1672-18 History-City of Miami Beach •
:- Pictorial Record Tells Good Story I WORLD ANSWERS FAST
Beach Pro „. ,..
.:,. . igress Carefully Outlined CALL OF W B F T
The pictorial record .of Miami the Flamingo grounds In October, a t'. x ,........
„,.„.... .....„„,
. ..„.. .. '?
Beach development has been kept 1'014. COI1S1Stelltly' GOOd P l'0- `" �` �'
since 1014 in the offi,:e of W. F. Belle Isle in October, 1014. photo- ' f'n �';
grams From Beach 4,;
graphed from the site of the Flamingo, ri
Brown, engineer for Alton }leach i ,y ,.
J:enit , Co., Miami Beach Bay Shore showed a little pavilion about 10 feet � x
yPlease Radio Fans <
square, a flag pole, Australian Omen
� w •.
Co., Peninsula Terminal Co. and coconuts less than six feet high. `s 1
!'hese lmtU'rR ha nbow strange The first building ° ere tin ns sen Belle Miann Beach and the Fleet wood p :)ur
vontrnsts.P For example in 1914 the isle began early in November, ]1119. In hotel have n,•hieved international re 1 "R2,Y . \
Australian pines now towering high March, 1915, the final lot atakhig wax nown through the WMBI'' radio 4a4e
,•'. ' above shaded drives were three or four done on Belle Isle. and the i•rmerete y
feet high. At the end of July, If)1Q, sen wall was being built in April.
broadcasting etssstatoon on .top of the r;b ,.
14-story F1eetworxl hotel judging ^ , -
the only structures west of Alton road, 191", ] 8
south of Lincoln road, and north of In January. 191:,, a large gran,llfrom the vast number or telegratn • 59 ars`
Tenth at. were a large boathouse at stand; for viewing boat races wits be-I and letters that come into the Fleet•1 ,.•
I•;leventh at. and regatta grandstand. ing built near Tenth st. - I ''v ' r,
The first footbridge forw'rwrl ;Midi() every day by the thou•• 1 ,
H golfers was ! ' �'➢',da ,I,
Early in April, 1`015, the east shore sands, all parts ot'the western ; 2� y.-
Intik over Collins canal in May, 1917 of Indian creek, opposite posite 11'. Forty- M '
lI heminphcre. From England, Canada. <-x,%,s�>
By following through this record, one first at., w•as still cowered with the'Smith America and the West Indies, Y� •t'. "`
is amazed both nt how recently every- original swamp land growth. '' t
�;i , thing has been accomplished and how not to mention the entire 'United sc 4
Power mowers were used for the States, come congratulatory meg• .{ �0,W
much has nlwnpn gone on at one time' first time on the Miami Beach golf sages hearingthe strongest a 'k �;. G'
c •
g R R approval.
Following is a list;of some of the . + ;
course in April. 7915. The•great succes9 of N\SBE' is all x� ">sY;f :3,
steps in development as shown by the the more coriJ '0150;,, ?� sH'J`.`:
pictorial record:
Ground in the neighborhood of�the, Picuous.whPu one ph-
residence at Tenth st. rind Iain- siders that it has been in operation
Work started in 7914 when wooden leayne bay wax first planted with grass only since Jan. 15.
• . bulkheads were being driven at the in May, 1915. Commodore ,1. Perry Stoltz. owner FLFFr
i north of Collins canal. The only I t
; ' vegetation on newly filler; it ii isle The James Whitcomb Miley tree, n •oL the Fleetwood,, nays that the
was newly planted coconuts, four feet IF leas nitida, was planted in 1915 at l great rereptiori.which .has been ex- •
high,- and Australiana height of about three feet. tended by redid fans oven where to
pines lays than
Fleetwood station has been flue
two feet high. A view from the top of the regatta, 1
grandstand in September, 1915, to the fact flint uniformly good pro. /* ,.
The wall was being built around the showed no buildings west of (;ollit rums have been given.' Every care,.
Fisher residence in April, 1914, and is given. to having
where the (j]suus residence now stands, ay. south of Lincoln-rd. sort Hort; of n top notch en•
Bermuda grass was beginning to cover Ninth st. and the, tallest tree in his tertnintnrut each night. A radio tan,
!same area was six feet. Mr. Stoltz says, is nu,xt critical and {
the ground. extremely independent and once n'
1 ilayor Snedigar's house wean being
The original bridge abutments for;bnilt in 1916. IE is said t° bare been bad or second rate program is pro
the Alton rd. bridge'over Collins ca•1 stinted, the fart will rernetnber and be ``
"' nal had been built in May, 1914, but built entirely of drift usher
wrecked vessels. The fisher residence nt considerable pains to avoid catch• e
no bridge had been.;constnurted. Iwas completed the sante month, ' ing that station again.
Standing at the end of the Lincoln The Fleetwood has been most for- •
rd. pavement at the present west edge Construction of the" sea wall in tunutely situated in having the WW1-
of the golf course and looking east f front of the I lnmiitgo hotel wax Ito- derful Fleetwood orchestra for each
t,nly one building was in sight in May, der way' in April, 1916.
1014. Landscaping and improvement ofIevening's entertainment Nod in' se-
The first curing noted eutcrtriinerN to supple' '.3;
pavement on Waaltington Belle Isle was begun in .lune, .1916. . 34
as-., north from' Lincoln rd.'was laid At the end of July, 1916. the only cnent• this organization thereby pro
:�• the first part of May, 1914. In build-,Structures west of Alton rd. south of the d variety, •\I r. Stolz says that
iug pavements at that time, rock wasjLincoln rd. and north of 'Tenth nt. the demand has been for music than
leaded on barges or lighters near the,were a large boathouse at Eleventh at. .arcs heiclassedespecial an "refined jazz." ;, z
.e - docks in Miami conal, and towed to land the regatta grandstand.
!'here is an aversion to the ° FXi;
sin unlmulin station on Collins canal barbaric braying kind thug is prer-
5 • ^ j The Snowden house and the Lincoln alrnt in cheap3 7
near Jefferson st. and placed in ernall'hotel were under construction in Oc- dance halls. x.k
• carts running on a contractor's narrow tober,'1916. .1 great deal of the success of the• t . '
gunge railway to the site of the, pro- station in attributed by Mr. Stoltz s '!6�+•
• ro d road. • minim iirach's NPc nirl stvimarirtg to the wonderful work of Jessie (1 lf:y„ ,:.
` 1 pool was built in' Dece ober, 1916 and I x d ,
;• A vast expanse of raw, undeveloped the Dutch windwill was built in :Tau- Jay the announcer. Scarcely n meg• x
sand dune land was all there was on ange comes into the ninth° that dorsi a
f uarr•,1917. The casino was remodeled
the Miami Bench golf coarse north of 1. c not mention the splendid announcer.
` July, 1917. iii, -. ,.:.
Collins( lllcanal in May, 1914. I I Inquiries as to who he is, and where)
!Nock•on the construction of•• the
- In a picture taken from the east tis he going when the hotel closes.! • Gar «'
c�• end of the ocean pier at Lincoln .rd. old Polo fields started in 1917 and atIcome in every day, Mr, Stoltz says.
,., looking southward.the nenrest houses the end of'the year the Australian pine Realizing that :w , announcer can world's faster
in May, 1914, were at Twelfth and hedges •were about 18 inohes high. make or break a radio broudrusting hotel, at the
(lolling ay., looking west from the east Construction of the east cnunewuy station and that there are only'
end of Eighteenth at., showed only or viadnet wenn well 'darted in Febro- a —
ary, 1018. few in the country who are good un-
? four buildings in nn area'along Bis- ___ • uouncers. 'VMIlle considers itself place the Anton
Bayne bay front from ineteenth at. HARDEE BOASTS particularly fortunate in procuring in.the air.
to Fourteenth at. Looking south the this ingenuous young men.
stew shows at the same date the re- The station is
cently built ocean giideivalk, Collins .OF PHOSPHATE •• ASear ago when th'e• hotel was watt power Mho.
- ay., Lincoln rd..and thenearest house, under construction Mr. Jay was. pit-
gaged to install the broadcasting stn- capable. of der
i. with the exception of the T. E. James' County Has Nationally Important lion and superintend its operations It is.sending o
residence at Fourteenth st.. is et Asset Under Soil;Twelfth nt. �° buildings appear west ''' • '. A new
since Ince had constructed the sending
of Washington av, and south of Fon r- Undovelppec]' Hud receiving stations in Jliami andvefuped by the
tcenth at. -- nt clocolobo Cai
y in•order'that cor lite station iA
•TA1.LAIIASSFI•:, July :o.-=State munication might be established be- sista of a double
'1 he first large amount of building geologic nrup of Florida shown that all tween Cocolobo Cay and Miami,for in devised to in
was done along Collins Inv,:south of of Hardee county, with parts of three the convenience of members of the reception.
Fourteenth st. in the summer of 1914. adjoining counties, lies within what is club. The success which WIMP het. During the lo
` First ^ens planting over the southg
end of the \Iinmi Beach termed the "Bone Valley Formation." achieved is the highest'tribute to hi; Program is re
golf course It is the onl• district in the state of in ingenuity.
I•cnd is listened t,
was in June. 1914. > g
The west bank of Lake I'anronst Florida that is so designated. II The antennae on the.Fleetwood ix�duty is to obsrc
ans that this soil is underlaid with .00 feet above the, ground and was reception, No the
was a tangled mangrove swamp in me
Tune, 1914. the Petrified remains of prehistoric erected for temporary use this win- b'' atlinstcd, It
A sign in the parkway on Lincoln animals, in other words the phosphate ter due to the fact that it was con- this wattrhfulnes
• rd. announced in 1914 that Lincoln of commerce. As everyone knows, sidered wise to hurry completion an ing" which has
rd. was 100 feet wide•and one'mile phosphate is the base of n11 COM- the hotel wan being filled with guests Poor reception
long oast and west. It sync n greatcnercial fertilizers and the district nnd the disturbance of further con- Failing is causer!
achievement. in S.')14 two dredges above referred to furnished 75 per struction wits found to be inrulvi+• gth c
i ware .Ica
wire path ping on the, +dd polo fields, cent of the supply of this country•, and able. As Noun as thehotel closes closest alt,•nlinn
y. securing the mater(nl from near the the United States ,endures nearly this sen son, two needle point towers
t i tcinstnnt.
'. present !']ogler monument. that proportion, of the world's sup- will be erected on the roof of EmeltAny one way
flermudn grass wasfirst 1 t planted on ply.
.1.':.1.': • 1 wing of Mlle. .hotel and these willI ing station hut
Ti: —_ I
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