1668-51 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1927-1945 lib
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Volume 14 Ne. 11 Miami Beach - - Palm Beach Price 25c
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MARCH 21 --
1942 <:>� +_ �.r .
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cruises periodically along our shore,
Lin /11 c -.e s � up as far as Ft. Lauderdale, study-
He how the Miami
Beth working.
,r He told t Miami Beach has done ],
rr r7� an effective job of cutting down the MP
—with �d� Way glow. On a recent jaunt he re-
ar a marked that the worst offender of v
RILE "Keep 'Em vFly �,
�+� the war precaution was the Holly-
7. in is the roocawood dog track, with a blaze of
K P foot-candles that could be seen far
five battle cry oci• t out at sea. The Miami Beach track,
vilian America,wee be-
lieve it's time for us stay-at-homes $ on the other hand, looked as dark
and deserted as a Mussolini scowl.
to consider another slogan, minor ' ‘'41'
Perhaps Hollywood kennel exe-
but still pretty important, in bid- i r cutives have learned a lesson from
ding farewell to our young men off r
to the wars, namely: Keep 'Em � �- "�, the Beach book by this time. Our
Grinning. _: ' track, we learned, keeps off all
8 10
t sign, grandstand and ground lights
Mothers, being what they are, >• _ except those illumining the track
will not forego the tears and agony ws>tr `; itself. The fellows at the Beach
of separation from their sons, but ' ,-' 4 ; track are so conscientious about ob-
ese bystanders can lighten the gloom i serving the rules, we wouldn't be
of such departures with decent flip- s-," urprised to learn their hounds were
pancy and the light touch of Amer- on a carrot juice diet and being
ican ribbing. d trained to chase a phosphorescent
We pounced on the notion this rabbit. 4
week, when a friend of ours—well, •you
you might as well know his name: '".f- WHEN one ten-year-old was ,
Terrell E. ("Ted") Johnson—left admonished by his mother
at Uncle Sam's behest, for an un- Spring flowers are in everyone's thoughts these days so the little to eat his spinach because it had
disclosed training center. His fel- gadget of a raffia basket overflowing with bright posies worn by iron in it, he baffled her with
K Mrs. F. H. Hoffman is just right for the season of the year. The unanswerable logic, "But,
low workers in General Office Sales lovely Mrs. Hoffman is at the Nautilus from Elizabeth, N. J., for K
of Florida Power & Light, held a an extended visit.—Photo by Moffett. cher, I can't. What about the
little ceremony of presenting him Government priorities?"
with a pin-seal carry-all case forTT was certainly small comfort, af-
his razor and personal toiletries round trip again—going to Forty- Iter reading the account of that ..,•••.i...-.
(about the only personal property first, thence by Collins Avenue to naval disaster near Australia, to let
permitted under army regulations). the subdued causeway. "My, isn't our attention wander down to that
r Most appropriately, the case was it spooky!" exclaimed our new filler at the bottom of the column.
�� stuffed with these various useful load of nocturnal sightseers.
_ items, carefully wrapped in tissue: So that must be the word for it A man at the North Pole this •�:'-
a n<
—spooky. Which is much more item positively assured us, "is Chir- r
STORAGE C I one pair of dice (unloaded), one ;-:-
package of corn plasters,one can of pleasant, suggesting excitement and teen miles nearer the center of the lar.•
footpowder, a package of comes- mystery,than"gloomy"or"dingy." earth than a man at the equator.
RUG AND DRAPERY P K. r ry, K YWell, who the hell cares?" w'as
STORAGE pondent cards announcing change However, the groups and couples our pessimistic reaction,spoken, we
of address, one callous file and a moving along the sidewalks under fear, quite loudly.
Secu4/f9 am'/' 4 patent potato peeler. the masked lights didn't lurk or
e.dTbottliiifd/g CREENOUT" is the latest re- skulk like spooks.Some even swag- RELUCTANTLY we have been
striction on Miami nights of gered, as though the ghost had al- forced to the opinion that we
readywalked. Americans—or maybe we human
'io I'' neon gayety. Last Friday night we beings—are more impressed with
drove the route from Miami via LETTER received by a friend P
a Venetian Wayto Lincoln Road, L, words than ideas. Friend of ours
of ours from a corporal in a
thence by Washington to Fifth to training camp contained [his: returned from Chicago where he
1*, T �. if the now MacArthur Causeway. "We are leaving here in a few attended a conference of utilities
"My, isn't it spooky!" exclaimed days, but of course I dare not men. One representative of a Chi-
100SWASHINGTON AVE. our passengers. tell you where we're going." cago company gave a report of a
Qmi,Gm1G,�E(d PHONE 5'3448 Saturday night we made the The letter closed with this post- recent public opinion survey made
script: "I'm going to try to by his firm.
phone Jenny,when I get to Los The results were a trifle baf-
i Angeles." fling. When the 'sample" public
was asked,"Do you prefer private
i:moi TETE know a fellow who is on the or public ownership of utilities?"
r...,.nr coast patrol committee that (Cewtirrel ea Page 20)
1 V
Z -
r� I1E111SURF �, 11 11E111 �C11H1(
. i•� f 1006 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach •
col, t27 Worth Ave., Palm Beach
" '•�' �w- Finest Pets; Palm;
Enamels Higb•Class Novelties
and for perfect r Nays Embroideries Silver
p cuisine and service \\ We specialize in
:i-." J
`/'�J visit our dining-room Tapestry to Work i
and cocktail lounge. Bags cleaned and repaired 1
i'.ler 1
i I.
WHITMAN WHO'S WHO shunning his studies at Notre
ING: Everybody looking for- w F 4 Dame for a liddle visit with his I
ward to the soon•to-appear news- LV f •:: •
t reel made of the fur show on our < .:;.''_ - parents, Mr. and Mrs .Paul V.
oceanfront terrace Thursday . . . •;•••t,-.,,` Galvin, of Evanston, 111. . . . Mr.
Five different newsreel companies : '' and Mrs. W. E. Drake of Essex AN:
"shot" the dozen delectable mod-
Hills,Hills, N. J., joining his brother m
els as they marched under the sun- ., Ittir
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. gagen
shine in over a million dollars P. V. Drake, of Watertown, Roche
worth of fur! . Mrs. Joseph •, Mass. (the man responsible for F. Ro•
Casey, wife of the goodlooking those luscious Drake cakes!) . . . ami E
young congressman from Clinton, '. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dodge of Ill,so
Mass., dinner•dancing in a chic, `. •"`• Washington, D. C., veree excited Roem•
long-sleeved black gown . . . Les• over the arrival of their son— Tht
lie Charteris, tall, mustache-ed Captain Clarence Dodge jr., if Unive
young author of the famous you please—who came here from Mr. F
"'Saint" detective stories (and
Fort Sill,Okla.,immediately upon Miss I
movies) lunching with his good finishing his officers' training at Ba•
friend, Raymond Schindler—an ``,. course there.. .The C. U. Gram- will I
appropriate twosome because Mr. elspachers of Jasper, Ind., becom- Miss I
Schindler owns that big detective ret a "family offivtheirewith the of th
agency, "Schindler Bureau of In- •••.•/,„ recent arrival of children. Beach.
vestigation," in New York . Rose, Donna and Gene (pretty Mr.
Mrs. L. H. P. Klotz of New York names, too!) . . . Chase Ulman,
and Trenton, N. J. (where her / distinguished looking member of their r+
husband is vice-president of the / the board of directors of Armour EVC
Luscombe Airplane Company) r 8:Company,surprising us happily N
flitting back and forth between -;T r of
with his third visit of the season! • B.".1"1here and the Whitehall, in Palm . . . Mrs. J. C. Williams of Steu•
benville, Ohio, and one of the Coffin,
"most beloved ladies of Miami Marr:•
BISCAYNE BAYBech," lookingsweet with two Mass'.
A gracious personality is that of a
Mrs.John Maynard jr.of Utica,N.Y., i Britain
PRIVATE SCHOOL who again is at the Flamingo with Mr. Maynard. The Maynards red roses tucked among her curls
have been coming down for a number of seasons and are well. ...Seward Olesen of Troy,N.Y., sago;
2850 Pine Tree Drive known members of the winter colon —Photo b Pa.; R
Y y John Henderson. bringing his bride (the former
Home School Text Books+dEdson
Eleanor Stewart, of New York Young
and Outlines UsedCity—and watch out for her pie-
rs. Wilfred d Cooke Lyle Brach—and wearing one of the saw Paris" . . . Mrs. William F. cure as a bride on the June issue Ashr,
Principal fascinating, thirty pairs of wedgie Whitman, hosting a large-6t. Pat- cover of several leading maga- of Mia
Phone 5.1093 Restricted shoes bought "the last time she rick's dinner party, wearin a I lttmbti
g g tines ) to the Whitman on their arson,
touch of green on her lovely, honeymoon because they met here
long-sleeved white gown . . .Two when they were both visiting in mann.
-+ ^�_,..._ •.""'. "Sweet" additions to our Young Miami Beach earlier this season gles•
-« • Crowd—Virginia, a recent gradu- • That handsome couple from Bethan
1,1 ''� 'v�ra+a' "�. ate of Skidmore, and her brother, Waban, Mass., are Mr. and Mrs. phis; h
',,i.i t i,,...:41.. Vet...--'
Wallace, who goes to Deerfield Hayward, G. Sic
Fred G. who've been
��"' ' t't •1�`'�'' Academy . They're here with cominghere for ears—he's resi• Thoma
II i�I,l Ir I t i N.,- their maer, Mrs. H. R. Sweet, of dent f the John HancockpMu- J. C. I
\ dL• • I i ■ (, ,r1
y'�" Utica, N.Y. . .. Tall Bob Galvin, tual Life Insurance Company . . .
;jai.• II 1 l 'dap f Senator W. E. Mansfield, of Mc- The
.. `>. Keesport, Pa., a popular addition the Ali„
� ' DR. F. H. FISHER to our political colony . . . Mrs.
ums Ibr
lOPTOMETRIC Richard Mansfield Wynn,of Mar r'•"""iu
-� / EYE SPECIALIST gate, N. J., an all•white vision of Ilse c-
..... ....- of Spring as shegoes luncheon-
Scientific Examination f? 8 hit grog
of the Eye partying:
offering a complete That annual outfit Springy new? festive
Optical Service Oh.•anything for me will do. fresbmr,
943 Lincoln Road Phone 5.3550 I only ask that it may "ao" over/onl
OCEANFRONT, patrolled OP. Yew 'Roma With the umform worn in `beau! girls of
private beach. Located in beautiful, exclusive North Miami bad the.
Beach section. Each apartment has two or three bedrooms, some of
commodious living rooms; cottages from five to seven rooms. 18 F,AS'I'53rd STREET cAnnorrnir nSr S1'n,1,
Many of the apartments have private sun rooms or porches. NEW YORK of thin EXPF.(
All are provided with dining rooms,kitchens,every modern con-
venience. Maid service, servants' quarters, garage facilities arc lire' who ha•
available. Clientele is carefully restricted. OaNd'ji./. 11
Shirts- Pajama+ ---
PHONE 3-4347 Dressing Gowns
' s119 LINCOLN ROM) MIAMI BEACH made to measure
Season, December 1 to May 31
Rates on Application to 1.A.Benson,Manager4-
Vol. IJ No. II
Gulfstream The Society Pictorial Phone 5.3112--Ten Hundred Lincoln Road, Miami Beach-•Suite 217
Published by the Sunday Pictorial Publishing Company. Margaret A. Bach,
President and Editor; Walter V. Bennett, Vice•President; Wilbert 1. Bach. 111.0
• A R T M ENTI Treasurer and General Manager; Jane Krom, Fashion Editor; Ruth Seerth,
Circulation Manager; Dorothy James. Business; Nina Champlin. Arthur
M/AMS Thompson, Paul Thayer Newton,Advertising. Eastern Adverris,ng Manager.
BEACH-12 i2ectlytke • �etan onvictor S.Grandin, 551 Fifth Avenue. New York.
Page ?
a friendly touch would be the nic-
est Easter present a friend could
get. If we've convinced you that • THE Gulf Stream apartments, sit-
the thing to do is dash out now and uated on the ocean front in
collect endless cards for friends �� ~l
Miami Beach, long popular with
and relations, we think that's great. many who call the apartments "our
And before you go, make a mental
note to take a peek at the ones in winter home" now are taking res-
REICH'S Lincoln Road store. They s!!t, .
ervations for next season. Manager
are something special in the way of , ft 4 /4' of the Gulf Stream is J. Alfred
cards,of course, and they are really - \ Benson, known in Miami Beach
lovely. They are imported from • !
old Vienna, and handpainted in for his civic spirit. Relaxation in
charming,soft colors. ` 't healthful surroundings it is believ-
A CHAPEAU for Milady in trueed will be stressed as needed dur-
tropical tradition is this white •,,t., *.**1" ing the war years.
fabric one from Mon is this The I 0
design is unusual, and it is beau-
tifully _4,made, and cool, because Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Good-
an open space in the crown. 1 man, Madeira. The Goodmans
It's tied in front with a perky have taken a cottage for the re-
there'sBreen bow, and would certainly ' meander of the season . . . Mr.
make a delightful accent for any and Mrs. G. H. Patten, Chatta-
outfit, as sketched on page 4. nooga, Tenn., also are newcomers
For chunky jewelry that is both Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wood,
Two very pretty young girls are these,pictured on the beach of the
unique and colorful, we'd like to sr'' Jeannette, Pa., whose son and
Pancoast. At left Miss Ann Baldwin, fresh from a swim in the daughter-in-law were here recently
' suggest the ceramic pieces by Mar- surf,is enjoying spring vacation from her studies with her parents,
garet St.Gaudens. There is a mag- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Charles Baldwin of Detroit, have arrived for a late season visit
Pancoast. A popular member of the younger set at have
nificent collection of this work at
Miss Gladys Green who is ac-
• the WASHINGTON GALLERIES, Cabana Club is Miss Jessie Barr, at the right, who is a daughter lively engaged in war works took
and it would be worth your while of
her sistteer,Miss Bonnieof
iBarlr and e Barras on the are cottage colonists time off torom her many activities
to take a jaunt down Washington in this resort—Le Baron photo. recently entertain fellow guests
Avenue to see it. You'd better take with a showing of some excellent
plenty of time, because if you like travel pictures from Guatemala. . .
letyd'art fine ifyuwe In this era of blackout, every- the Boca Raton and Caribbean Mrs. Peter Massey, came home a
objects andounl paintingsave a hard thing should be as cheery as posse- clubs among other places . . . Mr. daily double winner during the
ime guaranteenhave
Get- ble, and behind the blackout cur- and.Mrs. Charles Adams took a week, reward for her faithful at.
tting eato the yourself there are tains, the glowing lamps can be groupof KingColers down the ba
all backc of ghee jewelry,and gay neck- kept decorative as well as useful. o the Quarterdeck club aboard tendance upon"the sport of kings."
• laces, belts, rings, lapel pins,aand We were sure of this when we
countless sundry gadgets to delight looked over the display of shades their yacht, Charman . . . Mr. and 7� •
and bases at ANNE WRIGLEY'S Mrs. H. F. Dodge, Toledo, enter- ]del Mar
the eye. Particularly charming is the other day. One luxurious ex- tained a large family dinner party
a necklace of brown hands inter- pellet of light had a base of crys- during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Manors
spersed with blue beads, and all g rY Ion thefl®r�
strung on yarn. Another whimseycal, and a shade of silver foil with Clarence Laubach, Miami Beach
leaves cut part way out, and raised. residents, entertained dinner guests On Ocean
that is both useful and decorative A stunning pair have gold and at the hotel An interestin 9511 COLLINS AVENUE
is a bank. This time, instead of g MIAMI BEACH
crystal the proverbial pig, it's a lovely shades.bases,
Another yellow
inaadgayer andrey Mrs. Kurt of new rBoningerrivals lof Swit-
white hippopotamus, ungainly and PRIVATE BEACH
white The worhas d mood, have bases like white jon- zerland who came down from Lifeguard
charm and personality that is sug- quils. The glass stem of the lamp Brunswick, Ga., where they have Restricted Clientele
char a of the great artist Mar- coming from its center is filled with been spending some time at The MANORS. ,p airsconsist of 2 Boom,ms,Di .
a pink stuff the same color as the Cloister, for the remainder of the ecce let 6for ho Lieke-g Room.
o inclod
garetarbSt.Gaudens is. complete ror nd Ba
shade. A cunning duo are those season...Miss Mary Louise Bailey ;na daily maid ser.;eceeptnthone°n
WITH the advent of summer's whose bases resemble aqua flower and Miss May Bowdoin are down each m■nor.
sun,man must take relief from pots,and are filled with blue posies. from Marietta, Ga. Ohioans Servants quarters also
its vertical rays, and in Miami —JANE KROM registering during the week includ• available.
Beach the easiest and most prat- * * * ed T. A. Burke, Cleveland, and Phone 6-2471
tical method involves a swim in the KING COLE CHORUS—Daily
chilling regions of the Atlantic. picnics at the Fisher ocean front •
Of course he must be properly clad cabana colony entertain many of the p71�
natatorial garb. From THE hotel guests who goover early and \\ 1 /// e e..\.;%010-
LONDON SHOP, the trunks are spend the whole daysun and surfa
yellow and blue in a gay Hawaiian bathing . . Philadelphians, Mrs. //11
print on a white background, and Andrew McBurney, Mrs. Arnold oaNIING rnM°ur
the matching robe with its azure Scott, and Miss Dorothy McCoy, /I�
lapels and lining is actually a short season visitor from Lake George, LUNCHED�N C C TAILS �(L
coat, fashioned like a double- N. Y., have been junketing about Ni9�( 2iLC1'
O ,/
breasted sports jacket. (See sketch) for luncheon parties, motoring to a DINNER om
iR Individual Artistic TOPAZ j e W e I q --critic SATURDAY DINNER DANCES .AND
' TILL 12 MIDNIGHT 'Olt,.`'°'
the carne a ANE HOP
gl 941 LincolnTIQUSRoad resit a W.
Eat.]soy ALL OUR JEWELS ARE GENUINE Ste` P• meesd.. �.o; , BY THE SEA
Page 15