
points benefiting by the system.
There are 17 points indicated on our rough diagram of coverage
at Miami Beach so that a cost of only $5.00 each to each one of
the hotels or other points the s stem would cover operating
costs a- / ilv � , I 4,,,-(4.1.&)R.,
- 6 -
I have tried to cut down the cost of this whole system to an
absolute minimum. Were I to specify Western Electric or some
other more expensive equipment than I have planned for this
system, it would run the cost of the whole affair into thousands
of dollars. By carefully picking out only the things which we
would absolutely have to have at the least possible price I have
brought the price down to a point not at all prohibitive. The
cost of labor in installing this whole system would be handled
on a time and material basis by myself and my own men from the
rq.dio station. We can do it far more reasonably than it would
be done by any electrical contractor who would of course tac%/2_
on his overhead and profit. I would do it with my own men who
are radio men of some years ' experience and who would know just
how to go about the whole affair at enough to cover bear salary
and material.
Three weeks should be allowed to install the system and thor-
oughly test it out and if anything is to be done on it , it
would be appreciated if an early decision could be made so that
I can wire my men to come down from the north who , otherwise ,
will not be with me until shortly before the broadcasting station
opens. As these men are paid by myself anyway I could readily
get them down here on the job.
I regret the length of this report but thought it best to put it
all down in writing. I can guarantee that the plan which has
herein been outlined would be a success. I would not guarantee
and would be extremely skeptical of the success of broadcasting
music around Miami Beach by any other means than I have outlined.
You will readily agree that to be successful you must have
absolute. , control of such a system from one point properly
equipped and men to handle it rather than to rely on Tom, Dick
or Harry to bungle it up.
18 points at $260.00 per speaker location, brings it to $4,680.00
Cost of equipment necessary for master control at station 1,705. 00
Miscellaneous material, such as wire , insulators, etc. 100. 00
Complete equipment for entire system 6,485.00
Estimated cost to cover labor for complete installation 500.00
Cost of maintenance per month, including leaseage of
lines for all points $720 per month
Cost of maintenance per month for each hotel or point at
which loud speakers are installed $40 per month
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