1668-49 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1927-1945 4: s:..k. ''. 1''' e‘ k AI\ \. . i '•'V'‘.\4‘(\'‘ ' 11 I
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Smart resort frocks are worn by vacationers, who know their Lincoln road! Left to right—Mrs. Arthur Charles Johnson of Columbus,
0.,socially prominent in her home city, is at the Shoremede,with her husband, a well-known journalist. The prettily striped frock is
i becoming to Miss Claire Murphy,daughter of Peter J. Murphy of Scarsdale, N. Y., a winsome young girl at the Flamingo. Instead of
a corsage, attractive Mrs. Alfred Kauffman of Chicago wears a whole basket of flowers, a clever bit of costume jewelry. With Mr.
Kauffman, she is again at the Shoremede this season. An unusually shaped hat with a frock of charming detail is worn by Mrs. C.
Blake McDowell of Akron, 0., pictured in the Tower Gardens. Smiling in the sun is Mrs. W. J. Truertner, at the Nautilus from De-
troit. Mrs. Truertner is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hooper from the Michigan city, and one of the most attractive of the
younger set at the Nautilus.And she has stars in her crown—of her hat! Photos by Moffet.
"BUT taking it seriously, I am GROUPS enjoying visits togeth-
Our Elizabeth's Coming Home very happy. It gives me a er at the Boulevard hotel in-
permanent home. Perhaps I am a dude: Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Boch-
peasant deep down within mc, but mer and Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
HERE'S news in this let- the 'money crop'—why, I cannot I like the feel of the land—my land Patterson, all of Bronxville,N. Y.;
ter we know you will see as the only use for limes seems —on which I can go and live if and Mr. and Mrs.W. J. Maier and
welcome as we do. Mrs. to be in a cocktail or Jamaica punch these the us times should bring Roy W.Yawger,all of Seneca Falls,
Clayton Sedgwick Coop- and avocados can never be popular reverses. N. Y., Mrs. B. W. Seaman of
er, our own Elizabeth Cooper, now to our present generation of stream- "I am taking possession October Hempstead, N. Y. is an arrival of
in Sarasota, is planning to come lined ladies as they are said to be 15 and it is to be my HOME, not the week at the Boulevard, having
back to the East Coast to live.Now very fattening. I am trying to just a stopping place." come to visit Mrs. H. M. Warner.
the question with us is this: "Will think up a concoction that will * * * * * *
our erstwhile "foreign correspon• blend limes and avocados—some-
�N attractiveyoung at foursome
dent" become our 'country comes- thing that will plump the meagerly State Senator and Mrs. H. Proc-
pondent"?" You will note Mrs. Padded ladies and un-plump those the Green Heron is that includ- for and Charles Young, all of As-
Cooper has bought an avocado and to whom nature has been too boun- mg Mr. and Mrs. C. Edgar Scha- bury Park,N. J., are vacationing at
lime grove. But we'll quote a bit tiful in the way of poundage. bacher and Mr. and Mrs. H. Oliver the Boulevard hotel as are: Mr.and
from our letter: i think I wall invent a new Smith, jr., all of Buffalo, who Mrs. J. A. Topping of Bronxville,
spend much of their time on the N. Y.; and Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
"I am coming back to the bottle, very fancy, so if you beach enjoying the tropical sun- Forstbauer of New York.
East Coast and to my friends. 1 drink from one end it gives you
have bought an avocado and long slender lines,something like N ate►
lime grove in the Redlands a Powers model; if you need
about 25 miles from Miami. touching up in the way of
There is a lovely modern home curves, drink from the other
and a garden in which I can end. If you are just right and • •
have flowers to my heart's con- want something good,shake well Sally Milgrim
tent. The seven year grove has and enjoy yourself. Isn't that
1000 limes and 1500 avocados, a grand idea, Margaret? Next
just beginning to produce. year if this marvelous imagina-
tion keeps on working,you will
• "I WANTED oranges and grape- see me on the Beach with an ONE OF AMERICA'S
fruit, but the wise ones proved artistic basket on my arm, sell- FOREMOST FASHION AUTHORITIES
to me that avocados and limes are ing the elixir to all my friends.
.‘‘ :,
47 ,
�� �' Miami Beach Shop
Delernn'c !'ling Original gowns for afternoon and evening.
striped jersey sandal with a turban on the toe! Spectator sports dresses—coats—suits and
ensembles. Also millinery—furs—and
so (1),),(ylir footwear in complete selection.
1101 Lincoln Road, !Ulan); Read, j 738 Lincoln Road - Miami Beach
Society Pictorial—Page 7
i .
GOOD NEWS is exciting too, r. ! 16n' yr
when evening gowns and , �� `. �" - t
bright beach clothes make fashion i 1114ii � a, ' r. .
headlines . . Like those of our '�ii Ir.
�' // � ' t E t.t r •
new visitors from Bridgeport: Miss • �i,t, =Y� t ` • ^ ^
Sarah Farrell wearing a blouse of �. �� •
gold stripes on black taffeta with a F' t _ . l
tailored black gown; Mrs. Louis
Frank in a red evening sweater em '' AN
broidered in gold, with a black
III skirt and high red kid slippers, �+1ti 1
Miss A. S. McGrath in blue crop: .. a 0 n ,4> •
with a wide gold kid belt studded ii
in turquoise; and the last of this
Connecticut colony of friends, Miss . r"-- / y�-' t .r
M.E.Conlin in a bright Irish greent. .r. -. •
r. i
jacket over a long green and white I, 2
printed gown . . . and And from \ �RA110- i ,
cold Canada two charming ladies: ) ,.
Mrs. John Quillan of Westmount, 9 - � .
• with eal, wearing
eanri g friend, chaff n A.4 ,d 't>( 't_ 11 ■
D. Patterson in a gray lace and
.i. - ,.rt . Me
Chiffon dinner gown . Looking, Some of the charming children who are having a grand time at the Flamingo this season are here
very pretty in a simply tailored pictured. Hands in pockets, Louis, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Hamel of Haverhill, Mass.,
blue sport dress, is Miss Florence stands up quite straight for the photographer. Like a little princess from a story book is golden-
Dud , of New York. She came to haired Suzanne Swallow,granddaughter of Mrs. Arthur C. Swallow, at the Flamingo from Milwau-
y kee. Another son of the delightful Hamel family is young Gerard,curled up on the bench in small-
join her parents, Mr. and Mrs. boy fashion.
Ashen V. Duffy . Mrs. J. W. Second row—Three daughters of the Hamel family are Claire,Gloria and Marilyn,strolling in the
Ford of Forest Hills, N. Y. at- Flamingo gardens. Next are Mary Ellen, Michael, jr., and John Flynn, all vacationing from Pea•
tractive in a black with body,Mass. They are the children of Mr.and Mrs. Michael F. Flynn. At lower right are Edmund
crepeWard Poor, holding a big cocoanut, and his brother. Henry Wynkoop Poet, children of Mrs. Ed-
blue flowers . . Mrs. H. C. mund Poor of Long Island. N. Y., who has a Flamingo cottage. (Moffett).
Garvin of Winona, Minn., in black
lace and chiffon, brightened by a Third prize went to Tony Green- son Donald have come from Fair- ward (jams stopped to visit his
strand of turquoise with matching wood and fourth to Frances Sche- field, Conn. and Mr. and Mrs. O. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burch Ijams
bracelet. . . from Jersey City comes ule while fifth was given Frances H. Schulz from Jackson, Mich. . . . on their way from Nassau where
Mrs. James McConnell,who looked Plimpton . Grand sweepstakes Back in time for Widener Day they have been honeymooning . . .
out-standing in a black chiffon in the adult class was awarded Mrs. came Harry L. Baird from a Cin- And taking Pan American plane to
gown with dubonnet and blue flow-
van Brown whose display was ar- cinnati jaunt and now he's spending Havana, then going to Panama arc
ars at the neck bringing out the P y afternoons at Tropical . . . A most Mrs.Frances Scheule and Miss Jane
identical print in the dress. . . And tistic as well as complete . . . The P
impartial judges were Mrs. Marcus attractive couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Durkee, sisters.
from Kawasb, N. Y., Mrs. E. H. A. Coolidge, Miss Alice Bowie and
Maxwell was seen on her way to Miss Priscilla Wheelan Of
dinner wearing a soft olive suit with course ice cream and cake topped
brown emblem on the pocket . . . PP
And gayer than gay, was the beach off the party . . . Newly arrived are
costume of Mrs. R. L. Fay, from Mr. and Mrs. M. Harold McFellin G -
Kansas City, Mo., of all red, with from Toledo and with them arc �• ::, - • \.
a red chiffon scarf in her hair Mr. and Mrs. John F. Patterson f ,
caught up by two fresh gardenias from St. Paul . . . House guests areof
Mrs. E. L. Blackman of Green- Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Plimpton �4
wich, Conn., looked verystunningMr. and Mrs. Dudley R. Cowles of
in a red dress, with abroad-briBoston . The John J. Rusher-
mad tan straw . . . But to greet in fords with their lovely daughter, t�
print the guests who have not been Miss Dawn Rutherford, are here of
greeted in person . . . Mr.and Mrs. from Chicago and the H.R. Kluths ..-/-y ,, eS of
C. P. Veenhof of New York, and of Philadelphia have come for / ptV stp
spring . . . Their baby boy of o p v
Mr.and Mrs. H. E.Sweet of Attie- j// �, tt tzp
course, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. ;'0°‘9,,,,..
o'• s
boro, Mass., all of whom have George A. Forman jr. of Buffalo o`t oo` opo , 3
dashed in and out so much that south . . . Mrs. L. H. White and , s`p o'� v ��
even a watchful hostess cannot say ? +t`` v v .1% \t,S'
"hello".—G. K. / / ;i poJp,o 9.
* * * cAIoY4 41D '.•v •�' st pop
RAMBLING ROUND ARCH- c. cec.....r>rv« t.. �` `n^ tt'
,MPORTERS•• N. •�'y�`
WAY: The Great Shell Contest a
' was a big success at Archway,spon- 843-845 Lincoln Road " t Ca a� s1:3. ye.p
sored by Mrs. A. H. Cordes, assist- �� \is 9. opus.
cd by Mrs. Luther Doty and Miss FINE APPAREL psi°' o`,
Alice Bowie . . . Everyone was �1 Jpv
amazed at the beauty in color and for the ,f ` ,`o apo
form and some contestants laid out `'
their shells in intricately lovely de- WELL DRESSED CHILD yt``o�`ptsP
signs . . . First prize among the of 0.9'
children went to Barbara Fruehauf Boys and Girls �`�t Ppt
with her brother Buddy "trailing" Infancy to Sixteen \po`t p..
closely behind (which seems appro- s`tptt
priate in the Fruehauf family). . . .
Nelson Coburn A.M.(Harvard),Headmaster l HOW. BREAKER s , PALM BEACH '
1000 Bay Drive Telephone 6-1011 1000 LINCOLN p a A a, MIAMI BEACH
On the water,south side of Normandy Island,facing La Gorce Island ,
Society Pictorial—Page 9
9rr 1* i
_ d s �t l
1�a-««F'4, •11y
44r4„, 4 •_ _ A � a1 . r - i
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Snapped at the Bath Club while sunning and lunching were these visitors. At the left are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berry from Rome,Ga.,
who were guests at the cabana of Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Price of Coconut Grove. Centered are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mansfield of
i Lake Forest,Ill.,down from the Everglades Club of Palm Beach for the day,with their host, John B. DeLany (center). At the right,
in playful tintype post, are Mrs. Louis B. von Weise, jr., Cincinnati, who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Leyman, and
Spencer Tunnell, jr.,of New York City.—Photos by Schmid-Worrell.
at l�te Bath Chub ROUND ABOUT THE CLUB: SQUARE dances were featured SERVING as chairman for the
Red, white and blue were chos- last Thursday night at the Bath weekly bridge luncheon at the
• en by Mrs. Edgar A. Igleheart re- Club, with community singing as Bath Club Friday was Mrs. Mau"
STRICTLY informal and strictlyY another old-fashioned bit of fun.
cent( at the Bath Club, her sweat- Mrs. Claude Siems of St. Paul and rice R. Cotton, assisted by Mrs. Al.fun will be the beef steak din- er, red,worn with a white skirt and the Gulf Stream was general len P. Green, Mrs. S. L. Stover,
ner to be held Thursday night, her white hat banded in red and chairman for the partyand PhilipMrs. James T. Wilson, Mrs. A. H.
March 13, in the luncheon patio of blue . Nash Mathews chatting Wyman,another season guest at thBall, Mrs. F. G. Crittenden and
the Bath Club. Mrs. Marshall Al- with John B. DeLany . . . And the
• worth is chairman and on her corn- DeLany's charming house guest, Gulf Stream, was master of Gere• Mrs. Frank E.Gannett. Mrs.John
mittee are Mrs. B. H. B. Draper, Mrs. Joseph T. Delfosse saying monies for the square dances. B. Denvir will be chairman next
Mrs. Arthur Gardner, Mrs. Nor- goodbye to her many friends be- * * * week, assisted by Mrs. Don A. Da-
man B. Woolworth, Mrs. H. S. fore returning to Chicago. . . Mrs. Her many friends are glad to vis, Mrs. Harold Knowlton, Mrs.
Matzinger, Mrs. L. D. Buhl and Philip Wyman so proud of the know that Mrs. E. Mead Johnson H. S. Leyman, Mrs. E. C. Romfh,
Mrs. Howard Bonbright. little silver tennis trophy she won is out of the hospital and conva- Mrs. J. W. McIntosh and Mrs.
* * * in the round robin tournament . . . l�ing• Florence Parker Busch.
NEW members of the Bath Club Small Eleanor and smaller Larry
are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis Kaine up with their good-looking ro FISHER BUILDING
of Beaver Falls, Pa. With them youngparents, the Warren Kaines a18 WORTH AVE.
at the club this week were their . Mrs. Otto Neumann, nautical
house guests, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. in white skirt, short navy blue jac•
Pitcher of Joliet, Ill. ket and jaunty little white hat be- 0.5.£ £y
* * * ribboned in blue...Mrs.J.Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gras-'li Pancoast and Mrs.Charles S.Krom, 714 LINCOLN ROAD
have returned from Thomasville, two favorites of ours, at the club
Ga., where they visited at the for Mrs. Irving Collins' luncheon � C.-1. 1,. . I
plantation home of Mrs. Ralph .. .Mrs.Collins,the personification J : trr
Perkins. of gracious hospitality,greeting her G {�
* * * guests. . .William B.Woods chat- f u`
NOTED at the Bath Club on ting with Mr. and Mrs. George S. "1 j ,(' 1 _�
Monday with George S. Has- Hasbrouck and receiving commiser- \ \ 7 "tl� •
brouck, president of the club, and ations from friends on his polo mis• 1b
Mrs. Hasbrouck were Mr.and Mrs. hap . . . Being welcomed back Mr. >/ ° :,U)
Francis Strawbridge, socially prom- and Mrs. Arthur Gardner and small �� ,
inent members of the Philadelphia "Buttons," just as cute as ever. 1�.
colony, who have just completed a * * * ��
. visit at the Flamingo. .,
* * * Noted at the Bath Club this \ �.
week was Mrs. Florence Parker
THEIR second visit of the season Busch, just arrived from St. Louis. t
at th= Green Heron is being
enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Clark -mnvyvy� -
L. Keator of Winnetka, Ill. They 9
will be joined during the s ring Ton s Music • ,.,
holidays by their son, Tom, who is Dirtincii a Entertainment
anticipating younger set activities l
at the Bath and other social clubs Open for Private Parties ' `3 ,: _
* * a Beach Cabana Club Barnell Hotel �� - •
Mr. and Mrs. Julius R. Brueck- Phone 5.5311 J>.p'
ner, from Detroit, are vacationing L SET UCCESSFULOPARTY LAN A
at the King Cole hotel. A I J
tt ,��y-fit tlyi /try+ Blanket Covers
J�IIta I[II]4UP�� 7 �'�p� This beautiful Sunset Crepe night cover with hand•stitched satin scalloped edge
•�l (-,-I and trim satin monogram. Choice of pale blue, tea rose, crushed rose, ivory
and white.
Size 72x90 $13.75 Size 80x90 _. $16.75
Interims Complete wish M.momam
100 Per Cent Virgin Wool Blankets . . . .
ANTIQUES MODERN REPRODUCTIONS Very pnaial—these fleecy soft wool blankets of choicest quality. Handsome!,
bound with absinth satin in coin dot design. In an array of colors from put,,I
'Tel. 5"1642 635 Lincoln Road to deep tones.
Size 72x84 ._ $17.50
Society Pictorial—Page 13
Sfflfl' 1HIflGS flT HIGHt �� ... ,':. ,_ , `•�,• .• on ���gy theshow�`�utstgµo
�7 d
rr r. -
wflit C�rl fur e7homson D . -' ,:a 1 — N. • coming to you someday, someplace,
and if we ever meet again beyond
AUGH clown, laugh' 6‘....., ` the horizon, I'll remind you of the
You've heard the express- t �' •�arrdttl many times you made me laugh
C whi.e your heart was crying for the
ion countless numbers of e �LA times. You know the �it t • Cyt k'• b� one you loved. pSomeday, maybe.
Pagliacci legend of the sorrow .i tet" we'll all meet upstairs with those
hidden by grease paint. You i 1(- 11 ' , t% -'• we love and look down upon this
know the tears and heartaches sI' \I" little old funny world and laugh
and everything else that make the � and laugh and laugh . . .
c �. * * *
expressions such as the show must �` p
go on a standard part of back- LI i **-4-I' i ! • ms s. DIPSY DITTIES
4 Of
••�t� a y e . , ' NONSENSE
v tr/ • (With Apologies to Mother Goose)
0011 E11 t . ��t�y ' ✓� . Sally, Sally bad a Jan,
. ' When she waved it, roan 0 news;
.R O Vck�G . � _ �¢ .S .. People came from miles around,
�,��• $,. , Hickory Dickery Dock,
I�t1111"7 v� The Mouse ran upthe clock,
" s''`s I ' _. - The clock struckoneand down he
die :1°°''' s,..w I` Con Ruddy
Zvi ` • `• 'I Mr.and Mrs.Stanley McGinnis relax with film comedienne Mar- WHERE IN THE HECK WAS BIMELEC II,
• I; tha Raye. Stanley and his lovely wife are honeymooning on our * - a
• r••'_ shores so it's no wonder he's paying her all the attention. Mrs. Don,Don,the
t t piper's eon,
j;, McGinnis is the former George White beauty,Mary Carroll,while Plays his trumpet and makes much
ji. a I Mr. McGinnis is the famed New York restaurateur. 1,,,,
stage life. Sometimes, perhaps, it Angels. His heart was bleeding
all sounds phoney to you. Some. and he didn't care for life or any u^ ()pen 1 +s P.M.
•t THE 11 times it is phoney. However, we of the material things we here on EACII
GIFT OF THE GODS" know a fellow who isn't kidding earth must face. He'd go up into
t1A11IS 1AtIItS ft tis,lit, but is actually a modern Pagliacci. the mountains and talk to his TMtXTR6oy
MAMMA,PA.•(IT,1114 Not long ago• ,the wife he loved echo, just to relieve the pent-up
i so dearly got a call from the emotion that was driving him Lrnsult,at Washington Phone s•ovve
mad. He fought to forget but LAST TIMES TODAY
never quite could. He can't [o• Barbara Stanwyck—Henry Fonda
7A /n day but you'd never know it
c� e l�xc usrt'e in
watching him clown in his tramp "THE LADY EVE"
makeup. Born under canvas, he's
the real trouper. You laugh
he works and probably tonly Sun. Thru Tues., Marchgue.' 9•II
what a foole If you could only Amazing Intrigue.'
see him in a serious moment;notice Robert Montgomery
the sadness and sorrow written on Ingrid Bergman
Gay, yet Smart his face; you'd never again judge ((Rage in Heaven"
human nature so harshly. For
George Sanders
your fun, entertainment, for your
* *
• laughter, George Gregg is carrying Starts Wed., March 12
Barbara Stanwyck
SHF:RIDAN AT 41st ST. Walter Brennan
Edward Arnold
Continuous Daily from 2 P. M.
Reservations Should Be Made Sunday-Tuesday, March 9.11 3'PEC/4L CHINESE
OPEN 6 P. M. TILL 3 A. M.
Laraine Day Robert Young RICE BOWL
Where Celebrities Meet OOLONG TEA
forlaunch here todny and enjoy
Wed.-Sat., March 12-15 thin outhentle (•hlaeae
TORRIDENTERTAINMENT111 nrh "I. to 1104[1.11.0Frank Capra's .end luaurbo. .u,_
Cuban Stars and Orchestras "MEET JOHN DOE"
with •s
Gary Cooper �Z Phone 5.2310
PALM ISLAND OFF COUNTY CAUSEWAY - LEO 5.0329 Barbara Stanwyck Dade Boulevard at West Ave.
SociNy Piclori44—Pig.26
IN THE HAYRICK `�' .� F. ' A
(Coatiao.d fromPage 3) � `1 -� ' • ,
tiveness slumped. Since Churchill VI t+,, �� , `*
became head man, however, it is p' �e!. .
functioning with its old-time cun- � ma- {JP IF` � �
ning and thoroughness. mar' )-F }t1 w il %'
To illustrate this, William r or
McFee, in mellow and hummor.- — I I N +r" r
ous mood, told us the other P" t -
evening, "British Intelligence t / l'"f
got the word back to England fi, I
-.mu..... ' a /
that the Germans had just corn- i, , `
pleted a dummy airport, with • s`' j
wooden planes parked in a '' i
clearing,wooden dummy struc-
tures to resemble hangars,
wooden run-ways, veoo.:cn a•r-
craft guns and em•-lacements."
Ivie paused to let us lay stooge. ssI
"So." we asked. "So the RAF1..'
sent over a plane that deo T:dii
wooden bomb on i:." Three very pretty girls, residing at the Versailles ar, these—don't you agree with us? It would be a
In story-telling mood, the novel- shame to hide those beautiful eyes with sun glasses so Miss Barbara Capeman of Chicago obliges the
ist went on, "I read this one re- camera man,and takes them off. Wearing a little Juliet cap that becomingly frames her face and a
Gently. An American tortes
pond- demure locket, Miss Irene Joan Burke in her smart frock makes a charming subject. She's from Grosse
P Point,Mich. In the chic sailor outfit, Miss Georgia Ellis of New York City looks out over the blue sea
ent was interviewing an air mar- from the Versailles gardens.—Photos by Moffett.
shall of the RAF. He wanted to
know what the English knew about friends from the early days of to be true, that Architect Paist twin son and daughter,Dolores and
the new Nazi air menace, des:ribed Coral Gables' beautification. should prepare the way, years in Ronald of Philadelphia, Pa. Mr.
in Berlin dispatches as the Fokker- advance, for his old friend's endur- Noecker is head of the century-
, Wolf bomber,capable of 400 miles After the ceremonies, we me, ry
an hour, carrying tremendous loads Miss Manley on the balcony of the mg masterpiece,which likewise per- Noecker Shipbuilding Co. in Cram-
of bombs. Do you know about patio which she designed for the petuates the architect's memory. er Hill, N. J.
• that plane?' he asked the marshal. post office. She told us, 'When
'Oh, yes,' the airman replied cheer- Mr. Paist was designing the court a * * Prize winners in the weekly
fully. It's the finest plane Goeb- room, he visualized a mural on the Visiting Mrs. C. J. Kinsel and bridge tournament at the King Cole
bels ever turned out."' wall behind the judge's bench. In• her daughter, Miss Eleanor, at the were John Haverkamff, from Chi-
•'M mother, now in her ninety- stead of carrying out the conven- Chandler Apartments are Mr. and cago, Ill., and Robert I. Catlin,
tifourth year, lives in a little English he leftel treatment at wallaof marble ingmns, Mrs. S. M. Noecker with their from Hartford, Conn.
he that blank, hoping that
town," McFee continued. "Her some day the government would f�j/
letters are masterpieces of under- sec fit to have a mural there. He J �!/ ti '�0$°0. ,o / ° %"
statement, a characteristic trait of figured that the government saved I/°
the English mind. She writes that �' �aV .. � e... •_ J.;";_.„._
o; all
enough in marble columns to pay1:7\i....y __ l_ `
the air raids over her town are .a for the mural job." ,00°® • M 7f' •• °° •o
great inconvenience'. ° °0 i� [ , ••� • 'o
It seems too just and coincidental �3 ''.. -,
-But she got really mad in her
/�� , t,°�, `�=�`_,'»�• °
latest letter. She called Hitler 'that 9Ct:
`/ '</ 4V 1 ....+ �+, 1,.>v
miscreant•." •r' a 1"``
* * * __._-.0.._: '-:� rte`` °
NVEILING of Denman Fink's o0 of
'heart-warming mural in Miami's GREEN HERON .� ° c
federal court room was an impress. \..
ive ceremony,. Artist but not ��)IILII[��l.G��E(Cl,('1((Ol�� '-� °�
stilted. Fink, who had C l� I ` `\ /
worked two years on it and thought SUNNY ISLES0 .is a matter that extends to the
it was self-explicit, was called on NO.MIAMI BEACH
• by W. L. Gray, jr., bar association On the Ocean A4111/• smallest detail. It is here that the a°®°
' president, who had acted as chair- ROBERT GALLAHER,Owner t • trained efficiency of the Pan- o
man of the meeting, to "explain" �` coast's friendly year-round staff
his mural. And he did with corn- COTTAGES plays an important part in your i .6..
plcteness and good humor. 0 o '.O00.
° V✓✓
HOTEL APARTMENTS >o°° perfect enjoyment of Miami Beach. -.o°
* * * b0o i There are no "rough edges" to 0000
One of the happy elements 400 Feet of Private Beach oo,�
mar the air of quiet charm that is , °
in his design is the inclusion Life Guard ��
of the likeness of the late a reflection of the Pancoast's
Phineas Paist, leaning over a GARAGE many years of unchallenged leader- J '4
• drawing board. Paist was the DAILY MAID SERVICE •�"''� ship in Miami Beach. °
architect of Miami's federal EXCELLENT FOODyocoo s
building, aided by his two firm o Itl
associates, Miss Marion I. Man- Telephone 2871 Golden Beach Each. 0°0
ley and Harold D. Steward. — GENTILES — °°° ) • (
�� o°oc
Fink and Paist had been old
6861 COLLINS AVENUE Restricted Clientele
Arthur Pancoast Norman Pancoast Manager
Miami Beach's most comfortable living for people with above-average ¢'y o Pr.,edeni "� �
tastes and desires. Two and three bedroom villas—steam heat—all with '
a view of the ocean Doorman, maid, porter and garage service. N4611....---•
ISM feet of private beach with life guard in attendance... ...—= _ a t✓ G
Rates by Week, Month or Seaton ,i�'����1 ��� °
Oe1 % �000"o° ° >/o° o
CARL T. DOUGLASS, Mr. ! �� C �j® °,��°• A&
Society Pictorial—Pada 29
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"IID 7t.'.; ; ' y, A LONG stretch of dean, golden sand for lazy
I'11 I IIIlolling and sun bathing.
..` W Colorful cabanas, umbrellas and beach chairs.
14 ;
'; A private parking lot for our guests only.
R-' ver
. ""--r,---,:::.:;.:::: And uncrowded ocean bathing.
.I'; 1 L':l'ill
iI I' �,� These are only some of the advantages enjoyed by
I 1I ll quests of"The Royal Family of Miami Beach Hotels.”
II ,i i _K_ ,, '
'Illi'], FTTTTTlni; ,. a
, I is For Information,Address
s ILIIzit4 rnF lAE T— NO1ELS