1672-21 History-City of Miami Beach T : t r Tom' \ `.i.n ti_ . rnea ir:27=-�•was ....... _ �XI.a....- ... - - — - .
a- =�_-- -= 'h I +tith sandy hair and a batt tcmluv,' t,iti,� on a six-rout rattler
�.... �..'4 l u- l he ''big boss," Part IY because even more pleasurable ter
VI.i:•:: .;,.aN,1'f• i The STORY 0.,
his du,ninocrinK nature, and Loin) literally covered by
lu•tl>' because Ezra Osborn, tthc, lues. The mosquitoes on 1
Lid an equal share with hits in,the in those days were just
SHOULD BE NO OPPOSITION of enterprise, found the beach entirely according to all reports,
t.,o desolate for hint. Osborn now are in the swamp:
It may fairly be said that the gathering at the Miami Beach
stayed in Coconut (trove,at Charles'gape Sable country. Fut
l'ett to k', "Itavview Douse," later all the coconut plotters w
Board of Trade rooms on Monday night, was a ' COPYN,GIIT, /v14, called the "I'cacock Inn"---the first New Jersey, but even tat
t . - —lty DON MOOlfl: % Hotel in South Florida. •'('sprain ted frankly that they h
most representative one. It was. not, strictly Dirk" < acnes tt;„ foreman. Frank reals ;cert mosquitoes be
speaking, a formal meetting of the Board of Trade, •
('ll:\I''Fl:K Y. Osborn. civil engineer. surveyed After the clearings had
the boundaries, a<sisted by one' arduously ntch,,, ane want
for the citizens who had gathered there, attracted
The enterprising "dev,•►opers" .lake 'Taylor, a ::pl,•ial crony of carried loads of perha{
had brought down four portable Field. 1'hoy even laid out the cu- coconuts in big two-bush'
by the importance of the subject to be discussed, houses---little ane-room shacks with conut trees I,y. rnutpass :u,d trun- baskets, dropping one in et
sit -u fact which accounts for the in Another gangfollow
a door and a window--_and seven g•
probably outnumbered the Members of the board tea.clarity of such trees as are still ing then,.
or eight tents, which they erected standing.
present, and all showed a marked interest in the ! on the ocean-front, at what is now There was excellent cyst
This was the method of plant- it all. Along ocean ridge
1 projeczt of obtaining a bridge across the bay, the Lummus Park. just north of Ninth ing: Osborn and Taylor would strip of ground was clea
• street. strike a north-turd-south line,' road, extending front Lt
principle subject of debate. - The "Ada Doane" anchored off sighting about a quarter of a mile. north nearly to the haus
While it had been said that there might be a ' Miami Beach in January, l2it33, at a time, and marking the line age, and south to Norris
frith a load of llli,l)00 coconuts, with several tall, straight pules, was bordered on both
1'severe contest over the question, nothing of thecut from young white tmlngt•av,• ,'in onuts — the origims
sort appeared in the discussion. The one gentle- b:,utthi at the rate of a Bent apiece: trees on the edge of the huge Drive. Lateral roads '
:cul t he work of unloading the swamp on the westerna mile side of the every quarter of 1
r man who appeared for the purpose of protesting . lefts commenced. The planters had brach. The melt would line up "road" west to the edge
against the building of the bridge at this time, , three ,.,,,,,knew,i surf-boats which :It twenty-£not intervals between sw:uup. The coconuts well
t ten r,C the pole. Then they took in :t mule-drawn wagon--
grub-hoes, trade especially for trav
,e}• life-saving stations and rerun- ey•tipped with ant-axe on one side sand, with tires six or eiL
esy to those who advocated the measure, and took i, wide',
ditioned. The boats were called the and a heavy six-inch hoe on the
especial pains to show his interest and regard for "ttlaek !int after the tank; othr►, :cul chopped u circular clear- The t•etanal {,l:otterx sa
ing in the palmetto, about four time within their grasp.
Dliami. "George lien," in honor of Ilea fret in diameter. Anyone who has a contract with Frederic
The only other protest received was signed by child, one of the men, and "(rap- eve, seen the process knows that of New Fork, king of th
coin Dick," after ('acnes. The it is no simple task to grub out a wholesalers and owner c
the officers of a yacht club, and that wax acourt-
loose coconuts were loaded into the rank virgin growth of palmetto, of brigs, to buy their et
teehfe'tlotiCo t}tt►t �•'� r}�' •.yiio-ittiJ11�61+aaeLb ' d b:ar•ie.lwith the huge tap-roots, often pal, on the beach, at a ro
boats, brought ashore aneight or ten inches in this k:tr'�n, A ntil/i"rl freta, r,c,h dr
before the war department to prevent a bridge
being built anywhere,on or over Biscayne Bay :It ball'-toile intervals in bust pits, buried underground. Add to this nut a clay nn labor oxcu{
holding perhaps ten thousand cu_ the pleasurable passibility of step- carting the coconuts from
between Dumfoundling Bay and Cutler. 11.
e"""`' "tri`'``'' - —
All sorts of unfounded talcs (
On the other hand, the meeting showed a feel- i have been told to the effect that PAGE EIGHTEEN
F ing more united on this One subject than on any 1 the nuts were washed ashore off 41,
that has come before the citizens of Miami, of a wrecked schooners, or that the• planters threw the nuts overboardet:.re waDAYS AT Elpublic nature, for many a long day.
and let the tide float them ashore.
The opposition to the proposition is not stren- , The "wrecked schooner" story un-
doubtedly ARESU1 arose from the fact that
uous and is not at all vicious. It is just such op- •a Spanish vessel did go ashore at —4—____—
position as could well be expected'and which can ' ilypoluxo in 1h77, and that the
coconuts around Lake' \'.'t :tit an-t ioneer Relates Interestit
be overcome by argument with those who are now' at Boyntonwere planted by the
opposing the proposition. settlers front Ihis ship's car- dents Associated With
go. But Captain Carney state.
What is the proposition that has so suddenly that there were only one or two Efforts At Developin
aroused great interest amongall c sses of our
occasions hai when the nuts were whfloen . Continued tram Pate 18. CO
u ed t/, land. This happened when
citizens and which has aroused •nl Ch less O • the cast breeze was so violent that tecon, to view more closely
p' rho ocean and the beach. I el
position than was naturallyto have been expected the boats could not safely go ttehero the and his launch to
-10 P� through the surf. The wind : ul over to Inland. It case
to a project of this magnitude? breakers, of course, would carry ae,, the show. That's more
the coconuts to land, if the tide say today and You set vas
Itis simply this. A gentleman of large means, there "in." than I aids a e landed ou
Henry and Charles bunt ar-
about whore the north aid
and who owns a large ,property including some ranged to take iu,1)0o of the nuts, government cut or channel
ocean enters the bay on the
- considerable extent of both ocean and bay front, which they planted on their land,' west shore, and followed
to finance the street,
, of a bridge across doing all the work. It took theist 1 puree through the underbru
proposes g g two years. "They lived on• the opposite or ocean aide of th
the bay at a point about at the foot of what site of Smith's casino, near the "Our only guide through
three coconut trees that had start- • sled msec wan an occasions
is known as Flagler street, something over a ed the whole affair. Their first rho root of en old building
Leen built there as a club
mile north of Twelfth street, in this city. Themansion was u tent, lined with one Dick Smith• an old-time
cheesecloth. The entrance was of Atlaml. The building WI
plans and 'specifications of the bridge, BO far as I fastened with a puckering string,i root, very high and shaped
prepared, call for a structure eighteen feet wide, so that it might be drawn tight and `_ famous pyramids of larD
nu,squit i-proof. Vain hope! I served us well as a guide th
12,600 feet long, at least sixteen feet above the The Field-Osborn "development _ jungle.
vrater�wrath t l e awb 1 company," however, did things on • "There were coconut ties'a larger reale. ton, sea grapes, coco plat
r` modate all the present and future traffic. The Field, a tall thin man, ble>-ed yellow cactus and purple b
berms in protusion. There
bridge, it is thought, will cost in the neighbor- little, shiny eyed raccoons,
hood of one hundred thousand dollars, rabbits,s a considerable ,
ferocious 1ou,y looking, but
,1 I Aladdin chicken ess blackllana seen,Here is a proposition, made by private par develop- I
to expend a large sum of money for the once, all of added t
or our trip off exploration.ar
think of' the a:perlenres of
ment of this scheme, and in a way that will bene- t t glee on his South Hoa Isle
fit in many direct ways, PAGE EIGHT—A _� _ the land, this .ea and all Cl
had put there but that wai
The primary idea of having a bridge at this • there was reat that time.
RAY OF ORANGE deavors backed b7 his own money "I was greatly Impressed
time, and at the location named, is, of course, for BLOSSOMS PLAYS PART and indomitable courage. I thought un opportunity 1.
Carl nether Appears. a pleasure report, and trnn
the purpose of developing that splendid property IN CITY HISTORY 'It was at about this strategic proposition to connection .,
on the peninsula that has as yet never been touch- periodearlyrapid to grow up with Miamioa
time In our of It«,,,•h• I got 1n with ane
ed bythe hand of ss. It is a singular fact (Continued from Page 1-A.) development, 1913-14, that a sec- itluck• of New York, who h
progress. Beach interests resulting In the and wizard of finance and an em- on part of the south end of
that while the beaches at St. Auca
gustine, Daytona building of Collins sino, now re- Dlre builder with a far lean load of and who owned the on':
years on his shoulders and, if pod- there, time one built by Did
and the east side pf Lake Worth havebeen vastlymodeled In the Fisher casino, and Bible, with purchased that from IIIa-1
greater ambition and lease Intruded. I then hat
developed, the great strip of land extending from . the greatest projection leading to energy, due, no doubt, to the lesser enalgned to me DY the ow
our rapid development, the won- Years, with a proven ability to cur- land, Chat les II. Lunt. of
Miami to Palm Beach has hardly been touched. : derful Collins bridge. round himself with able lieuten. N. J. I then became ow
It does not require a veryvivid imagination to.' "The original owners of about •16 ante appeared as if by magic on the only building at the bead
(1 gscene and proved to be a second lease on the strip of tan
picture what will be the immediate result of corn-, miles of Florida east coast terra- Henry Flagler in development ac- wide north and south, and
tivttlns. from the ocean to Biscayt
tory, I am told, were Mr. Field, Mr. entire width of the Island
munication between the east and west sides of Collins, Mr. Osborne and Mr. Leem, "1 refer to none other than our "Like Monte Cristo, I w,
Biscayne Bay. -The development that will set Int New Jersey men who acquired the forceful, greatly admired, much to tat all I surveyed, for n
be respected, Cart Q. Fisher, who, wanted It just then. At
on the east side will certainly outrun anything ) territory in the early days by gov- with his able lieutenante and as- this seemingly gigantic de
l . ernment grunt and who held it a sociates, with his proven ability to tuba and the Florida Went
on this side in the same length of time, because F 'A have consolidated all the big land- returned to 01(1 Cnntlecttc
goodly number of years without ed infect is of our beach tato one hie excursion ntesmerr, as
there is a peculiar and insistent demand for ocean _..
_.- �__� - - _ V. any appreciable returns. In tact. ..__ ... .. --
as could well be expected,and wn{cn rayl eoconu s aro j'ioncer Iw'u.
vercome by argument with those who are now stl lirntofromeC1thislantcd ship'sy car
- dents Associated Witt
osing the proposition. go. But Captain Carney Efforts At Develop
hat is the proposition that has so suddenly that there were only one otwo Continued grow rage 10.
ht, when the nuts were float- •
tree". to view more closet.
I used great interest among all csses of or ed to land. This happened whet' the ,.c :an and the Desch. 1
the baa breeze wa so violent that fleherman and his launchens and which has aroused •n►RCh less Op the boats could not safely K" ever to the Inland. Wow
l e position than was naturally to have been expected lhre,ntih the surf. The .bind and •e„ the show. That's mor
1tUde� breakers, of course, would carry Day today and you get c
to a project of this magn the coconuts tit land, if the tide than 1 did. We landed
were "in.' •bout where the north
It is simply this. A gentleman of large means, fleury and Charles hum ar- government cut or charm
including some ranged to take 10,1100 of the nuts, ocean enters the bay on
and who owns a large ,property Kest shore, and follows
Which they planted on their land. 1-ouroe through the under
considerable extent of both ocean and bay front, doing all the work. It took them
opposite or ocean side of
proposes to finance the building of a bridge across two years. 'They lived on• theoar only guide throw
site of Smith's casino, near the • sled mass Was an oceust
the bay at a point about at the foot of what three coconut trees that had start- rho roof of an old builds
Moen built there as ► c
is known as Flagler street, something over a roan the
was aole fltent, lined r. iwith • one Dick Smith. an old-ti
- mile north of Twelfth street, in this city. The of Miami. The building
ehccsccluth. The entrance was \ roof, very high and she
plans and specifications of the bridge, so far as
fastened with a puckering string, famous Pyramids of F.
so that it might be drawn tight and i served tie well as a Lulde
prepared, call for a structure eighteen feet wide, ,,,,,"{nit,,.pre,nt. Vain hope! jungle.
The Field-Osborn "elevelopntc'ttl "There were coconut 1
12,600 feet long, at least sixteen feet
�above the company,' however, did things on tea, sea Kra Des. corn
WRterl lP{e{• �pz( aR j�(igeiys�- x� a larger scale. yellow cactus and purp
U+4 hi,•I+I, a tall thin man, blessed beaus to prayed ra Timodate all the present and future traffic. Thelittle, shiny eyed Cacc Ti
rabbits, and a consfdera�
bridge, it is thought, will cost in the neighbor- 1 ferocious looking, be
hood of one hundred thousand dollars. • I harmless black and of
: ' tIaddin 1 ciem,k,u, l0 be sa1 onus, a lI of at titch added
Here is a proposition, made by pvate parties, or our trip „t c:Dlobe se
to expend a large sum of money for the develop- wink of the esperlenee
• Cruse. on his South Bea
meat of this scheme, and in a way that will bene- •
PAGE EIGHT—A the land,uhtie and e
__ had put there hut that
4fit in many direct ways, there ase at that time.
this Y OF ORANGE deavore backed by his own money there
WW1 greatly t
The primary idea of haVlIl$ a bridge at SPRA and indomitable courage. -1 th a sur an resort,oppoand a pleasure and
time, and at the location named, is, of course, for BLOSSOMS PLAYS PART Carl Fisher Appears• proposition In cnnnectt
the purpose of developing that splendid property
IN CITY HISTORY It was at about this aralegtc ,,, brow ur with Jita
time to our period of early rapid Iteurle. I got in with
on the peninsula that has as yet never been touch- (Continued from Page 1-A.) development, 1918-14, that a sec-
Mack, atf rlhe York,
ed by the hand of progress. It is a singular fact Beach interests resulting in the and wizard of finance and an em- ane alto owned the
building of Collins caslro, now re- Dire builder with a far less load of there. the one built by
that while the beaches at St. Augustine, Daytona time on his shoulders and, if pee-
purchased that from I
modeled in the Fisher casino, and sable, with greater ambition and leas. fnc'uded. I then
and the east aide of Lake Worth have been vastly the greatest projection leading to energy, due, no doubt, to the lesser assigned co me by the
developed, the great strip of land extending from our rapid development, the won- years, with a proven ability to sur- land. ("hailers 11. bunt,
Miami to Palm Beach has hardly been touched. round himself with able lieuten. only budding ate tae e
dertul Collins bridge. ants appeared as if by magic on the
original owners of about 46
"The lease on the dtso of
It does not require a very vivid imagination t0scene and proved to be a second wide north and south,
miles of Florida east coast tent- Henry Flagler in development ac- from the ocean to HIe
picture what will be the immediate result of corn-, tory, I am told, were Mr. Field, Mr. tivttles. entire width of the 1s
"1 refer to none other than our Id1,e Monts Cristo,
munication between the east and west sides Of Collins, Mr. Osborne and Mr. teem,• forceful, greatly admired, much to wf all I surveyed, f,
Biscayne Bay. The development that will set in I New Jersey men who acquired the be respected, Carl 0. Fisher, who, wanted it just then.
this seemingly LlLantl
on the east side will certainly outrun anything territory in the early days by gov- with his able lieutenants and a as- thi a and the Florida '
c ernment grant and who held it a socials•, with his proven ability tot
r-,, .a t.. oee std as
on this aside in the same length of time, because shese oar.eo't°..t S S wit bt,c t..a,,,_ a. "`a. -,
troodty nr of y.„..... without a,a tnter...v or ease aa«.aon amw on Doing tar some sum
•there is a peculiar and insistent demand for ocean �j- �r .pprwot bla return.. In suet. trig proposition Called the Allied was R hat I liked Dei
about all it was used for was the Beach Realty companies, accorn- \Veli, during the
frontproperty, a demand that cannot 11e filled : I suggested growing of coconuts and even that pushed a- wonderful, ..world-wt ale to a (rte
on this side because the aveailable sites are being` did not prove a commercial sue- talked of beauty spot, a white'par- Warr, of Wareham,
cess. adise unrivalled. in Norwich. Conn.. r
swiftly absorbed. John Collins' Vision. "speaking of the big realty corn- the time, that he et
"When I came here In 1908 tome to develop a da
Rapid and certain commUnication across the hi- b i n e d companies' accomplish- et Miami Beach a,
p • look over the beach one of the meats no individual or eve ngnordf-
bayassures that that ' t " \ aforementioned men, a kindly old transportation by b
��t,i�� 4f�._ narily capitalized corporation could therewith.
,,_te a genUemwn, John S. Colltne, and hie ever have accomplished what has N •W formed a p
!l- id fzik--vf country will be improved ttnd that not good wife were spending the win- been done here in hydraulic deeds- hi The Biscayne Nay'
" t'� will wealthy winter residents make their ter in a house on old Eleventh fag reclamation projects, making in ❑d in the fall of 1
g street, located between old Avenue mangrove swamps liveable home rn Ida and started be
s there, but that hundreds of our own home B and the bay. '
sites and creating the city of 01 wharves at Miami
le will buy and build the homes that they "Learning that he was a large Miami Beach 1n which we all take fu as well as both h
µ- t to locate near the waters of the ocean. 1 land owner, both north and south so much pride in so short a time. m walks. this being re
+ \, of the Lumne tract, of which I „It is indeed a wonderful trans- of Miami Beach, so
f, 14
, r-•t, called on Mr. Collins and had a nice !ng a city was con.
bridj�re of the kind mentioned means that al- i.} was in posse•rsion under lease, I formation, the equal of which does as "We built two de
not exist 1n our broad United in ser,,w passenger t
most at once there will be a trolley line to connect ' i talk with him and with his wife. States. These men have brought = }{u(fate,ttler'r Juan
Id r. Collins received me very cour- forth miracle's in beauty and ere- east of where the (
the two sides of the bay. This will mean that teously and spoke very enthusias- sled the most attractive island of pan>'s plant wan h
those of our people who own their own homes in , �; ucauy of iia endeavors to raise homes anywhere to he found. ra ]>' t,n,,,'''s D.
coconuts, his farm located on In- Becomes a Clty, di city commissioner
'this city, or those who own no homes, those who than creek, his avocado and mango •Miami Beach was founded as at
do not have frequent opportunity to go to the ; orchards and his agricultural a town in 1916—Murch 26 was the II'
achievements fn the jungle, trying day—and Miami Beach became a -_
beach, on account of the pr"lest cost, can make •- out cayrclully built machinery for city in 1917, with J. N. Lummus as
the trip at a most insignificant expense of time removing palmetto roots, etc., and, the first mayor, It has been a I -- --
although a man well along in yearn, wonder city and has grown so mar-
and money. • he was full of vigor and enthusiasm velously fast as to attract attention
The tax books of the county would receive theti and I almost believe could f,.c1111 the whole world and the ^
look ahead and picture in his ow•n things of yesterday are not sof- �,r,�yy
benefit of the increased valuation of property; • rufnd the wonderful dtvuloDmUnl ncie'nt even Nilson a short time. Yif llrrLL
,.he city would receive the benefit of the added of today' "For illustration--Collins bridge
'"alis scenes of Mr. Collins' early thought great in its tiny was soon
population in its effect on trade; the people would ,i efforts in agricultural pursuits were outgrown an a tartery of
i enacttd on the, grounds where now travel and was larggeelyly replaced In have ready access to the ocean and to places of l b located one of the beach's new- 1920 by the bonding of Rade
;r.!ertat and recreation at a very small cost. eat nubdfvlelons, the Orchard sub- county and the construction of our
division, and even now the Deauti- million dollar causeway. Now. to Many Inter
There is not a reasonable argument against the ful avocado and mango trees are ,924, the present causeway and Beach's
location of the bridge, and every citizen of Miami IN.
everywhere In view, adding greatly Collins bridge have been declared tl
to the beauty of the landscape as inadequate to care for the trief
should lend his assistance and encouragement to well as producing the luscious fie of our rapidly growing co+,t-
frults bearing their name. munity and not only the doubling
the proposition `) "In the old days the only way to yep of faculties on our present
, reach this treasure spot, the farm If a taper
s causeway by adding two new via- with the ouU
and orchard of Mr. Collins, was by ducts crossing the channels of ma-
,, �s boat over it crooked course liber- rine travel and leveling to the broad history of MI
ally supplied with hidden shoals gtvenurs of the Ca11aeway proper is interwoven I
• 4 ' `, and mud bank*, and it led some actually under conetructton, but there would
miles up rho buy mere entering the building of another entirely,
=-� "�':+a•+ := v and doubling back through evenntiilar faces
separate and dist met causeway
l e' more of u mystic maze of uncleared farther north and landing en the , and there w,
• channels in Indian creek, a very beach near the Nautilus is already
relevant self
I.: platelet and Vfcturea.lue waterway. launched andan assured project of delicate o
it took practically all day to matteof the near future. when the tel
the round trip and the general pub-
The building of the causeway that even au,
Ile had no regular schedule to was largely due to the foresight sect bearing
j avail the of so the only via- and untiring efforts of J. N. Loin- story of this
Bore were the guests of Mr. Collins mils of whom it may be said, 'He Avery C. I
and associates, going on their usually perseveres until he secures 6.441
Beach'• prom,
�' boats, the Miami Beach, the Vir- what 1.he starts to get.' The cause-
ono of el
derfut aAverwwtle ,.n asset to., - --_one of theel
guest Of the late Jaruer t'astic, the of Miami 11
a ty enterprise. wiling wa
vnuAevtlle king, a theatrical mag- Y.
�i "Bururning It up, fl tr a
nate of world renown, who was uthe pretty I
apt Illustration out."'great oaks from
great lover of boats and boating little acorns grow,' when we Int- > part played
and who always spent his winters partially and fairly consider where blowouts. t
in Miami up to the time of his and how Miami Beach took Its the history,
death. We sailed the bay and the start„ as follows:
creek in hie good launch "Fina- ••'rhe establishing of the lilacs-Yoe •
"In the ea
fore,'• and often poling off sand boat lines inviting the outside world - of d.
bars anti mud banks, finally to visit Miami Beach by furnish- of laud bur
reached our goal—Mr. Collins' the regimeof eastern
lag the (aellitiro to do so, resulted
treasure house. To ere the man- iet the establishment of Amith's1 the owner
ger, avocados, bananas and a fro casino by myself and Mr. Warr. engaged fn
rasion of green ve stables growing
"In the year 1922 I reorganized Norwich, Cc
there behind great wind-breaks of the business, making it a corpora- the Thames
Australian pines showed the vision flea, spending much money in corn- I' local pleas'
and knowledge, the courage of Island route
conviction of John s. Collins, the Pletely rebuilding unA remodelf thee Pin
utuking the casino one of America's' "It was
real pioneer uilder.r. of Toluene [noel up-to-date and one of the l Allyn. conn,
Beach, the+ D sults of Colllnr largest institutions of the kind.I)
bridge, which resulted in our most tine stratnet
rapid development up to that time. The corporation is composed of • to J+acksonel
The bridge building occurred in Charles L Briggs, James C. Warr to St. Angus
1919 ur omit.. o,..r.,t ., -, and myself, who take great pride minus of tl