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1668-33 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1927-1945
........---,-il 1P ASSOCIATED P R EJthainz• PRESS —. UN V1 I 5traIb . INTERNATIONAL FLORIDA 'S MOST IMPORTANT NEWSPAPER - MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1936 TWELVE PAGES—ONSSECTION T • GETS OF CHICAGO 1RfiOfiTWO SECTORS BOMBED COLT _ IIIA lE FLOODED BY RAIN BY SPANISH LOYALISTS I'llree•Quarters Inches Recorded During Last-18 flours; JJNCOVERED I11 Government Leaders Keep Close Watch On Portugal Where At• Iii tills In Traffic Accidents Blamed On Storm; Property tempted Naval Revolt Was Quelled Last Week; Red and Cold To Run In Thousands of Dollars. Flagof Old MonarchyJ Is Raised In Sun Sebastian. ILIUM. SEIVICLII erty damage resulted, and strange !LLIOIS CliYtry mess.)ASSOCIATED ess.) more Serious character than the Por_ �( Sept. 13.—Deluged by sights were plentiful. Twice today MADRID, Sept. 13.—Spanish gov- tuguese government admitted. .uring the last 48 hours the Chicago river reversed direction ernment leader■,-keeping close watch Caballero has often hinted of a mea reached cloudburst and flowed for short periods on it. on Portugal where attempted naval hope to become president of •n all Chicago streets tonight natural course Into the lake. Officers Say Band En- Geri revolt was quelled teat week, •n- Iberian federation of Soviet republics, In some places three feet In the Kenilworth section, children forced Edicts With Guns pounced today that aerial bombard- and Sp■nlsh government observers I r i swam In Green Bay road, flooded to ment of the Oviedo and Talavera•sec- proclaimed an anti-Fascist outbreak 1 at rains In two years fell a depth of three feet.In the same sub. „ ,, tors resulted in the moat decisive vie- In Portugal would result In quick Kenn-Morning,continued nearly orb.rowboat,were operating In Ken - and `V llt�pin ,Post torte■ of the 07-day civil w■r. suppression of the Sp►nbh revolt. still more In prospect to- worth avenue. • Premier Francisco Largo Caballero, In constant touch with Caballero ring. Skokie creek backed up In Kenil- who formed a Communist-Socialist today was Gen. Jose Asensio. whose first storm at 8 p. m. worth, sweeping debris through the EIGHT KILLINGS cabinet to carry on the war against militia forces held their lanes, while ASS utlmated 43'S Inches of east side of town,and work Fascism,watched the Portuguese situ- the government planes bombed the was recorded. I crews used BLAMED ON GANG anon and his newspaper, Claridad, of dollars'worth of prop- Please Turn to Page 2 Insisted the outbreak there was of far Please Turn to Page 2 feared Woman'slBrother Investigators Tell of.se• E. Re Thomas, •Pioneer Auto' °p` 11.1S Sympathy To Killer cret Night Meetings �'�"-�°'”' p; YmP Y In Decatur Manufacturer, Dies In North tdrrow. I e=" to you NATION'S EYES TURNAMERICANS HOP OFF Edwin Thomas,died yesterday.Beach's and. 1 know you loved lurvtvesset•eavlce.l most friendly citizen, li DECATUR.III.,Sept. 13—An amen- NU Laing message from the Ing terror cult was uncovered here to- the ended a colorful career of . TO MAINE AS.VOTERS FROIn ENGLAND•l+'OR the (IS-year-old pioneer automobile I. wt rs.rl Edith Je■nero the day hi the"Hell Hollow"river bottoms manufacturer In a hospital In Buffalo, mbar +ed last night by Edward • .011th of the city by agents Invent) N. Y., where he sought relief from • tierce i Dade county Jail,where gating• series of eight unsolved kill- long Illness. ler ti held for the murder of Ings during the lent few years. FLIGHT OVER OCEAN y 1 60.Oa 0 TO PULLS TODAY Famluarl called Uncle Ed b In- 14 wife. BouUully calling themselves the dustrlal leaders a well u hum4le tribu make arrangements to "Hounds of Hell hollow"and embrac- citluns of small means, Mr.Thomas' '14 :hlldren.I pray God may tog remnants of the once-powerful genial disposition and conspicuous show =eluded the telegraph Campaign Marked ByEgan's Rats gang of St.Louis and the ►mile have been Identified with the "A a P►ul Watts, the slain Berger gang of Herrin, IIL, the cult Harry Richman and Pilot Th. her In Montclair, N.J. virtually ruled one end of this city. progress of the.troplcal playground. Barrage of Major Start Return Trip To He came to Miami Beach in 1821 empl nail sons of the Martins authorities declared tonight, when that city was six years old and sperl elf the murder Friday Party Appeals Recognizing no law but the code of New York his New Year's day parties used to he di tedroom of their ocean "+hence" and enforcing their edicts signalize opening of the winter sea- alai t at tall Collins avenue with the shotgun and whippingpost, 7e Dade county home in IST THE ASAOCIATED Pa Eea.) they swept through the lowlands na Illy THE ASSOCIATED TRUST son there. "0 Sept. 19—TheHe left his Miami Beach residence hum' PORTLAND, Me., wave of plunder and vengeance. SOUTHPORT, England, Sept. 14. els jail cell expressed bit—Maine election—disputed barometer Mors than one of their victims. lc- (Monday)—Harry Richman and Dick on September 2 for Buffalo. Be had ED hoped to attend the seventh annual ("In' ens against the man of national sentiment In presidential cording to Investigators,went to death Merrill, seeking to be the first to Setae Hun- campaigns-1s tomorrow and voters reunion of the Committee of One Hun- rmed for tee tragedy. at the behest of a mysterious crystal make a round-trip north Atlantic 26� will gait their ballots atter an un- gazer who•[Gentled secret night meet- deed in Maine, but telegraphed his .1 title resentment he ex- H flight, took off at 3:03 a. m. today re rets. H• was vice president and bloc! se for Ms act and a ton precedented wave of heavy political trigs In cemetery, H L- for New York. merit pratory. While Investigatorscharter member of the organization. wo small SOU, Kenneth, ,tor night the Republican real- believed many Their silver, blue and gold mono? Few people knew of his Illness;u he equil rd,3. L p p more killings may eventually be plane, the Lady Peace. roared down o the man whom he ac- dentist candidate,Oov.Alt M.Lendon traced to the terror cult, these have•a flare-lighted runway on Southport always appeared at social gatherings '•N with an air of health and vigor tion. of Kanw,and the Democratic gover- definitely been laid at lea door by ad- beach and up into pitch-blackness "0 e Turn to Page 2 nor. Louis J. Brenn of Maine. both thoritlec while about 1.000 watchers stood by vara bid for their respective party support. Plesee Turn to Page 2 I Everett Beaker, 15, son of John on the sands. •Sell ��IUIi'1 PATIENT "As Maine goes, so goes the union" Barker,lured from his home and allot They were believed to have passed PNEUMONIA IS FATAL B has been a popular campaign saying In the head November 26. 1029. He over Cialway, Irish Free State, little since 1840 but how valid a berometer are ' had overheard aplot to kill his lather more than art h•)ur late' one IED FROM SPAN the Mane vote actually la hers Dern s (or • NU.UW lueurr ace pulley and Che two Ainerlcarre_Inrhnran. etre TO FORMER SENATOR with matter of dispute virtually since that $700 bank account. Broadway crooner,and Merr111,an ex- two! o ai date. Melbourn Savage, 30. head ground- perienced pilot—hoped to be In New we 1. This particulsr campaign has seen kee,per.0 Greenwood cemetery, whose York In 20 hours, Richman Bald. If top, n Tie Rods of Bridge •a?rage of major party appeals and shot-riddled body was found sprawled their hope materialized they would Magnus Johnson,Farmer-Labor- POJ deaunalaUon. Traditionally Repub• over a gravestone near the gang's mid- arrive there shortly after 6 p. m-, g Above River For ascan,Mane elected•Democratic gars night rendezvous. Eastern Standard unto. its Leader In Minnesota, 14 Hours_ - ernor four years ago and Republican Walter B. Shyer. 38. operator of a Their west-east hop from New ' Dies In Hospital NI ASSOCIATED rms.] efforts to storm the state back into gun and sporting goods store, died York, which ended In a South Wales Its own column have been met with IST Tilt A660CIATED PRESS.] (U81 Va., Sept. 13.—After 14mysteriously six months after the pasture on Septeutber 3.took 18 hours. WTCIIYI ELD, Minn.. Sept. 1 on an almost Inacces- charges by Democrats that the Repub- 38 minutes. The east-west flight Is P 13.— Intel hearse were trying to nationalize a Please Turn to Page 2 Magnus Johnwn, • Swedish tmml- ta the New River bridge. generally considered more difficult, grant to the Northwest In the 90s patient of Bt. Albans stats election. who became• United States congress-pAVALANCHE IN NORWAY �"'t'°° faced conditions. _ SAl hen was taken down at Maine voters go to the polls to- The two laced • headwind of 25 man and senator,died earlyY.He eses lay and returned to the morrow to elect a senator, governor, miles an hour for the first one-third would have been 65 years*old'next members of congress and other state FATAL TO 73 PERSONS of their Journey, weather reports In- Saturday. LEI nt eluded watchers last officials. They return In November climbed down from the to elect • President along with the tllcated, and there wars • forecast of Stricken with pneumonia on Au- rcat the country. squally conditions when they neared gust 23. Johnson was brought to • ng to tie rods 80 feet the North American continent. Governor Brann end Senator W•I-Governor here from hie home In Kim- . Iver. The spot he chose '--�'-- - ball. He rallied tut week until Friday Huck Slide Front b,000•Foot !)lir the canter of the bridge lace H. White, Jr., Republican, whom - ONE PERSON KILLED y when his condition.took a sudden the middle of the stream. he seeks to replace,carry the standards Mountain Senile Wall of IN AIRPLANE CRASH turn for the worse. Members of his J mg he held off attempts of their parties. Republican leaders Water Over Village admittedlyviewed Brann's conceded ROCHESTER. Fa.,Sept. 13. 1,P1—An family were at the bedside. m by threatening to hurl Int' THE ASSOCIATED CRESS.) airplane crashed •t near-by Conway Soon after he established • home- rson•I popularityPn o the river. Attempts to Pe as a threat to LOEN, Norway, Sept. 13—Seventy air ort this afternoon, killingSidneystead In Meeker count Minnesota, in to climb back to safety their hope for • clean sweep, P Y• per r While his ticket mato defended three residents of this tourist area R. Messner of Pittsburgh and serious- after working several years as a Wis. beet', ith refusal, were killed today when a rock aval- ly Injuring Charles F.Kropf of Belle- consist lumberjack,Johnson Interested .today.Toni Rundle)and New Deal ramparts against Republican anche plunged Into Loin lake and vase near Pittsburgh. The crash was himself In co-operatives and the ing s • sorties, Braun based his lone rational chert climbed down the bridge sent a wall of water sweeping over the second In the Pittsburgh district farmer-labor movement. to served In on ci and succeeded In getting interjection on a contention that the town. in eight days. The "Skyways," a both houses of the Minnesota legible- day. nd the man.He submitted Maine needed financial aid extended The •lido from the 6.000-foot sightseeing plane, crashed near the tura and In 1923 was elected to the Allegheny county •Ir Th nd bridge to back• ng t • g y port on tleptem- United States senate to fill out the eelltl bridge 11005'. Please Turn to Pale 2 Please Turn to Page 2 ber 0, killing 10 parsons. King, Jr, superintendent unexpired term of Hai late ,Knute cont. Nelson. • the e delirium to `aa ` .of the TODAY'S NEWS AND FEATURE SUMMARY Defeated for the governorship of depu ' ed to give anyy Informs- ` fling the patient's Identity Minnesota In 1926 by Theodore Chris- were Said they slid not know THE WEATHER Inquest to be scheduled In roofer's U.B.prison parole system Is con- Larsson, Johnson returned to his of sty The man Is sad to be r Forecast for Florida: Partly death. rage 3 demned. large 1't farm.The (saner-labor3 returned to day ohs Hollywood, Fla. cloudy today and tomorrow with Condition of cyclist reported u FOREIGN the political w■ In 1937.Running for Tb congress against 26 others in a race F1een �,rl CROSp scattered afternoon thundershow- critical. Page 3 • Movies better, Pope Plus told. In which nine "at large" seats were ant y. rCROSSES ere:. gentle winds mostly easterly. Crash survivor to return to Miami rage 1 to.be filled, Johnson was first with trete AST OF TEXAS Miami temperature• yuterd►yt tomorrow. Page 3 Harry Richman and Dick Merrill 388,616 votes. As'a congressman he' Maximum, S6; minimum, 76. Tides Seaboard executive V known In begin return flight to United States. ty-"r• supported Prealdent RoOoevelt and street today: 111gn •t 7:08 a. m, and 7:24 Miami. Page 3 rage 1 voted for most New Deal measures. image To Flimsy Build. N. P p. rn.: low at 13:47 a. m. and 1:06 Thompson hearing to start.Page 3 Two sectors bombed by Spanish He was defeated for re=election In Twen igs Is Reported p. m. complete weather report on Drunken charge faced by nine Loyalists. , fest 1 1934 by Harold Knutson end in the nee!, r'I(RIR'IT. Texan. Slept. 1L. 2 , rnntnrl.re Pate It Hitler warns Norte reedy for war. printery tut June het the farmer- seemr, • / ' • • PAGF TWO HERALD T31LEPHON1 Y-7401 THE HERALD, MIAMI, FLORID frrIIOAS DEAD _Lo _ Long Illness Fatal SYInPATHY IS SENT AFTER LONG ILLNESSii.:;. ..,... .• Today's Cross-Word Puz TO >g01�AN S KILLER Eolutlon of featurdaysg Purtia !6.Inose • 1►� v�ot ACROSS t' • Continued from Pap 1 �: *44,01 --e-- L Lump of earth t�7 ^ U.Cava s Continued from Page 1 L Ya•t Indian INN 1100 ...alw�,a^Iwl ar is,......‹'):.::..:', tM�''.,..,:.,...»,!.. ,.. .s wt•Inds 3�7 1//:7 eilel ! 21. over despite hts age. Only tepntlr he x ': { -• 10. Small •veam CplaI�rtew]1 •�F1FUr�IF�•:Q©Qj© U.Pe�; ! a�FY cows of "breaking up my home," 1/. Detest l■lwJt►1 lJMMNI2OQN❑ shunned I. ala. of a secretary as r r9. • +0 IL Animate :7 rte H i/. Duce Ili walked up the steps of the Miami .. y �c, Martinsaid: him last Thursday and 1t1,k(•otal image Rolm]] �`7�© ate t 'leach That National Bank, Friends N-= 7 17.Oa the lJu�1.. �]r�O►� [�a](',• �/ all 'Y.fa asked him please to stay away from summit of NOQPI�� Of�nl.,© em ,emmented upon his oo urage and Jot- ,,.•� ...!..',4 my wl e. He promised me ha would. 11 Kind of.peas/ h,t�� tlt1a /Mass which made him One of the or tree 0©©00© f.711;!©L7©� 3L DeNp, roost popular citWaa of Miami Beach. „ `'.c but th t came night he was with tierr • •1• at 1.30 in the morning (Friday). L. Hod?of water nrorAa ri n�L4Im,y/ t ,,TTi•sod of a steamboat owner and +• 30. General math. II�� ff�� ff�w rf�� 31 Poe <'{ "t'm blue. It's hard to take. Hen that al MUM NUMM lfe�l fe❑.7U© U. Mr:, Coal mine operator. Mr. Thomas was ` I I am behind the bars and there he is •lalem.nt ©0©� L�t:J�7O� 37. SS tzar, ddue►tsd at the Evansville.Ind.,High y in his comfortable home with his beaprove0 [a][w]©��n©O1.11� Dam 6i L.Y°� sch0ol and at Duff's Hwine.,College ;r own wife and daughter. He was tile ll Armed up. er ln PlttsDlugb.Pa cause of it all. risings /���1ef3OfC�IF��I%Capp]fI1� "l[ 1��1I 11 Aw At 17 he ran away from born° to - ii "I tried so hard to keep my home 1l Mournful I�/�O��twJ ■■6►l© "leil�gisw I^ become drummer boy for the Then- t; i and family together. I told Edith I St.As■letant• at ,,ty-fourth Indiana voluntary Infantry would forget and forgive everything IL City In Musa-11. Inn DOWN fe to the War.Between the States. Be- if she would only break off with the chu■•tta /f.Pertaining to L Converse eUr • woad of his extreme youth.his father a: man,but we argued and argued. 29. Trod out ships of war Informally pt emus* that he return borneh and fa ob-her ./ 11 In bed 60.Chess piece L Support for el fern The man the e7-year-old former 11. V harmon7 pluur u talned his discharge. �� •,4., pools manager accuses of beinghis al Meaning we 1L Unaw•rvint L County le IL Alv. H as, meaning Ra bila, work on • steamboat ..y 1 woe's paramour Wee aa former roomer IL Swamalletiapac Nebraska 47. Bali when he was 13 and for 90 years - • ' t^'"..� .i^' ,. '"i In the home with the Martina. 37. Exist p IL Empty apace L Dethroned /L Wit. 13067.1883) be was engaged Se river ':e E,' t r •1off r fl ill Whirlwind 19. Coma to I. Founded ►0. Yeo `Man a night I would tuck the maturity L�atrinleat an . transportation on steamboats plying ... • . children in bed and I would retire Faroe 11. Lacerated cell 6L Ora the Orton,Wabash,Cumberland.Teo. Faroe 63. Not busy T. Pronoun ►3. on. luaus, Red, Ohio and Mississippi ; myself. Then I would wake up to Island. ti. Retinue or 1. Creed $ hear my wife •and that man in the 11. Novel company of I. Move back 63.Tlp riven. Starting u clerk, he row to �'0 ', i ', • •.i living room laughing and giggling. 60. Escape from attendant'a 10. Reparteeof I the rank of captain. ' a • ' Pointing to his heart,Martin said:• 41, Box erU�lr Id. Small plant 11. God of wood ►L BeNFrom 1089 to 1898 Mr.Thom"' was \ t "Don't let anyone teltmall round or stone ►L Be In the:railway service as agent for L v Y you that I 4b. Ventura mark. 13, Made•loan t6. Lar, 3 am not remorseful. 1 feel it, like a IL Conal■n° to Ilk Containing the New Torg Central fast freight °'. t t an Inferior 11. Boys ►T. Per. Ilan and later w. Sr-,..., "`�h�i pain right hen. I'm sorry It all nothing milt ppf ere ebwp 10.Spo J as agent for the Little ,* . A.,>. happened." poalUoa 47. Crystal eager u g4aas Rock and Memphis railway and the4 To Ray ' • Sewell', and,Terra Haute railway rs'4 .4 "• " , P Mills,MIIbnight warden, he / 2 3 4 .,,, .3 i. 7 8 9 / •at Memphis and also several steam- 'y leafed: `%//////� O J/ Wet line*. t? a +t :a� ,1;i >•; I! I can only see my two boys. I , /✓7! In 109► he acquired a partnership ...4.:L. ::....,•,,,°,., ...4.,a.„...%.,t watt be Please a to tate my punbh- /4 7 S /L Cy �R7 ,`s�',_.• ,?I men t. Plena arrange so that 1 can lie the firm of N. A, Loster de Cu., .a , ; go to the funeral. That's all I ask." /7 ,liinWaotunn of Cleveland bicycle, M t1 The funeral services for Mrs. Mar- ' 9 and became manager of Its Cana. ;•4,,,,, et(h .•..A f st tie will be conducted at 10:30 a. m. / / Ulan branch until 1900. '..,,:r....,, ,,,v tomorrow In the Miami chapel of the20 • 2/ . 23 While In Part, Prance,In 1897.Mr. w*rel 4 c•,� s � > W. I.. Philbrlck Funeral Home. Rev. / -ITlopl, bought one of the early 11 h, �„ ,j{{ Ellsh• A. King, pastor of the Com- ��� 7(.25 // models of automobiles.He•shlpped it t n j� /! 7 to America and »product it to ab i 1 f1munity Church, Miami Beach, will /. J ''�' t!,% 'S•;-a«.:4,' officiate and burial will be In Wood- 2 27 25 Canadian factory, `"x' '�'•a..................4^....'....'-•,....� lawn Park Cemetery. ��� p He found . that his automobile . Edwin(toss Thomas,83,pioneer would TUM Just u fast, eoonomlWarden Mills to attenden the the neral , µ11y famous Thorns.manufacturer whose will be requestata y funeralt �3 ��,� irand dunDly u the orillnal. famous !'Iyer won the will granted,and Chet he may meatIn 1900 the Cievelaad Bicycle Com• first International automobilepang,with practically all Other Can•• rare,died yesterday In • hos Ital his two wra edala for the !feat time P canoe Cha aunty 20 37 ✓ �� % 8 1,45!%�3yIUIe -Dlcyal• mabutaotu»n. was feu Rutfalc,N, ]'.,atter a lural 111- G ( YY/o/f � bought by the C•aW4n OyoM and rico, Ile left pis MI•ml peach At the county home when kind at-sir 1 i G.edgtor OCmpanr.Ot which Mr,Thomas residence,Fortieth street and Col- te ale minta are ff theotrag CO get theirI IkecapJ,•.via president, fell Dtontbs Ilm arenas , Se temper ! for • little minds o1( the Lra ed the two J /�� Z S • 1Miar ha resigned that office.returned visit In the North. bos were reported a as ttenda �` 7 �l/� to Buffalo when he prganlaed the "Their sleep," an attendant said, V Z Rt Tpoenu Motor Company o1 "Is not there naturalequiet sleep of • te; / 5o JJ :throb be was the solo owner. to sell the whole output of 600 cars, child. They are nervous and conscious 7 / �/ There he began the manufacture • which stood u •-first-year produe- of something having happened, but $ r /d of motor bicycle-and automobiles clan record for several years, neither realizes that their mother L SSS t of his own design..He soon,discarded Mr. Thomas sold adeed." 44// 1 •lb. motor bicycle an] concentrated partI) of his In- Kenneth, the older, has asked sev- (rl 1 no,the Thomas Flyer automobile, • fewest•In the Thomu. etrolt Com- ere! times about going hums and In- • one-cyUader vehicle of which only • pear to Hugh Chalmers In 1801 and quenfly he has remarked: og, , limited number were nude. The•de- be became vice president of the new "}swer mmender why mother didn't an. 3j sign Boon developed into tour and els- company known as the Chalmers Mo- s:• 6sI cylinder models. The lad Saturday had told P. M. � /// 7 • M+.Thomas was the first American for Company. He held this position Martens, Juvenile officer: �/ rnanufaoturer of six-cylinder auto- until ID19 when he sold the X. R "Mamma lay on the floor and her mobliea.•He also made the first taxi. TDomas Motor Company to the United eyes were open. I talked to her, but cab in America. she didn'ttin'sanswernow CLEMENCY IS St ,The bodydesignsStates Motor Company and retired. Martin's fate rest* with • ' t rT ca his car. were In recent years NU.Tnomas studied grand jury.He was bound over to that THE WEATHER tn,The b ager the carriage of the th y.The engine.,tinder the body were economic question,and devoted much body'ort Saturday by Ralph C. Pols. 'Tanked from the aide of the cae of his time to promulgating his view justice or the peace, on a charge of DATA ST U.L NL3*,Ixt DD6tTA0 By FIVE Mliii! Instead,of • mod. the modelhad-• first degree murder, to which• he • that the business depression can be pleaded guilty with the simple•tate- Nslaakes lis 11u. luggage carrier In front.Several bun- remedied and the Amerlcan farma..54 N0en.1 m. eked were maaufaetuted the fl»fr»r went: "Jude Ralph, I did it." laromat•r. sea level Jo.e/ 10.01 do.o3 1M HUftalo,. problem solved by allowing the farm- over killing climaxed an argument RTe.Ur.thum • lduy 10 73 ii .-----.1.......-- algid - l Ml.Thotnsa was the first American Cr..wage and salary workers agreater over Mte' Martin's paramour the Wind1wealdirection E 141 NI Continued from P• night after the husband hada appealed wind "loon' s e 'automobile manufacturer ,to adopt share of the wealth they create.That, to the man to end the affair,which Slate of rather Cld+.CId+.R.Cfdy. Sidney Gilbert th4 year i the•slde.door entrance cars, to Pro- he believed, would Increase the `' ' •side• ;oar fully equipped with wind- chasingPur• continued Martinaftaw the couple had wee NtrD.st LamOrniuse• se eoFran rhleld,to make the first block motor power of the rpesole u a tired. bd wentents that his wife Lore•' irm nslur.• (mWtlpb cylinder In one wtln whole and permanently restore bull- left their bed, to an ad olnln 11•aO um°.rstur• io • Frank Moulton,who ant its.Ibo0k absorb. cutting). Hess proaperlty room and returned with an 18-inch ANormal ocum ul,te.4�.icer In lemwratun In ` meat and tate cwt as r.gu Lhequip- Mr. Thomas la the author of a iron pipe. They struggled for posses- slut•8e°t.n,bee I. d 11 der oftheMiami drnggb .• pace,which M Invented. pamphlet on this subject which he sloe of the pipe, during which Mn. A;cumulines .d ,ocuaa In temwr■lurs ten His fohich he invented. Flyer woe widely circulated, It proposed the Martin's teeth were knocked out. !behest arid forest 00 this data 315 =+4. to 117. lirhprlwt �� the historic Westestablishment of • National Non. Martin'said he then slashed 'her fr rear. past Cecil e 'ot'they,t Iles after court to East race from profit Farm' MarketingAssociation, tbro52 sad a1 , New York to Parra against:six foreign Lt-3/1111.a-Carpet kalte..and ran ProclRt•uo°. 24 Dour. ending at a H which would ellminbte Cha,waste of WL•ZLt11r i` a.� �,pwAct to r b with Casey rug at Oompetlto rs and tarried the tide of Total antlaince S■Ince September, wa,"Tld to rob the drnggb pppul y In lava( of Am eonably d ofitab a price' Ad Insure ria-, yevurdir web 'riches ■■ toawpllns:, n lava( to that time for_ sonably.proft4ble prices to the farm- sharp as a razor blade and for which Tol•liDreeipllalion`slltoe,J.nu•rycj es ].M wuTflled. i Mtn auae1.Previous •wire plate popular. 1r end the consumer as In the auto- Mtsml Beach police have made•vain E int•tinca lamely I. Inches, v 11 a Casey first entered a ph ,hr ' Tba Thomas.Flyer .Crewed 13,341 mobile Industry. search,.1,believed to have floated out ilei then won the right of tri. p1Uw of dirt road and covered in t1 A native of Webster,Pa.,Mr.Thomas to sea with the tide. Lisa married on February 99, 1879,to Earl D. Carpenter, chief of deteo- sea ere Bees ter TedN tote Supreme court mwhtade I. y, • ppDfe.18,P,,.}l11eh, t,rted from Miss Flora Dozier,daughter of Abram tires. slid he believed the knife, be- Bun rhea. :27, tended the Square and cootIntied'Icroea Bun •at.�.�1:f7. plea was made .. tb,t►fpta.dtetetea;Siberia:I lUPn•'PO-.fir, a•_bapltallst of Aurora, •Ihd. Catlett, of its large wooden handle,--. eonsetis.6:4o�•.. . vice of his attorney why land: and France. Hia Car, John Grammar Thomas of Washing- would float. He believe, Marttn"'tar: ""-- latormsd him IIO on, eye, ' lmndiwinner Germanyby 28 days and the only one ton.D.C.,b the only surviving child. tied the knife with him Into the ocean ,Tides ter Weal Mae% liven the death seatenc to finis, the• rue. required flue His bile,another son and a daughter where he had Intended suicide by nal_ SIDS to aha and e10, days. Siberia alone.fly. are dead. drowning, but changed hie mind Monday - a.m. ,.m. a,m c m county attar pleading gull moo/ was traysied in the rainy Ira- He leave tour grandchildren Joan, when he heard the children scream- Tlt4•de7 7:40 s 0f II 21 Iii der. In the meantime, eon 'attd-without roads requIred 72 Sally and Edwin Ross Thorns,of New Ing for him to return to the house, Wednesday 1:f1 ala 300 2:33 /Molts granted • reprieve =• days and nights. Five other entrants Smyrna, F4., and Derby Thornes of - pending the outcome of C. '„ tilt the race early. Cblcalo; two brothers. Frederick W. POM/",,p 10axCA•T .That race cost Mr.Thomas approxi- Thomas of Buffalo. and Linden B. POLICE UNCOVER Florida: P.nlr cloudy uond•y and The trial ended to Casey t. u Thomas of New Haven.Conn. lie also TERRORIST CULT T,"°.,. .IID `•lt.r.d •forecast: Gentle wntsnced to death. ffiately •136.000 but he mid It hea drnhoren. )loin. forecast: senile .the cheapest adnrtisln leaves • niece, Mrs. Kenneth Ashby, cast newlyblonds,ri, and parch ever. Padgett and Clerk eacaq g he had ever ri 'nought, a friend recalled, who resided with him at Fortieth street extreme ninths/eel.et toers'. tlJ clouded trio chair Fut month by I I and Collins •venue, Miami Beach. Continued from Page 1 .0 ni e,n thundershowers'. Gonol.y au s • IA 1906 a, additional company. TLeedsr. known as the Thomas Detroit Com. Mrs. William Grigsby of Miami and y. body Minslsei,.l. Pull7 clouds. local lhun• as Governor!Molts granter ' Barker bo s was found a few sod Th er. m soulh.ut .oras°❑ uopa.+ LO Padgett and L.P.Chaps. I' JSaey,was organised with M7.Thomas Mrs.William IL Simpson of Fort Lau- feet from his front door• Evidence dee ••da+ as Ice ptpldent Aaaoofated with him derd►le,nlecas,and George A.Thomas disoove»d recently indicates he was thundershowe rs tMocloudy.71,.tsda calfs d •UPerintendeat,postponed I, were Igor D.Chant,, Howard E. Cof• of Ridgewood, N. J.. a nephew, also poisoned, cloudy: scattered thunder•hueeu in parity t• fin and F.O. Deaner. This com an survive, fortiori. Bout eoution until a petltloM ! manufactured the Tho D 7 Roy Polon,3D, alleged grave robber, jc.ntueke and Tenni.e : a Ile NI was flied. • , Detroit His/Miami peach home,called Sea- who dlsappeand February 1, 1933.}fie c�an�e conpli�nu.d weer❑ Donde. and Toes! Among the prtsonerb w u r ' designed by Mr. Coffin, During 'weed, was of nautical design to re- body was taken front tits river June lhyndenhooter ld.t7 •ostt.r•d a t•rnooa terms who have applied fo. ."the t1»►S year of opentioII the K. R. mind him of his steamship days. The 31, I939. • Horeb Caro Ina: I�l/0.li cloudy sod b Walter Valltoa, who was e .,t Tbomu'Motor company contnoted living room. his favorite for med14- Gladys Walton, 18-year-old honor ,°Ole sr Slenderw?s eiiu7r.sta�t.1.4 ■b0wsr.. foe the murder of Laurie We 't tion and study,has a rope moulding, student at rural Elm Grove school, eo❑th a. 0Ins •nII aeorda' Parti+ police ser ears In 1996, Pe 'ri., anchor'hinges and •fireplace of key- two mites southeast of"Roll Hollow," iiid+slwwi r,and 7tiesdv rl .cal• H t. '1•N A' fe. stone embedded With eta bottom.Oral rhos,bodyteats here been flied with , 1, 1; PeYS• forms. - He recentlybold the•Silver we, 'tufted Into • Closet board • al of her parents' farm home. She died I against extending cl ,t 'Li. •cl i.•r' l•. Palm citrus T• 1 nlun and nelnllatloa dale re• Valltoa, the latest Delag t )Cl grove 1a Homestead, in BL Mary's hoepitel the next day, ported ty the tinned tate. Weather feu- A. Worley, Jr.. state alto I" ,.,,r'r. A; �ol,000w Aetdd • He was a member of the EUloott May 96, 1934, after repeating over react for 34 boon .ndms 4:,,,/,..L. m' also protested commutatl '� r Y s'4troe sealants minion flow tutee club (president In 1910) Buffalo. N. and over again: "Look out, daddy; Loveet H4he.t Tree. sentences of Casey and le r . ,ad to a waren mar be endao•er.d by nee- Y.; Buffalo Athletic club, Indian they'll get YOU,too.•• Iss1 last 20 eat 20 lest 4.drastic.!Mealtime dross.Le•aretui. Creek. Bath and Surf clubs here. Joseph Bereano. 34, miner, beaten Abilene. Teva D1 his 6 commutation Ice term fences K,!'• 17 rbaettaaal tl/aq M Madder disorders o e. aur.. e, 'make,rev suffer,from asinine De Nledls, Funeral services will be conducted to doth a few miles from his home. Amarillo, Texas rte se .80 Orsy teflon of sentenew at•teMale.a lLees 08 Pic g••Pales.Mau- at 3:30 p.m.tomorrow at Forest Lawn Mn. Basile Sunderllk, 48, will of Aehenille. N. C. - ee ;� One and Roy Gray, brat v • 'a`•tW P•Isw glafeey,Caritas tinder tea. chapel. Buffalo. StanleySunderllk, who occupied the Atlanta• ily es to .es Warne Millard, who were '' • •era •Mllast Swain!, amerUnr k p Anent',Cur,N J. 70 7s t here two year, • 1 second of thew cabins includingHer- Irmin hem. Ala. 70 o g0 for . r�, Nhlar,deal tete sten•.,. aH the doe. _ y. r .... .�.. ,fol.•, j IVO., ti .Oe rn T • n.nT ..no. B'•. a,,,... - !_ . V. 11 7f en kidnaping of Dr. nand..