1670-21 Politics, 1928-68Mb """i- "•-- "- '•" ""' roreign artairs, and Alton Mar- piecemeal cornnuuueot tit tion fluor, n neceeata y, vu u,c
plaintants did not appear. In- shall, secretary of the Gover-men and material in the Viet-Vietnam plank. 'princniinatloi
stead, they took their cases to nor, who was in charge of the nam war and from past crlti• Then on Friday evening, Sen• Principles gu
the Federal courts because Rockefeller outpost. cism by Richard M. Nixon of tor John G. Tower of Texas, settlement.
their complaints were not filed The day before the Rocke- the Administration for not a Nixon supporter in the plat- Representa
early enough to comply with feller camp had purloined a training South Vietnamese form committee, approached Goodell of u
convention rules. copy of the Vietnam plank forces to fight the war.Similar-Senator Jacob K.Javits of New a Rockefellei
The plaintiffs, Negro groups drafted bySenator Everett ly the plank incorporated Mr.York, a Rockefeller supporter the negotiati
from Louisiana and Florida,are McKinleyDirksen and the Nixon's accusation, paralleling in the committee,and suggestedIpialform co
asking the court here to en-executivcommittee of the that of Governor Rockefeller,that the Nixon camp wanted to floors above
join the seating of the regular Resolutions Committee and that the Administration had talk about a substitute plank form commi
y delegations from those states found it completely unaccept• failed to understand the polit-along the lines of the Freling-In the Voltal
nn the ground that Negroes able and negative and hawkishlical nature of the war in Viet-huysen proposal. plained the
were barred from participat- nam. quest. Mr.
in tone. Embarrassing at First accepted.
ing. For the critical paragraph P
This afternoon. demonstra_I Johnson's Aims Approved committing the party to a, The choice of Mr. Javits as The final a
tors began picketing in front The Dirksen plank, which •peace in Vietnam, the plank'
Intermediary was somewhat,mation came
6 , of the convention hall to pro-reflect the hawkish views of again attempted to avoid any embarrassing to the Rockefel-day morning
test the "lily white" makeup most Republicans in Congress,Nixon-Rockefeller rivalry by
!ler camp. since the Senator,Dirksen ord
of some state delegations.Some virtually endorsed the Johnson relying heavily on language who faces a dovish opponent recess in th
carried signs reading, "The Administration's commitmentsused earlier in the week be-for re-election, was advocating mittee meet:
Florida Republican party is a and objectives in Vietnam al-fore the platform committee bylanother plank that would haveigive the we.
lily white party." !though it roundly criticized the Gov. George Romney of committed the party still more,a break.
The credentials committee Administration's "piecemeal"Michigan.In turn,Mr.Romney'slemphatically to peace in Viet-1 In his sk'
did act, however, on the com-Imilitary approach to the war.language incorporated some of nam. But through Senator tousled Sena
plaint of a 33-year-old Iowa Only briefly, in a backhand the words and advice that Javits. negotiations were ar-.the corridor
housewive. She had charged and negative fashion, did the former President Dwight D.ranged between the Rockefellerlwith Repret
that she was illegally bumped Dirksen plank deal with nego-Eisenhower had used in a mes-and Nixon camps. !Senator Tow
as a delegate by her state tiations, as it contended that sage to the platform committee. Throughout Friday night and.L. liruska t
party to make way for Repre-"any negotiated settlement of Saturday, Nixon and Rocke•Representatit
sentative H. R. Gross, wholthis war will be unacceptable Peace Pledge Qualified feller representatives worked comb of C
l\ wanted to come to Miami unless it assures the Vietnamese The key paragraph in the over the wording of the plank,Cheshire cat
Beach to campaign for Ronald People full opportunity for self-draft—virtually identical with making minor changes in word-huysen stoo
Reagan. determination." the platform plank finally ing and some substantive add!-hotel corridc
The committee voted, 32 to Tucked away In the national adopted—read:
lions to the Frelinghuysen pro- The meeti
32, on the dispute and the security section, with the crit- "We pledge a program for posal. ,how to pres
chairman, Orvas Deers of In-icism of the Administration's peace in Vietnam — neither Thus, some phrases quoting draft to the
I \\6\
diana, broke the tie in favor of military strategy, the plank peace at any price nor a directly from past Rockefeller agreed that
Mr.Gross. carried the implication that the camouflaged surrender of legit- statements were paraphresed.Iwould offer
�� The housewife, Mrs. Joy Republican party favored esca- imate United States or allied In turn, two earlier Rockefeller then defer t,
Rohn, a perky blonde who said lation of the war if negotia-interests—but a positive pro-ideas were incorporated in the as its sponsor
she had been doing volunteer tions failed. gram that will offer a fair and platform—a pledge to develop. With that
work, for five years, asked the' At a strategy meeting Thurs• equitable settlement to all a "coherent program fob the plank w
committee: day morning. Governor Rocke-based on the principle of self-peace" in Vietnam with a'vote of 100
"How would you like to be feller, who had been moving determination." !strategy emphasizing' political Senator Javit
elected a delegate and then find toward a dovish position. in•! Representative Frelinghuysen—out the next day you had been structed Dr. Kissinger to start;was assigned to circulate the
swept aside for a Congress-,drafting a substitute plank that!plank among•the 102 members & <, :,�, axe ,v;
man? The integrity of the Re-would be "in the national in-of the platform committee
publican party is at stake. terest" and commit the partyjThursday evening. But he was 4',, ,-;•('...- -,..''
There must be a place for the'to achieving a negotiated set-instructed not to offer it as a �� »
grass roots worker to get clement of the war. His only formal amendment. lest this!�a y t���\ .,
ahead." ;condition was to avoid, if pos-provoke a battle between con- '. �,..•.> `
• Heavy Security Creates Air of Vigilance in City =-�=>�i`"..,. f ti ''. . •
___ • ._- _____ +
By MARTIN WALDRON 'Expanded Protection Given Mr. Anderson agreed to un-
s.,rc.i to Th.New York r.mr: dergo a psychiatric examine-
MIAMI BEACH, Aug. 5 — Candidates Began After tion,the police said. v:
Spectators at the Republican Kennedy Assassination I At the convention center, - '
National Convention were special guards under supervi-
forced today to open shopping; sion of the Secret Service stood
bags and briefcases before be- wandered near the wire fence at turnstiles and opened even ,
ing allowed to enter the con- around the hall. the smallest parcels to inspect :d4+'
vention hall. Sgt. Ozzie Kruidenier of the them. Small red and yellow
Miami Beach Police Depart- seals were attached to indi-
It was part of an expanded '
protection program for Candi- ment said the extra precau-Cate that the parcels had passed ', .r,
dates begun after the asses- tions had not been prompted:inspection.
sination of Senator Robert F. by any known threats. They; In the hotels,several hundred;
Kennedy in Junc. Some news-,were, he said, "routine." private guards augmented the
men reported they went The military helicopters, un-'200-man Miami Beach police
P .der the control of the Secret force. A 30-man riot squad
through as many as five check-Service, were borrowed from from the Florida State Board ,
points before reaching their as-•the Army and put into use on of.Conservation salt water fish-
signed posts. ,Saturday when Governor Rock-eries division stood by for pos- r , '
The security guards,under the.efeller of New York and Gov.sible action. '
• Secret Service, also inspected Ronald Reagan. of California Police Chief Rocky Pomer-
women's handbags for weap.iarrived at Miami Beach. ance has said that drawbridges
' ons. The delegates were not Last night, one flew over the leading from the mainland to
subjected to the same intense!DiLido Hotel shortly before Miami Beach will he opened if '
search as were newsmen and midnight as Governor Reagan rioting should threaten. This '
- spectators. visited the Alabama delegation.would seal off the island on '
• Housewives Searched . One man was arrested in a which Miami Beach is built. '
hotel with a .22-caliber rifle! Police boats also cruise 'in '
An air of vigilance hung that had been shipped to him Indian Creek, the waterway)
over the entire city of Miami at the hotel. . !that splits Miami Beach. i .t,,x.• '
Beach today. Military helicop- ' Several Secret Service 'a' '4'-
tern clattered about 300 feet Rifle round in Room agents from the White House - • '
above Collins Avenue whenever' The man. charged with va•idetails that guard Preydent / , '
the major candidates left their grancy. was identified by thelJohnson were seen at a hotel. '
closely guarded hotel suites. police as James C. Anderson,! Despite all the outward and '
On some buildings, guards 29 years old, of Kanab• Utah.nnward security, however, one `
were posted with rifles. One. He was called to the attention person was known to have en- ,
wearing a blue helmet, stood of hotel officials by Gov. Paulitered the Convention Hall with•
atop the Convention Hall. .Laxalt of Nevada, who said'tout any credentials of any �„
Some housewives shopping al he was a former resident of'kind. He was a newsman who 1 3 , at a
Burdine's across the street fromlNevada who had annoyed state followed Mayor Lindsay and -^ • r
the Convention Hall reported•officials. just kept walking—right past °a't'
that special policemen looked' A search of his room turned four sets of guards—into the! SECURITY: Miami Beach policeman, rifle
6 , into their shopping bags if they up the rifle, the police said.hall. I surveyed crowds entering Convention II
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