1670-8 Education, Schools_ • t + • D.AIL ROP , � o Is t . _. MIADII, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, JGXE 10, 1919.—TEN PAGES TODAY. • ASSQQATED PRESS DIVA Waterworks LUMBER .SHIPMENTS PUBLIC SCHOOL ON £E-SSIISflc4VIE.W-;.TAKf Light Plant FIRST FIVE MONThS 1by Councilmen BEACH IS DEMAND NEKTEPEE EXCEED LAST YEAR MADEOFCO. BOARDPEACE. , • . tW. C. A. *ORKERSI TREATY IS' -U Ful] ;5001000 Worth O{,Lum- People Of Pies nmla Town Believe READ INTO RECORD t ' 1�� LAN PEP . CE.TREV her Carried b Local Yards The] Have Lame Eao°gh �° C Which Indicates Build- Town To Have a. OF THE CONGRESS PARIS PAPER PREDIC OR • FRIDAY NIGHTAtti.it, �: School 0{Its own SIGNING BEFORE ' More lambs bas been shipped into The Dade county board of public in- • tiaml dote the first of Janusrruthan atructton L • h S to be confronted with the Senator -Boraecures Printing Canditioas Formulated nal Arangements Will Then Be was received hers during the entire proposition•to establish a public school Wilde IGerman Be Ad Made For Whirlwind Cam- . year of 1018, it was estimated this at Miami Beach, and the requeat is go- As Public Document Copy Of morning by R. D. \Vbite, secretary of est to be that the school be la.operation Treaty Secured By News- TO Membership.Lal I paign.For 1,000 Mem- the Miami Lumberman'■ Credit trio- next term. hers In Miami :? eiatlon. Tbls'titH some Indication of The matter of •a public school,at the paper Man gee Of Natrona •4 the great building boom under way here. beach has been one of paramount im- •` •. Iortance for some time, and though it I■ AswaatN Press.) car, J n. 10. T leer rep and ginger are expected to it In preparation for the great demands has been diseused about the family circle WASHINGTON, June 1U.—The copy . PARIS, Jana 10.—Tb, alga tilled into the workers for the y. W. that are to comb later I. the summer and public gatherings, the positiveness of the German peace treaty„brought to peace treaty by Germany bet A. membership drive at the "pep" the local lumbar yard, have been'stock• of the necessity was not voiced until the this country by the Chicago Tribune cor- ■ud•ite ratflflcation by the va In/ up heerlly, It G estimated that last meeting of the council, when word. respondent, Frazier Hunt, was present- Baments before August-1 Is cling on Friday night at the"T"build.Iwere not minced and the ' declaration ed to the senate yesterday afternoon by today.by the Echo di Paris..'3 ;.when the captains ■seemble to.re-I the fire leading Miami yards are now came forth that Miami Itearh needs and Senator Borah of Idaho,and by a vote of paper expecte the answer to tb ce final instructions from 111u Vilona I carrying belle ■ half million dollar.' wants a public school and that it la go- 47 to 3{ordered put 10 the mn[rtealQpal counter proposals to be deliv• t worth of-building materiel. This puts log to have it. tier, national ortenlur, and to receive them ahead the.yards of any other city At present, and heretofore, the chit- record and printed as a public Immediately ably on b'rlday,'Th• coarse of sl assignments as to districts. in the state, it is claimed. dren o Miami Beach have had to go toThe copy was presented Im tod Sena- mans, it holds, will'be to r, the whole city has hero mapped out Fifty-six carloads of finish lumber Miami to attend school. In the begin• after the reading ofoa President ito Sena- Scheidemann government by a I captains ■ olnted for almost ever tot Hitchcock from I could t Wllaon in lion. A comylele list°f captains will was■hipped Intp hfiamt during May,and sing of the town there were few children, which he said that he could not consent not a present government , re been named byratFof c night, and more than this'during April, by ono but the beach hu had ■ steady growth to girt the senate the text of the treaty [o the terms as the A g wholesale lumber concern. '1'hls. It is ea- until now it requires one of the big open without breaking faith with the Allies. ly present them. se workers are expected by that-iliac llmeted, in about one-half of the total busses to take them to and from school, This action by the senate forecasts a The. council of four met tr have mule up their lists of team I shipment of fiolsh lumler, so Miami', besides a number go in private can, an atmosphere of considerable mbe're. The Business \'omen's league htosallooal turn 1n Its Investigations into g romnmptinn of the better grade of lum- The attendance of children from the how unauthorised venue •came Into over the larger questions of 1 I handle the bueir.ees district,club and�her le running above 100 cars a month, beach at the schools in Miami entails a f fig- Ing with Germany still uncal rch workers will are that the reel- rand more than three and one-third can session of these of the treaty.. number of inconveniences, one of them uadentood th[t Clemenrn dial districts are ranvasncd,and school e pbeing that•they mart getBecause there wase motion to tan paella- Ire day, The hi menta of frame him- up at 0 o'clock alder the vote In the senate and a aella• moved from his pontoon at. Is of the city will De approarliet by her received here from Dale county in the morning In order to catch the bus mentary tangle le footled tern ed hich endangered modification of the peace pool girls. The aim iv 1.11111)members. mills is touch In excess of this amnuaamount. leaving at 7 o'clock if they get to Miami No settlement el the Slledh the making public of the treaty text,Sea- it was pointed out by Mles Cutler, in Some of the larger Miami Jattls had,re- in time for the opening of school. Re- or that concerning the Polish lemming the Itusinra■ \]waren'■ !envie ceipll of as mveh as 20 cars of lumber turning home If they do not get out of ator Borah started reading the treaty, frontier hes been reached. It t night,that the Si membership fee will some days, of flay. • school at Just the right moment they miss and continued, iron, for ■o Dour despite many that the Silesian problem is tie ver•an 18 mos-:u: membership, for the the bus, and consequently do not, Protests from the president's supporters. icon that the V. `\'.wishes to make Its Building In Palm Beach eery ahle Then the efforts to prevent putllcatlon the Alliedty of holding■plebe: home until late in the afternoon. hlv colla out •occupation, no trc al year coincide with the calendar Miami, however, has no corner .on applies to grammar school pupils, but petro, the motion to reconsider was available for that purpose. ,r, building operations, 3I r. White urs. those in the high school bane it much voted down, and the fight which had de • The Team Captains. ' West Palm Beach and Palm Reach are harder. Four days in the week, if the veloped many bitter charges of broken • • Tells Into Len Che membership cangnnign will last doing more building proportionately pupils take manual training—and all of faith was over. G•r Mondry,and un that Bthan Is Miami. although of mune the them do—they do not get out of school The foreign relations committee ex- PARIS, June 10.—Coaditlot. ly one day, n volume is muni nmellrr. The entire 'mined Frank L. folk, acting secretary mended for Germany'.admiulo a banquet will tssemble the workers until •■ late hour and some times get the"V"building to make rt-ports. south is undergoing a great building home to time for supper. elate, about the official copies In the league of nations by Premier C: [ loom, the department of labor reporting state department vaults, and voted to Colonel Houses and Load Robert Captains as announced at present are: that the southern building permits for call many important business men of the the establ4hment of a stable g,• a the hmnineee dl•t rich, Mrs. It. P. • Open were neve than twice'the average country before it. Polk stated that he the signing of the peace treat, wAl, Mrs. Edna Glare•, Mrs R. C. fur April for the last`nine years. SOUTHSIDE WANTS Dad received about 31) copies of Ike loyal execution of Vie treaty, -niche. Mrs. llV.: W. Whitman, ora. The tremendous demand for lumber Is treaty. This cooimittee of three re riha Mr<'orm■ek. Miss Mel•eau. Miss greatly affecting the market. Flooring Contraryto i-a IValt•rs. Miss MaryMartin, Mise _ precedent the committeeic. Sen. the-terms under which oath has advenred ^.,percent within the last opened its meetings to they public. Sen• than the louoder•memben may •vele.lrnont,Mrs.Naar.Stnhan,Min two woe 4. All other finish lumber is 'tors Borah and Lodge,both called upon ted to the league and their r suttee Logan, Mee. Cure linin, Mn, steadily climbing•-\Vholesale dealers re• • •CAR LINE to testify, declared that they knew of submitted to the councilof !c ice Lubig.-Mi-e Bertha Remount: far twit their stocks becoming badly broken. copies of the treaty in New York, but day. e re-idemtial distrlrt•,\f n, It. A. Mor• • ,and that there la danger of a lumber • both refused to reveal the source of The movement toadmit Germ. on, �lrs, Keel Smith, Mrs. D. S. Cnr•'fam`na TQsteadiAT G ithelr information. mdply,to the r desire to avoid igtuu,Ars,A.C,?Cdlregor,Mrs.Isid"r ; e• • The copy of the treaty which'•&lintel- btlify of another group compost ,hen. Mise Peulhre Moore, Wes. IV, T. unser, Mn.\t. B. Newman, Mrs. A.F.. IIUICIP-ALgtiILDING , AVEs IRA the senatechand English la Dro.at 1s, RRussiaosh w oe •cafe, Mrs. I. F. Hall, Mrs. H•ary pppbeth pages or F:ntlldi and contains dente% an s genic g ;ger. Mrs. M.'8.• flail,Burbank. and °there I i10 about 76,11W avoids, deenc haying rac'entll 'ruche,' fereee, leaders of influences a no are to he appointed; erbool girls. - I Civic Association By Close Vote Financiers Won't ']'alk Germany and Russia to utas ins Ada Mae Adnns, general of one IS BEING TALKED BY, gen. YORK.Davidson. e InJ. P. ]for- lions as a bails of powers o sup of repteine, who are Min alar- Backs Chamber Of Commerce ,ret Strange. Min Rowena 3legathlin, Rao. H. P. Didsand Jacob Ir. les Katherine Smith. ?lice Marjory Plan To Change Route Whiff refused today to comment on the JII •wlu and Mies Lillian Sweeny.and)lies eatrbre from hpoenoei in sayingic, senate nate EVERYTHING QUIET .nein Conklin. general of another group THE BEACH PEOPLE From Avenue D they hail been auhpriv to a f Inquiry Into the private circulation of ,„„tabu composed of Mise' I:Imim% the peace treaty: tither financiers men- 'arner, \flea Marion Braining. lits Routhtidt wants the street car line sinner( in yesterday's dispatches, Ieclud• �/ rankle Wharton, Miss Ilrlen Reynold / �: oA Miss ('lora Cohen. ' extender) into that seeton vin Avenue G int Thomas F. Lamont, who is In N F�AV'1skgJeA�N t.R in place of Avenue 1), ea the franchise France, Peal Warburg and Frank Van• �" Lg{ICfl11•':YO� t'oncassers molt keep strictly to then • Town Council Hopes To Erect'held by the Miami 'rraetinu company derlip, were not in-the city. - -AV rritnry assigned to thein, err"riling to pprovides, it was derided by a vote of 19 B MEXICANS too which credit ',mail in the ter.: Structure In Center Of-Town o inmeeting cat of the Southside ALLIED SEAPLANES torr encroached upon with any mrnr•I Improvement association Inst night rsll- •rshlps,bbtalbeJ. i That Will Be Credit ed for the purpose of discussing this To Community matter. MIAMI Y ENDORSESThe question aroused some bested de. Man] Are Crossing Borrie bate. In wgeoi delay was pitted Avenue .ROUT BOLSHEVIK! Fearing Juarez F The ga•st Lon of ■ mnnirlp„1 building traffic congestion. Advocates of Avenue Paso, IIr. among whom were 3t. E. Fidler, C. on the brach'has Leen before the beach Captured By the For. PIAN fOR YC A . cuuneit a number °f tlurs, and earn .So f. Neeb and J. C. finney. orgad Leet SnulhdJe would be deprived of w ■tentOf General AD till elms the site wan the °bola I. to be ear Ilea fur an Indefinite herlrl If thegover-comr. At flue time, Ju.t■ few w•erks IN NORTH. RUSSIA ss Avenue G runts were derided on. slnee I 'AU, PASO, June 10.—.Ever) tea., the mutter was referred to the rum• there is nn bridge over the river at Ave- ri IN COLORED TOWN ctrl Urmnu to pores and docks with {m Iquietd ,his morning of ng, r nor G as yet, stnuctbrm to selerl •. site but he re- Machine! Guns Rake Dee1h Of Yes. Lo rdrF,although soma Angel! ported bark that there was "oolhin ds,• 9'hos• who favored Avenue G, amen[ [ g whom were Arthur Gritting,A.J. Root., are reported only 10 miles ■o�� i mg." At the last meeting of council the 1' Is 1.-flier and Tho.. l'healhenn, ,"°. gels Which Flee Hungarian— Juane. 'there was a heavy , question bobbed up again and received tended that Avenue D was congested )lexlcan residents from Juan free dismission. It was shown ihat 3s,• Attacks On Czechs I'a sre last night, [ and Aearh needs Its own munirlptl with traffic now, end the placing of [ fearing the to. Hotel Building Of 27 Rooms Can nallding, a building las keeping las Aeelsn a street car line on that thomnghfareMust Cease . be captured by the Villa forces. and cvnetnun lura with the substantial, would create an Intolerable condition., , Be Rented For Y Purposes steady growth of the community, D Bridge On Too Mach Illy Aaseetate• rec...) Lias Enough ugh For $1.00 a Month The lorstlon for the building was ■l- It ons also urged that the Avenue s,1 NEM, Northern itussii.June 10.—Al- WASHINGTON, Jon. 10-3' r' lied seaplanes attackel four bolshevlk so much Jisensse,l, and the opinion was bridge has to be °pen en much of the bell, commsading the souther. $3,600 Needed . - nnnnimoua that It should hr pa near ceo• (lnrn to permit teasels to pass that the ern ft on Lake by egslie yecraft h he meat and,thei elex less border, bombs dropped by the aircraft did not ural as possible between the north sod .t reef car sehednle would he torn all to against any Increase In fortes r hit the loots, line the merhiue guns car- eouth ends of the beseh. It was suggest- Pleas. It was cin imr,l that moot of the this tune, in a epeeist report A Y. M. C. A. for colonel town way el that some of the big land companies traffic on the ricer does not go farther Heil hr the planes erased the Berke of the mime to the war department. 'tactically assured tut uliht In the en' having tra•le and operating at the Irerh up than Avenue fl, so n bridge over the Croft anthe bale HtJ• - l hat the forces tinder his com,. turning of the project by the local V. M. might donate a block of land for the river at this point would not.be opened sl'ATlISs.Juue 10.—As resident of the ■uffieient to handle any coating. ' `. board of directors at their monthly prnerse,l building. murh. p could b! foreseen. t••It°n started out tniey lpence cneRnnee Premier t•lemeneeau ' 9'',e r+ .. ',role ended In dl.r,,..,r,t., Tb. cite ,,,,,aril, wbrn n,.r1rlreel h.. , .. _� + MReranhed for Hn°r•ri.a r •',