1669-14 Social, Society, & Local News 1895-1926 of beef eommerc a vT 1 a� rristies, true home grown, which Is- " 6311 Seveati.
to name, that will permanently fill ,' far the
the space In your orchard, write Anrat ar.d fullest assortment on the
for our booklet on tropical fruits. East Coast. F'lon!deaK.0 and art- Shudrs yf the lamented Father i F(!It SAl.F.—A BAY 1
�. Geo. 1!. (pilon, Tropical Grove, MI- astir bouquets our specialty. Miami chndwi,•k--Russ Ford is I,•ndiny th• F.RTY
ami Flori,ia. F'Inrs! Co., phone 2397-I3. Highland slayers with a Brainy ;n. The price of which is
errage of .300.
deem it bout not to mu
- ' ROOMS AND BOARD WHEN YOU NF;ED Whiskey as a — --
Dandy property for
I T"'rbeverage or stimulant or for medic!- Have liaston has finally Lrru fire,! 1•rt uK make you $
nal purposes you need the best We nut of the Sally league. It VrrnIK Jun. 1st, by turning tI
1 THFE WINDSOR—Cor. 7th and,Ave sell the "Dairy Maid" Whiskey in that he received more than $150 ' a in one deal.
C. Room and board at summer full quart,pint and half pint bottles month in salary lust year, which is SAM T. Y0111,
$ rates $7.00 to $7.50 per week. • Majestic Cafe. ;r "firing offense" in the Sally. 1100 Cur. Ave. C u
' 141/ 1) . ef22 h 7. '. •
.•.' 7-
r 3i�:leClri''a�i«y...a�'ti.l.�aC,f 'r. , !Y rs,
`�A�dQ� lIST . IMPROVEMENTS AT ,� » I•a•.iv �werr, •, �t
Norwich,Conn'., Aug. 22, 1912. t
(By Associated Preen.) Miami Herald: .I am reading each • •
New Yor•k,Aug.27.—Police Commis- daywith much pleasure in your sal-
eioner Waldo •tonight made public ued paper of the rapid progress of
Miami, of her greatgrowth—and
` the list of places raided -by the police much merited prosperity. GAy
as gambling resorts during the year, She certainly has many advantages
, and•the names of the owners of the over other Floridian cities,and also is
' Property'where the resorts were con= blessed with a progrestree citizen-
, ' ducted. I ship.
• Among/the names are many persona Her climate, geographical location,
. prominent in the financial, religious wonderful beauty of surroundings,are •
• and social life of society. The list only a few of the points that endear United States Court Refuses lb
witl be used by the district attorney as her to her visitors and prospective set- '
a basis for the proposed "John Doe" tiers, and tend to make of them per-
proceedings by which it ie expected to mascot citizens. Asked Again' GAY-01
.exposepolice corruption. Although I am very busy with my
early four hundred placek are boat lines in Connecticut waters, my
mentioned in the list. mind frequently wanders to charming
Miami, her beautiful Biscayne Ba
' A BATTLE OR WORDS. and busy little river, and Iam even Company of lVlemphis
now looking forward with pleasure
On the language of all;p4�pples there to the coming of another season for
,is in process a sort of intei'ftal war, a us on those waters.
ap"surl battle of fit words for existence
Our boats will a put In beat/slew O' PATE T
—a "survival of the fltteat"lt may be aisle order,for season's.work. �Iew �
in many eases, though In some it is and heavier,powered motors installed
rather a suririval of the most anflt and a quicker and more freanent ser-
_. It is the caprice of men, rather than vice maintained between Miami and
natural selection, which causes acme the ch.
words to weaken and die out, others F more •• hath-houses will be Gay-Ola- Company Showed
ft* acquire a great importance, and added, making 166 in all.
1 others to be twisted and changed A large piazza will be added on That
Ola t
ou of all resemblance to their orig- front of pavilion whole length main y Was- So ivit
Inal.taeanin floor• and plenty of comfortable wick- �/�/ 1V1
'' When the.• er chairs for lounging of
people gradually change Rl g guests. L.rices-Cola- .That -No Chem
the meaning oi'a word they do not go The restaurant installed last season W�.GI
' ' about it.with deliberation,nor always
will be improved, and the whole prop-
s "' ertv thor hl renovated. •
z•.,: even use any Intelligence in making y
,. ; , the change. Often it is doe to their Fairyland each will keep pace with alysis Could Distinguish .,it
�'.:;: ;Ludolenee;.their.ttnwillingnesa.to pro- the rogrese of the mainland. u]
pounce-a difficult word when an easy MPG
have built and are operating Co. ., .,one,will de the sapte service. The this summer on the Thames river, be- encs Coca-Cola Co
)y�:•. ,result of this indolence in speech is fuses Norwich and New London, the
4 •
''• •`,-that t1lmeult sounds are disappearingtwo handsomest and largest passen- r,� _
'�:1;- ,froze the tan ger carrying motor boats In thnorth, Stop Gay Ola Com ;
guagee...The English Ian- and they will be available for the p y U.
t Plage,for instance,as written, is fall Fairyland.Miami river any time when j
9f�lettera representing sounds that:are
;'� 11p{o__longerused. We preserve,.in Eng traffic will support them Kegs and Red Barr' els. fc
' •;lies,.the lettercwhich once represent, U I enclose photo of one of them.
' ed-sounds'atndr.thtm-have our rinted ."They are 66x20x6. double-decked
. " . n p tdt•h screw boats and carry 360 as- r
pages full of. . a„lands other pihent p Syrup, and ' From Shippi•
•,,;.•:",`letters: . In the Italia*:Spanish and aeneers eacHt' ,!.•,. Syrup,
' r other languages -Our seasonl''dofeti'-here September r
the letten'are•drop- 16. each '•"9 P
' .- ped as fast as they are disused.and year.'' •
.'a'', the word is spelled to the simplest Rindly giveft3fq resards to all Mt• r • labeled Barrels or Kegs
'',- ,way. •In French the lost letter leaves ami and my sincere wishes are for her
14. a Bort of footprint behind in the fo increasingand continued prosperity.
�.. of the circumflex accent; cote' was
.,.f ' ettivi'i'eisDeetfolly,
4;. once costa;etre watt once metre,eveque f K AY C. SMITH, MIAMI
rfs.f•• once evecc e, and ao on. These cis, Pryorwit•1.Condi:;- Navigation yne
`!"t comfier ascents;no common in French, President Biscayne C
•c are like so many gravestones over the Navigation Co., Miami, Fla.
. •' ,burial places of vanished letters. •
!"`r', The building-up of a word is a more
interesting and, it seems, a,more in- 8x11•. HIPS WILL BE A ...
r'1.. telligent, process than its extinction. a •
t'' No one an succeed in making a gen- Exclusive BO lers. cif r
t., .'alae ..ora-. outright. Unleas it la SENT TO MEW 1ON00 '
'f::; wanted � f' .,
t< ,.anises it pleases the people � �
;,•A;-.and passes imperceptibly into use,the 4 19 Thirteenth Street
y.• , coined vr'ord•soon goes its way. There
4`. •are some words of this class,as "boy- Philadelphia,Aug.27.—The war de-
.:,. rotting, for Instance, which,achieve partment has advised Congreasnun J.
._ ,, a sudden. and great popularity.be. Hampton Moore, president of the At-
•cause testy meet the momentary want lantie Deeper Waterways Association; — _ -t - •` --
i .y4 a'word to express something which that it hese favorably considered the `,. '—
:.'1111;Swot then needed brief ex- request of the association to assign
i to," Words like .human bein icer one or more battleships to New Lon-
...vie jtart out well, only to fat) e- don, Conn., 'during the fifth annual <,SO:il.
1- e'er) 4th,con5 h a of that body, 8?ois ser
, ys, and eventually, to become 4th, 6th and 6th. The Illinois and
.der.> nPted'out of all likeness to their .to
the Indiana will be assigned
s former selves. An interestin exam- to New London. s
-.,1•..,pie fit point is the word •'fRarble," President Taft is to attend the con-'
.,,f.�..whkh.ori»inally meant to "select for ventlon and will speak at historic old •c«'
1N- C. _ ,
;'+':*,;,� purpose• It appears that there was Fort Griswold, on-Groton Heights, on ' .j
,.y;,oneeJut iaf leer terrtned •"the garbler "eptember 6th. Accompanied by Mrs,
f..A'of aplesis whose do It was to '0 Of T..