1670-13 Politics, 1928-68 •
tit meet•ot.Ihe „to, snvermmptu• wlulrh I:fn M�haul 1(i n sundae lh�I no„,,,;, tldl., I)eP. 1T.•-•I11n I;,+iod?i .
at.'fhs prevent limn le la dlMhd: REGAaDING DEBT ratda► (olio of Ihq betas ea pplrl' �•
rather than in coin sorb Imprdl•• hied Ieglsleflein from.,the ways and and intlittintelt 114 Pity Monks, '•I:,
,• i mnAlin committee, n eelteega dhcinsad \Yid Ors Poen lin in thl(t winttnwv Bila,
' rrralr(ent Hoover lint staled, the
�- Irrldenee of hack-eliding in the ranks Hitrl pNn.pl(nµ'll innv}ii W}ih 1
aennmk;' •rn•nt''ry 'of the l nitml:Deflullt SIftnd Nnt Token and hpa:au! aNmklrs were rwliflned .+ .o.,-. .r.T_ 7r
fits fl, kt ends Inrgely upon prngrrri t to 1::R.c�rtst 1)emusratin soles. 1•T .rllp
1n Dealer lnterngtinhal etnmade re. ��' II S. Pending' Now' Conphd with llxl poaelhle Repuhll• rr cc��aa �( ��
lntlnnghlpa, If measures embodying CSil:tietChoice roti rote', the more majority needed
BNK i! {d 4r 8y:sed '
reprisals against our defaulting debt• for beer appeared likely,but the Otte+ Or
ora shmlld 6e.,ant err the While Ileum. --- flab tjJaelnsrd that many Drtnoerata I j'}i
• ,-, .for.signature, It woyld ,cern rot"'"',IMnro.1 to �'r, vo,l, iter■1'1 Town.. •nfl of the IV wile responded to Speaker CALL, FOR• HLHi
forth•rominR'.The hevh el, therefore,! \i',f R(I I\I:"'U\, lyre, 17, -- The.ndoplfep of his resolution to rood the ci , 1 ®le F
et dead or dying debt impotent; hy,Frencneraff,l,,v woe In receipt aein nf!,they ■t ndmrnt by they re rani, COUR. DE�ii�6�1V1.
.';. 'tieaas of tlt� lath o rrtnlli•Inry rat•'na»omter• tmL,y the Hnnvrr admin•. they nM•y;n along het the unrestricted '•d"qui
recede warfare may i ,dlemisaal as and Istrutlnn will ,1n what It can to fit-loale of beer of an alcoholle enntent of, 1 'didn't
oratortsl rather than as a leginletive'etlitnte recurni cion of net debt tie,-I:i,2 per cent by weight, approximately' .Judge
or diplomatic prospect. !Cations with France. To that snob four per cent by volume•, took a
7n the armnrl plum the.prenidenl the ,tete tiepr:'tntent'not.nnit headed. The ntim to oil the 128 voles wee�Atkinson Takes Under fits
atsade committed twice to the lnitint• off a enngressi enol outburst yectcrday, furnished by Rep. James 'IV. Collier Judge
for of new negotiations with noir debt.`but•nntitied Fran,(•, today its' failure. (llrm., ?(flax.), chairmen of the ase Advisement Request drftn•
• ors in general. '.rheifirat Ctntmitment:to pay ita in:rrext inatellment eG >'
t and means rornmitthe,author of the;1.2 jury
vie in the Hnnverd{ntal etntement al moldy ¢_n,00rfo) don on Thursday,per cent bill,and the members charged for New R�eeiver iMHla
October of last,y'ear. ,This Commit• wee nit beim; tonstnied nit default with the direction of its de linitis on • drum
y�, tient was tentntive. pending nolo', Icy the: new French the (lair of.the house, him
•The second rommltment was defin• government now being formed. i I Qne •
doss of J,irisdfrtinn of courtsinkJun
fees ]t,oec,trrnl in the atntrt depart- \i'i(Ilncnres to meet Franco half The lrrpnbltren figure come from in the closing and l- ening o(•heak: !Greed
4•'• tarot note of Dee.7 to tin government way in attempting Cu) avert the tip-,I Ilnie Cnrl G. Bachmann Of West Vit.' fag instltutioua may again (eke fhe fine
of Creat Britain. It said: rt girls, minority whip. Bachmann re-
p :mote of default woe evinced in ad•' afnhls n( the Pada County 9rCUr1 r &fen,
''r' "The president of tun United States miuixtrgfima c rete, following a two' celled that R7 Republican voted tar bi!Ig
U.prepared,•.through whatever agency the O'Cmlbor•ilull 1»er 6111 st the last Co, before.. f}ne •talo supreme cruet.
hour tonlermnrc of President Hoover
• may seem appropriate in cooperation with Secretary of tho Treasury Mills, session, • it was indicated by attorneys',fist
y with the British eni•rrnment, to ant- Neeretary of State Stimson and George It wax.Bechmann'a belief that the night • Al
V: vey the entii•o situ tion and to ton-11,. Horrison, governor of the Federal
outright member of the to nbllcannitS
elder whet.mmns nayhe taken tut 1 p . Circuit Judgi IT, F, Atkinson•yen-
-`• ,Dido about the restorationhe tf en toiltsset a hank ,•f New York, wet bloc would deliver a!solid vote, terday took tinder advisement a num- • ,
currencies' and exchange, the,rcviral It hn'a born mode clear t^ edminis•
blithe acknowledged that some of the her of-questions raised.In a reedier!
p trntto, of(,e Ix Oust rrsponeible Itepnblieans who voted for the morel Chi
of trade; sod tho rr1etvery of prier,." p petition brought by ffe,and.oncern, ,
}'reneh leaders', in eonfrrencea with reanlulton on' the opening day would'Platt Laeeeler against. the rancho,
'The absence.of the word "dente" 1'remiflent Lebrun of F ranee, have hesltate to'vote for beer, taxellon or which recently wait returngd to;:i(e
fnvm this Pamir.'Is t('nn rounequo,r e. realised Paris;tu t,itself in a bed light on to sol inn,
t that a dinnlasion tf currencies and' atnrhe Court,by the state comptroller. D
bcfntr Iho wor111 by its norpaymtut —ens sa'r4•fr• Ter— • , ' :Beat)
tot print annld neC•ssnrily involve L The tnurt_orrrrn)ed ys for the ce•
and ]`erne in!erents'stand to suffer
a disnueninn of debt, was thnruu lily uudrrs the nprmaranec .of repudiation y •r motion mode.by attorney:far the cath•, cr.-
nnd•ratood.' "„ !con Ito remover!. enactor- s• .ire. party that (bb,roan bei•dlemiasedSar'
The.nueetlon the( advances to and l mush leed'r- are senrrhing fort •' •' Ino{;of juriaflteIII p end lastrnrttvi ab
Interpretation of tic phn•r;'-"tbrndF1' Twice Mislays torneye to file In him be,
some device tv!Mit might justify demi.
n • whatever agency main.deem nl'prnprl- ties in the eyes of their constituencies, foe.r1y111g .a Alc161en �lrohnhly ta•
�, ate." The preniden hod continuously • I Jewel Fortune morrow,
taken' the view co greys ought to
in reversing lh,:ir vote o[ \\'ori nc Should , to netAt Omen deride he rep l ,
t• •. authorize him is nrgntintc regturding Ity that merwhdmhtg rMr„ over- his authority to in tun cestK•It is o(t„rp
throwing -the (Terrine cabinet, it I.
the debts through a 'new debt [hnd'I pointed oitf tlu• drputlaa had'in mind Taxi Driver Returns (}ems t0 expected:attorneys for the company Ret cant
Ing debt*
tie, H� now, honrrrre to atlsltend poi,•Inert until there ward Mrs, Lewis First Time, will seek*writ n( mhlhitlnn, se.w'sa
” proposes to negotiate through "what-
some done In a almllar orae scrcrnl yehra,�sb, h
ever agency may he appropriate.' s"n,r nasi.1rauccs the French debt Unidentified Man Next quo, tolerate
' He might there 1pon negotiate either agreement would he reviewed, elected,
through our l tlarly ratablither It in to dc,-dop enure ouch satis- The cult brought by Nit.. end Mrs, \tri.I
p g factory• atuuru^ro, without seeriflclo ..WASHINGTON, Dee, 17,—(INg) Lasseter asked that a court receiver at'rhp
diplomatic officers-tor through nprdel1priurIiie on either side of the At. Jewels and. other valuables worth be (P0011 d'to take the tors of E.lefght y,
rommissionere of Ila own rhnosing, p
Lorelei duet. Ihe presort diplomatic nearly *200.000, lost by Mrs. James M. Porter 7„ seize
In the course of°dr nntinnnl blistery, r' liquidator, recently des•
we brae had oro quit,•boll sorb mm.jcoinersaliont aro rimed. The Bonier }lamilton'Lewle, wife of the Demo. charged, „It contended llanidation'had pliftom
'cndminletrntinn, •while unwilling tonot been Completed floss- and.,turning•the , t'1 in,
ten\Tl?ren n, rtrv.' rtvti lend Itself to anything implying re• stored senator from Illinois,thewere re.- concern back now would mien' the entitle'
• !trot, is tutee willing to reefftrm Ira ,fared talny thrnngb honesty el (he proldere wonlrl Free to continge than l
THREE MORE JAILED. rlr,t"'eitiun to ••tnrnitw the gneetion to °"Idesh,ted tiro and n R'exhing- }he process.
Iron tnRirab,drlrer, vleitors
further., ,Cobras( for fhe security company enjoym-
Beynnd tun, tiro Hoover adminIs•, Almant . immediately after they contended atoekhrddere are not credo . "(tut
' . IN ELECTION DRiVE tratdau is dee ring V- were rettorcd to Mrs. Lewis,she mil. itora; that all legal claims hare been existed
laid them, but they were recovered met: that the toneern ie solvent and log en
Paul•Boncour Tries within a few tltinutes, that the'comptroller alane has' the Ben,-1, .
Beach, Felice Continue' Cam- Willard A.Fodlln,e.5,the cab driver right to deride when to close and when no op
''r_' �i 4To•Form Cabinet In whose car Mrs. Lewis fired left her to reopen a.bauk or building-and loan rr(n,ins
paig-n on Registration, ]'.1RiS, her. ]7.—iP Sl—Jnsepll bng•rind who restored 1e to her with company tinder
olmstate1 ( In the
•' ' l'nnl-1lnnrnur :gored tonight to form the valuables Intact, received ;200 re. • Upon the ou[tsmo of the litigation o c" f,.
Three nd,litinnn}nrmsts for nileged a new ,•nhlnr' tip a program .that ward front genome Lewin and thelmeetina the nueetien oil' w"thar.•a eint,v
• •illegal re1,ietretion,l ranking 1a.ninee'means rnntiul:.,nen of French default promise e( >1rM) morn. meeting of shareholders for election
th rem sign opened,were chalked n on aha lirrembrr Bahr I --tiny as Yatra Tay of new officers inn }, betel Jan; )O and mit
g P P Ppayment to the as already art.
?e • yeiterdny by the \linmi ltrncli police United Stoles,:nail\\'n+hingtnm agree'.
Attorneys Ileg Jlls
;, deportment in its elusive against antic- to n ennferetme on revision of the SPEED IS SOUGHT I'• n the rose were ):uriz& {nk. Int•.
" ipatrd attempt tit frnudtdent voting Froult debtacnlrmrnt, Reid and James NI. Carson'for'the r�,"ITnt,
5,...'",,,,'in in the city-election Tuesday. Tho w'holn debt question will he UPON HOME LOANS(company; r tit oil Ti,lion(and 1.,]i
lets t,rnril Flemina for fur, pinintiffx mol \\alibi ear. if
Those taken into Cnstoll were Mr. 1' y nheirrrl while Iho chamber 6elicvih
of donde,' I:••ilea the budget and TI ui'cands'nf Applications Reported. ,lutlm o h}:Ilii jar IntrrcrnnrMdith airy' e
and Ira, i ru Fns 1.V \\'nahingt1O I a claim of$500.
ave.., and R, l;, J�s-s of Mill ('oiling IMl'haps other ;,trs•hug interunl prob. ^^ "le With Federal "mince Cl'a he.
—nor an Iltvlre. Tor— ham'• r
,r,aa,.They will be'arrel,ned for triol Inuls, (lrganixatinn MAN S,BODY FOUND
in police court to arrow. Innl•Iloricoh war
minister the �i r..'
rnbitetof Edo,nrd ](erring, which re- WAtHINGTO's. Der, 17,—(INS) ehnngc
Cel. IT. M. Ran bend, polies, Fief, signed early this week because the Thausends of applications for direct . NEAR STILL SITE hao•per
aaitLhe had eblaln d ndmissinnc from rhnmbrr of'd,•putties refused to ep• loons from home owners who.insist Lir s
the Foxes they he •voted in the gen-
, prove immediate payment of the debt they ere unable to get aecommods• • = said, o
,.':seal election from elm home adorers
Installment; n':rked at the rlyeee Lines at building and loan tie (alione 1lctim 11'eartng liandkerehlet,i`:se abouu h
at 824 Lake at.,G ry, Ind. He added I nterr, the •}•r•nch Whit• 1{nnne, to- have flooded the office of the�fr'deeeI �fbuc Mordrred Nealrni n oh '-'.` nbo+ut i
th2ir- statements re hocked up by night. home loon hostel,it was learned today, Abandoned Form : i
photostatic records of their registro '•I have rnr r to inform President .An effort to get these loans placed t
tions there. En Peon I n•cert.his invitation•to through the •leering house aeenria• TItE\e the d N;u t Dec 17.ho hl 1�rI-
Io the ease of i, r, ]lnnkhcarl said. or:nnizo n new nllnistrv;!,he said. "I tient. set. tip In the terinlun elate, le Wgs�et,atillaend nImo gallons of ai ohlol,I 1
he had. "bnforn,ntpm of illegal regiloIt„il,r t urn•,• „y. cnbinrl tornlyd hr• hu prngrcas,
tretierf" but nn admission. (err morning." • the body of an unidentified man the•
Of the nine arrests previm,sly mndr learnt mwcar r said that by the rhes( torn by a heavy rhnrg^ 'ef shat I 'Willi,
first of the year prnhnblr 50.00l,rt0I wits found today. The victim etrll nate, a,
by the deportment, one person and tins illll'SSEI.S. Dee. 17.--(INR)— in "lines of rr dit'. would he extended worn it bendkereltirf nen meek m•t:r hotel in
glnnc:;0i dnhut ouotltr 11111s collet and '\fhcr three dove of negi'fiotinns,(;onut ,,,the 12!tanks of the system an that hie bier. The murder ocrurrrrl'on and definite
n Charles De )lrocgncville tatty env" innnx would he general. abandoned farm. ,
seven have faken'.out writs of habeas roiled in forming n'new.cabinet to ' Ito the 1 �)
corpus which atilt ore pending. • rcpinro tho_ministry, headed I?y him-
Iiankhead gUotel Charles A More- self, which resigned after voting nett
heed, county sollcilnr, e. ':enying to pay the,•Iiel,ion'war debt to•the A.LETTER ' w
• he would glee"evenly possible-coopers United Stairs. 1 Ji■■.i�1J .It's 3 f01' All of You t0 RCA( ':
tion".and would 'proaecutc in mato ' —tiny :,n Flea Toy— w�'HaVlllj; Read, Open Your Iles
mutts in all cow—sin wnieh the eel- HUSBAND WIFE DIE ,
dente justified it," ' r (RorTOn•J NOTE: This letter to
For, since his arrival here, Bank•g `VITHii~r 2-I • HOURS `iota c,,u. t, na.wg.. .d ..,.d to my his of £0nota, Coscoil 01111 non.
bead said,hea'beenln ,ports promoter,t ants a tiegp.r.to w•mt. Tno.e inn records of tie year,ego end pnit'll mrd
Jost ix said to he o.barber. _ would enjoy sharing ant• Tatm n• ea-
nomrnur soon 8.nta .root,rn,,,,n„",. find the •'.name of the
-.=guy ■a Itvers Toyer— MEMPHIS,III'- ,a.1s wltA th. neiiy tit a mrns.in. family 'of 111th t.- They helped • • •1(I
• D c 1 r.—(Cel—>Ir. editor ut the Haar yew,) you turn with glad 'heart and ,
-, and \In hots r ]L McGinnis died off Ter I:
LONG YULE HOLIDAY, i „pet hands,. Lint torr( times
pnen.1nooto w'i: :m �hnnn,hrrr. Jic- Dear Santa ('Inns: n.' }n
.�. T Ginnis.^_tl,a g-,•rnlmrnt tree surgrnn.l ,, have conic- and t this-Christmas .1I,1
FOUGHT BY GARI�ER' Thin ix lay ft ret Inter to you In they nMd YOUR help;Nub n.
room here frotr. his home nr Orlando. .morn yearn than 1 ••err to re- •later I
• F'In., twoWerk dgn to'repair tree,in 'member, And I wouldn't bother Airport two .years' ago the 11.•w .
i'�►'Sl►ny;]tellre'cntatIsea Afraid Con- the Natrona( r•mrterc, lir. dial last you now, Seats, except for *ere forced to lr,vc Jli' hr'prr
:b aututimil Will A.tk \Vhy They night and his •.vife today, • Jiariel; -lt ma surprise
ami and attempt to wrest n ser
At.:''•. Aren't1W'ordng;Speaker Says . . —nay ,n Extra Tr y P you to carious lesttof Dafrom the. }leer-' ri" I
r j; - - r •]seen I'dnn't-even know metier - glades west oL Dario..\aturally,.- �1•rs'
i)ty +11"A personally. Boit” she has toren' they took Mt(riel, an only child,
u \GTO\,Dee.,17.—(Iti4) hi-ought very close to.me b to
WHEitE TO GO 1V, Confetti a friend of Marie!'. ■loop •obi ` or.•t n
'4 t'h Kttty growing
a eCi- al twee' Ion of cont / To the in ,era
P • -. (stills: nn 'elder, the toil) fn; th
y'g►Ma•noon'after ATarei 4, Speaker Seo probably remember Marie?, ilrhdg•k- and nrvrr•rnd rivtae • ,\ ,Ler
yeat vl3�araer,.a(IIi I. h tiling mit for ad. Smote, as•e'hlne•eyed wisp of a •t(m to he anagrexe were a hilt, n ,,
,comment of ennlesa for Christmas •1 011AY girl whn.detighted in pretty dolls:.- den to hr bnrml en 4rrt they to:, ,
^nlr fro•m }•rirInc use until the Io I• .,10 0 N. , 7`•n.-_Crn'G•ea might. .Boit to\fen, h herd•'
flowing T tont n , in nil lem.:'a on Christmas. Rot eines lir days
ships woes dei s ji ih'i1 Ln,r•d. I `•t�
,; •.;« \ a.l \L—,\goalie 71 ores oro-.•• of yore ao a 14 bats, \isriel hoe n,:., ,
I.aa,mnl(undr•'stnnd melihen rf I grown Into a etnul•uugly br•antifil yrnlrh's 01.111 .i Ply h„p•ii f .1h• ,..ii.
^rnnxrrss,•Mtn ,jest IcIt their'bout zI ii \ti;nn Ittllmore C' tntrv. In' ^[.':1, ,\nd, n• she awaits • 'nes•: drtgous Ihnt'rliri.t l ,0nn erre t•
lrnawinr condition , wonting a two- cl"h the coming 'n! Christmas-behin •d
her cot Siright and a1,t h•n;;,,es '1°' fn
,YI`q weeks' vacation," I'erter raid. Ttl`.IOP.It(1\C the garden wall• n[ the" fn- •of fire that'scored her brain an In•'.n'1
r."Many of,thone luvr, elked with S P.?I--,:•eater Mieml Con- anylnm at C.hattahooc•hee,,it p' homier
t snow sur t d inrcatlres sl!•.•
'arfil't want::td go home,'-.They art tram Bridge league,tournament .most peen,.to her,you've corn. • •.Som rhiny"snnpped in 'l oriel: - wn•'ii
I11efald (bar'night art iotas of their attheAlrn-nr'hotel,. Blsctyne • pletely'forgotten the Marie( to one night, Sante, and they sent , eois
• •, wb0 w td'ant.to know bled, and F;';h-at. •-• 'whom yon nce brought gifts. ' ' her to aha asylum. _ lint
sof 'the job." ,—MORE ,..,r ...1.ti Imo MORA , Perhaps.I'm rettlag ahead- That was'a sear and a WI (fiat r