1669-12 Social, Society, & Local News 1927-1945 LF
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largely between these two organi- rf
INSPIRED by the notable success
of last year's special dinner r zations with their sport and social '
dances, the Surf Club calendar for y„ facilities. 1'
the year 1932 is imposing in its * * *
list of events. -There will be gala
% "°�►a r COLONEL Charles A. Lindbergh +
dances that promise to be as lovely • • felt quite at home at The Pan-
as the shimmering Gold and Sil- ',.<20.-.1.111'"-•� '' ,' ``- coast, where he paid a brief visit +i;
ver Ball" or the romantic "Smark- y- before starting on the initial Car-
. and Festival" of yesteryear. Again ibbean cruise of the American
Mr. Alfred $arton's artistry will / ' Clipper as he occupied the same i
; be the guiding genius. ` '•t., suite that he and Ann Lindbergh
had the previous year. Upon his tti
Following the opening New � return from the West Indies the
Year's eve dance, the gala events
��� / ,
are listed as follows: January 16, Issar • y/z `` distinguished aviator was again a e
Fete Caucasian; January 30, St. �� � _� � `{' guest at the Pancoast before start-
Moritz ball; February 13, Valen-
tine ball; February 20, Carnival _ ' �r� '` William S. Brock, noted aviator •
Costume Dance; February 27, RoseI
: ..,.' .,9 ,• -'r..F� who encircled the globe in 1927,
• ,,: ,� .
Ball; March 12, "Napoli"; March ;FZ. w : :� ,;;, now to Minmi Beach with Senator , raw
1 26, "Tahiti". Interspersing these .rte f �'1 ; ,;'' ` 4
� f� �s George F. Harding' of Chicago in �.
gala events will be regular dinner ..:-.t,-.--1:',./5;,,{y� ; r the Senator's private plane and ,`
I dances on January 9 and 23, Feb- l J'` . ' - ';r'3 was also a guest at The Pancoast s
•! • ruary 6, March 5 and 19 and April i / n ;' when Colonel Lindbergh returned
2, thus including every Saturday I 'A , •.; ,/ • y'',' • ,�''; r from his cruise on the Clipper and
I' night of the season. 1 the two noted aviators had a very
INor are the dances all on the �,+ ,,i � ' pleasant chat when they met in ,i
program, for sport events too are _l, `�,'' {,. st. f '1 t -/ e ;• . the Pancoast lobby. Senator Hard- •'
listed for the entire season. Box- p T • i ing explained that he made the Box-
t ing, introduced in Miami Beach as . ' tt - -.. I tri from Chicago� p g "just to spend !.
1 a "tea table diversion" last year -. •`„... = - E'^” `�''
�`-'" the week-end here and get a little !;1
will be scheduled Wednesday eve- Florida sunshine."
Dings, January 27, February 11, `P-" -+. ;, =, A in o n g Colonel Lindbergh's 1,1
February 25 and March 9. Then •—
there will be water sports; sten- _ • •_.. `•-'--" guests at dinner at The Pancoast, ',
a. - � .o.. were Igor Sikorsky, designer and t;
n5s tournament to be arranged in builder of the American Clipper, `'
detail later; a ladies' bridge tour- -► _ t
.'..�-y'�*+i^�►ir�:.� � and William J. VanDusen of New 1,
nament each Monday afternoon. f
Washington's birthday and St. MIAMI BEACH NEWS SERVICE ..1;
York, head of the Public Relations if
Department of the Pan American ;1
Patrick's Day will be occasions for
special gala luncheons. The picturesque tower of the Surf Club is mirrored in the Airways. It
The magnificent club, just crystal-clear waters of the palm-rimmed pool, while the patio * * n,
' opened last year, seems more beau- entrance forms a graceful frame. Bridge warfare goes merrily on ' •
1 tiful than ever as the season is at the Pancoast where a duplicate •l
inaugurated. Many of the cabanas tournament is being staged every
j 1. have been decorated to suit the and vice-president, Omar Aber- season. The Youngs call Chicago Monday evening under the tutelage
• personal tastes of the owners, nathy; treasurer, F. Lowry Wall; their home, but Mrs. Young is a of Mrs. Frances Webster. Mr. R.
• some preferring a modernistic secretary, Alfred I. Barton; board former Detroit debutante. Mr. and W. Gifford and Mr. James Sloan ; i
trend, others, a studied simplicity. of governors, Calvin P. Bentley, Mrs. Young are members of the won East and West honors this
There are four Bursco frenchchairman; Omar Abernathy, Eu- Surf Club and of the Indian Creek week, while the Cranes took North i
clay championship tennis courts. gene B. Clark, C. Russ Dashiell, Club, planning to divide their time and South distinction. 11
There are both a large L-shaped E. N. Dickerson, Philo M. Gelatt, •11
swimming pool and a children's W. S. Hammons, Webb Jay, Byron 1'
wading pool. D. Miller, George W. Moore, De- 1
There are two apartments in Witt P a g e, George Harrison 1
one of the towers to be occupied Phelps, John J. Raskob, F. Lowry �' }
this season by Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Wall and Francis S. Whitten. Breakfast •'`''4, . Bridge
Liam M. Griffin of Fort Wayne, * * * r•
Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cal- Registered at the Lincoln for his Luncheon 'I ':h`• ', Teas F
lahan of Detroit, who are arriving annual winter in the sunshine is
early in January. Mr. Edward Munkwitz, of Mil- Tea and
• A new orchestra will be heard waukee. In other years golf has
at the Surf Club this year,•having been his favorite sport but lately Dinner 41 1. Luncheons
made its debut on New Year's eve. he has been turning to fishing. Mr.
This is Edward Whittstein and his Munkwitz, as a member of the
orchestra. These musicians played Boca Raton Club, expects to com- C !
at the Dunes Club, Narragansett mute via motor car for some ses- PALM TEA R O O M
pier, during the summer. sions on the golf courses. Fond of Delicious Wholesomeness
Officers and board of governors * *
of the Surf Club are as follows: THE new home of Mr. and Mrs. 161(1 Lenox Avenue MRs. J. L. BERRY
President, W. S. Hammons; first Henry W. Young at 4383 Me- Just South of Lincoln Road Phone 5-2603 i
• vice-president, DeWitt Page; sec- ridian has been opened for the 1(
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