1666-2 Hurricane 1926 t ,
October 8, 1920
Mr. John Oliver LaGorce
lTational Geographic Society
Washington, L. C.
Dear jacks
T am enclosing ycu a cony 'of a letter
that goes to all property ownere, for fear you havn't
received one direct. The telegram we received from
Buchanan was very unwise. I can't see why he had such I
a wi ;_ idea; at any rate, we have let him go for the.
reason that he is inclined to be premature in his
ale do not need the *25,000.00 y eu
refer to at the present time. We have a great deal of
money due and over due which will come in slowly as the
season advances . ,•e are coneiderin ; selling the Speedway
ane Globe Realty Company which will help to bring money
out of sor-ie other place other than Florida. I also have
a small nimble for my place here at Sands 'oint aid: if
sone o1' these things coy:c throuzrh, 1 will be able to
build up the bank ,valance in a short time.
1 wield be very glad to eve Wardwan
any time; in fact he is one wan I will go a hell of a-
.way to meet. 1 would like to get him interested in
Lontauk if possible, and,-I will make him a deal that
will make him sit up and 'take notice. He. hasn't 'half
the adnirers at Washington that we could . cotesi and at
Montauk, "e must have t re ]
on ons ability to get away..
with whet he has Litho olitiana and yatienal Crooks
• are found in 4:ashxngt1
Incidently you night be interested to
know that the total amount of ' our damages at the Beach,
as far ex.-our own Company was concerned, including The
Day Shore Company and The Alton Beach Company, will
probably be around ',r1:00.000.00, of which we will collect
insurance I imagine, of about ,2 00,000.00. Considering
the wind velitoity, we were probably lucky. however, a
great part of all the damage was on tile roofs and
October 8, 1926
:r. John O. LaGorce -42-- October 8, 1926
awnings; the awnings tore loose and beat all the windows
out and the wind loot under the edge of the roof and blew
,then off. . .
• QTc: shingled roofs on the Beach were injured,
although they were right in the path of the storm. The
• houses that stood best were those we purchased from Sears
Hone to see ;fou soon.
Yours, •