1669-1 Social, Society,& Local News 1946-1993 . . other year. currently, he sale, the i• , • i manufacturing output cannot meet` '• . , the demand, because of a shortage I ;i3 • • of material• s. t^.• . • • f.. New York Jou> i-American *** Thurs.,Jan.27,1944-17 ,' I' A. NEW YORK Sobol Writes to CAVALCADE 0 a Pal Overseas /• By LOUIS SOBOL ', - i Letter td n Soldier— before and after the broadcast, a senator, a hand-shaking ac- , / Dear Bolo: couple of kids in the audience— quaintance with your hotel -;' .) Y both sergeants—one had been doorman, and a sure-thing tip tij, DON'T think it wasn't a reliefiwounded in the Aleutians fighting, on a winning nag to the man . :.,.t. , to get those two overdue let- the other in Sicily—well, they got at the ropes. Joey Adams and .'t~ ters—bud, I was beginning to get up and offered their precious sou- Tony Canzoneri are at the worried. Or didn't you know I venirs in return for war bond sales. Beachcomber, surrounded by cared? One item was a half-yen note a flock of pretty dolls wear- '., : . • Well, as you can see from the taken from a slain Jap—the other ing costumes which I seem to • postmark, I've been down at our a small German flag with the recall decorated the eyefuls at ; C ` old playground, Miami Beach— swastika, found on a German sol- the Copa back in New York. l and I want to tell you I wouldn't diet's body. Joey Adams and Tony Ciro's is a good restaurant get- ,.1: Ai have missed the great bang I get Canzoneri were the auctioneers. ting a big play—and the Little out of seeing these boys training The final bids amounted to over Palms is about the class of the to be fliers and ground men for $300,000. section. And, of course, there': • , all the gold in Mussolini's upper * * * still Joe's—and the famous ' ^: • and lower crockery. I've been get- Maybe this bores you, chum, stone-crabs—and usually, when , i • ting up early and whipping out but you keep writing that you he's down here, J. Edgar Hoo- r 1 1 to the corner just to get a load want me to tell you everything ver and his sidekick, too—Clyde ; of the swell-looking kids marching that goes on of minor interest— Tolson. by and singing all the old-timers and I fall into the trap. Mo- But none of the big names 1 , and a few of the newer ones. It's notonous? Okay, skip it. that used to flock down. Joe E. r good to watch—you take it from * * * Lewis, Sophie Tucker, Milton there. Here's something on the light Berle, Harry Richman, Paul :,` � - * * * Whiteman, Abe Lyman—none Well, our side. Swifty Morgan is down r;i .l i part of the show here—remember him?—right out of them. One of the reasons is .,,.{ i • , for the Journal-American's of Runyon's most fantastic yarns. the midnight curfew—no hard ,, t ' , Coast-to-Coast hook-up for the When he isn't telling of his stuff sold after the Cinderella '?y Fourth War Bond Drive went gigantic international "swindles" hour. ', .y over nicely. We sold $3.500,950of other years, he peddles ties. * worth of bonds just to the peo- I Well, who should stage a one- One of the boys over at the '44 pie around the Roney-Plaza man invasion of this sunkist radio station tells me he picked who turned out for the broad- terrain but King Levinsky, the this up on the shortwave from , -- cast. The city of Miami Beach retired pug—also with a cargo Tokio. "Upon the 12th, large favored us, too, with a $100,000 of ties to dispose of. The boys American bombers raided North .- ., purchase. Al Jolson went seri- thought this might call for a bit Chishima and Capt. Yokozaki ous—so serious, as he told of of action—perhaps start a pistol received a letter of thanks from 1 . ' the guys in the fox-holes, that feud. What did happen just the commander-in-chief of that ;ti he had most of the women didn't make sense. Swifty intro- region for dashing to meet them. ' tearful. Yvette sang and Leo duced Levinsky to some of his This has been reported to the - .-ti ;. -• Durocher did a bit of clowning choicest suckers and urged them Throne. Capt. Yokozaki has :'- , /�i II.- and then went serious,too. Clay ;to buy a dozen ties or so to give i been promoted posthumously to , /= Bryson furnished the music• , the ex-pug a break. No one'major." • . We thought Danny Kaye would knows this for certain—but the' * * * . l , get here in time—but his plane rumor now is that that night, I know more, fellow, but I've : V`{ almost crashed—and he didn't Swifty and King went off quietly got a column to write now—so ' arrive until three in the morn- into a huddle and split the take. let me call it a day. Don't keep :% ing. What a pale-looking ghost * * * me waiting so long for your !I he was, too—just out of sick- Most' of the old clubs and letters—outside of going on bed—but now the old sun has restaurants are back doing busi- your missions over Berlin, what painted him the right color. ness here—and what business! have you got to do that keeps '4 * * * To get into the Park Avenue you so busy??? :3 But, getting back to the show, takes a special letter from your —Louis. • J:. '9 ` if ', ry�1 f t,,,,,,..4;