1670-3 Politics, 1928-68 e-
//�'''''```��� T '�' 1 - Iummue' honor. Similar apprecla- DRAMATICS CLUB hearsala for wb}ST
Ew� fIf' tfon 8servioaing, FOR BEACH GIRLS-, who has been on the eoundl eight Par
years and who did not enter the race be taken by`Ale
again thin year. Ilia place has been Dtamattc club for girls le one of Marl Bose and
r CLEARY lino taken by Cot,I .1.1. Bankhead. the new mid-winter ectlrltles planned Girl, Internet,
Sao' v Capped Peaks The tint official in f the new
council was the pawing oC resolution! by the Miami Bnclub ercatlon de. the are ask
ISt } .Miami. calling for the paving of Biscayne pnriment, Arrangements are.being evening or to t.
' o • E ave.end Washington ave.,in the grey- made now for the first reduction of I meats with the
Sunshine CHECK 014 VOTE hound racing track area. the group, a musical pcomedy, re bath II.Tack, 1
bile Chile is•now� CHECK
before long it Striking Scene From Canadian YQR RACE
country." "This Rockies Decorates Roney -
rrt of Mr.Hoover •
in Pan•Ameriesn- Plaza Hotel -
,Id. IIo declared --
become Interna• 'Dominating the main lounge Squire. Says Four-Ballot
rough the P.n• of the Roney
that will convene y Plaza hes been Difference•Demands
f Miami on Jan. hung a maginificent landscape HØ w t o
in oils;, dbpicting ,he snow- . Recounting
y, defeated Re. capped peaks of the Canadian
for governor in
Rockies in striking contrast to the
ion, delivered a ocean vista through the large windows. Brushing aside the request of •
Asa matter of , g '� Val C.
e tack. At least 1'he•picture fel the product of Gilman Cleary for a recount of ,
by many of his Low and has been valued by art votes from Tuesday's election, -
it appreciate his critics at 512,000. in which he received four votes
ode county lande rbc Picture's typical of the rugged less than Louis F. Snedigar,
luring citrus fruit awe inspiring beauty of'the Canadian g r
Itockles,ubout Lake'Louise,"said Mr, succetwful candidate for mayor, the .
he hilly country Low.air he oxidated Monday in bong- council Wednesday morning installed
owner and du. Ing the'painting, "and might be con- the newly elected mayor and city i;
i-the•Ilifs) that aldered'a composite of hnndrede of councilmen, Mr. Bnedigar was cred- •
i land underlying similar views. There is a stretch of lied with 84p and DIF.Clear 830. •
f cla7,,tliluriehe. 50 mfles from the peak in the back- 7r • :
he raid,_adin in ground tort that ins the foregroundrape and The councilto a-1 it nt without Avoid so far as possible the places where
:h as obtains in a proportionate study of perspective authority to order a recount. despite Avoid In the in the forests and mountain stream arguments of Dan C'iappell and Otto
l for citrus fruit that constitute the detail." C. Stageman, attorneys for. Mr. germs are moat apt tO bei '
e water table is Somo conception of tho magnitude ,crowded ossa, pa'.
I ranees rho tap- a(the work may to rcnlired from the leery, that the law did not prevent places;
, ,{ � rooms.
diene tree gathers fact that'Dfr.Low worked off and on its doing so. Ben Shepard, attorney meeting cesstars.,. ftp •
ane enemlc." for two and.a half years on the ple-
a. for DIF,would
ix, Contended that the
may not helve lure and 20 pounds of cell paint were council would he cgoingcs le othe of IN • , .
regarding the used in the work. ot(Idsl;wiles to acre;.to the request. r •aaa+
t;but who believe Among the studies which have been Advice to Mr. Cleary that he take
urea, the finest moat wldAly exhibited from the brush his petition to the courts as a means Be Careful Of Close '•COnI I with Others
tangerine's and of this artist are"Diana,""The Birth of relieving the council of any re- •
+ •
a be.found any of Jeniot a'," "Eternity" eponelbillt was expected to result in - n
"d resentment at i t 1" nasi "Phe y U p
Howe elected to Problem." Mr, Low received his art mandamus or'quo warranto proceed- beware of all.coughers and •sneezers; brat
Howey education in Milan under a. famous Inge being brought against the council.
nty- Several of Italian nester, and among his pro• Mr. Cleary's attorneys pointed on: • through the nose.
afterward Mr. hfie contributions to art has painted that there bad been ample opporin-
amarks, declared 85 pictures which have been repro- nity for "honest mistakes" to have i
ddeheae a onlyd°red .rid published as net subjects. hero made in the counting. The close.i ; saga
county'cud thhir. Low attributes his inspiration nese of the voting a:so wall regarded.
• in turning out between till and 00 pis as sufficient reason for asking a re-' i •
glue' b°` weal; ¢ ; Get lots of rest.... Eat. plenty rof citrus fro
incl i° the state force n year to hie scientific study of count, they said.
health conditions. Ile has acted as I
en•favored ridgo Other candidates fcr meyorship fol i Keep
in New York and Boa• lowed at great distance behind the 1 Keep the bowels opsy�
Cooper,who pre" ton nndocondncted demnnxtratione in two]fader.. They were: \Vllllam I:. open.• Take every preeau
announced that felting, dieting and,,feate of xtrength \Veleh,201.; Edward Robertson, 122:1 , • !w
00 will give an to prove.his theories. In 1003, he William G. McRae, 117. J. Newton: 3 to keepin goodphysical Condition SO
ell at the Nand" lifted a weight of,7,000 pounds 1,000 1 .
timed in'nueceestun in n prat carried Lummus,,Jr., incumbent, wes not x
Re d tbo gDime candidate.
will have'-high.' resistance •ago'.
dureA rho male °n by Rernarr DicFaJdeo, losing flue Four councilmen seeking reelection' .,•
n Memorial Bap and thrnc•quarter pounds of his weight cecre returned to their poets,with Col ; p :1r;
mg several plena• every 35 minutes during the ordeal, H Df Ilankbead added to the Seoul'.
wins. `�' '
elaborate buffet His Interest In astronomy ha. led John 13. Levi, president of the coon- "
ollowing the pro- to his connection with the Southern d1, received 1,057 votes; C. L. Ci' ��� :'.��
d attended the Cross observatory of Bayfront park menta, 1,081; Co]•nel Bankhead
and he has been working for 12 years 1,0.18;Harry M.nice,054;and C.It
on n look of astronomical
vol research.Floyd, 870, Mr, Le•:i and Mr. Cie•i Above all avoid catching cold Any cold r
CP,VltleB Ho le new engaged on n volume to ba meats will serve for four years and ! •
entitled "The Pleiades." • rho other for two rasa. be the foYerunnet of fin Take:Bayer. Asp:
Mr. Low plane to make his hums•
sly with the Now in Miami as be finds here the beet The unsuccessful ere' J. eel and the,
Mrs. IMyle have light conditions for painting 12 months v°tea they polled:were: J. C. grown,.
orb city to spend in the year end the maximum hours 848; Horace C. Yaurg,778: John B. at the first sign of a•Cold and yo- can'w
Park apartments, a day end also feels that from a
Reid,.727: Charles F. Wheeler, 704:; ''i
Arthur L.III¢bree,474;L.P.Wheel.; t
health tesstandpoint 'the outdoor life an. 2W;— Aledoe Gracclle, 254; Flora it off. Gargle with ager Aspirin at first s.
audile apartments contributes to vigor and efficiency. tto Lloyd, 102; E. a. Evans, 141; ti!k
e season guests: - E. r, Um' mond. 134; E. J, Pearce, ofr'sore.throat.as.�bliwflI •remove the Infecti
KIlo�er,Alllanee, ing two'weeks on business In New 720; John A. Callal:nn, 101. ,,u•, �.
George H.Dulles, York. IIs ls-reglatered sit the Lin" At the conclusion of,the canvass,
V.Qulnly,James, Coln. J. Newton Lumm!•a, jr., retiritig
.fww'� '
:dith Schofer and Mr,.and Mrs.J.M.McDonald,'Faet mayor, installed Mr. Snedigar, who -
d Caroline, Read" Orange, N. J.,"are guests nt the Lin" two years ago had conferred the saute $
t,New York city, coin hotel where they will .pend t honor on DIF.Lummus. Dir.Lummus If -you have. any reason to suspect ever
L. Il. Kelly, St. month, was not a candldat+ for'reelection,
• ' eL having won the pcdtion of county touch of flu call your doctor. .
Mr. end Mrs. 1. Rlulosky of Cleve- tax aseeaxor in the g ocral election In
Iternerd, Chicago, land, Ohio, are winter guests at the November. - •
ii, Omaha, Neb., Palmer° apartments, 750 Dleridian Resolutions of ap;recintion for bis- .
he Ruskin apart- nvr•. - services daring four rears as a court" -
will spend the i oilman nasi two year+ es mayor in.
' -
Airs. S, V. Rams and children,
Josephine•and,James, have arrived Dos•
sed by .the city council in NIr.
T. Wood, Jr., and from.-Charleetown, W. Va., to spend
ler, Mrs. W. L. the winter at the Fernwood apart- •
lolls. Ind., are',at menti,035 Pennsylvania ave. BELLE ISLE
tmenis, 0.32 15th -
• . . Mr. and Mrs. L. S. French. De-
troit;Orerge'A.I3. Gardner and amt, LARGE' WATERF3t01T
owneu of Cedar George, jr., Cleveland, Ohlo, and Mr. RESIDENCE s
Niece house,Lake end Mrs. Leo Woolman, Newark, N. —Atte—
Leo 1', Quinlan, L„ are among the latent arrivals at APARTMENT. HOTEL OR'
•nseen hotel„Lake the Palmetto apartments, 1244 Penn- RESTAURANT SITES
'Ilam tel, O'moo• sylrnnln ave. f' FOR LEASE OR SALE ELECTRIC SALES •& iSER CE
over , ek-end ' Mrs. Mertlia Gnyton, ON,TIIIS L i l� V L�1��• •7
ore;the week-endpact worthy RF.AL`TiFL't, ISLAh'll
t, manager'of lb. grand•"matron-of the grand chapter, • +
sirs.Bennett: 'Phe Order of the Eastern Styr. of Terni- `'Mathews Br0:. Properties
hied by Mts,'John aylvania, is a.guest at El Clifton In m 1121.23 N. E. s000nd Avenue
;hue. The Quin. apartments. ••Mr. andMrs. J. Percy .;720 Collins 'Ar. Phone 0017 Phone 6210 • Miami, Florida
to winters:atOr- Threadglll, Coral .t7nblee,' also will •
aura of a former spend the winter there. • • '. -
nelana hotel, Palm ,�m� e t ;Dec. 2E
1 •�
•� prexident o! � \ 1 .