1669-7 Social, Society, & Local News 1895-1926 MIT unHGIJ, to Mile t. .
AND TE NDER.S. • Many Changes ,
• t
t WILL Under direction of the state drain- dolph, chairman of the commission, a ENTIRE FRONT WILL . .:,
age commission three engineering ex- member of the Americas Society of '
1VENEW ONES perta arrived In Miami. yesterda Civil Engineers and of the Western
chartered from Captain K. N. Large Society of Engineers. UNDERGO ALTERATIONS
his power boat Pearl,stocked her for "I am not prepared to venture even
a curbstone opinion,' replied Chair-TO GIVE 1T DOG a cruise to Lake Okeechobee and ad- man Randolph, when asked what he _r • •
Jacent points In the Everglades, and thought the probable cost of drain- ACCORDING TO PLAINS NOW BF
'OR USE OF THE left Inst night for that suction, to ing the Everglades would approxi• INC DRAWN BY AitCiltTE(71
t1CTOR9 OF SO• take up the work of surveying the mate and Just what he believed would
Glades as this great tract of land be necessary before that gigantic PFFJFFER WILL BE DEVOTED '
MEET AT I has never before been surveyed, the task has even approached success.
AFTERNOON TO commission preparing to go into the "No,we are not going to re-survey
more intricate details of a compre• the Everglades. We will go into de- PRESENT—IMPROVEMENTS TO ' � •
Ii PROBLEMS. hensive drainage'scheme. tails which have never yet been reach- -COST$10,000• +'
. The surveying commission is corn- ed, and will see what has to be sup- '
posed of Marshall 0. Layton, of plemented." ,r
Miami Humane lVltshington, representing.the J. G. This is the first of a series of cur- t'
ed the meeting of White engineering corporation, of veye which'will last several months. Miami is to have one of the hand-
last night have New York, who has recently resign• Mr. Layton, who arrived with Mr, somesl theatre buildings in the south
lire will ba nitwit NI a position as chief hydrographer Randolph, and Mr. Perkins, who in- before the opening of annthdr season,
to past, and were with the luleral government to accept tended.meeting Mr. Randolph at flans for which are now being drown
thin they glanced the position on the surveying corn- Palm Beach tomorrow, will remain in •
by Architect Pfeiffer. The old Gertle ,' ..
it the good women mission; Edmund T. Perkins,- presi- the 'Glades for some time, while Mr. Reynolds theatre building, purchased
lent of the Perkins Engineering Randolph journeys from last week by the Wayne Fealty and �s,
r adjacent country "ort nn k. g p j Y place to investment Com an
the work of the P• Y.'of Chicago; (sham Ran- place. P Y. is to be remod •
. that the ultimate �� eied as n.urh as possible of the pros-
" _____---_____-____se cat structure, to be used in the out-
s is assured. • P1JFIIIF18ERS
Imrh of tae new block.ite evident to the O N0SEISPEEVED Thr plans nrnvidu for nn entirely' •rs that Miamians new (rent on Twelfth street,by which
crest in the work two store rooms, ench twenty-fire by
. residents of the forty-five feet in sine,will fare on the
krtis "' wenaieler "'° GEl. B 0 N DS f U ST OVEN TR ETM EN1 willstreet. An wed nt a nlatea lest i wide
Grove countrywill Iced b.•lw•ren e I •date class stirs Apresent ten of the shops to the foyer from which •
section, two from access willhe had to :he theatrerm •,were and o[ through a half dozen massive folding •
half were w°mea. GEl'/E T Ot ten P BILL
ssiastic, and each 1'hs.-thrntre itself will hove a stat-
secure for the so- ing capacity of over GOO rind will be :.V.
and a resolutionI probably the most luxurious in its 'k
duly spread.upon appointments of any play house in '
e meeting. Brief THIS WAS TiHE ULTIMATUM IS• HAS REVEIVED IN THE LEGISL.A- south Florida. No expense.will be ±s.
le by Professor T. • spared to make the interior a dream t
t. L Stuart, Mn SUED BY COUNTY COMMIS• TURF DECLARING THAT THE of the decoralnr's art. But aaGdy
.Irs.W.W.Dough- SIONERS YESTERDAY WILL BE AMENDMENT OFFERED Aliso. will not be'eucrificed to art, and the
W. Asbury, and DECLARED VOID—VARIOUS LUTELY MUTILATES THEentire structure will be as nearly fire
proof ass ts nossible u make it. •
+e dollars was re- OTHER MATTERS CONSIDERED PRESENT BILL. AND ADDS TO At nrtssent the house will be .1
J. S. Moore, and 1 enuipped for moving pictures, but `
ships were taken BY BOARD. THE EXPENSE when it is demonstrated that legiti- +.
members, each of mate dr-oma.wili receive sufficient sup-
ecretary his check port to make it profitable a stage and •� •
The county commissioners have (F. L. lfutfaker.) full equipment of scenery and acce •
was appointed a sgrown tired of the dilatory policy Tallahassee, May G.—Despite the aeries will he added for the aerommo• tj;
to call upon the pursued by the attorneys for Mayer, fact that the pure food bill prepared dation of the company that will guar-
rk that the money Dcppo and Walter, of Cincinnati, by SUU° Chemist Rose had the cn- ^ntels to lire It.
city's dog tax be buyers of the county's recent bond doracment of all wholesalers,retailers 'I'hb coat of the Improvements will 'f
ociety for the aid issue of one hundred and seventy- and trade bodice in the state,the sen. amount to probably ten thousand dol •
five thousand dollars, who, about the ate health committee substitute makes tars, the work to be done under Abe '
g the directors de- time the commissioners think the so many changes that friends of the supervision of J. K. Dorn, manager
eting In the board money will be forthcoming, call original measure declare it will thwart of the Wayr.e corporation. -
afternoon at four on the board for something else the efforts to enforce pure food rein -- - -
with the problems in the way of a resolution coy, talions in Florida. f�
They declare that the substitute ab• B'SHUTTS ACQUIRES � '
-ganization. ering technical •points they have eolutely mutilates the present law, F u ''
never before been asked to con. and adds unnecessarilyto the expenses ,•
sitter. Yesterday at their monthly of the chemical divisio ''of the dar • r-
B Y THE meeting the commissioners resolved P
that the bond brokers should be noel- ment of agriculture,and places itsen- A TflACT ACflflSS AT
tied that if the money is not In sight forcemeat entirely in the hands of ."t.
within thirtydays the contract with whoComhas ner
littleof Agrixpltuee a from
y who has had experience from
TIE ll tilE them will be declared void
it was decided that ll Broth- State Chemist Rose. It places the WILL PLAT iT INTO LOTS—CON- )":.
ars must sign a contract with the a technical atandpolnt, instead chemical division, a purely scientific TAiNS FORTY-SEVEN ACRES
county as agreed upon at the meeting bureau, under McRae, whom they .,.
— last month and furnish the bond stip- charge with trying to"run the earth AND WILL BE KNOWN' '.‘,;
plated at the time within ten days and the fullness thereof." AS AURORA.
TOOK NEGRO from yesterday or their contract will During the recent month complaints
'ORD JAiL AND be voided. If they sign end prepare innumerable have been filed because 1^
ii1M UI'TO the ncccosery bond they will be al- the old pure food low had nut been
lowed six months In which to com- properly enforced, and these clamor. Among the recent acquisitions ofY
'ItEE plete paving Miami avenue. rags have been quieted by the hope property for the purpose of platting -
The board adopted a resolution re- that the.bill prepared by'the state end placing on sale the loll resuping
— • quirtng all persons using the docks chemist would be effective. • I from the subdivision, is n body of '.
at the foot of Biscayne avenue, on It was rumored at the opening of land containingforty•neveei acres, Sc-, '' is
:aced Pre •
ss) the bay side of the peninsula, to re- the session that the agricultural de. quiresby F. It, Shutte on the penin
day 8.—A mob en g seta across the bay front Miami, the
early this morning beta from obstructing the docks with pp ring tt oc be investigated tot land lying between the Ciir- G.Fischer
,f Crawford, Colum• hosts end bargee,and that such berg- falling to enforce the lea. The intro" tract and the holdings of,the Ocean �4.'•
and quietly took es and boats as might at any time be duction of the aubettluto is certain Beach Realty Company. �.'.-. '
e,a.negro,from his employed in doing county work at to bring on a lively fight, which may
'.m to a nearby tree. the ocean beach should have the right result in no action being taken towsnl This land will not be {tut on the
other Degrees were of access to the wharfs in preference the betterment of conditions. market for two or three•years, but in •
• night for terroriz- to private boats. the meantime will be filled in by Band
ty of Martinez by A certificate frim the county trees PLANS TO CONTROL umpod from the bay, and Improve{
he sheriff says he urer stating that the Ocean beach NAVAL STORES SALES LY the laying of streets and similar
is of mob violence Realty Company has deposited with - work. I'rwwuueslly all of the forty-
id did not know of him $10,325.05, this being two-thirds Savannah, Ca., May 6.—A nor. seven acres is swamp,but the location• ;
' seven hours'after. of the estimated cost of the Ocean ganization of naval stores selling was ill as good,if not butter, than any in d•
Beach Boulevard, was read. A ells. Planned by the factors at ■ meeting that section and is consldmed by Mr.
eussinn regarding the'work on the here today. . Selling agents are to Shute to be well worth the expense
Boulevard occupied considerable time. be appointed In each port to supervise of filling In. `s
it was said that the Biscayne Con- local sales. The purpose is to prevent A force of workmen Is now cage gtd
TERESTED struction Company, holden of the manipulation and violent Il,reta Ione. in cutting down timberand clearing
away undergrowth end m king ready
HOSPITAL FUND contract to rock the driveway,has be- -- for the fill. Mr..Shutt, estimates
un Its work. NEGRO DFAPERAthat Shore will be five lotsku the acre, d;
Among the minor matters claiming LOCATETE D iN SWAMP or two hundred and thirty-five lots '
• the attention of the commissioners in all . : •,
was a visit to the poor farm, whore Itarneswell, S. C., May O.—tlneon• The subdivision will 1,01 known by
ay 6.—burs. Wood- there was found to be but one in- firmed reports from Austin tonight the name of Aurora, in hinnr of 'he
ded the meeting of mate, a situation supposed to emph- state that the negro desperado has Indiana town from which Mr. Shutt,. j.
al Fund Commission size the excellent financial condition been lornted in a !marlin near Clio, comes.
'term here today. of the copulation of Dade county. Ga., and that he had killed a white •
id In every,way she man who was a member of the posse t
drove beets to the SMOULDERING EMBERS trying to effect his capture. • PLAYGROUND ASSOC!. TIONS
th yellow pennants CALLED OUT FIREMEN —
ampalgn, fluttering SHERIFF RETURNS Oulu Ass e'inrv,t I'rei..1