1669-9 Social, Society, & Local News 1895-1926 S READERS Published in the Best Section of the Best Stettin.the.Co i try ' AHEAD OF THE__• Au . METWSPAPERS. 1 ir t . ..., „. • t _____ __________________________,_ _ BEH 66 MIAMI, FLORIDA,THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1910 r Writes: ` You are the only paper in Florida handling :vital:. • e t i n., topics �n the DING SHOULD BE ,FILLED 'AUTO TRIP THROUGH Congressman Has MEN TURNED OUT IN HIJI VERftOVIJN NEXT TUESDAY SOUTH THE THING Scheme For-sale 6000 ;FRM FOR THE .__����.o__��� _�. .: Al THIS SEASON - of Panama;; dads PRIIARY f MSPECJVJN ISSUES BARNEY OLDf1ElD tr NE-4V YORK • THE PUBLIC 'n[ BRIGHT NE-4VYORK WOMAN WOULD TAKE THE OE OW JIQAKI ORGANIZATION' GIVIVINq /t AT DAYTONA FOR TELLS OF MOTORING.TH11011011 THE POSTAL DANK HILL AND READY FOR THE � 1F SOC FLORIDA DURING THE LENT- GIVE THE PEOPLE AY OIPPOR- CERN WHO WILLeer THEMEN U portIonment BEACH SPEED EVENTS C VACATION— THE MOST TUNITY TO INVIi741 WITH. THIUGH 1141GID ItIAldiJ64 • IM Money SURE INTEREST A1Ui0, TION, HIS H IMMENSE IIF CAR IS IN (Y)N Fortnight automobile parties have WASHINGTON. March 1.-Coa- CCI NItiH10N AND HE 18 TRYING IT been introduced to the Lenten.pleas- gnu last night the armory rine alive RJ00 urs schedule. It was a New pYork Introdduced a billewhich mlay be eon- Guardhas with lhof mthis pters , the NatlsioS 00' (ICT (IN TI(E HAEk;HT HI'F:F:I1- poet. 74 000eslot RANTER PItF:>f woman who organized them last;sldered as a substitute ter the rot WAY IN THE WORLD— RACES Vous' beteg the prellaalaary La speedos E�lfllll101t— season when she took • leisurely savings bank bill. It does not pre- which precede* the anoaal lnspeo- Pik �H THAT SOME �) lit. GREAT SUCCESS. trip through three of the Southern tend to be anything of that kind tion by the federal officerL States, choosing not much traveled I but (hose who ate opposingNA t'I'EAIt ON THE routes, stopping in place. not often I pwisl Both the Dead and the company visited by Northerners. putting epi savings banks can w las this mese- showed up to good advantage and 1iH DO NOT. DAYTONA, Fla., March 8.—From let night at Ins■ seldom urn •v opportunnity I to afford the It la safe to predict that the organ- Dr. the standpoint of early entries, the by faehlonables, says the New York I people of the Coiled States a plan hatlone here will coin • - 1910 Dayton• Beach speed carnival,'Bun. I fur the safe keeping of their money compare with any expire aIle I ahope[ul scheduled for March 22, 13 and 94, "As a rule," explained this wom-' in the BUte.. expire Is far ahead of anyan, "New Yorkers going South In j without the estsbllaamaat of postal Tpe regular Inspection will W preal0 �,ty Fair, which previous year Lent choose the route which takes savings Lang as propoeed in the held of Friday night at the sr ,zt week will be In the history of beach racing. Al- end on that occasion the le of luta them soonest to one or another welt I Carter DIII, people of �. by the aasoela- though the official entry blanks were known resort with big hotels, whereI McKinley's hill provider far the Miami are Invited to be present. mover, that the Issued only a week •[o, the follow- we eat, dress and are housed about 1 sale by popular suberip(ioo of Pan Then is ample room for the aocom- some as we are accustomed to to Now I sins bonds a ant, second and third modatlon of• hundred or more WF d fe should be Ing stock cars have been entered York. Traveling by automobile, the cies postoflces throe htoat the sons, "art the Parente of the 1+•ir iring the next I for the stock and handicap events: best roads leading through the big-I country. These bonds are to be de- men who belong to the two orsanl- field is promise of a Buick, Chalmers 40, Chalmers 30, gout towns are preferred. Probe- 1100, leo and 116, "'Hone are especially Invited to at.- about ere Is room forominatlona of Two Cadillac",CdlllPope-Hartford, Aly not half • doses of the hundreds I Vsyble fifty year, from date of 1e- tend. Those who Intend to be pre- comdli u every exhibi- tltearns, Knox, Benz, Packard ant of New Yorkers who know the Flor- ida coast resorts thoroughly have I of 3 per cent few minutes before sight as the un the inducement In the free-for-all events, Barney ever stopped over night at one of • The oleo (bonds at the in Sts t to bring out Oldfield and Dt, 200 honepost. moray will oommeoce promptly at III all the avail- power lbs small places in South Carolina'"Mees is the manner provided for elght The members of the two or Hello• Ileal, Ben Kerscher with the Van- and Georgia, many of which are In the McKinley bill would afford palsaUoas Sr erequested to answer nsoattc derbilt Cup winning Durracq, David really beautiful and include some •n opportunity for people to make roll at e*ven o'clOCk. State the association Bruce Brown and the 120 horse delightful people. I'm sure I never 'Vestments and save their money in After the inspection tact night the *nor o the on power Benz, and It. If .Hood', did, and I have been going South 1(rat way. Of course, it t• far tilt- boys of Co- "L" gave throe ro•atag ay In which the Stearns are the entries up to date. reguariy for the last five years dur- fero fent from postal savings banks, cheer• for Sergeant Frank Mina. tam,. , fair were ala- In addition, the racing committee (ng Lent for • man ,woman or child must, who recently became a beaedlet I Dr. ,alum lilt. This has received many applications from "This is what started me off on have at least $16 before be oma There are Jabout al=tytwo'meat- forma es,form and ver noted racing drivers and factories. a new track, when having talked make an Investment Thus, there tiers of tie col•paay unasatrtad est Mr ,Halle: Walter Christie, the noted front the matter over with m7 husband is • danger of the lows of the (wad dflo•Cert4lsat Davis Its broken the peace ANNUAL FAIR drive Inventor, is In communication and he with the chauffeur, I fount sad the further tut that the person leo there Is hope for lbs mat. addltl C TO WAKE IT with Secretary rltsgenldt of the my plan feulDle. We enjoyed t^e could sot witbdarw-the aoysey St tZelae CE TiIE CRUD- club, and the Indications are that experience so much last year thlN any Ume he wanted it. although, Ifs In he will enter Ws,ittest t>►cing car we are repeating it, and several o. xeept In very hard times, Untied ' :LONGS. in the free for ty� /`Sk n grads Barney 01QD•Id'!t artier. es are making up' tate* bonds of he pie. MAN �NOV FVYR CofNti L the merchants Oauto°• similar parties. - \Pppo•ents of the postal savings two...? ready for practice th"pts 1100 Doral 's al others who le may u well say right Mie to bl,'�cs can would that this McKinley Bis TARPOK` OP 8A� sPelts ad s alt for money, power ltemmery Benz wblsh D• er u°fay year guests are Ing to m,'�{ire sans • twel- {^/'1�u' columns of our pedis to drive • mile in about 16 go in for It should De glr seconds, or int.leaf fast •gOugD tothe simple life► r two fold-,purpose, as It 'mild give kiss profs* weeks theywood not ea , this people a eianoe to ywe jbelr manxy loath break the present »cord of 18 1-6. Y Loata ad list, and not kind of su(omoDllx jaunt, sod get 1•ternt on it rend at the ON' TNf BOAT- S�OUr Itst, and hese Oldfield figures on ea►rcjsfn[ much "We take very little baggage same time furnish the'povierame t 1, forms forthis notice. caution in speeding the Car on the along. wearing only pial clothes, with money with which to construct tarawt t of advertising Beach until he has a chance. to connecting with extra t� 9ks or the Panama canal. gaged • above another study all conditlons. The champion cult cases sea( song by e$.rea., ey- for .2 In order to give motor car pilot has seen many great cry other day only at aF railroad Guy I. Metcalf, of West Palm MRS. HOXIE MARSH RECORD he . practically as- CATCH wrecked or broken up before • town, Between times we keep far Beach, la In the city today, at- the IN every exhibitor race or record trial and he Is deter- from the railroad by roads which tending to business affairs. Mr. CATC[;FOR AND i8 WO- been I mined to take no chances on not eetsbl: separate entries sometimes makes . the chauffeur Metcalf recently announced his can- NCS potatoes—First, being able to go to the starting Ifoe swear under his breath. Speaking dldacy for the office of clerk of the MAN TO HAVE HI in ao ould make Poe- his record breaking form. Marney of clothes, my outfit last year was circuit court, and fs preparing now1{e o spent • mouth at (tot Strings, Ark., OF LANDING BP NB OF �romlumr, alsoone lightweight cloth traveling suit, to make a thorough canvas of that his al enty people to training with the baseball stars and half a dozen lingerie blouses and county, to see all the voters. THE SILVER KING—OTHER esteem portant vegeta- is in excellent physical-egndltlon for one foulard costume to put on of - • • ---- -• -- foram fo r Instance. J.W. travelling faster than human ever an evening If I cared to. Party do the faintly eookln.' PARTIES.. In flee travelled. allow • contest and dinner gowns were left at home. "Yes, she's a wonderful cook, but ----. .lectee ad still another The timing for all Florida events We avoided resort, and large ho- she wouldn't be any good up North, soe(ap s Ilei is covered. will be handled by Warner, the tela for she only work., when she feels Mrs. Gilbert 11. Hoole ,of Chloe- eocjato s to go.to the speedometer inventor, whose Ume We never asked whether there like i.' Month recording device was used with [res D sport V the wemaa champion to the • gluing,oD(whichor- success at the Atlanta and,Indian` was a good hotel at the neat lace - ••'fie three or four real hotel die. of tempos dabfag,c The record Dr. elation we were planning to stop •t, only nen we had to eat during our two was made when Mzamee"n bo donated the epolts speedway meet,. The time whether there was any sort of hotel week•' trip seemed dreadfully oreln- in four handsome a IIO a broughtofthe "While es in all cla.,ees of the cars both •t the start and or inn which accommodated strang- try compared with wax of lbs silver tin on the power of the was pt finish b recorded In ink on a paper ere. We did not want the regula- meals we got in the small towns. Scout, after fishing r h boat recent+ disc and the disc must be submitted ag up the bay all sake your crltl- the coolest board of the A A. lion hotel food, good or bad; we We had many queer experiences, all night with her husband, who caaght °esaese Is employed D7 A. before a record allowed. were out to find the unusual, and of which most of us enjoyed so three, making a total of seven. is e•lde espond with the The Reach is Id will ber condition we found it. In one case our din- mush that I am aountfng the days While Mrs.Hoste did not break The do, ell will go ner was composed only of hog and until we are off on our second yen- the record for the beeriest bah, abe present (c)if scene, we for racing this season than at any hominy, hot corn bread and omelet tun. made the best record of the Miasma eonditt' e. We are not time since the modern juggernauts and oranges, but we never enjoyed "It is better not to start much be- hen la the number of tarp• lbs a6 re mean well,so I were first sent over the cement-like a meal mote. The corn bread made fore March 1 or • little later, by caught In a day. The goatee( nom work I Mand surface, by an old negro cook was a dream, which time the air Is warmer and her caught by one person up to to- roil f. lished subecrip- 00{[MIHION WILL HOLD and the.omelet beat anything turn- the flowers are beginning to bloom day was three .by yM-Mr. Hotta sery ne deserves credited out by the Fifth avenue chefs. when one gets far enough South. terday. will ar. HEARING MARCH 18. tale-. -. The hotel was nothing more than a And, ne I said before, unitesone A large crowd gathered at the opt•loa lk "exhibit" to one and a half story wooden build- can plck.the right sort of guests the Royal Palm dock early to await the st Tuesday will Gilles of the Railroad Commissioners Ing with detached kitchen, and our of the State of Moan Darty will not be a success Hard arrival of the boats that had been GAM :tog "chock-a- party filled It to over flowing. There beds and lack of most of the con• out to the terboa [roan ds, and , were no other guests, it being too veolencee New Yorkers are used to when kiss ,E larger. When President. TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Feb. 16.— early in the season for visitors to would utterly ruin some people's sight, the crpowowdgrewoat Scout hove In To All Railroads and Railroad Com- that little South Carolina vilage. pleasure. Such persons always the boat tied up to the dock seven At ll - pantos re Transporting Freight As •I think within •an hour of oar want the expected, not the nvexpect- handsome specimens weseen. Mr. bi Gy 11 AT.: Common Carriers Between Points arrive every negro for miles around n..4, where physical comfort Is con- and M .Iiesle were snowerso la hew IL L In Florida: knew of R and came post bate, or earned. with congratulations. especially aMatit, 1, Take notice that on March 15, rethcr u fast u a /Southern negro "We take a service man along so when It was anp unoed that Mrs. Regtta•A 1910, at 10 o'clock•A.- M., we s411 ever moves, to see If be could help that when we find ourselves to • Hoole caught four of the flak. They ways t' MATTER hold a meeting to our office to beer with Ih• work. g kir• 4. and consider what, If any, change ••Atter dinner we were serenaded part of the country whin It L bet- were kiss sen( tarpon she ever ter to lunch In the auto or under cats meeting should be made in rates for trine- tht, and In speaking of the ox- T Dy the six Dot local singers, who the trees, weather permitting. he II DELAY porting fuel wood. gave some of the weirdest and most can attend to the details. Being ed�that sDelwas thanding roughrofor u a d- thoroug: Byi order of the Railroad Commis- original songs I have aver listenel p 'tonere. gcompelled to make this or that while. string to—not at all Ilk, the camp meet- place In time for luncheon is apt to The fish were strung R. HUDSON BURR. log melodies New Yorkersr are gen- uD oa the AL3'OIM• — De • bore and almost certain to fish rack near the Royal Palm dock erally treated to by Southern negro spoil a trip such as we want to take, house and -photographed. Mn. ED AT MASS WILLIAM H. SHRItW(101) etudents. Egged on by my husband which is meant to cover new ground. Ilozle'■ fish weighed 110,'88, 82 AT THE Sl W W O PALACE they wont after some of their friends not to follow In old ruts.' and 47 pounds, and those caught The s NIGHT THAT and gave an impromptu cakewalk This hostess made clear that a by Mr. Hosts weighed 100, 49, and will me• then and there—the real thing— lunch basket, or tea basket as they 44pounds. The dLE1i SQUARE William H. Sherwood this coon- marching up and down the mala oftener are called, Is a prime Hetes- largest fish,nto'clock try's greatest Icenlet, will Live a hall, whlcb led directly through the alt for an automobile two week, taught by Mn, ttozle will be mount- •ml ♦sat d COiIJNCii.� concert to the White Palace hotel 7ed and chipped north. Thie length for the Tuesday night of net week, and al- house. We left fhb village with re- trip. The basket she uses Is elrcu- measured 6 feet 6lnches, In len th assoclatl t(REED. gret at 11 the next day, the whole far In shape, about u large u a and 3 feet 8 Inches 1 g reedy a large number of seats for population turning out to get u■ fish girth. • the recital hare been sold. Mr. large car wheel, and contains small The two largest caught this The rtyerwood will be assisted by N+ve off. t �t r, e..,', ^„r , sliver and cups, saucers and plates season were brought in e.ria - ' b ., tt r4As town a (,