1669-14 Social, Society,& Local News 1946-1993 1Jr low
Jack Kofoed Says _r J��, t ►
Long-Stemmed .
'`� MovingToon
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1-----(24:`}.7,„1.' ‘--1---14t—zi.
_ _ on Our
filling with quet, at the Everglades ho- Catholic Digest, saw a sign
I a gorgeous collection CF-long- tel. Blindness is one of the in a French millinery s h o p ,
legged lovelies from all over greatest handicaps a human on New York's Fifth Avenue:
the world, seeking the title being can suffer, but these "Our hats are the berets" . . .
of "• ••5a._Universe." They are people face up bravely to the Eastern Air Lines Stewards
so pretty the�ipss of the young problems of living. They don't and Stewardesses Association
'{{{ men here-abouts are pursed moan. They don't quit. All of stage an Independence Day
F in perpetual wolf whistles, and us could take a lesson dance at Miami Springs Vil-
older ones walk about with in bravery and glowing hope las Playhouse Saturday night, ;
nostalgic glimmers lighting from them. If we were more with the public invited and
their eyes. like those people for whom admission one buck. Part of
the light has been forever the proceeds go to Variety
'Way. 'way back in the '20s dimmed. this would be a bet- Children's Hospital... •
Steve Hannagan set the pat- ter world to live in. We want to cement closer
tern of lovey-doves in bathing * * * relations with cement
suits as the best advertising SECRETARY of State can countries. More than 63
bait• meri-
Miami Beach could offer Christian Herter and other per cent of Brazil's foreign
pallid-c h e e k hungerers for top wheels of the administra- exchange comes from the sale
sunshine in the North. But tion urge Congress to restore of coffee, and with the world
the late Jt r. Hannagan would cuts that were made in the for-
be popeyed at the battalion price down, that nation's econ-
eign aid bill. Mr. Herter says omy is getting shaky. So why
of pulchritude descending that if we thin down the dollar does our government enconr-
upon us. This area will get handout, our allies' confidence
agnew African states to y
more worldwide ballyhoo from in American leadership will expand their coffee produc-
• the Battle of the Beauties than wane. Like, for instance, the
tion? On the other hand,
from anything the mind of
way our confidence in law'- Russia is trying to sell its
man wotteth of. makers is dimmed by their people on changing Its fav'o-
I would like to say a word support of the so called du- rite beverage from tea to cof-
Pont amendment? This will fee, so more of the beans can
here in defense of Hank Mey- give the billionaire Delaware be purchased from countries
er, who was principally in- family a more than 600- where Reds are trying to get
conies ntto in bringing the million-dollar cut in taxes on a foothold.
contest to these parts. Had profits from the court-ordered
someone like Ingemar Jo- du Pont- General Motors split. David Calkin recalls that
hansson been in Hank's spot, America is in pretty poor salty, one-eyed correspondent
there would have been inti- shape if she has to not only Floyd Gibbons wrote "The
nation, that he set up the pet- buy the friendship of other Red Napoleon" in 1929, a real
ticoat parade for personal reg- countries. but that of the du eye-opener on communism.
sons. But Meyer, who is
Pont family as well. Some critic said it "stretch-
happily married and boosts * * * ed the chain of possibilities be-
three darling little daughters, NOTES ON A SHABBY yond all likelihood." but every-
hasn't let loose with a wolf CUFF: thing Gibbons said has come
whistle in years. John McCarthy, editor of true.
When he looks at those
dolls, Hank doesn't think in Ca" FR 3-5323 Per te - ROOF CLEANING
many of evision , titt of how EYE GLASSES PRESSURE $14"
many television viewers will i CLEANED UP
look in on Miss Universe, and LENSES—FRAMES—REPAIRS & COATED
how many columns of space I Po,T so of Modest Neon/ LAWN ESTIMATES
she'll get Miami Beach in the TOWNE OPTICAL, INC. P C.
newspapers. I'll admit I am 66 N.E. 2nd Street MON. b EVE.
not so statistically minded, I DAY SERVICE
and if I were 30 years young-
er Oh, well, what's the
use of kidding? I wouldn'tROOF BEAUTIFUL First Payment Due
OCT. 1, 1960
have done well,even then. ROOF COATING CO. Consolidate Your Debts
y al } We factors a WHITE. LONG-