1669-2 Social, Society, & Local News 1895-1926 found floating in the Miami River. An ,"•u•••••••a • ItV LLlIV J l v.
<< were fast approaching o•er the land. 1•.
• inq tal was held,band a verdictwasacct- A number of other'guests from Miami PARK, FLA. I'll/
dental deathphysician drowning"was byds would have attended the party, but , A school of the highest grade kr
fiends,A the inquest,was called his wereprevented by their friends com- ladies and• gentlemen. Seven depart- '.r.
after and he pro- ¢taking menti,Collegiate, Academic,PreparR-
nounced his neck broken. There was them by on the excursion,a►►
a suspicion that he had been lynched them by surprise and could not leave tory,Sub-Preparatory, Musk, Art and
and thrown into the'water. This is ,them. Physical Culture. Six buildings,large
• hardly possible,for 1}e was seen alive 1 Mrs. Mary Haynes, of Palatka, la faculty;location beautiful and health-
on Sunday morning. There isa theory i stopping at the Courley House fora Lana For
catalogue and full informs- (-:' that as his body was handled very !week.
roughly in taking it from the water, Mrs, •
Baker and daughter are spend- 1•L-3in PRES.GEO.M.WARD, LL. D.
as it was drawn out with a rope around ing a few weeks at the Courley House. Tents For Sale.
the neck, and that his neck, if it was A Subscriber Growls.
Two good wall tents,almost new,size• 'broke.n,was fractured atter death. • 12x11, coat all to ts,a and freight,At the hearing on 11 ednesday before CocosxvT GROVB,Aug.3, 'SRI. will sell for$12.60. A. F. LA r i,Tion.J,lY,Ewan,the remaining prix- !3 2L:x Ccwoanut Grove,Fla.orae wsa dischar ed un account of lack ED oDear SrTRl noticed a few weeks ado
'of evldeu that You withdrew from,the SenatorialThe use of hall's Bair Renewer pro-
[„ _ race►n favor of 2101).F.. N. Dimmick. iuotc•s the growth of the hair and re-
1(j Snrf Bathing at Norris'Cut. 1 decided you had some good reason for stores its natural color and beauty,
One day early this week A.E.Kngs adopting such a course. I felt consoled frees the scalp of dandruff. Letter and
ley chartered the lanch"Edith R" for however when I saw from the tone of all impurities.
9...\, \ a trip to Norris'Cut. Mrs. Kingsley, your paper that you were after Mr.
Mrs.S.fed •
m and Miss Clements ac- Sutton's scalp. But in last week's pa -, S ijgcr or No Silver.
basket fed him. The party had a lunch per•you_gace'us 16.41, erstaoidthat:Me. .- ~Those who avail themselves of our .ad-
basket and ping suits along and en- Sutton !s to have a walk-over as far as verli+ioK avna get value roof t fur
joyed them,3' • immensely bathing oiisltt a concerned: Any one can see their money every time. lR a are giving
with the =_.y ? hey returned in the there isa "nigger in the wood pile. you a good paper and shall continue to
evening ha ' ad a good time. They How is it you have•experienced such a de so in any event, but the more patron-
were well sunburned and as hugry as barge of heart'ah at once and become age you give us the better the paper n-
• we
nices are said to surf
a vhery •o magnamlp l•c•? Lias somebody are enabled to make. ' tf
nice beach and good surf just north of ' `called you do '+If the METRovo- —
Norris' Cut,but no shade, If a pavil- ' is is going tobe. t 1zled';every time For Sale Cheap.
ion and a few bath houses were erected t barks up the right tree,we will have Steam hoisting S ache•, • x16 feet,
on the beach so that people could find , have another paper at Miami—one des a i feet,Li(Ig scow,] engine and
a shady spot to shelter them from
ow the hat will represent the people—one p
situ when they wished to sit down the
at will not allow itself to be `t:allecl boiler,, fi tz engin. p. e,8 h.cabin.
luncheon or where they could take ref- I ,own „ S.A. H.
age in case of a rain squall,we believe As to the above insinuations we will Lacer,agent,Cocoanut Grove. 1-8•tf.
a hundred people would go over to Nor-I
ris' Cut every Sunday. There .are a ay that personally we have nothing Strawberry Plants For Sale.
thousand people at Miami who have gainst Mr.Sutton. His paper attack- I have for sale a line lot of the
nothing to do and no where to go every our Democracy and we gave as good Michael Improved Strawberry Plants.
Sunday,and there must be at least one wegot. That settles it. If the poo- I have tried them and found thein to
iu ten who enjoy looking at the "sad be a No.1 fruit for East Coast. In al
sea waves" and taking a dip in old le want Mr.Sutton and elect delegates charge of J.C.M.cConu,Riviera, Fla. p,
ocelm ho will nominate him, the responsi-. ]setters of inquiry addressed to me
We understand a climb is being form- ility will, be upon them. We have at Miami will receive prompt atten-
ed to build a commodious pavilion,ele- tion: 0,t_. S xitNi rr•_ 11-gni• I`
vated about seven feet above the ground, ven them one or two eye openers. A - U
so as to permit the space underneath •ord to the wise is,or should be,suflic- What causes-tion that,has never been d is satisfactorily
being partitioned off uitn a number of nt, tion that: hutis nine sates cto, of
-bath houses. If this project is carried answered:
eted: dreams are the result of
out,Norris'Cut will be a favorite re- Another Sting-From "Sutthin." tenimp frightfulfred digestion,which a few doses
sort and not e than a hundred people of Ayer's Sarsaparilla rilla will effectually
will go over there every Sunday and. In its issue ofyesterdaythe Lake remedy. Lunt delay: try it. a day.
quite frequetly parties will he made up 'cosh News says: _- _ -y_ _ _ . __ - a
to go over on moonlight nights,as the "The Miami METROPOLIS has sub-
run can be made in less than an hour sided. It acknowledges it has been
What would be more charming or en stung. As truth is the only thing that Over Thirty Years
joyable than a dip in the surf by moon hurts, the News feels satisfied with
light,to say nettling of the ride ova this admission."
and back with a congenial and jollyWe had said we would leave that Without Sickness.
party? journal alone until it stung us again.
Miami Duly Incorporated. It has done so in the above editoria Nr.A ll> ►-rs ri.►x,a well-known,
The seal of the City of Miami arrived paragraph and in the following para- enterprising citizen of ell-kn 111.,
from New York by express last Tues-, graph from.0.M. B.: writes: "Before 1 paid much , Ill.,
day,just one week after the incorpo-I "And so the genial Dr.acknowledges tion to regulating I the ats, I
ration meeting occurred. It was then that he is badly Myered,bogged in fact,
attached to the minutes of the meeting , and gracefully retires from the contest. hardly knew a well day; but since 1
for incorporating proper which had been sign- You wont bee stung again,Dr. You learned the evil re-
cti by the proper city officials and the'can now diagnose that case of Fitts at c sults of constipation,
minutes were mailed to Juno to ebey your leisure,or send him to the Alicia and the efficacy of
recorded last Thursday morning. They hospital." s v v I
• were probably received by A.F. before
And in an article misstating the facts ; �►Y E� S
the clerk ofrs the court,and filed before pills, 1 have not had
noon Thursday,the 6th inst., and like ,about the general election advertise- '
• everything else which"Quin"gets his' went which is running in our columns• ti, one day's sickness hands on,will the promptly minutes of recorded. We.therefore consider ourselves stung -9, .,�,,4 ' for„ver thirty years
The filing of l of the incur- a !n Our brethren are •mistaken ► ••.' —not one attars
potation meeting is the last act in the gi g, that did not readily yield to this
proceedings of incorporation, so we about truth stip n The truth hurts,
j may say that the incorporation of the but never stings. Only snakes,spiders, reined),. My wife had been, previ-
a City of Miami was cowpleted last -wasps and slanderers do that. We ons to our marriage, an invalid for
i. Thursday morning,the 8th of August, therefore take up the cudgel in self- years. She hada prejudice against
about 10 a.m. The City Council are
- now fully authorized to-go ahead and defense again and call our readers'at-'' cathartics, hilt as root:as she began
organize by electing acha►rman and ap- tention to the article entitled,"Poli- cathartics,
Ayer's Pills her health viae
pointing standing committees. There tion of Mr.Sutton,"and the letter of testored"
• is an abundance of work to be done,re- S of Miami,of S. A. R., of Cocoanut
• quiring careful thought and patient
discussion,but we have full confidence Grove,and of S.0. Fitts,and after the
!n the ability a[the City Conncil.to do county convention of August 26th,we
all that is necessary to be dune in a will call attention to something else ,
competent manner. that dropped on that date4. Don'.t A
They will meetingn probably huh! theiryfiest ' Cathartic' PiUs
regular next Tuesday night, sting,brother,it does not pay:
the lith Inst.
Hon. F.S.Morse seems to be the 'When you want shoes of course a Pedal and Diploma at World's Fair.
unanimous choice of the other mem- shoe store is the place to buy them. Ti Raters Strength,take Ayet't d" YaiTllti
bers of the council for chairman and Joint SRwei.i.&Co. have the only shoe s1 tf
°, Win.M.Brown has been mentioned as store in Miami,Florida.