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1670-18 Politics, 1928-68
7 Voill A/. Vie --twx-- '',414-K IrraW----.------7.-"" 1 1• R11) 4 ' S' ill 0S7' IMPORT :tN7' NEWSPAPER W E D I4 E S D A Y MORNING , MAY 3 , 1 9 3 3 FOURTEEN PA DALLOTTODAY ROOSEVELT'S ��nr�c�r.1.►1 $12,500 F'.ic l:vr; CURTAILMENT n'C.ul,.ul :� 1' MIAMI BEACH AL i v N•ashington, \lay 2. (,T) , '-:. FOR INFLATION Republican leaders served notice, Ministers on the administration today that t'er(l If congress Is to adjourn by the QMmFIGHT' S NEW I!A. first. week In .lune it will be lin- vorced wit' possible to pass much of PresidentBaltzly 101 DUE IN .HOUSE• Roosevelt's program. Including tar- I damages In 1/f and war debt legislation. SMALL TowN trade Grue emoctatie spokesmen agreed Mrs. Balt 1) - that the ambitious legislative pro- i Beach. Caib t gram originally planned would hate the 39-year Democrats Override Re- to be curtailed, but still retained ing the site S111'fSIdC, C Blocks Long, Is band prior ' Publican OOpposition To permit tile President to negotiate Clubg. ai Harry FI on the tariff and war debts.• Sponsored By , Gruenl II Monetary Plan There were rIP.iltite Indications motion for I that banking legislation was likely Attorney �aYs Both Dr. t _ to he dropped from the program, ..__ denied the ' I'I VI.•I-IOUR DEBATE hitt nevertheless a senate banking AIMS tween them subrumtut ttee pia nurd a confer_ To AVOID improper c TO PRECEDE VOTE ,nee with President Roosevelt and for Mrs. Ba Secretary Wood's. tomorrow In an I IIGI I TAX RATE Dr. Baltz: --+ effort to work out an agreement. to Omaha t S r n a I.o r MeNary, Republican • Ohio, to is Roosevelt? Confers With leader of the senate, passed the Briggs-Fisher-Graham In• city's large: word to the Democrats that if toe), in 1931. Argentine Envoy; Deic- hoped ,,, get congress out of the terests Join Mayors In 1 .ay before the world economic RECORD hate From Italy conference .lune I?. it would be Opposing Bill • necessary t0 drop some of the con- • `� troversial subjects now tinder tits- ~— ASO (BY rRE ASSOCIATED PRESS.) •cusslon. Efforts of the Surf club, exclusive WASHINGTONMay 2.—The power- ful Democratic majority battered clown • millionaires' society resort, to cause the 11f two desperate Republican attempts to establishment of the town of Surf- .lock house consideration 'today of the side north of Miami Beach were pro- .lock farm relief-inflation IHL IS KIDNAPED tested yesterday by Mayor A. Frank bill and Y prepared to approve the cur- By 1AIJFF'FI.JH Katzentlne of Miami Beach, Mayor D.rency expansion section tomorrow be- �1S Campbell of North Miami Beach, I eStjmo fore sending the leglslatlon Lo confer- jln1 governors•of the Miami Beach Chamber encs, t • CALLFUof Commerce and• the 'Briggs-Flaher- eluded Overwhelming approval of procedure StI3IIOOL Graham interests.for conside•ation of the measure as- 1 Al1 S. Pierre Robtneatr, state legislator, Sent sured adopion of the inflation section. plans, it was reported, to introduce soon The farm bill to which it is attached �c a bill providing for' the cation of III then will be sent to conference for the ii.<, Daughter of Surfside, bounded on the south by • c TALLAHA: composition of differences between the }lnety-first street, on the north by testimony in Ninety-seventh street, on the cost by former Dade senate and house. Wealthy Family Is The first Important test on the 1s.= the ocean and on the west by Indian concluded be nation provision came after the Demo- Spirited Away Creek. ` tee tomorrov cratic leadership had been blocked The town' would cover an area of ap- Pine and N. again by Congressman Snell of New proximately six blocks from north to attorne y pro: York, Republican leader, in an attempt f RY THE ASSOCIATED PREns.l south by two blocks from east to west. toHARWICHPORT, Mass., May 2.— will not be get unanimous consent to debateIt probably would be the smallest town until the co the proposal six hours and then vote Spirited away from a point near the 1n land area in the United States, if on the inflation issue. The Democrats Harwich Center High school, 11- eat- ominous cou y not in the world. The area is outside This decis old Margaret McMath, daughter of Mr. the city limits of Miami Beach and of following then offered and obtathed overwhelm- the ing adoption of a resolution to confline and Mrs. Neil C. McMath of Detroit and North Miami Beach. debate to five hours. Harwichport, •• as kidnaped late today. McCall, clerk John G. McKay, attorney for the Record for I Aller an hour of heated debate in Police des ib.. her abductor as a Surf club, said that the club is spore- and Edward which.Republlcan� described the toils- negro chauffeur we drove up to the soring the bill to provide forpolice and school !n a 1 assistants. C tion proposition as dangerous legisla- s= automobile. fire protection and other municipality former assist tion, the resolution was adopted 261 to "'State police then authorities to facilities without the club having to 113 on a record vote. whom the kidnap g was reported said paybe Pine's on) no motive was nown for the abduc- a high tax rate. Hawthorne I bemocrata, Claiborne, Mla- "I am bitterly opposed to anything might not ha snarl; Dunn, Pennsylvania; Hoeppele, Lion. The McMa �1 Ily is described which would stop the normal develop- California; Howard, Nebraska; Huddle- as wealthy. Tl child's father is a ment of lama Beach northward," upon Worleq': member of a .• construction The hearth t ston, Nebraska; Lamberth, North Caro- , Mayor Katzentlne said, ducted ' engineering firm, by tY `lint-'131acY"and Somers, both Mt'New Governors-of--the chamber'Of corn- recommend t York, ' voted, against the resolution. The police said : ma called at the merce urged the Miami Beach city gov- • school about 2:15 . m., and said he stirred in the Please Turn to Page 13 was a member • t , .irl's family and Please Turn to Page 2, removed by t that, a cht&tiffeu tiff atop at the •- Carlton, or i/ • R NEW. school to pick up •Irl, vras devotedRAILS•cosTO the bout the same me : 'man called B 8011t1011 movegirl's parents horn .nd . .ked them �� ������ Over the :HIH, ntlni nn� i' to keep the receiver of hook for • fine Gained c 'u 1{11 R .j933 Please Turn to rage 13 SILI1 GIVEN SENATE dismissa�hwi terms of h' Turnover. In Stock Exchanee P— I INYTTVF C'I7'rt s . ', • is 4 i N 2-7401 WEDNESDAY, MAY-3, 1933 ! I ,H/c.�l:� CONVENTION.� llr[IAII! BEAcH SIGHTS . sllnrr'En $12,497 'PROFIT . Chletf'go, May 2. (,1'i , PROPOSED NEIL IOYiN t. A final auditor's report today ills- • r •loard that the two major political _ vrnventions of 1932 were held In continued From Page 1 'htcago with n "profit" of $12,497. l — 4hat amount, the balance after ernrner,t and other civic organization. Dwelt of al! bills, was refunded to Join them in requesting Dade county , n bane of 11.4 I per cent to cit- let,-tslators•and Senator John W. Wat- rens and It :•,Iliess)rouses situ con- son to prevent the passage, of such a ributed $28149 to bring the con- law. : entlons here.' They recommended that. a confer• The remainder of the fund of Pnce he called of all interested parties 361,961 spent was obtained from to discuss• the feasibility of extending lie Democratic and Republican no- i the city limits of Miami Beach to In- clude the area of the proposed town tonal committees and from sale of Surfside as a burrough ,and. to re- :f $81,0711 worth of tickets, port to the Miami Beach city council, a�; �.� k : :.`: :\'...`'2. .' Opponents of the proposed bill ex- . planed that the establishment of such a town would hinder possible expansion IZI 1J1 UPS mg of Miami Beach, They plan to appear before the city council today. J. Julien Southerland, attorney, rep- 0N ORGANIZED LABOR resented the Briggs-Fisher-Graham In- terests, which own a large tract near the proposed town.of Surfside. • 'rt'Itifs TO "ACCEPT" LOAN der Backers Seize Quarters oft ISTANBUL, Turkey, May 2. GO')— • Lerman Unions Alt <I 000 I Authoritative information from Angora + ,. tonight said the Turkish government 000 Members had decided to accept the offer of a group of French financiers, for a loan IBY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.] of approximately $2,850,000 to be used I exclusively for economic development 3ERLIN, May 2.—A stunning blow Socialist-organized labor was dealt I In Anatolia, lay by the surprise occupation by' PEPPS FISH CO. storm troopers of all premises' rd oughout Germany of the free trade! WHOLESALE and •RETAIL Ions, whpse aggregate membership is! 69 N. W. Fifth at.. Weed PHONE t-ia■s alt 4,000,000, I 708 Collins Aye.. Mlaml! Beach • socialist union leaders' were arrest-' Phone $•$sets i • SPECIALS—FRESH (tNLY • and the brown-ahlrted Nazi follow-1 Fresh POMPANO .........;.,•,lb•'=24 • • of Chancellor Adolf Hitler an- Fresh MACKEREL lb. 14o Fresh SPECKLED TROUT.` lb. Its 'need• that henceforth the trade Fresh PIKE hiTae Freels YELLMtII.L w TAILS ...., 1b. 144 Ions will be national, instead of in- Fresh MULLET :t lbs, 1114 national, in character. Lite FROGS n d Wbilel Tae Raft Fresh FILETS and STEAICq...,lb. Z0t Cho raids on the offices were con_ of under orders of Robert Ley, a a member of the retchstag who now PAT LIGON prespent of the states council ferr Ley said "we hive not yet drawn z08 WEST PLAGLER • > whole labor world Into our ranks, STEAKS—Sweet and Jitter.' 1 t) t we shall not cease our efforts until lb. 1 ! last worker recognizes that our HENS.-Medium Slse. ' , • y 1s the only right way." lb. + 14c \asurancee were given the union that GREEN BEANS. 10e !info banks deposits and pensions YEA'. CHOPS, l• 1 not be touched. .he Nazi seizures lb. ' - 11e • parently encountered resistance no- HAMBURGER, 20e sere because of the sucdenness with s lbs e •, AO they were carried out. I j1PARti RIBS, 8c Cite Nazis, prdvlously had struck at BEEP SHORT RIBS, f •?'°Qoctal Democratic party whose vast lb. 7e )pIdanda apparatus, Including hun- PORK SHOULDER, QQC ads of newap per$, has been' out- lb. .veil. RMOR LOIN LAMB CHOPS, 14c "Germany t ay entered upon the VEAL STEW. •ond epoch' of the National Socialist b• 5e "olutlon by freeing the workers from Ib. ' MEAT MAN. , 6c1 . e last fetters of Marxism,"- a Nazi • orrN TILL 7 P. M. mmunlque said, ` ; 1 1 :.. \ , ... �-- __ Noor�l�,tb AVE�c 19++�ST ` - ; 41°1 hAAIIIIOTH • _ X .-1 , . .‘ . Via FOO © • • S TO RE S J • '"• Vt here Food Irises Are Made" w SPECIALS pm Dar, um"rias ri r,Rs -;.,.-. .•