1668-55 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1927-1945 peopleIMIM
was endorsed by the house SEVEN WELDERS • Retake Axis Line Anchor �rn w• taw ueurat,
with Rep,Joe Scales of Taylor cut- were h6
'h solved their Ing the only vote again a me- • • The mall Japanese vesee
310 pounds °` In Fierce Battle With, Nazis . e eter,waswnklaR•on
moria, to congress to In other enemy wplunk In R on B
up and down. nations In the Homeland;ohm. CHARGED WITH ' abet Island.
A magnificent capitol center may
he seven-foci he built In tlllabaasse after the anewlied at therremna ere of
',papal Mer Wien,magmata a e labor can .ALLIED_HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA,
t4 14,4f I y�Ot ,,r"r is. • M April 18.-(UP)=•-The British First Army in a night coun- ahIt Japans. e°°•°3' 'e'
mill` Gan.Do0gItas
Setae pa: '' 7ti)v�� I t wu� 'nlraata �Hli ' A V 1 AGI.`. .t attack recaptured the key mountain height of D bel,Ang wt ator w•• Dor BA
hu pa s orlijjng the . and advanced to within leas that 30 miles of Friday,
tr.,.....'"'.,•,.,-. state Industrial ooreuAsaion and the .01Ism Heves may be an lmmina
ployted i.• Same• • after temporarily losing the important 2,000 foot biil'ta the scale ottanelre
IL*We .PeY11s- acqu eol Improvement lot fund to 7 +i'.' • German's in one of,the fiercest clashes of the Tunisian war. Three"of ,the six sup
ss' '' DTW�' acquire for 7166,317 13 lots facing 'Yard'WI1:rr.eighth
Aa'•` All enemycounterattacks on the - transport ships in the con
the capitol square, wrecked In mast-b,
7nspans fear Governor Holland recommended ...Was Convicted northeast Tunisian front guarding TO EASE
Local anglers the purchase from the city of Tal- the approaches o Tunis and Si- PLAN tacks from threeMewto
e captured In (1,,,,. t. raw, a-Al [sats[-ATvag) WASHINGTON, April 16.-(UP) Thursday night and new
eerie were boot
The department of Justice an- n on Thur.-
bombers took over the
tee'serve more ... " pounced Friday that agents of the day-the first time that the Brit- early Friday morn*, co
of the man federal bureau' of Investigation irh First army, under Lieut. Gen, FOOD SHORTAGE In[ on the surviving i
GI-mess halt Tire Inspection have arrested seven workers at K. A: N. Anderson had success- ships and three escorting
the Bethlehem Fairfield shipyards, believed a light cruiser,
Rule Softened Baltimore, for ,committing: igloo- •fully repulsed blg•scale enemy ef• andgunboat.
�/ lage upon Liberty ships under con- !arta to.recapture important po- BEING SOUGHT Uoderllnes Wiser.
B U,T C slructlon, s Ions. arnln
The dispatch of the c
V WASHINGTON, April 16.-(R) The yard'fnvolved is the same Allied fighters, fighter bombers Restaurant Men Wewak served to under
ON DC Motorists who failed to meet tire one at which George A. Steele, 21- and heavy bombers, meantime, de- warnings from MacArtht
J inspection deadline. still may year-old welder conviced on a lied unfavorable weather to re. Invited To Attend Minister John Curtis.,
- qualify for gasoline rations by pro- similar charge, was employed. some pounding attacks on enemy Thomas Blarney and Air
viding a "good reason" for their FBI Director J. .Edgar Hoover front and rear positions by day Meeting Of Panel ' Arthur 8. Draksford that
mply "It wilt delay, the Office of Price Admin- said the men newly arrested, all and night, dropping .1,000-pound In an effort to correct a bother- massing 200000 men and
ietratlon ruled Friday. Under pre- American born•laborers, had ad- block buster bombs on three Bar- fleet in the 2,500-tulle Isla
'"vious: regulations, motorists not matted performingfaultyldinlsog establishmentsme aton among public eat-
' the financier- 3v t'Sr g^ dinian airfields and starting big Ing in Miami, many north of Australia for new
his fortune In complying with the deadlines ware Just as Steele did-In OFder to fires. (Allied air raids also were of which ■re nearing the end of thrusts in the Southwest
selling stocks not eligible for gasoline, speed up their work and earn more reported against Naples, Palermo, their current food allotments and Allied casualties In Nm
vides now are In allowing rations in cases of money. Catania, Messina and Sclacca in
are about to go "polo[ broke," the up.to April 1 totaled 1
cots. He said '�lustltlable" delay, the OPA direct- Five of the men were arrested Sicily.) Dade county rationing board has eluding 1,319 Americans,
ed local rationing boards to issue in Baltimore-Herman'Scherer, 28, The most Important fighting invited the executive secretary of Japanese license as aJa anese lost.an astlmet
rations,. provided the applicant's New York; Raymond A. Burkhold- was around Diebel Ang,which lies
ras. practically all'of them
laaid Hosford's tires sere Inspected and approved Cr, 28,'Buchanan, Va.; Hiram T. right miles northwest of Medfez- sedation, M. J. Orr, to Join Its spokesman said,
cabin boyon within 60 days before filing of the Via, Jr., 22, Basic City, Va.; Far- EI-Bab and Is the highest point
food panel at its meeting Monday
'fly he rose In application. tell IL Smith, 20, Catawba, N. C., in that part of the Axis defense and collect data helpful to the
appeared for The deadline for the first etre and Leonard Lucas, 23, Lancaster, perimeter in the northeast Tuni- D Graham's Injured E
Inspection.for holders of "B" and S. C. Inn.is rase CA:AFRICA) affected restaurant owners, It was
leets. But'he "C" rations was Feb. 28, and for Two other men who had for- announced Friday by Frederick T. Requires Medical
ere age.and the holders of "A" books only, March mer, worked at the Bethlehem Youngs,Jr.,chairman of the board.
elm down,'.He Y Youngs,Claims 400,000 IT1. Arts.,[ Dal Near.
Manche! world, 31. In another ruling today, the yards were taken into Custody in ' Means of granting relief have TALLAHASSEE,'Fla.,
OPA authorised special gasoline other cities-Harley B. Miller, 22, In North African Army been provided for In the result'. Dada's Sen. Ernest IL C
, rations for taking a convalescent Lexington, N. C., and Wilfred J. lions and these will be put into in Jacksonville for tree
TORS from a hospital or sanitorium t0 Gossman,24,Zanesville,Ohlo.Hoo- NEW YORK, April 1l6.--(99 - action In cases where inequalities his right eye. Injure,
his home. ver refused to say where they were CBS, quoting a Briti4, broadcast and injustices have grown, Youngs weeks ago and which, e
fH BUST apprehended, based on an Algiers radio report, said, after the facts had been has been weakened by tl
The: men were arraigned today said Friday Gen.Henri Glraud had ascertained. lie has been required to
April le.-(INB) Bank Head Stricken
ere, former vice before U. 8. commissioner, on declared he has 400,000 men tinder Delay In making Institutional senatorial duties.He exp,
Iced States,was LONDON,April 16.-),1)-Mon- charge of violating the federal arms and hoped to take 300,000 of flat point allotments, due to con- turn to Tallahassee Bund
h the unveiling tagu Norman, governor of the sabotage law, them with him to France. (Tura u Psis s-A-R11.lgr)
of the famous Bank of England, who'underwent
a major operation Wednesday,
.te wing of the -, DAILY NEWS IP
spent a comfortable night and hisy General Draws Stern Picture OF War `
vas at home In condition was described u fairly ,
satisfactory Friday. Norman was
s Christi,Texas, stricken while visiting on the Isle Anne Merger Cartoon
of Man and is ina hospital there. Amusements
ties at the un- Boating•Flih1Dr ' ., .
-long friend ofs Training Command Graduates Class (aaasifled ' I
e former vice Kate Smith Is BomberComics
i most distin- Drawing a stern picture of the that the glorious deeds of Amer- Crossword
SAN DIEGO, Cal., April 16-- ip Icons ■nd their allies in North Deaths
(INS)-Singer Kate Smith Friday world at war today and unfolding . '.'
was scheduled to christen a B•24 the grim realities that the men of <' 'y,� Africa, while pointing Inevitably to Edltorinls • -.
bomber at the Consolidated Vultee the American armed forces face in '�,y,� the death knell of the famed At- Frank Colby'
• Aircraft Corp, The big plane wall t• `>• �' retia Korps, left no doubt but that Horoscope.
many theaters of war into which Ss when we struck in North Africa 'Human Comedy
named after her. h
men now in training will be pre- "we.were only back at the begin- John KieMh
cipltated, Brig. Gen. Clinton W. J.j • '. ning." Leonard.Lions'
)t / , Lieut. Col. Delmore O. Nelson, Leslie Balogh$41n
Howard,chief of staff of the Army
ICA Race Results Alr Forcer Technical Trainingcommanding officer of OC and Markets.'
Command headquarters at Knoll- OTS, presented the Military, Aca• Movie 'rltne Table
` wood,N,C.,assured graduating of- �' ^ demic and Athletic awards to the People 'd Things.
and South ficer candidate. at Miami Beach officer candidates who had attained Radiq -. -
Pimlico Friday that they"would not be too ., the highest degree of eminence in Raymond�Caapper
,ugurat•a 1,166T-Matd.na: a«pl.ea5 5•/•Pur• late" to help achieve the victory i.; these fields. Society
ries," this old. .a up; 2 miles tort 73:0111 ' and write the peace. " Winner of the Military award for Sports '
',sill Cofman 140 General Howard addressed the
4•tl•i will (Brooks( r,is,4.te'2.70 , "outstanding devotion to duty,lead. Trends of-the Timid•
v ndlNtsd woos 102 Mebane) •• 3.30.r.at graduating officer candidates of , ,ya 1, erehlp end moral Integrity," was Where to Dine .
Y e•R.d/tufts ser IAtobertal 1.10 class 43-C at exercises Friday 'N-. Carl W. Schleicher, of Chambers. 'Woman's Viewpoint
Tlms. 4:°s 3-0. Also rant a•MI►1 Dan. First
7•, b•Coart Mae,Trace Os,Rum Ratwe,Book morning at Bayshore golf course, - '‘,4*,,, t �'�! burg, Pa. captain of the
Nom Miami Beach.
r 18 on • -while and Rrookmead envy. corps, Schleicher, 31 years old, hu
b-Owea n•d Parker entry. Reviewing the training the class _ been in the army air forces 11 READERS'
magazine stcoND-isnIdses 7-ruralde:(N Nr• had undergone-the training of t iia years, entering Officer Candidate
IOMI Yb- loss, (off 19:37,:
p Goose cwts u3 body and mind that had fitted \ ' school from the antf-submarine "Bat let's break
(Tameaaroi 1.60 5.70 1.11
and South. c« Rare Ila Walser) • 11.10 .7.00 them for their part in "the most 1 ' .4: command at Miami. He was for- dawn mathematically.
I political Bars Ill (Dault.) 0.40 colossal organization of man and merly stationed in Hawaii- / break it info hand,
Ttms. :033.0. Also ran: Taney Time.
;sed book, Good ',DWI, M55
nlem, Mr 34•1.0.0a. machine power in the world's hl -
0.. Supreme Jean. g BRIG,GEN,C.W.HOWARD Winner of the academie award Paris. We'll name
suwmu, Cab•tr,Cauoduft, Ntbbie, ICU.- tory"-he told the class there "are and the honor student was Donald he rest, the S'S n(
7n another msaow. Addresses Class 43-C 4
nail aw►l.,534.8, few signs of early victory, few B. Kresch,3224 Diamond at„Phila. Einstein,you will knp
'glen Post. THIRD-cwmine: 3-roar-oils: 5 tun' harbingers on an easy route to (Com lets picture COV- delphia, Pa- Kresch Is 36 years old are locked in your 0$4week in loon (aut.( (off 1:051: P
ry Tor ay (Knapp) 07.30 s3.Y0 15.10 triumph." crags of Class 43-G's grad- and a graduate of the Wharton and„body."
Tr.Tra770.. Ito IBeoo$a) Miami 12.00 10.40 RecallingW I n ton Churchill's school and the University of Penn- Pfc. (papa Rlmmoods
EWS Chats Mtn 710 (.0i aesttn 11.70 s on ata m I B e a c h
Tlm.. 1:14. AI« ran: RetJrn•d. not words that the dawn of I941 natisylvanite. In private life he was a morale In the Aok-A°k
ole chumOiorylsnd, thalami marked only the "end of the be- Friday m o r n I n g will be member of the law firm of Wolf,
Golden Bab.,snarceal, Loot And Towed, Inning,"General Howard declared found on Page i- . on page 11•A.
Buster, _ • [ ag B) (Tare M nae. e- --OtADt'ASrJI
. . .
q3. . t
{ . •t
. , .
S . . - ,
defect hdet to captured Italians here, Prisoners were taken by U. S. troops nearby, ie`tal.BJoon
e representative of loth. in Imm.dlate action laaMafss.
hotographer neglected to say whether they were captured before, during or after Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi• British Middle East tau a vtsoeOMeed trek
le battle. But no matter. The captives seem'satisfied about the whole affair. And
ow, if the corporal will please pass the can opener, the prisoners will be glad to dig neAppearing again before the sob- Commander In Turkey
(i) supply.
Menai oira•el._,5
each according to his own method, Emily Poet to the contrary,—IP Wirephoto. . committee Friday was Maj, Gen. ANKARA,April 15.—(Delayed) a�mmVtrnde els/Legoal. :
ped-war de tf...e eat.
Eugene Rwh ol. chief of army (NJson. Wit 81r Henry Maitland theil. '''tmprov.d ba treosyerlsfl••-�
engin»n,who said he had colter- son Brlll•h commander-In the NOW.
ead Of Legion GRADUATES: General Speaks •ted to the senators that the canal Middle Eur, arrived Thursday Union d•poL w1W snpaN'
could not be built In less than two with a half dere^aides fora visit highway d ot.w i Mlmd
1(ONTINV[D'CON rAde one, years. In addition Ben.Tom Con• of four or five days In the Turkbh tbr•present F.E G rip
eek From Front ^alb (Dem.-Teel made • short unite!. The General wore civilianP
Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen in that ensued from the-war that was statement In favor of the project. clothing. Five high•ranking Turk• war'
lee officers, In full uniform, et "D»I•-71e son/►r.■ws
Philadelphia to make the world safe for demos- Await Stimson Letter raid rause tie.
Winner of the'athletic ward was racy" General Howard.eked the him at the Ankara station.
oane Waring, national corn. It sou dlsolosed that,at the re.
^der of lh• American Legion, Allen B.Luklim of Calvert,Texas graduating officer candidates to quest of unidentified doubtful
:rod In Miami Friday by Clip. Locklier I. 22 year• old and hu prepare themselves for the day I members, Fen. Elmer Thom..
from an Inspection tow of the been in the army 20 month, V when peace I. being made and to (Dem.-Okla/, chairman, has writ. ��j
Icon battlefields. holder of • private pilot's license accept any opportunity then to ten to Secretary of War HenryL. '-sip —('1_ ;::
e declined to dhotis• his find- rind Junk'
from len morel• help In reconstruction and peace Stimson and Secretary of the Navy 'y: " 1
saying that he would make g•• planning,to"sums"your response-
Frank Knox s»king epeclf le sae.
while etal•runt, "after I have Other Honor Student• bltltles a cerin ns of•democracy." ommendatione of the two depart- / , •
a dunce to study my notes" Other top-ranking honor students In conclusion let me say that all ments on the canal project. Un. I •
'ulna sou accompanied by were: your confidence, all your courage, Ill replies are received, the sob. •
Ile Warren Atherton, chairmanand MI your strength must be •
Allen N.Jones, Jr., 2!, of 220Ecommittee will defer the final vote,
the Legion's national defense Seventh •t., Little Rock, Ark.: tempered by a spirit of humility. It sou Indicated. Secretary Stint. /l'Jn1}yt+,T l`j
;mitt.; Brig,Gen. Edward W. Abraham D. Whitman, 28, of . "Biller u our battles haus been, eon previously had written the sub- —\,n.• 1410
our lot hu been u p• 't
th, of the chief or car. of. K.nsington Road,Worcester,Mus.; s l corn red to committee •bout the general tae _ •�•T�Z ��`• _•
all others. Our people have yet to
and l.lwt. Wallas• }+turd, Paul A.t'»,2e,of R.F.D.No. 1, _ tures of the War department.civil
aide. East St. Louie, 111.; Wllllam L Oleo of•blltxduch thOn les of vEngland—h - functions bill—the manure.ought , •
e party hu been gone seven Ullman,21,of 6510 30th•t, Wash- cIn be amended—but mads no tit• '7�'�(�O��'/t qo,i �W /'N�ool/
k•.. In ton, D. C.; Harman C. F'1 our armies have yet to fight on the J A V d .
t p• mento to the canal,
enanl George M•nh•II, cele! kin, 2G, Amarillo, Texas; Julian epic scale of Sevastopol,Stalingrad,
taf,Invited the Legion to send Feinberg,24,of 24 John•t..Brook- Changsha,Leet w,therefore,be car• Without attempting to forecast -
flain or what we do and u our hour the contents of t3e<retary Slim. SAY[ TIME. TIRES. GAS AND' MOMET—'. '
ring and Atherton on the trip, line, Mau,; David O. Shaw, 29. of o,deslln • sone reply, General Reybold corn-
ring tile, to -let w find out Joe.. Colo.; Henry L. Hirsch, 27, y•pproache.,1st us get onSHOP IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD •
wah the job." minted that there is partmoppultIon to •
t Is going onover
In!mining In this of e22 Spring at.,Burlington,Iowa; the protest in the department—on DRUG SALE Cash ead.
(try and over there In the war Marshall G.Ivy,33,of R.F.D.Na. (/� the grounds of priorities.
2,Tarklo,Mo.,and Louis E Lynch, AFRI�r A Most dnvaatatln o `+a, ! �
Jr,of all W.735th•L,N.Y.city the canal appropriation inhearings Carry!
RELIEF "It appear• Sow that the so- — before the war department sub-
, called'soft undersideidGe er Europe',, (Mrenrencn moat cane este' committee of the hours . Dr.West Tooth Paste 2 for 29c
not so soft;'mid General lloward. DDr PAW ReII 2N
elan coffin corner. The height Is witnesses.
ses,Thee came from PAW • sles
m er•nos•row(rad,ores, "We:aro confronted with the rug- r [ Itnbaes.These included Ralph K. /l
god, craggy mountains and trip- o. great Importance because It Davies, deputy administrator, and PAPER NAPKINS., ".:4'....w TY
Ion at the local board which pled roads of Spain. the danger- A^mioates much of the surround• George A.Wilson,of tb•Office of
caused by an Inadequate staff only narrow, sully defended gap I^[ area and glues the Brltls) • Director of Tr•na Dorhatlon. In ad-
caused tfss/
anSle the thou,ande of appll- of the Rhone valley In France,the veal kick-off poeillon far ,tucks ditto^ Davies submitted a letter BREWERS YEAST 1..95
one, brought •bout the fleet tunnels of Swllserland, and the toward Tunic from PAW Adminlstutor Harold Ret81 N IMO •
Nut air force In Crete.
on Thursday the Germain L. Ickes which Included this state. ZINC OXIDE OINT. !N!las A_
phntloru which rapidlyare attacked violently [}�
Ing up lea serious sttustlon,It
'On the west rout of Europe y,charting up the mane:
.aid, there Is the thru-layer system or rocky slope• through wooded ter- "It Is my very carefully could.
I.OL T[M 1
the Iglerlm between the retie- Linin do •t hrSpani g from Scan.peninsula.
rhmonory The morning attack was teed opinion that the proposed GILLETTE SHAVE CR. f1H ■�
dln•vla to the Spanish penlnsul•. hummerad pack by the British on tnn.•FIo r1As canal shout/ M con.
Ion of restaurants—which also aro the east there Is hope, of the hill, but in the •tternoon the stdered to the light of Its dedrabll•
ode■ hotel dining rooms,small G t '
.d., etc., etc.—ouch food user course. The Russians have fought er-.emy (ought his way to the top try by comparison with large pipe. aa.aw.w 29e�
s permitted to "borrow" On as no people i^ history, but elven of the height •and drove back the lines. Our conclusion—and It sou 'CASCARA SAGRADA-" Flavored Y9a
now the situation le again critical British,who had been there about not reached hastily—hu been that 4arsie
r anticipated point allotment.. •s the Germans, with •n amazing 24 hours. the verdict can be only In laver of
result hu been,a the board dindoy of recuperative powers, ut Thursday night, Anderson's the pipeline• for the reeon that ALCOHOL sgMlgp Ii I, ►pl Q�
Ily reached the bottom of the have struck back on the southern army struck back. In • heavy they can be built in • relatively �j
that thou getting their allot• front. counterattack, they recaptured brief period of time, they use ma- EPSOM SALTS 407.
is hate found themselves "bor. War In Pacific Weber! Ang and went on to take teri•Is and power with greater of. iUi$2)'
ed" up almost to the total ••When we turn to the other side additional ground to the east In flciency then any other ell carriers
:mint with many days of open- of the earth—to the Pacific and the the direction of Tunis. Last re- ucept octan tankus and they are •
/� '
n to go. Asiatic theaters of war--we find ports from the front said that the economical to operate In terms of (Unit U `
his over•borrowing, It was that after 10 months of hard and British Mill held their positions, both money and manpower."' s
ted out,was due to two things, bitter fighting,over an area cover- V•rtrra•e. Redd Sardinia We Reserve TO.Rigid Te WB Q»MIH».
,rding to some restaurant opera Ing a hemisphere and Involving die- On other fronts, the Axis forces We Mail Orders Os Above Items.
a. In the first place the apple• tanos• that hatter the Imagine- were holding more firmly and 39 Are Arrested Sate Pau.Oes/Fridaya1 Set•rd.
a had to base their anticipated lion, we hue here, too, only there was little change In post- Y Oily
la on a unit sales basis as oflions. 1 Gambling Raid
recahsd the and of the�betinnlnG. 9
ember. In other words, they We have checked the enemy'. in the air, Flying Fortreues Thirty-nine negroes were arrested
to figure their future needs On headlong advance to the south and pounded the Sardinian airfields at and scores of bolita ticket. seised
buts of the number of sale west. We have wrenched the int. Uccimomannu, Vlllacidro and El- late Thuraday when Detective. C. • •
u In December,L flatly* from him. mss In daylight and Wellingtons C. and Roy Hancock raided for tc b O ry•I,
Poor estimates Cited "With recognition of the glorious dropped block busters on the time an establishment in the rear of 823
deeds of men amid the short n- tar •
gets by moonlight,In a drive to N.W.Second ave. •
o.was In accordance with reg• break u
ions laid down by Washington tions and malaria of Bataan, with P enemy supply line.. The detectives uld they.mashed
not by the local rationing the fury ofle he Strait of the hell
Light bombe^attacked the enemy three card tables and a dice table Buy '
'd. Those who. have found •
and fury the Ftrora of Maces- or. the roade north of Enfldavllle which they found In operation and D •.
^»Ivo. in trouble, in most ear,the Java and Coral Baas,Mid- and between Tunis and Hammenut booked the ^•groes on charges of
s, were thou who failed to wGdal- and hit the landing ground •t 8t. gambling and lottery. r cases Their
arty check their sale, though c.^al—despite all (his and despite Merle du Zit by night. Korba also will be tried In city court Satter- , United Stat
ay and the death tops ofua
tad operators declare the syr the fine, brava men who did the sou attacked. day morning.
soy wrong and that the Dasls flaMtng and dying,sod know now At Memmam•t, FD u r r Ica n es
dd have been on•t the helty empire ginned many small •hips In the r
that Japan won her new empre a ,
umption buts. In any event, bargain prices, but to win It back hnrbor. Tanks and truck. were - •
A R •N•D
as generally fall that poor u• we will have to pay dearly. •mashed•at motor el Abou►D and •
,fes of need. by the operators '"1T0ue, wherever we turn we'L'40•tone vessel wap bombed - •�-.
^selves caused the first bottle• come up ag l t the stern realism •'•.d machlnetunned south of U•- and •
or told war. Wa moat ecce Dt the ilea Island, off the north coast of
'ootid reason for over-borrow- full weight of the truth—there are SI''lly _
however, was Increased bull• no easy vlclorlas—no shortcuts— On the toutal sector, Hrlllsh t S TAM'P S
,and failure on the pert of op- there Is no'open se• m•' On the
Eighth Army D►trola tested enemy
ore (.0 control sale of food. other hand, there Ise no place for at centre along the Enfldavllle line
.au rants and hotel dining room. the prophets of doom. Although miles south of Tunis while Gen.
=h ars experiencing the least we have not reached the'beginning
Sir Bernard I. Montgomery eon• PLAY SAFE WITH N „1„, ,„„ 1 .
bis• ■n Inquiry showed, were of the end;we most assuredly have
Untied h4 methodical massing of YOUR EYES -
sNwhlch made the better seta reached and D••sed the'and of the armored and artillery force for a Rau new Laamhaad by .
a of n»ds,male sop.budget beginning.• We .lend now Pr<- frontal attack. DR. G.J.GERSON
stuck to It. They limited pared to unleash powerful victory- •
• and many closed•day each bent offensives In all theaters, but CASH LOANS COMM,e .a' „D neon Al '
k, a a means of conserving we know that there tie great and +
ata. The» plates are not now bloody battles ahead,that the cost •
rouble and mut of those an- of victory will be awesomely high. �n D.nmondt & .1c w.�•) //�.�
.ate no further trouble, But But we know, too, that It will be •-
r do say they will have to con• materially reduced by the skillful MUTUAL LOAN TQC`/ C �-
• very tire(telly, u»of[rowing Angio-American air 114 4 v.,- t•. u,• R,.la.a, /r/ No \�I J\' •,x
lust a a cautious man cannot power:'
fa,.til mon money than ha hu,• Pointe Way To hien .t1! `'I • raurant operator can't spend,or Marking the objectives of the OPEN SUNDAYS UNTIL NOON JA7., ;� t '• •s yy,,
up, mon p 1 1 1 I I 0.R
points than t owner
men Delon elm, General Howard "SEE SPRINGER for SPRINGERS” 4�'''t I �/I I
.the way one rutaun tit owder uld:"You have learned that to de-
It. t velop an offensive spirit.a major Q `'• :!1 1I :. t\. ( ., 1)! • ;•a•-'r
//a►Lade.try Atariued objective moat De the development GOO • �rj W V=i _ •t -I.-9, r i.
aiplalnt of mat restaurant of a[grdindi resolute, thoroughly PLENTY bf•'-,IFRvYERS - '',ry•1
yen In trouble hu been that capable Individuals whoa skill, PLENTY
I-.rte, .r
a estimates were cut and that Initiative and confldenc• have In- �lr v
amount of points they received sti)led In them the desire to close DUCKS HENS and TURKEYS 7. �' ' f,l
,not sufficient to torr normal with the enemy and destroy him. t `ay .�•
rations,let alone growing bust- "We have said that our ultimate - e t. ,
• which has been greatly aug• objective I.victor}(,"General How-
r / Wll•FlllH lD }y\....
`vt,ttTnted by Increased patronage and continued, "Now, to that obsr`'��� „� f {/.�� [��'�E�11D '�
m service men, ` jectly must be added another m1.- ' r Y t 1-1 _ rtAYORICh �rr�.l Eli{.S L i/i]'`
n view of the announcement,of Mon,the success or failure of which _
fI that the public mat prepare will determine the value that his- (� Fleur?—I.Chokes?Man. -�s�`I 5..
'If for"more or lean severe tory places on your battlefield vin- BroII¢rs 1550 wait till fes TASTLI t- tbetVgrj�',$0er''
•rtages”this year and with buei- tortes. I speak now of the victory l a Friers aad grader. ''`` .�,.((, sl ue.e..p■•d •
a Increasing, the restaurant In- et the pence tables. •
_ ver. Iced esd led I. pets i • -- 'eT'• `
,try le becoming genuinely Pointing to the dbllluelonment •'r t►•■.01• meat t ei••. y» TA M 4111
rmed. that stemmed from the tut World 5'1" /hs}+R— 1n••rte tat»In■a qd- e�y•� LAf) W
i/ tering►e••ar went
War—the lra[edy of the Vamettle& [e•w' -
ntalorlty of Chills realdenta treaty and the colossal mbtateu f� y,-� Deli(t•1•ear wend•L»1»' ,t•
'hobo. • R that,T•1•year paaat:s. th•aie Nuts.Ludo..Fruit..Crisp Betties.Bich Cdromala New
dirt, Same pries per p•aat.
�•t/�� R[LI[VE ow. �'n t ., But dere 11•red•1 all rem. E•I• •aroYod to velvety chocolate, compd.. 'h. esMswL
Y It r----37-1.71 R'1.7(14 II soles►est ura,ad ser Laster with.Cowen. and ribbo.